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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Friday, July 6, 2007
just watch my wildest dreams come true, not one of them involving you.
mood: cold
listening to: season- the academy is...
currently: can't feel my fingers.
people i can't live without: detectivedanielle (queen of the sea monkeys, shallow heart(high fives computers), deadxonxarrival(revel in the aayaness), knight edge(edgy), hoaryu(niisan), tohmalover14(lil'toh-toh), destinyssweetman(king of anartica)
avatar of the day:
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: i don't think i'm too young to drink, but yeah i don't do it often.
jenny: some people have asked me if danny was my bro, and i was like uh...nope. pete does have nice eyes, all of him is nice. ah you owe patrick child support! XD
shadowme: well at least you take time to read both.
the real yojimbo: not exactly a good time to get into wentz in wonderland with like two chapters left.
hi guys,
well i didn't do much yesterday. it stormed really really bad and i'm told we had some hail as well. luckily the power didn't go out and i actually got some commenting done yesterday! i don't think a lot of people updated but oh well.
oh i have also discovered that i freaken love the game burnout revenge. it's something like a racing game for the x-box. i think it's so fun which surprised my bro. since it's his game. i'm farther then him on it. there's something so enjoyable about crashing into your competition and running them off the road and just creating mayhem in general. yeah i like this game, too bad it has to go back to the store soon. oh and the game has an awesome soundtrack with fall out boy, the academy is, and a whole lot more great ones.
well today i think might finally be the day we go to the library and run errands and stuff like that. my mom never got around to it and she doesn't work tomorrow so i think we might do that. my brother wants to go and hang with his friends tomorrow so if he does i think i'm going to pick up my bestfriend sydney and bring her over to cease the craziness in my life.
my bro's birthday is on sunday. he still hasn't decided what he wants to do. -sigh- he better hurry up and decide.
oh i think danny's band is playing a gig tonight but i didn't ask him about it and i'm not going.
oh yeah yesterday i made a joke about patrick from fall out boy being pregnant, well i was on photobucket lastnight and found this picture:
it's supposed to be what pete and patrick's kid would look like and i personally think it's done well cause you can see pete and patrick in the pic but it still kinda looks like a new person and a hot one at that. now introducing peterick!
oh yeah i also found this and thought it was really really cool so i thought i would share it:
i didn't draw this and i don't know who did but if anyone does then tell me so i can find more.
it's pete and patrick by the way.
ok well that's all i have to say so have a good day and i will be sure to comment.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (11) |
Thursday, July 5, 2007
sometime we take chances sometimes we take pills
mood: upbeat
listening to: i've got all this ringing in my ears and none on my fingers- fall out boy
currently: emersing myself in my writing
people i can't live without: detectivedanielle (pryomaniac), shallow heart (i get her fishies if she dies), deadxonxarrival (she has her own grrr face), shadowme (she's very observent), hoaryu (my missing niisan), knight edge (he likes kitties), tohmalover14 (sister toh-toh), destinyssweetman (my super sweet twin)
avatar of the day: 
ha this fits me and jenny perfectly.
Redmoonchick Responds:
alex: thank you alex, you always know what to say.
jenny: well i know belinda would lol. then we'd just have to talk aaya into buying one too. one day the world will be ours! *evil laugh*
edge: i wonder that same thing every day
LS: thanks for saying i seem nice. ^-^
rabidminpin: he's very complicated so i never know what to expect.
toh-toh: i'm half thinking that i should let you go and yell at him.
roleni-chan: yeah there is a bit of doubt but i'm still trying to remain firm.
the real yojimbo: wow that was deep.
shadowme: yeah i remember when you said that and i was like "no way!" lol yeah i was pissed at him back when i wrote it but it really is one of my faves.
hi guys,
well after wallowing around all depressed and what not i am over yesterday's drama. i drank a bit lastnight (i know alex won't like that) i didn't drink enough to get drunk just enough to feel good and take my mind off other things. so i woke up today and took a shower and now i feel like it's a whole new day you know? like i just feel brand new. it's weird.
did you all have a good fourth of july? mine was alright. my dad called me which was surprising. i talked to him for a bit he asked me about my life and about danny and i gave him the short story because he missed way too much to unnderstand why i was depressed the other day. he also said that he was going to come around for my bro's birthday which is in three days. my dad was cooking dinner so he had to let me go and he promised he'd call back later, i didn't believe him that much because he has a tendancy to lie. but sure enough about two hours later he called again and i talked to him and he talked to my bro and he asked my bro what danny did to be to make me depressed. man they act like danny is my boyfriend or something.
anyway i didn't watch fireworks this year though i went to get some chicken with my mom and while we were drving i saw a lot of them being shot off in the sky so that was cool. then they showed some on tv and tomorrow my mom said she might buy my bro and i some discount fireworks so we can shoot them off but my bro said he didn't want any! he's being a bummer lately.
like i said before my bro's birthday is on the 8th this month and he's still undecided what he wants to do but he thinks he wants to bowl and he said he wanted to invite danny, but there is no garentee that danny will show so i'm not too worried because i really don't think he will.
anyway it's thursday and it's time for yet another chapter of wentz in wonderland. we're coming down to the final chapter soon. i think we have two left. yeah should be two. some people asked what i'm going to do after wentz in wonderland is over and i'm saving that for after it's over you will all find out. oh yeah if you don't know.
pete: wentz in wonderland is the story alice in wonderland with me pete wentz instead of alice. so you better like it!
red: enjoy the chapter!
patrick: character bio things are after the story!
wentz in wonderland
chapter twelve: it's all a game of this and that
queen brendon had just annouced his wish to have fun and pete still standing slackjawed on the path wasn't sure he wanted to know what kind of 'fun' they had here in wonderland. his mind was already coming up with activities that he'd want no part of.
brendon turned and looked at pete a grin plastered on his oddly made up face. "you want to have fun don't you peter?" brendon asked and pete remained silent as he tried to think of an anwser that wouldn't get his head lopped off.
"uh what kind of fun?" pete asked weakly and a bit gaurded as he perpaired to be screamed at or possibly lunged on. instead he heard brendon giggle.
"oh it doesn't really matter but a good old fashioned game of croquet." brendon said as if there was nothing else he'd rather do in this entire world.
"croquet?" pete wasn't sure when the last time he saw someone playing croquet was and he defintly knew that of all the things he had learned in his life croquet wasn't one of them.
"yes, so you'll play?" brendon more stated then asked but was still awaiting an anwser anyway. pete looked at travis and gabe the look on their faces the deciding factor to what he should do. gabe and travis seemed in support of the idea even going as far as to give him a thumbs up. pete smiled a bit as he looked back to brendon.
"alright yeah, i'll play." pete said and brendon clapped his hands together and bounced in joy. pete knew deep down that he shouldn't be playing croquet with a cross dresser when he should be trying to get home, but on the other hand patrick said that the queen could help and a happy croquet playing queen increased those chances of pete going home.
brendon turned away from pete and to travis and gabe. "boys go and fetch the equipment" brendon commanded and in an instant the two men were running at high speed to get the croquet equipment.
they returned a mere two minutes later with what looked to pete to be brightly colored objects in their arms. travis stepped forward and handed the queen a bright pink mallet. brendon took the mallet without as much as a thank you. gabe then stepped to pete and handed him a red mallet pete took it and as he exaimed it he gasped and nearly dropped the mallet. the object he was holding most certainly wasn't a mallet but a flamingo!
pete realized he was now holding a small flamingo upside down by it's feet. pete saw that brendon too had a flamingo so he knew it wasn't some cruel joke. the flamingo blinked up at pete looking not hurt and more bored then anything else.
