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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
everyone deserves the flames but it's such a shame
mood: just living
listening to: we've got a big mess on our hands-the academy is...
currently: going to give up on him cause i can't do it anymore
pimpage: detectivedanielle (my musical influence), deadxonxarrival (aaya-tastic), shallow heart (fishie abuser), shadowme (my writing influence), hoaryu (supah niisan), knight edge (hmmmm he seems different), tohmalover14 (where is little toh-toh?), destinyssweetman (smarty twin), savestheday (him)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: ah no i wasn't commanding you to comment. sorry if i sounded like i was. i am not a comment dictator XD. yeah lexi makes me wanna punch someone and i created her! lol
kakashi s: aww it's ok i'm not mad at anyone for not commenting.
capricorn-rocker: same goes for you as kakashi s
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: i know it's hard for people to read long post's i've been trying to keep it short.
merrick-fma: glad you liked M&L! ha i liked that part too.
shadowme: i'm so glad you like the story. i like yours too so you must up update it soon!
alex: no, you didn't hurt me by not reading it. it's fine :)
lalagirl: hey you're back! i missed you.
jd person: you know what they say the fastest way to kill a writter is to not read their work.
roleni-chan: mama roleni! glad you like the pink but i am changing it soon. lol yeah i realized that i forgot to mention who won in bowling, well it wasn't me. XD mostly my aunt won.
hi guys,
well i got my normal average for comments yesterday, thank you to all who commented. i wasn't mad at anyone or anything i was just upset in general. sorry i couldn't comment anyone.
well today was my job interview i got up and got all fancied up and all that good stuff and i was a little nervous but not too bad. i was even on time a rare occurence when you ride with my mom. so i got to the job site around the same time as this other kid who was around my age and i saw him go into a building so i followed him and it turned out we were in the wrong place so we went next door to the other building and the guy said he already tried that door but that it was locked and sure enough it was so we waited for someone to show up and open the door. this other teenaged girl again around my age showed up and she was waiting too and then this man who had to be in his late twenties showed up and we were all waiting. it was so hot outside and i was wearing all black. finally around twenty minutes passed and the young guy called the number that was on the letters they sent us and they put him on hold so he hung up then the girl called and she waited (because they put her on hold too) so they told her that the managers for the place weren't going to show up and that we had to call back to get new appointments. so naturally we were all pissed because we had waited in the hot sun for almost an hour and then the people didn't show! i called to make an appointment but no one anwsered so i'll try again today.
oh yeah i am pleased because when i logged on last night i noticed that my pm's were normal again! for those that don't follow i had five ghost messages or messages that don't exist but are still counted. so i found out that adam fixed the problem and i couldn't be happier though i am so not used to seeing "no new messages" lol.
my mom has a job as a waitress at my uncles mexican resturant. now my mom and my aunt (by marriage) don't get along mostly because my aunt is a total bitch. well anyway's my mom defended herself two weeks ago and my aunt got pissed and told my mom she had to find a new job in one week. my mom has yet to find a new job but she is trying. my aunt gave her an extra week but after this thursday i'm not sure what will happen. which is scary because then how will we pay bills and stuff like that? i'm hoping my aunt will hold out on the firing until my mom does find a new job.
oh i'm going to be changing my theme soon because the new month is just around the corner. i've narrowed it down to two choices. it will either be an the academy is... theme or a black cat theme. i'm not sure which one. i guess whichever color scheme looks best.
almost done just wanted to mention that not waving just drowning put up new band pics and here's one of them. danny is in the new ones.

in case anyone doesn't know danny is the one on the far left. wearing what looks like a sweater.
ok i am done and i should be able to do some commenting finally!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (13) |
Monday, June 25, 2007
you've got the curse of curves
mood: oh no i'm emo
listening to: the evening news
currently: wish i could unravel my emotions
pimpage: i don't feel like doing one today.