"come along peter" brendon said suddenly and for a moment pete thought his flamingo was talking to him. pete looked up to see brendon heading down the path towards a large grassy field. king william, travis, gabe, and ryan all following along. pete followed the group over to the large expanse of green field.
upon stopping on the field pete noticed travis drop something in front of the queen. it was small and round and also pink and pete knew or at least hoped it was a croquet ball. gabe made his way over to pete and he too dropped a round object on the ground in front of peter. pete's ball was orange and he also noticed that it was not in fact a ball but a round little hedgehog.
pete didn't know why these animals were being used as croquet equipment but he wasn't too keen on hurting the creatures. pete noted that they had a mallet and a ball but all they were missing were the goals and he half wondered what animal would wind up being a goal. pete looked up as he heard brendon clear his throat grabbing travis and gabe's attention.
travis and gabe instantly proceeded to go out into the field and pete wondered if they were fetching the goals. pete saw as the two men who now stood away from each other, bend and plant their hands firmly on the grass while their feet held them up and pete realized that travis and gabe weren't fetching the goals..they were the goals.
pete was once again left speechless not an entirely easy task to accomplish. this was by far the strangest and only game of croquet that pete had ever attempted to play. brendon once again cleared his throat and turned to look at all the people standing around watching which in reality was only king william and ryan ross.
"my loyal subjects, without further ado we will begin the game!" brendon annouced. and sure enough the game was off. pete let brendon go first so he could see how to properly play the game and he was sure that brendon would have a fit if he didn't. brendon lined up and hit his hedgehog ball. the hedgehog rolled a few feet then stopped a good distance away from travis the makeshift goal. pete was about to take his turn when suddenly he noticed the hedgehog get up and run straight through travis earning the queen a goal.
pete was surprised and half tempted to call that foul play but didn't thinking it was a simple mistake. he saw brendon turn around a smug grin on his face. pete was skeptical but stood forward to take his turn. he hit his own hedgehog who at first seemed to be going at a good speed and heading for travis as well until pete saw his hedgehig stop completely then turn and run in the other direction stopping a good distance away from either of the goals.
it didn't take pete long to realize that the queen was cheating at the croquet match. as he fully continued doing so every turn. these acts involved travis or gabe shuffling on all fours to meet the queens ball, the queen yelling some random word loudly just as pete was going to swing, and the same hedgehog balls going further and stopping shorter then necessary.
pete was growing tired of the one sided game and was just hoping it would end quickly. it was brendon's turn and pete was zoning out as he leaned on his mallet. suddenly he felt warm hands cover his eyes and a soft voice whisper in his ear.
"did ya miss me?" the soft male voice asked and pete quickly slipped out of the hands and turned to see who was talking to him. pete sighed as he looked at the grinning patrick.
"patrick? what the hell are you doing here?" pete asked slightly surprised to see his friend again.
"didn't i say i would help you get home and if i did we'd make out?" patrick said to be the sly grin on his face spreading.
pete sighed "no, patrick i never said i'd make out with you"
"but you want to right?" patrick asked as if he already knew the anwser
pete sighed and gave patrick no anwser. "you said the queen could help me patrick but so far all he's done is made me play croquet and he's cheating!" pete complained to patrick
"well i can fix that my love" patrick said as he strode past pete his fingers dancing under pete's chin. patrick proceeded to walk over towards the queen and pete wondered why ryan nor the king was attempting to stop him.
patrick had made it to the queen and still no one said anything and pete wondered if maybe only he could see the cheshire pat. pete watched as patrick bent down and took hold of the end of brendon's mallet.
"patrick no!" pete was whispering and this whispering earned an odd stare from brendon who turned to look back at pete.
"did you say something peter?" brendon asked and pete shook his head as he watched patrick moving around brendon's legs. brendon must've noticed pete staring as he grinned at pete and gave him a suggestive wink. pete grimaced when brendon turned around and he also noticed that patrick was again standing by his side.
"what'd you do patrick?" pete asked as he pulled patrick's roaming hands off of him. patrick giggled and pointed to the bottom of brendon's dress. pete noticed that the beak of the flamingo mallet that brendon was holding was attached to the back of the dress meaning that when brendon swung his mallet....pete shuddered at the rest of the thought and before he could stop it he noticed that brendon was taking his swing.
pete watched helplessly as brendon made a full swing and sure enough the force and the attached beak made him flip in air and land on the ground with his dress up over his head. his white puffy undergarments visible for all to see. pete resisted every urge in his body that found the scene before him comical and as the red faced and clearly pissed off queen brendon stood he looked right at pete with his somewhat twisted grin and yelled as louf as he could
"OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!!!!!!!!"
"oh crap" was all pete muttered.
this chapter was kind of hard to write, i don't know i wasn't feeling it until the end.
pete wentz as alice:

brendon urie as the queen:

travis mccoy and gabe saporta as card painter 1 & 2:

that kinda looks like joe from fall out boy behind them to the right.
patrick stump as the cheshire cat:

red: why do you look so shocked patrick?
patrick: ummm...
pete: because that was when he found out he was pregnant!
red: that's wrong on so many levels.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
she said, she said, she said, why don't you just drop dead
mood: unstable
listening to: the faint sound of the tv
currently: i'm done with him and i really got to force myself to see it.
people i can't live without: detectivedanielle (she talks me down, i swear i need her), shallow heart (porn partner XD), deadxonxarrival (no eye humping for her), shadowme (she spits lyrics in real life), hoaryu (i miss my bro-bro), knight edge (perv party master), tohmalover14 (lil' toh-toh), destinyssweetman (intern alex), xXtristanXx (eh his comment made me laugh)
avatar of the day: 
how wonderfully appropriet.
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: you haven't been here since i changed my theme? *shocked*
jenny: oh emm gee! you so wrote what i was thinking! XD yes! grab the camera and we can sell the video to shadowme and aaya! XD yes, a cave, pirate ship, and uh.....a hot air balloon! huzzah we rock and i'm sure this makes sense to no one else!XD
inuyashafan4-ever: well actually the title is from the fall out boy song dance, dance. but it's no big deal.
magnus lensherr: well i don't think my aunt figured out she was being lied to. lol.
xXtristanXx: alright just because you asked nicely i put you in the people i can't live without catergory. wheter or not you stay is up to you XD
keba-kun: aww i missed you too.
ninja lover: yeah will is hot but i kinda think kevin is hot too.
aaya: lol yeah most of pete's anwsers had me like "oh i love pete because he is crazy gay for patrick and sometimes joe" wooh go you for being one of the only girls i met that can resist danny.
shadowme: well i mostly stare at dear mr. becketts face. well i wouldn't say that he doesn't like it. he likes himself so i'm sure he likes it.
hi guys,
have you guys ever had a day where you feel so alone and sad for no apparent reason? that's the kinda day i had. though i mean i do know my reason for being on the sad side and it's something that has made me sad time and time again. four of you have probably guessed what i am going to say but the thing that has me so down is danny.
right i know big surprise because when am i not upset with him or about him? i'm sorry i keep making you guys read usless crap about how he pisses me off or how he ignores me. i really am sorry. but this more or less should be the last time i speak of him. i know a few days ago he left me a comment. oh wow and for just a second i let myself think that it was back to the way it used to be. that he was back and that he was listening to me again. but now i know that the only reason he even left me a comment was because he was updating that night. he didn't actively seek my site out just because he wanted to know what i was up too. oh god no he just visited because he was already here.
it also just upsets me that he will talk to people all friggen day long that he has never even met. but me i knew him in person i was his friend for a good eight months and he can't leave me one fucking comment on myspace? everyone else he does, even my own brother he does but not me and him and me were way closer then him and my bro. i just don't understand and that's what hurts.
i remember when i talked to him on the phone once and he told me that he treats girls like shit so they'll hate him and i figure that's what he's doing to me. i really wish i didn't care so much about him. i don't think he'll ever understand how much i cared about him and how much i would do to make him happy. it's not a good way to think because after all i've known him i still don't know him. the second day i met him he told me that he puts up walls and is gaurded and doesn't let people in. that is true beyond any reason of a doubt. i guess that's why he fight so much. because i am so open and honest with my emotions and he is all gaurded and sad.
well it doesn't really matter anymore because i think i am done. i sent him a message and as usual he never responded i sent him a text and again nothing. so i really think i am finished. i'm done trying to keep a friendship going when the other person won't play along. like i thought before there are a million different danny's the one i was with at school and the one who exists now. they aren't the same so i should just walk away with my dignity and hold on to the memories of the person i used to know and hope that he was telling the truth when he said i was special.
even now as i just said that part of me doesn't want to let him go but i know it's for the best, really it is. why should i be hurting anymore when he obviously doesn't care if i ever see him again. before when i went to school with him i asked him if we'd be friends when school was over and he said yes but all along i knew this would happen. when i got close to him i knew in the back of my mind, you won't see him after this. the only problem is, i never got closure with him. i never got that last chance to say goodbye because he stopped coming to school. our friendship didn't end properly so maybe if i can one day arrange it then i'll meet with him one last time just to get that closure and that goodbye.
i know this is long and you guys might not care but if i can't say it here then where? so i have just a small poem that i wrote a long time ago and put on here before but it is so good [in my own opinion] that i'm putting it up again.
i want something more then just a broken stanza
i want your broken heart
i might as well keep it for you anyway
if i let you keep it you'd just break it again
your better that way
without a heart
because then you can't feel the pain that you hide from
i'm helping you
to become the hollow person your so desperate to be
now you don't need an excuse to break peoples hearts
because you don't have one to begin with
love was never your strong suite
lying always was
so lie to yourself and say you have some emotion
we all know you don't
because i own those too
you traded your tears for something better
and your fears for something worse
your a jaded mess
and your reflection shows it
your just a shell of your former self
but that's what you always wanted
so i'll take your heart so you can be
just as empty as me
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (10) |
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
why don't you show me the little bit of spine you've been saving for his mattress?
mood: jolly
listening to: of all the gin joints in all the world-fall out boy.
currently: must choose words carefully
people i can't live without: detectivedanielle (she makes out inside crashed cars), shallow heart (she used to waste her time dreaming of being alive), deadxonxarrival (her make-up stains her pillowcase), shadowme ( all of her moves make up for the silence), hoaryu (he's going down, down in an earlier round), knight edge (he's more then you bargained for), tohmalover14 (she drops hearts and breaks names), destinyssweetman (he's going down swinging), savestheday (oh don't mind him he's watching you from the closet)
*all line are from of all the gin joints and sugar, we're going down by fall out boy
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
magnus lensherr: no, i'm afraid my problem isn't underweight it's overweight T-T
bed-stuy: yeah i think the heat has stolen my appetite.
the real yojimbo: well i don't know if i'd win but i'd do good.
toh-toh: aww it's ok wentz in wonderland still has *counts on fingers* at least two chapters left. lol oh emm gee i thought the same thing when i saw his comment i was like damn now i can't talk about him XD i'll do it anyway if i want to.
angel zakuro: we don't suck we're just incredibly lazy :p
jenny: oh can another location be a pirate ship? yeah danny commented but i am not expecting another one. lol you're not lame!
shadowme: i never lie! you is important. well actually danny did leave you a comment on your story. you didn't see it? i saw it. so yeah he read it. i can't say he read all of it but some of it he did. hey, it's not just beckett's crotch it's all of beckett. i never look at his crotch but now that's all i'll see XD nope p&p is strictly a pete and patrick operation.
merrick-fma: i'm glad you like my story so much. ^-^
capricorn-rocker: yes, i know bright.
hi guys,
wow well i think my comments have returned to what they once were and no worries i am working on commenting everyone back. that i am. i really need to stop being so lazy.
well i didn't do as much stuff today as i thought i would. for one i didn't get nearly enough sleep because our cats are in heat and going completely psyhco. so then my mom called the job placement place and they said that we needed to have resumes to give them so we couldn't go today. we need to go to el library to print off resumes. my mom also called this place that she worked before and they gave her a job! woop. so my mom has a job again. then later my grandma called and told my mom to call her old boss (my aunt) so my mom did and my aunt is deciding to let my mom work her old job for the week. it was because my grandma lied and said that we were going to have to live in a van.-_-
oh yeah i got another random friend request on myspace. again a girl that i didn't know so i go to her site and find tah-dah she knows danny. -sigh- i don't know how these people keep finding me. i mean i don't care much because they don't bug me or anything and this girl seemed nice. i'm just curious as to how they find me because i haven't left him a comment in forever and i don't think i'm in his top so whatever.
speaking of danny, he updated his site and put some pics of himself and his new improved hair up. i'm not going to put a pic of his new hair up because anyone that cares probably already ran to his site or is going to after reading this and is going to eye hump him. lol yeah i sent him a text about his hair and told him it looked emo tastic. he was also on his web cam yesterday without a shirt on and i watched him for a few minutes. not because he wasn't wearing a shirt because i mean i've seen/touched his chest before. my mom also watched him which was a bit weird. i texted him and told him i was watching and he replied with a smiley face but hey any reply is better then none.
pete: are you done ranting about danny yet?
red: why you jealous?
pete: no. more like bored out of my mind.
red: but it's not boring when i rant about fall out boy
pete: because we are worthy of ranting! all will obey us!
patrick: that's scary -hides under bed-
oh lately i've been liking the band cartel. ever since watching their show band in a bubble i've liked them because they are hilarious guys. plus their drummer kinda looks like william beckett. so that's a plus point for them. here's a pic of them:

pete: stupid cartel -kicks empty can-
red: now you are jealous!
pete:no! i-i just really hate cartel?
patrick: why was that a question?
red: don't worry pete the next part is about you.
ok so i was searching for fall out boy stuff and i found a bunch of quotes from dear mr. wentz.
pete: that'd be me.
yeah so i decided to put them up just the one's i found funny.
--pete wentz quotes--
"my husband (patrick) is an amazing guitarist too."
does patrick take his hat off during sex?
asked by whyputanewaddress on Jun 21, 2007 2:21am
depends on where were having sex.
answered by peter on Jun 21, 2007 5:38am
Hypothetically asking, Ok, what if one day you woke up and Patrick was not there. Would you be worried?
Asked by I Didnt Do It on 2005-06-14 19:59:00
it would make me want to disappear to wherever he was.
Answered by pete on 2005-06-14
Pete, whats yur fav thing to do with a knife? a. stab your self b. stab the guy next to you thats hittin on yur gurl c. stab the monsters in your dreams d. carve in a tree how much luv u have for life
Asked by Tasha on 2006-05-02 18:39:00
butter my bread and cut patricks pancakes up into little bites for him.