Redmoonchick Responds:
ninja lover: yes, fuse is awesome! my favorite channel.
edge: fake facial hair doesn't make you a man.
shadowme: i think you'll like the next chapter.
angel zakuro: i think you're awesome for catching the queer as folk reference.
hi guys,
wow only five comments. i must say i was shocked. i mean i haven't had five in forever usually i get from 12-15 comments. oh well it only serves to cement in my mind that people are bored with my site. -sigh- i hope not because that means that my life is boring as well. it could also be because it was a sunday and not too many people are around on the weekend. it's just a little sad because it was my fic day and barely anyone read it. oh well as long as shadowme keeps reading it i'll keep writing it.
like i said yesterday was my grandma's 78th birthday and it was held at my uncles resturant. we did end up going and we were about thirty minutes late but i don't think it was a big deal. i mean it was just family. the food was good had some chicken and some mash potatoes and other good stuff. played around with my brother a lot and that was fun. had cake and watermelon and took pictures and stuff. we gave my grandma a angel picture and a cup. my uncle made me hold my cousin by marriages seven month old baby and that was strange he was squirming so bad. i was also looking after my six and one year old cousins. way more stuff happened but it is late and i can't really remember.
well the party got over by five and my uncle paid my bro to stay and clean up by doing the dishes. so he did and my mom volunteered to help clean too which left me with my six year old cousin. it wasn't too bad i colored with her and stuff and i let her ride on my back, but man is a six year old hard to entertain. all the while my relatives were saying how good of a mother or teacher i would be.
after we finally finished cleaning my mom, my little cousin and myself went to my house where i put shoes on because i was wearing flip flops and we decided to meet my aunts up at the bowling alley for a few games. so we bowled which was fun i was playing against my six year old cousin and my aunt while my other two aunts and my one aunts husband were playing on the other lane. my mom and bro showed up later and my bro joined my team. i think i played three long games as more family showed up. also there was some alcohol involed so my family got a bit rowdy.
hmmmm danielle said she would go to the not waving just drowning concert with me so i'm going to call her today to hammer out the details. she said she's not going for danny but she's going for me. like i said before she is not danny's biggest fan. well i have my job interview today at noon so you all wish me luck!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (17) |
Sunday, June 24, 2007
we've got a big big mess on our hands.
mood: head hurts/feeling blah
listening to: the movie blue streak and talking to my mum.
currently: want someone special
pimpage: detectivedanielle (a good example of a good friend), deadxonxarrival (future member of the anti-ashlee simpson club), shallow heart (vice president of the anti ashlee simpson club), shadowme (she has skills that kills),october (anyone know why she left?), tohmalover14 (missing sister), hoaryu (dearest brother), edge (big meanie!), destinyssweetman (twinny), savestheday (scene kid)
avatar of the day:
Redmoonchick Responds:
LS: well i guess if the man did find the bodies you could just kill him too.
edge: i still say my post aren't boring and you are mean. edge is no scene boy. scene boys are hot.
bed-stuy: thanks for the hair tips. i don't know what i'll do layers really don't show up on me.
shadowme: aww well i hope it starts working.
jd person: well...scene is almost like emo but different.
hi guys,
well sorry for being m.i.a for a day. i was sorta banned from the computer. oh well it's not like i had much to talk about anyway. so i finally got cable! i got it yesterday.
pete: -grabs remote- -flips through channels- where's the porn?
red: i don't have porn channels!
patrick: pete, give me the remote i wanna watch the real world.
red: no it's saturday! anime is on!
pete: too bad i have the remote -continues changing channel-
pete: hey red what's this show called queer as folk?
red: -looks at tv- o.0 it's living yaoi!
patrick&red: change the channel!
ok so i do have el cable and i did watch anime. even though i have no idea what was going on. i really didn't watch naruto because i was watching some reality show on mtv. oh and i got the fuse channel! my god i love that channel. it plays all the good music! i watched the new the academy is... video and i love it! features a cameo of pete.
pete: cause everyone needs me to make their videos the best.
yeah but i was dissapointed that the music stations didn't have either one of the latest fall out boy videos or the new gym class heroes one. i watched a few good movies too like john tucker must die. that was pretty good.
man edge made me all paranoid that my posts are really boring and that i am boring everyone to death. today is my grandma's 78th birthday. the whole family is going to my uncle's resturant and eating there and celebrating. i am not looking forward to it because i don't like my uncle or my aunt and cousins (by marriage). oh well i have to go so it's not like i have an option. just found out that my cousins by marriage aren't going to be there so things are looking up.
oh in my last post i mentioned scene boys and a lot of you didn't know what they were so i found a picture of one:

yeah i don't know this person so if you are him or know him then tell him i said hi.
ok well not much else to talk about. i should be able to comment a bit. i'm not allowed to stay up too late tonight because i have the birthday tomorrow, then i have the job interview on monday so i can't stay up again.