Answered by peter on 2006-05-02
Pete, were you nervous when you acceped your award?
Asked by Mikayla on 2006-09-01 23:43:00
i was nervous that weeman was not going to return with my patrick.
Answered by peter on 2006-09-02
patrick has amazing lips...can i kiss them?
Asked by Lauren on 2005-05-29 17:52:00
they look amazing but they are poisonous, how did you think i got too sick to make it to europe?
Answered by pete on 2005-05-29
wut are petes and patricks fave things to do ????
Asked by care bear on 2005-09-08 22:41:00
Answered by pete on 2005-09-09
ha ha i love that one.
I just got done watching "Dead on Arrival" and I wanted to know how old was Patrick in that video? Back then he was hot but now he is HOTT!!
Asked by Allisyn on 2006-06-10 15:19:00
im not sure. they had delivered him to my door in a baby basket the stormy night before. the note on the basket said "amazing" but i didn't realize how true those words were until days later, thanks for adding the capslock, it really captured the feeling.
Answered by peter on 2006-06-11
how come patrick never answers questions anymore? b.t.w. he is sooooooo cute!! i wanna marry him
Asked by muah on 2005-12-17 15:56:00
patrick never answered any on here. but he sleeps next to me on the bus and he breathes like a little baby at night.
Answered by peter on 2005-12-17
i try to come up with all these cool questions for you to answer but you dont answer any. peter, i think that you should have 2 Q&A boards so that patrick can answer some questions and you could answer some questions. because i dont think you like me. i like you.
Asked by Kailee on 2005-11-11 13:41:00
patrick doesnt like the internet. but he likes me.
Answered by peter on 2005-11-11
Pete, If you were on a deserted island and had to choose between an Ipod full of your favorite songs or Patrick, what would you pick?
Asked by sara on 2005-11-13 15:13:00
trick question. patrick is an ipod full of my favorite songs.
Answered by peter on 2005-11-13
How does patrick sing the emotion in the songs that u (pete) wrote.. Do you have to explain it to him or does he just know?
Asked by hope on 2005-06-15 20:37:00
me and patrick can finish eachothers sentences. this is what makes it so funny when people ask us if we care that you think the the other one is hotter or cooler, or how much everyone makes a big deal about who writes what or is where in photos. we don't care. that kid is my best friend and the rest of the world could blow up and fall out boy can break up and he still will be.
Answered by peterface on 2005-06-16
what kind of guitars do you play? And who is better Joe or Patrick
Asked by G String on 2005-08-04 20:49:00
patrick is the love of my life but i cant deny joes doggie style. they are both pretty good in bed i guess.
Answered by p on 2005-08-04
Dear Pete, or whoever decides to answer this question..well or not friend megan says that if you listen to XO with just the right side of headphones theres no music so it sounds like Patrick is singing in her ear just for her...and i agree....try it sometome
Asked by Shannon on 2005-06-09 09:17:00
how about this. when i want patrick to sing in my ear i call him on the phone and he does it... boo and yah. oops. yeah i do that sometimes.
Answered by pete on 2005-06-10
Does Patrick have a nickname? If so what is it?
Asked by kara on 2005-06-12 23:02:00
rickster. von stump. sophmore strump. winchester snomp, lunchbox. cookie jar. healthbar. rick ta life. patty boy. dont ever call him these. they are mine.
Answered by peter on 2005-06-13
pete: my god.
red: i knew you were gay for patrick.
pete&red: -look at patrick-
patrick: -blush- oh pete! -runs to pete and tackles him to the ground-
red: uh you guys should get a room.
pete: we're in a room.
red: not this room!
well that is all and i swaer i will comment everyone eventually.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (12) |
Monday, July 2, 2007
today is the greatest day i've ever known, can't wait for tomorrow i might not have that long
mood: feel free
listening to: tonight, tonight: panic! at the disco
currently: living the motto no day but today
people i can't live without: detectivedanielle (the best detective), shallow heart (we're fob stalkers), deadxonxarrival (she's a patrick stalker), shadowme (she's your biggest fan), hoaryu (mr. brothers), knight edge (oh emm gee you killed kenny!), tohmalover14 (my texting sissy), destinyssweetman (future politican), savestheday (he has mad guitar skillz)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: aww you don't have to do comment control. *gasp* i'd never hit you with a baseball bat. oh goodness you brought up the butt secks. XD we run the p&p porn company out of a cave?
shadowme: aww well i like your character. she's important! well i'm glad you like the story. i always look forward to hearing what you'll say about each chapter.
alex: everytime i see csi i think of you! XD
toh-toh: i have a few ideas for after wentz in wonderland but those are to be annouced.
aaya: i think i got the cheap pete wentz one before too! XD
danny: you solved nothing! maybe you killed yourself? or maybe i killed you? or maybe lexi did it? the world will never know.
hi guys,
well for once i stayed home all day so what was my excuse for not visiting? um well i was watching movies all day. blah i need to start waking up earlier then i am because today i woke up so incredibly late! though it might be because i didn't go to sleep until 9:30 in the morning. i got some things to do tomorrow so i think i won't sleep all day. and holy crap the ghost of danny hicks left me a comment! seriously i was like oh emm gee! when i saw his avi thingy.
my mom wants to go to the library and make her resume which really means that i'm going to be making it for her. my grandma has also been horribly depressed since my aunt when back to arkanas so i think we're going to visit her tomorrow. my mom also is still looking for a job and so am i so we are both going to this place called PMC it's a job placement center where you write down what skills you have and what kind of job you want so then they find you a temporary job and if you do good at the job you get hired in permentanly. now the only kind of job experience i have is with kids and office work so most likely i'll be trying to get an office job.
my aunt gave my brother and i some money when she left and my bro already spent his. he rented two games for his xbox. i think he rented scarface and burnout 3 and i told him before he played the game that i thought fall out boy had a song on that game and sure enough he played it and came back and was like "you were right" so he's surprised at my wealth of useless knowledge.
anyway with my money i think i'm going to go to a gamestop or eb games and trade in my fma ds game and add the money and get a new game. i hope it's enough. i was thinking of either getting final fantasy three for the ds or harvest moon for the ds. i don't know i could also add in my elite beat agents game but i still like that game.
oh yeah i weighed myself today and was surprised to find that i didn't weigh as much as i had thought. which is a good thing but i am still in an unhealty weight zone so i still need to work on that. i already noticed today that i wasn't eating a lot so i'm hoping that i'm not unconciously making myself not eat. i don't think i am but you never know.
well this is a short post and i swear after i post this i am off to comment because all you wonderful people deserve to be commented!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (14) |
Sunday, July 1, 2007
teenagers scare the living shit outta me
mood: kinda sad
listening to: the soup on tv
currently: want something new
people i can't live without: detectivedanielle (she needs bumpers), shallow heart (jenniez), deadxonxarrival (aayalicous), shadowme (she's a smart cookie), hoaryu (i miss my niisan), knight edge (kitten lover), tohmalover14 (she's off to see the wizard), destinyssweetman (alex the twin), savestheday (he doesn't know how to save a life)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: glad you like the new theme! yeah it'd be awesome to have your number!
angel zakuro: yeah we girls do talk about bras. we are strange like that.
hi guys,
well wow only four comments? ah i'm not sure if it's because i posted so early in the morning or because a lot of people weren't around but wow i ish sad. oh well.
like i mentioned yesterday my aunt and cousin who were up visiting from arkanas were leaving today. i originally thought that we were just going to go to my grandma's house and see them off but instead they called and wanted to take us out to dinner one last time. so my bro was at his friends house and my aunt was mad because she wanted to see him so my mom and i had to go and get him and it took like an hour. so then we met up with my aunt and cousin and grandma and went to a resturant called "ginas"it was good, we had a large antipasto salad that we split and two pizza's one for my cousin and aunt and one for my mom, bro, and me. i had a lot of fun at the resturant cause i was joking around with my bro and family. after we finished eating my aunt and cousin were getting ready to leave so everyone hugged and my aunt and mom and grandma cried. i haven't seen my aunt and cousin since i was i think like eleven years old. so it was great to see them again and i will really miss them.
oh i've also begun watching two new animes one is samurai deeper kyo and the other is animation runner of kuromi. i like the second one better because it is a pretty cutely drawn and funny little anime about an anime production studio. i've seen the saiyuki and chrono crusade anime's on certain channels but i can't seem to find them lately.
oh something funny a few days ago on my site one of the little ad's at the top of the site said "meet gay gangsters near you" i was laughing my ass off at this because at the fact that if gay gangsters do exist i certainly have never seen any. lol
well it is sunday and that means it's time for the latest chapter of murder and lyrics! man i didn't get a lot of readers last sunday so i am hoping for some more but either way as long as someone reads it and likes it, i'll keep writing!
the two detectives met with lexi hartford to discuss daniel's death. lexi made claims against cassie and said she was the one who most likely killed daniel. the two detectives have also found out that an arrest was made at the crime scene.
murder and lyrics
chapter seven: number one fan
"what the hell is going on here?" danielle said as she stepped out of the car. somehow between the mere hour the two detectives had left and came back pandimonium had broken out. danielle and timothy attempted to enter the building when the blonde reporter caught up with them.
"detectives! do you think what's happening here is right?" the reporter asked as she ran alongside the two detectives.
"we don't even know what's happened yet" timothy said to the reporter who was more then happy to fill them in.
"a young fan was arrested just moments ago for crossing the baracaid" the reporter told them "now what do you think about that?" she asked them once again.
danielle took the chance to anwser the woman "no comment" she told her and finally the woman let up. and proceeded to try and interview the angry crowd. danielle and timothy had made there way back inside the venue where they had just been that morning. upon entering they saw a large burly police officer standing just outside the room they had talked to cassie in earlier.
"officer what's going on?" danielle asked as they approached the man. by now danielle and timothy had enough common sense to clip their badges on their jackets so they wouldn't have to flash them continually.
"well one of mr. hick's fans tried to cross the line and we had to subdue her" the man said proudly as he put his hands on his hips.
"subduing her would be removing her from the lot not arresting her!" danielle argued with the man. the last thing they needed would be a fan riot on there hands and though danielle didn't agree with what the girl did she still didn't think it deserved an arresting.
"can we speak with her?" timothy asked and the policeman looked wary for a moment before he nodded and motioned for the two to follow him. the three people entered the room. it was exactly the same as it had been this morning except for the person at the table with the sad eyes had changed from cassie to a helpless fan.
"belinda, this is detectives fisher and kerley, they've come to speak to you" the policeman said in a tone as if he were talking to a five year old opposed to the tall lanky teenager that sat at the table. the teenaged fan danielle noticed was the same girl with the laptop that she had seen earlier that day out in the parking lot.
the girl named belinda looked up and nodded but said nothing. her hands gripped on to the side of her beloved lap top as it lay on the table. just by looking at the girl one could tell that she was a big fan of the band. she was wearing a black band shirt quite similar to the same one cassie had been wearing that morning. she was tall and skinny and had to be around nineteen years old. her dark brown hair was marred with streaks of blonde and she looked up at the detectives her grayish green eyes almost shining in the light.
"hello belinda, i'm detective kerley" danielle said as she put out her hand for the girl to take. belinda took danielle's hand and smiled a bit.
"hey" was all she said. timothy said nothing but again pulled out his recorder to record their conversation. "i didn't do anything wrong!" belinda said as she pulled her lap top up to her chest.
"well you did trespass on a crime scene" timothy said and danielle noticed how he chose the most random times to talk.
"i had to! it was my duty to the other fans! they deserve to know where daniel spent his last minutes!" belinda said and danielle was slightly surprised that belinda wasn't crying as she spoke the words.
"what do you mean? how would you show the other fans?" danielle asked. belinda's chest seemed to puff up a bit as she ran her long fingers along her lap top.
"with this" she said as she held it up.
"i'm afraid i don't follow" danielle said as she watched the girl. belinda sighed and muttered something about adults before opening up her lap top and turning it on. belinda motioned for danielle and timothy to come over so they did choosing to stand behind the girl. danielle noticed that when the lap top loaded up a picture of daniel and belinda together was shown on the screen.
"hold on, you know daniel?" timothy asked the girl. belinda let out a dreamy sigh as she stared at the photo.
"know him? i'm only his biggest fan!" belinda said as she turned to look back at danielle and timothy.
"then you were in contact with him a lot?" timothy asked. belinda shook her head and grimaced.
"no, i mean i only met him this time but i was in contact with him and cassie through emails!" belinda said proudly.
"you know cassie?" danielle asked surprised at the whealth of information the girl had.
"of course i know cassie! she's like a mini celebrity on my site." belinda said as she logged on to the internet.
"show us this site" danielle said. belinda nodded and in seconds had pulled up a website adorned with the bands picture.
"i created this site a few years ago, before the band was famous and it's just taken off from there" belinda said as she scrolled down and revealed a photo of daniel with the words 'rest in peace' under the picture.
"well how'd you first come into contact with cassie?" timothy asked as he peered at the site.
"well, she found my site and sent me an email and i don't know she just started contributing"
"like how?" timothy asked again as belinda pulled up a recent post that cassie had done.
"she would post information and show us pictures and sometimes daniel would chat, it was like she was one with the fans you know?" belinda said
"band tracker? what is that?" danielle asked as she noticed a link on the site.
"oh," belinda began as she clicked on it. "it's where we track the members of the band, like get photo's of them and put them on the site" belinda said as she went down to the most recent photo's. danielle surveyed the photo's seeing none that were too interesting.
"wait" danielle said suddenly. "click on that one" she said as she pointed to one of the photo's on the screen. belinda did as danielle told and enlarged one of the photo's. the photo itself was of daniel he was standing outside of a large gray building. the name on the building read 'o'reily's life insurance'. danielle looked over at timothy who was staring at her, there was no doubt that the same thought passed through both of their minds.
"when was that photo taken?" timothy asked belinda as she too surveyed the picture not yet grasping the irony of it all.
"um" belinda said as she leaned in to take a closer look at the photo "just a few days before his death" she said as she closed the photo.
"it fits with what lexi told us" danielle said to herself. timothy nodded but said nothing. there was a still silence in the room as no one said anything. belinda glanced at her watch before looking to the detectives.
" i in real trouble? or can i go home now?" she asked. timothy and danielle having no real reason to keep the girl besides to see what else she knew.
"no you can go, but please write down the address for the website" danielle said as she handed belinda a note pad. belinda again did as danielle asked and quickly packed up her things and was escorted out of the venue.
after belinda had left timothy turned to danielle. "things are beginning to add up" he said and it sounded too much to danielle that he was suspecting cassie.