well anyway it is sunday so it is time for the next chapter of the fic murder and lyrics.
previously: detective kerley and fisher discussed their hypothesis of wheter or not cassie was innocent. the two detectives showed up at the hartford hotel to talk to lexi.
murder and lyrics:
chapter six: the heartless heiress
timothy and danielle made their way into the harford hotel's lobby. the hartford hotel was only the rizitiest place around and almost always housed a celebrity or two. even the doors surrounding the hotel's enterance were busy with the constant attendance of the paparazzi. the paparazzi didn't bother snapping any photo's of danielle and timothy seeing as how they weren't famous.
the hartford hotel was what a person would expect a fancy hotel to look like. with it's high arched and intriquetly painted and designed celingings and walls. marble fixtures adorned the walls and the color gold was splashed almost everywhere, while men in tuxedo's stood around looking proper and not doing much else. from inside the lobby of the hotel one could see outside from the large glass windows that surrounded the enterance. the paparazzi stood watch from these windows perpaired for the first drugged up starlet or raging actor they could find and take a photo of.
danielle and timothy made their way over to the large front desk where a woman who looked botoxed to death was standing.
"can i help you?" the woman asked though her mouth barely moved.
"yes, we need to see miss lexi hartford" timothy said smiling at the woman.
they were sure that if the woman could frown she would've but her face stayed frozen as she adressed the two detectives.
"i'm very sorry but you can't see her, even if you are her fans" the woman said in a sympathetic way. danielle and timothy stood in shock wondering what on earth made this woman think they were lexi's fans.
"no, we're not fans" danielle said as she opened her jacket and pulled out her badge showing it to the woman.
"i'm detective danielle kerley" she told the woman.
timothy followed suit and he too pulled out his badge and flashed it to the woman "and i'm detective timothy fisher"
almost instantly a huge brilliant flash of light surrounded the lobby and danielle looked to her left to see the paparazzi taking pictures of them holding out their badges. danielle and timothy quickly put their badges away and asked to see lexi hartford once again. this time the woman didn't put up a fight she picked up the phone and dialed up lexi's room.
they stood in silence as the phone rang until after what seemed to be half a minute someone picked up. timothy and danielle could only hear one side of the conversation but by the tone of the woman's voice and the way she spoke to lexi they already knew that she was upset.
so it was no surprise when a very disgruntled looking lexi hartford came stomping into the room with all the anger of a three year old throwing a temper tantrum. lexi came up to the front desk completely blowing past the two detectives.
"what is this about?" lexi screamed at the front desk workers as the flash of photographers consumed them all again.
"Ms. hartford, we need to have a word with you" timothy called out to the woman. lexi turned around perpaired to unleash her anger on timothy.
"and just who the hell are you?" lexi shouted at the detectives. timothy grinned at the woman. before pulling out his badge and flashing it at her. instantly the paparazzi went crazy again, photographer lexi and timothy. timothy tucked away his badge before grinning at the woman again.
"i am detective fisher and this-" he said motoning to danielle "is detective kerley" timothy told the girl. lexi looked less then impressed or thrilled at the prospect of the detectives presence in her hotel.
"detectives? what is this about?" lexi asked now finally starting to sound a little scared. danielle stepped up and cleared her throat.
"it's about the daniel hicks murder" danielle said. lexi looked surprised for a moment as if she hadn't expected anyone to come and see her regarding his death.
"oh, well why me? i didn't have anything to do with it!" lexi shouted, if danielle wasn't so sure she'd think that maybe lexi was bipolar or had awful mood swings because in the matter of a minute she had gone from angry to sad to paranoid.
"we never said you had anything to do with it ms. hartford" danielle said as she tried to calm the woman. danielle herself was getting annoyed with the paparazzi outside the window with their constant picture taking. "can we move to a more private location ms. hartford?" danielle asked. lexi nodded and motioned for the two detectives to follow her.
the detectives followed lexi around a corner to a private room in the back of the hotel. lexi flopped down in a large gold chair and looked at the detectives wide eyed and too naive looking. timothy and danielle settled across from her in two small wooden chairs, danielle pulled out her notepad while timothy turned on his recorder.
"now about daniel's death" timothy began before lexi cut him off.
"i wasn't even there that night!" lexi proclaimed. timothy's cleared his throat and danielle rolled her eyes
"that's the thing lexi, we have a witness who saw you backstage last night" timothy told her. lexi's face faltered and danielle's suspicsion grew.
"who was it? who said i was there?" lexi asked in a i don't believe a word you're saying voice.
"we can't tell you that" danielle cut in, lexi gave her a surveying look apparently lexi wasn't used to people telling her she couldn't get what she wanted. lexi remained silent for a moment choosing to look down at her tied closed white robe. timothy and danielle exchanged looks and danielle could see that timothy was about to start talking again. before he could begin lexi once again cut him off.
"it was cassie wasn't it?" lexi asked as she raised her head up and looked at the detectives.
"we still can't tell you who it was lexi" danielle flatly told the girl. lexi grimaced and looked at her nails.
"it doesn't matter i know it was cassie! that bitch has had it out for me from the very second i started dating daniel!" lexi yelled danielle was now confused. cassie seemed to be the farthest thing from a bitch when they had met with her.
"why would cassie have it out for you lexi?" danielle asked.
"she's jealous! she was gaga for daniel and she was pissed that he choose me and that he was going to marry me!" lexi told them in her overexagerated way. danielle was suprised lexi had just confirmed the hypothesis that danielle had thought of that cassie was in love with daniel. timothy glanced over at danielle he too realized that she thought the same about cassie.
"daniel said he was going to marry you?" timothy asked
lexi thought for a moment ", but i know he was going to! a woman knows these kinds of things!" lexi insisted "and cassie, well there is no way that cassie could handle that so i bet she killed daniel! you know like that if i can't have him no one will thing!" lexi said as though her simply saying it was enough to make the detectives believe it.
"hmmm lexi how long were you with daniel?" timothy asked
lexi put her finger to her mouth and turned her head in that classic kind of dumb blonde thinking pose. "about a month" lexi said finally. timothy nodded and danielle watched "do you guys have any suspects?" lexi asked as she looked down at her feet before looking back up to the detectives.
"no, not yet ms. hartford" timothy said.
"well i think cassie did it personally. i mean daniel told me that he went and had his will changed just a few days before his death and that it was cassie's suggestion." lexi said her voice a whisper and danielle wondered if timothy's recorder picked it up. danielle was surprised again at the info that lexi had given them. it definitly made it harder to see who was the prime suspect here.
before danielle and timothy could ask lexi anymore questions suddenly danielle's cell phone rang. danielle surprised at the call quickly picked it up. timothy watched danielle as she talked on the cell phone. danielle was talking quickly and ended the call with a "we'll be right there"
danielle hung up her phone and stood before looking at timothy. "there's been an arrest at the crime scene" danielle told him timothy nodded and stood as well.
"well ms. hartford we must be going but trust me we'll be in touch" timothy said lexi nodded and stood shaking timothy's hand and blowing right past danielle. danielle didn't mind as she perferred not touching strange people anyway. danielle and timothy climbed back into danielle's car and proceeded to drive to the crime scene. on the way timothy dialed up a number and requested a record of daniel's will.
the two detectives made it back to the concert venue to see a few cop cars, a news van with a reporter standing outside of it and a horde of screaming angry fans.
is lexi telling the truth? did cassie tell daniel to get his will done? and what's going on at the concert venue? find out next chapter!
p.s. i noticed october deleted her site does anyone know why?
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (4) |
Friday, June 22, 2007
i'm missing you to death but to each his own
mood: hungry
listening to: take over, the breaks over- fall out boy
currently: really miss him
pimpage: detectivedanielle (she's crashing but she's no wave), deadxonxarrival (the carpal tunnel of love), shallow heart (the (after) life of the party), shadowme (she's like a laywer with the way she's always trying to get you off), october (hum hallelujah), hoaryu (bang the doldrums), knight edge (golden), tohmalover14 (the take over, the breaks over), destinyssweetman (this ain't a scene it's an arms race), savestheday (thnks fr th mmrs) <---i did not do that on purpose.
avatar of the day: 
joe's turn cause i didn't use him yet.