"don't pronounce her guilty just yet" danielle said, there was still pleanty of things that didn't add up and they still had two suspects to speak to.
there was a knock on the door and a police man entered the room. "detective fisher?" he asked and timothy nodded "the copy of mr. hick's will was just faxed over" he said as he held out a paper for timothy to take. timothy grinned at the man and took the paper from him. the police man nodded at danielle and timothy before leaving the room.
timothy read the paper in silence as danielle waited for him to finish. after he finished reading his face had the mild hint of surprise.
"what?, what? is it?" she asked curious as too what timothy had found out.
"when daniel changed his will. he left half of everything to cassie" timothy said as he handed over the will.
is it true? did cassie really plot to kill daniel? and how much does belinda really know about daniel and cassie? find out next time!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (8) |
Saturday, June 30, 2007
he's under my skin, please give me something to get rid of him
mood: sorta sleepy sorta bummed out.
listening to: thirty-three-the new amsterdams
currently: would give anything to stop caring.
people i can't live without: detectivedanielle (she's a supah bowler), shallow heart (she's my ninja), deadxonxarrival (she's my favorite record ha fob lyric pun), shadowme (she's an alchino), hoaryu (polite niisan), knight edge (supah pervy sensei), tohmalover14 (the bestest lil' sis in the world), destinyssweetman (mr. alexander the great), savestheday (love was never his strong suite lying always was)
time of post: 7:03 in the am
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: aye, aye pervy sage! let the learning begin.
aaya: yeah i thought you or shadowme might remember that. yeah he's as shallow as a shower.
detectivedanielle: i will have to look those lyrics up sometime.
LS: alright i'll be sure to save the ham lol
shadowme: yeah i thought the same thing a long time ago. i used to tell him that he was destined to be the next wentz no, your words helped plenty.
rapidxhopexloss: yeah you're new to my site so you don't know the danny drama but long time readers will know it from beginning to eventual end.
the real yojimbo: well thanks for the half advice! lol
demonskiss: hey living in the slow lane is fine. i think i got my first real boyfriend when i was sixteen. so long ago *feels old*
oh-toh: i don't think i'm ready to swear off boys just yet lol. aww thanks for the advice toh-toh. yeah i got your numbered and texted you and it would be so awesome if you were in the city for the summer! then we could meet!
hi guys,
well first thing you might notice is that i changed my theme and if half of you aren't blind then you're reading this. yes, i know the new theme is bright, so i fully expect someone to say it. well the new theme is the academy is... i know at least one person is saying hooray. ((aaya)) so yeah it's yellow and orange because the colors on their cd almost here is yellow and orange plus i think it looks kinda summerish. i also know that i did it a day early but meh i felt like it.
i didn't get to comment on many people's sites. i know i've been saying this a lot and also i've been having an excuse everyday but honestly i never ever expected to be so busy this summer. well today i had to go with my mom to the bank to get money out for the rent and other things. while she was in the bank i swear that i saw a girl who went to my school in the car by me so i tried to look and it was hard to see but i do think it was her. after the bank we went to the krogers store to buy minutes for my phone because the last place we stopped didn't have any. also my phone was almost dead because i didn't charge it for too long. so i got some minutes. and like right after i put the minutes on the phone my phone died so i didn't get to do anything fun.
after i got minutes my mom drove around to places that were hiring. she got a few applications and we need to go to the library to make and print her a resume. we have to go to the library because my computer doesn't have a printer. so i think i can make her a resume if i can get onto this website that our school used. i just need to remember my log in so i think i'll text danielle because she remembers stuff like that.
my mom took me to mcdonalds to get a burger because i hadn't eaten anything all day and i felt like puking. so i got a burger and we went next door to this resturant that was hiring and my mom got an app and some coney dogs for herself and some fries for us to split. so i was buring up because the sun was hitting me directly so i'm pretty sure that half my body is going to get a tan while the other half isn't because i was in the sun for a while.
we then went home and i charged my phone and bought some ringtones including fall out boy and my favorite song from them "grand theft autum) that's my current ring tone. i also bought one of brendon urie telling me that my phone is ringing and a cobra starship one. i also texted a few people and talked to danielle for a good long time via text. i also talked to danny via text and told him i wouldn't be at the show, he as usual never anwsered. i really need to stop texting people so much because i can't use all my minutes up in one day.
when we got back my mom went to the mall to exchange some shirts and stuff but i stayed home and my aunt called and wanted us to go to dinner with her at the outback steakhouse but my mom said no! i was like wtf? why did you do that? and she was like because i'm full and i was like but i'm still hungry! so instead we went to get an ice cream cone at this make it yourself place by my grandmas house. my mom talked to my other aunt and she was going to meet us at the ice cream place. like i said it was a make it yourself place where you make your own soft serve ice cream cone so i did but i wasn't good at it so my mom made it for me and she made it huge! then i bought a cup of sprinkles for a quarter and put it on there. i sat ino our car eating and texting danielle and my ice cream was dripping on me and it got chocolate on my tank top and jeans. blah i hope it comes out.
oh yeah my mom bought me a new lepoard print bra. it's all pink and cute as hell. after ice cream we went to krogers and took some bottles back and i went to the magazine section and was looking at spin magazine. i saw that this month it was coming with a free cd featuring some of my fave bands like panic! at the disco and the academy is... covering smashing pumpkin songs. well to get this cd i did a bad thing i went all ninja and opened the magazine and hid it in some washclothes that my mom found in the bottle bag. so we got away with it and i got a new ten track cd. bad i know but it was free anyways! i told danielle and she wanted me to get her one but i was already out of the store. we ran into my aunt, (the one who invited us to dinner) my cousin, and my grandma at the store and so we went and got gas and then went to my grandma's house where my aunt is staying.
we were hanging with my aunt and cousin because they are going home to arkanas today. they were just visiting for awhile. so we were at their house visiting them from like eleven thirty to like five in the morning. we spent the time talking and stuff and it was fun and i'm really going to miss them a lot. there are leaving sometime this afternoon but they are going to call so we can go and see them off. my other cousin is getting married to his girlfriend in arkanas in august and i told my aunt i wanted to go so she said she'd she about getting me a plane or train ticket so i can go to the wedding. it would be cool because i have never flown or ridden a train before.
well i think that is all sorry this post is so darn long! i will comment people today.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (4) |
Friday, June 29, 2007
hang my head drown my fears till you all just disappear
mood: somber
listening to: dance, dance remix- fall out boy
currently: just want to go back to then
people i can't live without: detectivedanielle (my somewhat therapist), shallow heart (my original fangirl), deadxonxarrival ( my fellow fall out boy fan), shadowme (she gives me inspiration), hoaryu ( my sweet niisan), knight edge (my pervy sensei), tohmalover14 (my motivation), destinyssweetman (my good hearted twin), savestheday (my musician)
avatar of the day: 
this is seriously one of my favorite lines ever.