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: hey now my posts could never be as boring as yours! my posts aren't boring! you is mean.
kakashi s: yeah i feel you, i have the dreaded curly hair too.
keba-kun: i missed you too! -clings-
jenny: no, i won't steal your fishies. fishie pete and patrick must stay together! i'm glad you liked the chapter! i live and write to please. yes, pete is an eyeliner expert.
shadowme: ha! yeah i love that line too! hooray i am so pleased that you liked it!
hi guys,
well i managed to wake up early today. well not early but i mean earlier then usual. i'd say i got through a good amount of sites but again not all of them sorry! i missed five people. well i didn't really do much today, it was quite a boring day. i found out that the job interview thing i'm going to on monday is going to last 90 minutes! oh dear lord how boring. i also have to take a note pad and a pen so i can take notes. great. i'm also a bit nervous because i probably gotta do a lot of talking and i get shy easily. oh well i'll just have to bite the bullet and get it over with.
i checked my myspace and saw that i got a comment from danny and it was something a long the lines of him saying that we are just as good friends now as we were back at school. i really don't think we are. i don't know ever since he stopped coming to school i just felt like he no longer needed me. i also went through my old posts and read about the times we were together and it wasn't such a great idea because now i am missing him so bad! ugh we had so much fun or at least i had so much fun with him and to think that i'll never have that again is saddening.
i need to get minutes on my cell phone by the end of the month or i lose my number. if i got minutes i could text again! texting=love for me. i don't know i think texting is easier then calling people. i was bad once i broke up with my boyfriend via text message, but he was at work when i did it so i think that's why i did it.
woo! i get cable tomorrow! and that means anime for cassie and no more infomercials late at night and music videos! oh man i can't wait. the only thing i don't like is the cable guy has to come in our house cause i always feel like he's juding us and things and our home. i might just take a walk when he gets here or hide in the van. i am so weird.
still don't know what i want to do with my hair. i wanted to do something exciting (like putting blue streaks or something) but now my mom said i can't because of the job i may be getting so i have to look all persentable.
i've been feeling bad about myself lately so i think next week i am going to start doing some of the things i learned in fitness class and start walking around the track by my house. maybe if i bring my bestfriend over because she always keeps me active.
ha i was trolling around photobucket yesterday and i found this and wanted to share it:

yeah i realized that i have a thing for scene boys now. blast if they weren't so cute. though i hear that scene boys have a tendency to be assholes. i don't know i've only met one scene boy and he was only kinda an asshole :p. any of you people hang with scene kids? are they jerks or not? i mean i liked danny when i met him but my friend danielle warned me on the first day of meeting him that he was a jackass.
i'm only wondering this now because i think that probably a lot of them will be at the the not waving just drowning show and i so don't feel like getting made fun of.
anyway this post was random but i am almost done i do have a small list though! it's redmoonchick's top five! today's top five will be:
redmoonchick's top five favorite fall out boy songs!:
1. grand theft autum
2.thnks fr th mmrs
3.hum hallelujah
4.get busy living or get busy dying
5. little less sixteen candles a little more touch me.
ok i one last word of advice. never leave a candy bar on top of a computer. it will melt. *looks at melty candy bar*
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (12) |
Thursday, June 21, 2007
we drown traitors in shallow water
mood: good
listening to: checkmarks-the academy is...
currently: want to feel like i'm living
pimpage: detectivedanielle (she's still a sucker for those famous faces), deadxonxarrival (she'll sing you something you won't forget), shallow heart (she's shaping up to be all you wish you could've been), shadowme (for the first time she knows that this is now who she is), october (you'll see what she means), hoaryu (he's not convinced), knight edge (when he's gone you'll be going nowhere fast), tohmalover14 (would you believe her if she said she didn't need you?), destinyssweetman (why oh why you wear sunglasses at night?), savestheday (runs for the hills and doesn't leave a letter)
*all pimpage lines are from the academy is...
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
ninja lover: yeah, emo boys are hot.
jenny: yeah pete needs to wise up before he gets the herpes because patrick would never give him herpes. ah you make fishie patrick sad. i'm going to adopt your fishies.
kakashi s: no, it's fine rant away!
capricorn-rocker: no, i didn't ask my friend to the concert yet.
ani mae: either way it would be bad if he went out with either simpson sister.
aaya: i want a hemmy puppy too! i'd name him peter as an omage to mr. wentz.
alex: actually that line was from a rap song i had in my head. lol but i don't think that's any better. aww yeah sorry i couldn't get to your site alex! ah i feel so bad!
edge: yes, it's all part of my genius plan to infect everyone with the love of fall out boy then make them join andism.
the real yojimbo: well one of them is famous for not being able to act and the other is famous for lipsynching and not having a real nose.
hi guys,
again another day of pure nothingness, man i need to start getting up earlier. and actually do stuff. i had a bad morning though. i mean i couldn't get to sleep and then i finally did but when i woke up i had a horrible stomach pain so i slept it off.
i was thinking about doing something different with my hair. i know i want to do something to it but i'm not sure what. i used to dye it a nice reddish brown color but i think i'm tired of that. my mom wants me to cut it real short like to my shoulders and i have had short hair before but mostly i've always had long hair. right now my hair falls just to the middle of my back. i don't know i wanna change it make it new and different. maybe a new color or something. i was thinking blonde but people are telling me not to do that. i don't know i should look up some hairstyles on the internet.
oh a couple weeks ago i got this thing in the mail and it was for a job with this company called vector. so i called and made an appointment and now i have an interview on monday at noon i think. i'm not allowed to wear jeans or flip flops to the interview so i'm going to wear the same outfit i wore to my cousins wedding. it would be cool if i got the job because it pays like $14 bucks an hour or something and it also says i can keep it when i go back to school in the fall.
oh yesterday i mentioned that i thought danny's bandmates in the band not waving just drowning were pretty cute so i went on the bands site and got a pic to show you guys.

well i don't know all their names yet but the guy in the red his name is casey and the guy who looks like he's gonna punch him is robbie (i think), then there's justin, i can't remember the rest, oh and danny's not in this pic because i think it was taken before he was part of the band. oh yeah these guys are way nicer then i thought they'd be because i left them a comment about how i pimp there band all the time and they left me a comment thanking me. nice.
well it is thursday and that means time for another installment of "wentz in wonderland" we all know the drill but if you're new wentz in wonderland is basically alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist. old chapters can be found on my other site redmoonchick2 and character bio thingys are after the chapter.
wentz in wonderland
chapter ten: god save the queen
pete had managed to stumble his way out of the hedge maze and found himself standing on the lawn of a fantastically huge courtyard. from the courtyard pete could see a large castle not too far away in the distance. pete didn't think anyone could miss the castle seeing how it was a garish bright pink color. pete wipped the bits of hedge that had stuck to him before walking through the large black wrought iron gate.
inside the gate was a path that lead up to the enterance of the garish castle. to the left and the right of the path were white rose bushes that lined the entire path. that wasn't all that was on the path though as pete soon noticed two men standing near one of the rose bushes doing something that pete couldn't see.
pete slowly walked up to the two men not quiet sure if he actually wanted to know what they were doing. finally pete's curiousity got the better of him and he attempted to get the men's attention.
"um excuse me?" pete said and instantly the two men jumped and turned quickly before falling on their knees and attempting to kiss pete's shoes while a very shocked pete attempted to back away.
"please forgive us dear queen!" the one man said as he grabbed pete's left foot.
"yes, queen forgive us we are eternally sorry!" the second man cried as he grabbed pete's right foot. pete now unable to keep his balance due to the men holding on to him fell to the ground and was now face level with the men, who of course he instantly recongized.
the two men who had been groveling at him were none other then Gabe Saporta who was the lead singer for the band cobra starship and Travis McCoy the lead singer for the band gym class heroes.
"you're not our queen" gabe said as he sat up on his haunces and stared at pete, travis followed suit as he ran a hand through his large curly afro.
"no, i'm not" pete said as he pushed himself up off the ground.
"then who are you?" travis asked as he too got up off the ground then proceeded to help up gabe.
"i'm pete" pete told the men who obviously didn't recongize him. the two men stood there for a moment saying nothing before seemed to remember the activity they had been doing before pete had scared them into groveling.
"well pete, very sorry we can't talk right now we're very busy" gabe rushed out as he turned around and grabbed something. travis nodded
"very, very busy" he said as he too turned his back on pete and mimiced gabe's actions. neither of the men seemed to mind pete being there and he was still curious to see what the men were doing so he walked around the rose bush so that he was once again facing the men. what he saw them doing made less sense then something his mind could have created.
pete saw gabe and travis bent over a small paint can filled with red paint. he watched them as they dipped brushes into the paint before pulling them out and painting over the white roses. travis and gabe stood there painting white roses red. pete watched amused for a few moments until again his curiousity got the better of him.
"why are you doing that?" he asked as he continued to watch as the crimson color overtook the pure white.