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: it's ok edge you're a boy and they never know what to say. -pats back- ha you wish you could be crazy like me! XD
LS: well thanks for the ham. the fuse channel is on the digital cable.
ninja lover: i will totally try to check that song out.
ani mae: yeah it's a good anime but hella confusing.
demonskiss: well i haven't watched enough of either one to know what their about but i'd say that ergo proxy is kinda like ghost in the shell and the other is like a fighting anime.
toh-toh: yes, we are that far along sometimes i am surprised since i thought this story wouldn't be so long. ah i am so glad you liked it dear toh-toh!
shadowme: lmao yes, because beckett was made for pantaloons! XD brendon isn't transsexual he is a cross dresser but he is creepy.
hi guys,
well yet another boring day. i should've been commenting today but for some reason the comments were acting strange for me and their just now starting to act normal again. i was also a bit relucant to get on the internet because 1. i had to call danielle about the concert and 2. because i didn't want to check a message from someone. (i will explain more on this later)
well i did call danielle and i asked if she still wanted to go to the show with me today. unfortunately she is in trouble with her mom and can't go it could also be the fact that she really doesn't care for danny much anymore but she can't go. so i was going to ask my bestfriend sydney if she wanted to go but then my mom said that i can't go because she doesn't have enough money to pay for the ticket. and it's not even that much! but she's all like "he's playing again you can see him again" blah it's not fair i bet if one of my bro's friends were in a band and he wanted to see them she would give him money. unfair i say but he is playing again so i guess some other time i can watch him play.
i'm not sure if i should go anyway because just yesterday i was looking through some documents on my computer and i found old posts of danny's that i had saved and like one of his poems so i read his posts and it was about me and well it just hit is an excerpt from his old site em0taku:
I swear to god nobody likes me in that school. (Besides Cassie, who of course I care about dearly and wouldn't care if she's the only friend I have there because she's so amazing it makes up for 1,000,000 people or so.)
yeah he wrote that and i don't know what the hell happened to the boy who wrote that but he isn't the same. anyway i was sad and a little pissed because danny was still ignoring me and i was on his myspace and i saw a comment that my bro left and it said "maybe you should leave my sis a comment to make her feel better" but he never did so i wrote him a message and sent him his old posts and the poem and i left a long pissed rant thing too and i won't get into what i said but i never expected a reply from him and i got on myspace and there was a reply from him and he left a comment on something i had written about him on june 9th. the message he sent me said "i'm sorry i really am" and the comment said "you mean something to me" -sigh- why does he make it so hard.
i mean i thought i was over him and the crush i had on him but i read on his site that he has a new girlfriend and when i read that i got really sad. so yeah so not over it like i thought it was but i mean i know i can handle just being his friend i mean i did it while we were in school together when he talked about and acted out having sex with other girls. when i talked to danielle today she asked me why i keep giving danny chances and i told her that i didn't know that i can't stop being his friend. she thinks i should because he keeps treating me like crap but really i mean i want to be his friend and i can't imagine not being his friend.
i'm sorry this post turned into one long rant about danny, i really didn't mean it to turn into one. i guess i don't have much else to talk about. i'm probably going to the mall tomorrow to take back a shirt and exchange it for a different one and my mom said she's going to get me minutes for my cell phone which means i can text people again. probably mostly danielle because i like talking to her but she's not much of a phone person and i will probably text my ex-boyfriend because his birthday is on the second of july.
oh yeah yesterday was also my mom's last day of work for my uncle so now she has no job and i am scared because i don't know how were going to pay the bills and what not. i can't even find a job so i don't know how she is going to.
well i guess that is all so i will most likely be able to comment and everything today so i hope you have a good day!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (10) |
Thursday, June 28, 2007
i want someone whose provacitive and talkitive but it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower
mood: kinda tired
listening to: the curse of curves- cute is what we aim for
currently: just want him to care
people i can't live without: detectivedanielle (paging el detective), shallow heart (partner in crime), deadxonxarrival (professional stumpah), shadowme (she's got the gift of one liners), hoaryu (wish my real bro was like him), knight edge (he is toned), tohmalover14 (toh-toh came back!), destinyssweetman (so caring), savestheday (there's something they say about guys like him)
avatar of the day: 
that would be the best band ever!
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: hmmmmm your comment sounded a little more like an insult then a compliment. just like you're not that bad looking is saying that i am bad looking to a certain degree.
jenny: lol your comment made me laugh for like five minutes! XD
inuyashafan4-ever: ah i'm sure your poems are good.
rapidxhopexloss: thank you for your words and i believe you because you know what it's like.
angel zakuro: it's ok i haven't been commenting much either ^^;
toh-toh: ah i so missed your compliments! ha i love it! you make me want to write forever! XD
the real yojimbo: ah i had a bad storm here too.
kitabug69: it's fine if you haven't been commenting. i'm sorry for not commenting more.
shadowme: why thank you for the compliments considering that i adore your poetry!
hi guys,
sorry i wasn't on all day yesterday. we had a really horrible storm blow through town and it lasted all day! it started like noon and is still kinda here. the reason i wasn't on was because the power went out like three times and i didn't want to mess up the computer. i only commented a few people but today i am thinking that i should be able to comment on people's sites.
man i got the song "the curse of curves" in my head! arg it won't leave i swear i wake up and i'm singing the chorus. luckily i got the video on demand so i just keep watching it. except for right now i'm watching the academy is...
pete: what no fall out boy?
red: all they have is the carpal tunnel of love.
patrick: so you can't watch us?
red: uh well pete has a cameo in the academy is... video.
pete: cause i'm awesome like that.
red: not a competition pete.
oh i also saw a bit of the video clothes off! by gym class heroes. i didn't get to see all of it because right when i was watching it the power went out.
patrick: was i in that video? -puppy dog eyes-
red: no but panic! at the disco was and i think brendon had a mustache
brendon: cause i'm a man! -does manly pose-
anyway i also began watching the anime "ergo proxy" on the fuse channel and it's really good! i like the art style a lot it's very edgy/goth/grunge i've only seen two episodes but i think i'm going to start watching regularly. the fuse channel is also showing the anime tenhjo tenge (i really don't think i spelt that right) i'm not sure if that one is my style but i'll give it a chance. also i am pleased because adult swim is showing bleach on the weekdays so i should be able to catch up soon. and eureka seven is on demand so i can catch up when they start showing the episodes i missed.
oh yeah i'm looking for someone who can make a couple things for me, like banners. nothing too difficult. i would do it myself but i have no program for that and i tried but it just doesn't work so if anyone is interested pm me for details.
added incentive if someone does make these for me i will write something for you because that's really all i can do.
well it is thursday and we all know what that means!
pete: it's time to get naked?
red: 0.o no! well i mean you can if you want to but no.
patrick: time to buy more cupcakes and shampoo?
red: no, did you use all my shampoo?
patrick: -nods- i like to feel clean while i eat cupcakes.
red: -sigh- no it's thursday and that means a new chapter of wentz in wonderland!
pete: oh you mean that bastard story that i can sue you for writing?
red: -shifty eyes- uh...yeah that story. well let's get to it while i call my lawyers.
ok so for people that don't know wentz in wonderland is basically alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist. as always character bio things are after the chapter.
wentz in wonderland
chapter eleven: off with his head
brendon was still looking over at pete and even slowly began to approach him his heels clicking against the stone. pete didn't know who was handing out jobs in wonderland but he found brendon being the queen so very amusing.
brendon was now standing before pete a sly smile playing on his heavily made up face.
"what's your name young man?" brendon asked in an oddly fake high pitched voice.
"peter your majesty" pete said he meant the words as an insult but he knew that queen brendon had taken them as a compliment.
"well peter, i not seen you around before" brendon said as he put out his hand persumably for pete to take.
"well i'm uh, just visiting" pete said as he took brendon's hand and shook it. brendon suddenly pulled his hand away a deep scowl on his face. pete wasn't sure what he had said or done to incure brendon's wrath and he looked over to gabe and travis for any help. travis and gabe just stared at pete their eyes wide.
pete looked back at the now unhappy brendon who was positively seething with rage. while pete stood there with his i have no idea what i did but don't i look cute anyways? face.
"you are suppose to kiss a ladies hand!" brendon screamed at pete as he threw his arms up into the air. pete was oh so tempted to tell brendon that there was infact no lady present but he wasn't one to test someone who was clearly unstable's patience.
"uh sorry queen brendon" pete said as he once again took brendon's hand and placed the gentlest of kisses on it. brendon seemed more then pleased at pete's act and a warm smile broke onto his face.
"oh it's nothing to get upset over dear" brendon said as he laid a polished hand on pete's shoulder and gave it a squeeze. again pete was tempted to tell brendon that he was the one to get upset and not pete, but pete had already figured that this verison of brendon was bi-polar at best so he said nothing.
brendon then turned his attention to travis and gabe. he smiled warmly at them as well and glided over to the men. gabe and travis froze under brendon's gaze apparently still scared about the roses and pete now knew they had good reason to be. brendon luckily had yet to notice that some of the roses still remained white. brendon stood between travis and gabe his hands resting on each of their shoulders.
"these are my new roses?" brendon asked and travis and gabe nodded. brendon grinned and leaned forward to get a better look at the flowers. all seemed well until suddenly brendon stopped and pete could see the grip he had on the two men's shoulders tighten. a look of painc mixed with pain crossed travis and gabe's faces. in an instant brendon had thrown the two boys back onto the ground.
"WHITE ROSES!!!? YOU KNOW I ONLY LIKE RED!" brendon screamed at the two men on the ground.
"we're sorry queen! it was an accident!" gabe sat up and pleaded with brendon.
"we would never upset you queen!" travis cried out.
brendon still didn't seem pleased with their anwsers.
"OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!" brendon screamed and instanly two guards rushed over and grabbed travis and gabe lifting them up off the ground.
"no queen! please! not that!" gabe and travis cried and pete knew in that moment that he wouldn't be able to stand by and let someone be killed. pete opened his mouth to object to the queen's actions but before he could speak a different rich voice filled the air.
"brendon dear, don't you think you're overreacting?" the voice said and pete turned around to face the gate where he saw william beckett standing. william too was dressed in an odd fashion one that pete quickly realized was meant to look like a king. complete with puffy pantaloons and white tights.
"good god" pete said as he shook his head. brendon looked towards william and in an instant was madly dashing towards him before throwing himself into william's open arms.
"oh willy! i'm so sorry!" brendon cried as he clutched onto william in classic overdramatic fashion. william said nothing but patted brendon on the head.
"there now your not going to kill travis and gabe are you?" william asked and brendon shook his head.
"heaven's no! i love them like sons!" he cried before rushing over to them and hugging them both tightly. pete didn't think he could take much more of this and he was tempted to smack the whole lot of them. in seconds brendon had cheered back up and turned to face peter.
"now that, that unpleasantness is out of the way we can have some fun!" he said and pete wasn't so sure he wanted to have fun with the queen.
pete wentz as alice:

brendon urie as the queen:

gabe saporta as card painter #1:

travis McCoy as card painter #2:

william beckett as the king:

Comments (10) |
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
wanna put my tender heart in a blender watch it spin round to a beautiful oblivion
mood: bipolar
listening to: whatever movie my brother is watching
currently: sticking to my plan/eating a coconut popsicle
pimpage: shallow heart (patrick poker), deadxonxarrival (she's a fall out boy song), shadowme (emo tastic in a good way), hoaryu (mr. brother), knight edge (losing his memory), tohmalover14 (come back toh-toh), destinyssweetman (mr. alex), savestheday (no comment)
Redmoonchick Responds:
roleni-chan: yes, you have to rent shoes $2 per pair.
edge: edgy, i think your mind is slipping you most certainly did not comment, that's why you weren't in the responses.
hoaryu: yeah if that's what jc is like i most certainly feel your pain. yeah change is good.
caprice: yeah i've been on the look out for different jobs.
shadowme: of course you're a writing influence you inspired me to write wentz in wonderland. lmao you sound like me when i saw his pic. about his hair being long i mean.
jenny: horny fishie patrick! poor fishie pete. XD no offense taken she is a bitch. danny is crying...he's crying cause he misses me! XD
lalagirl: your comment had me laughing for like a minute straight.
toh-toh: first off TOH-TOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *glomps* i missed you! yeah you're back and healthy!
aaya: you missed the other pic i had of them up. i don't care for mexican food much either. i miss aaya, yeah i'm still not sure which theme i want but beckett hips make it so tempting.
hi guys,
hooray i am happy because a few of my friends have returned like aaya and toh-toh and lalagirl! welcome back! now you may never leave! XD well i had a normal day. nothing too exciting. i did a lot of house work for my mom. like a lot of dealing with the laundry and things like that.
i watched a movie yesterday called "nobody knows" it was a japanese subtitled movie about four kids in tokyo who have to take care of themselves after their mother abandons them. it was a really great and sad movie. i won't say what happened in case anyone wants to see it or anything but it's so good. and it is based on a true story. i reccomend you guys see it.
i got on el myspace to day but i didn't talk to danny mostly because i don't really want to. i want to show him that i don't need to talk to him that i can ingnore him the way he ignores me. but i do have to talk to him now because i have to ask him some stuff about the concert on friday. the concert that i'm not sure i want to go to anymore. because i know that all his little groupies are going to be there and i'm not nearly as skinny or as pretty as they are so for some reason i feel not as good or that i don't measure up. because whose going to notice the fat girl when the skinny pretty one is all over you? not that i want to be all over him or anything but i at least want to talk to him. or at least have him acknowledge that i am there, that i came to see him. but i really should stop tourturing myself because he will never care to him i don't know why but he will talk to everyone else in this world and ignore me.
pete: you're feeling pretty self dephricating
red: i learned it from you
i've realized something. that the best lines for poems, stories, songs, etc. come to me when i am about to sleep. sometimes it will be so good that i'll get up and write it down but other times i just repeat it to myself so i'll remember it in the morning. has that ever happened to anyone?
oh yesterday my aunt (not the mean one) came home with my mom to help fix our kitchen sink which has been broken for awhile. well it was a lot of hassle and we still don't know what's wrong with it but it has something to do with a pipe that is on the roof with no cap or cover so i guess stuff is getting in the drain. i don't know i am not a plumber. anyway my other aunt and my cousin came over and they were helping so then they went to meijers to get a piece of equipment we needed or something but i don't know if it will work or not. i'll keep you guys informed as information comes in.
ok so i think i will put up a poem that i wrote a while ago. i like it and i hope you guys will too.
last word, last laugh, last safe place to place your bet.
first kiss, first fight, first time we met.
today, tomorrow, and yesterday: they all feel the same.
i forgot everything else and all i can remember is your name.
halfway kisses and nearly touches and the words you almost said.
frustrated smiles and desperate laughs and the way my heart empties into my head.
glazed over eyes and rusty goodbyes.
these are the things i cling to so i can survive.
pete: -writing poem down- patrick these words are going to sound great when you sing them!
patrick: no more stealing lyrics pete!
red: is this how he gets all his lines?
patrick: -nods-
red: your secrets out.
pete: and the best part is it isn't even a good one.
red&pete: -high five-
patrick: -sigh-
oh yeah i was curious where do you guys go to find avi's and icons and such?
ok well that is all i shall be commenting today dear friends.
~redmoonchick~ |
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