"we're painting them red because the queen doesn't like any roses but red roses" gabe said not bothering to look up.
"and we accidently planted white" travis chimed in as the two men worked furiously to change the roses.
"well i'm sure the queen would understand" pete said trying to calm the men down. gabe and travis laughed a nervous laugh
"understand? the queen would never understand! one look at these roses and it's off with our heads! right gabe?" travis said as he looked sadly from pete to the flowers to gabe.
"yes, off with our heads" gabe said too in a sad voice. pete couldn't believe that a ruler would kill her subjects over roses but with the looks on gabe and travis's faces he knew they were serious.
"i'm sorry we can't talk anymore we have to finish painting the roses before the queen returns" gabe said as he and travis resumed their work furiously painting white roses red.
"well i can help you paint them" pete said before he fully understood the words coming out of his mouth. how on earth did he go from trying to get home to helping people paint roses for a tempermental queen. travis and gabe didn't hesistate as they handed over a brush to pete and moved over so he could join them.
pete, travis, and gabe managed to get half the rose bushes done before suddenly the trio heard a loud trumpeting sound behind them. upon the sound travis and gabe once again froze, the fear intense in their eyes. pete as well as travis and gabe turned around as they saw someone walking down the path towards them. first it was two trumpeters who stood together before seperating one going to stand on the left and the other on the right.
after the trumpet players passed by another figure emerged from the shadows of the gate. pete's eyes widened as he saw just who it was. it was the prim proper red jacket wearing ryan ross. ryan walked away's down the path before stopping and unfurling a parchment he held in his hands. ryan cleared his throat and pete was tempted to run over there grab the younger boy and shake him until he gave him the anwsers he was so desperate for.
pete resisted the urge and listened as ryan spoke.
"ladies and gentlemen, may i present the queen of hearts" ryan said as he stepped aside while bowing. pete noticed that gabe and travis and even the trumpet players had bowed so he too lowered himself into a bow as he kept his eyes fixed eager to see the queen.
pete watched as a figure stepped out onto the path arms in the air and an obviously i'm better then you are attiduted spilling from the figure. pete looked up and gasped as he finally met the queen.
"brendon motherfucking urie" pete said in total surprise a little too loudly as travis and gabe shot him an are you completely insane? look. brendon himself looked in pete's direction and he was sure brendon would've succeeded in being more intimidating if he were not wearing the ridiculous red poofy dress with red hearts and black puffy sleeves.
brendon kept a sly grin on his face as he made his way over towards pete.
pete: -dies from laughing- brendon was the queen!
brendon: -pouts- i'm the queen? what?!!? ryan is way more girl then me! look! -brendon pulls back a curtain to show ryan wrapped in a pink towel with shaven legs and applying make up to his eyes.
ryan: -screams and pulls the curtain closed-
pete: he was totally putting his eyeliner on wrong.
brendon: and i'm the queen.
pete wentz as alice:

gabe saporta as card painter 1:

travis McCoy as card painter 2:

ryan ross as the white rabbit:

brendon urie as the queen:

~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (12) |
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
baby seasons change but people don't
mood: mixed
listening to: the movie my bro is watching
currently: want to know that he gives a damn
pimpage: detectivedanielle (she teaches me about el music), deadxonxarrival (stay strong aaya), shallow heart (jenny!), shadowme (she chills at the library), october (freak on a leash), hoaryu (i swear i will wake up early to talk to you), knight edge (he's been ignoring me), tohmalover14 (where for art thou toh?), destinyssweetman (he gonna buy you a drank), savestheday (a part of the dragon slayers society)
avatar of the day: 
one of andy cause he never gets no love. andism! <---lol only two people will get that.
Redmoonchick Responds:
animemagick: i think you have some wentzly features.
aaya: i'm guessing if i made a patrick plushie i'd make millions! ha i remember you told me that dream.
hyli: wow you did like a mini post in my comments XD. i am not obsessed with danny.
jenny: no dying allowed jenny. ah i heard that anna didn't cheat on patrick but she told him to choose her or the music...we all know what he chose. ok i already cleaned out my closet for you.
ninja lover: glad you find our antics funny.
angel zakuro: yes...i'm jealous because i'm his friend.....that's it.
shadowme: that's the only way i can play them! man i need help XD ha you caught that! you get a cookie.
hi guys,
well again i didn't do anything much today. again i slept insanely late. and again i didn't eat too much. hmmm i also woke up today feeling a little down. i don't really know why but i did. i'm feeling better now. i did manage to comment mostly everyone who left me a comment except for three people. sorry! i also did some cleaning today just some simple stuff that my mom kept yelling at me to do. oh and i wrote an absolutely insane amount! i am now two chapters ahead in the muder and lyrics story.
hmmm danny is back to semi ignoring me again. it's not so much ignoring as it is he just doesn't bother to reply to my messages, which can hurt and annoy someone. oh well i'm sure if i send him a message he may anwser me. i wish i had a newer computer then i could run aim and whatnot and i know i'd get to talk to him more.
at like eleven i went to my grandma's house where my aunt and cousin are staying. we got to have some yummie pizza and then my bro and my aunt and my cousin were going to play poker. i can't play nor did i want to so my cousin let me get on his lap top and surf the internet. i got to go on aim and talk to jenny ((shallow heart) and megan a.k.a aaya ((deadxonxarrival)). ha it was fun because we were all in a chat room together. what did we talk about for a good what like two or three hours? well we talked about fall out boy mostly. and how pete is going out with ashlee simpson and how we should kill ashlee simpson. and how cute patrick is, and about videos and random songs and stuff, but it was so much fun and i wish aim would work at home because i love those girls. oh yeah here's some irony for you, all last night danny was on myspace till like 5 in the morning and tonight when i could im him he wasn't on at all! oh i also managed to get the new fob video to work on my cousins computer so i could watch it and i love it! ecspecially the end. it was cute. it was cool hanging out with my cousin because i never felt like we got a long too well but today it seemed more relaxed and it was fun.
pete: wait you spent like two or three hours talking about us?
red: yup
pete: you girls need lives!
red: you need to go out with someone who has a real face!
pete: oh yeah don't have a face!
patrick: smooth comeback pete
anyhoo i also went to danny's bands myspace and listened to some of their stuff and i like it and i realized that the other members of danny's band are hot! all those boys are cute. one good looking band. yeah i realized that if i went to see him play and took my yearbook to finally have him sign it, it would look like i was trying to get his autograph.
patrick: why would you want his autograph?
red: exactly, i'd much rather have yours
patrick: -scribbles name on his wall-
pete: you can have my autograph too! -scribbles on patrick-
patrick: -looks around- now i'm dirty!!!! -burts into tears-
red: pete look what you did! go sit in the corner!
pete: -sighs- -sits in corner-
ah back to the post well my cousin asked me what fall out boy was so i tried to explain it to him but he didn't get it so i played the video and he heard them. but he likes rap so i don't think he likes it. i feel like i wanna do something this weekend like go to the beach or something. something fun and with lots of friends. blah i need to remind myself to ask danny if i can have my cd he made me but i don't want him to think that i only want to see him for my cd and a yearbook signature. oh well it's just i have grand theft autum in my head all the time.
ok well i think that is all oh i got 3660 hits! well it's more now but i dunno i just like that number. well sorry again to those who i wasn't able to comment on. one day i'll get to everyone.
from the new fall out boy video near the end pete is talking to his dog:
pete: i didn't know you could talk
hemmy: shut up pete this is my dream!
-quote 2-
jenny was talking about her fish on aim:
jenny: oh crap i forgot to feed pete and patrick!
lol i thought that was funny.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (10) |
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
you said you'd keep me honest but i won't call you on it
mood: little bit sad, little bit happy
listening to: of all the gin joints in all the world-fall out boy
currently: glad he listened and acknowledged my existance.
pimpage: detectivedanielle (she used to waste her time on dreaming of being alive), deadxonxarrival (she's got headaches and bad luck), jenny (all of her moves make up for the silence), shadowme (the way the make up stains her pillowcase), october (she says she's no good with words), hoaryu (he's two quarters and a heart down), knight edge (he's falling apart to half time), tohmalover14 (she always folds before she's found out), destinyssweetman (misery loves him), savestheday (i only want sympathy in the form of you crawling into bed with me) <--- i should change that.
*note: all pimpage lines are lyrics from the fall out boy songs (of all the gin joints in all the world and dance, dance)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: aww your comments are never crap! i always enjoy talking to you.
LS: well by vulgar i mean lots of male and female nudity
omnimaster: no one knows where your dad is?
ninja lover: ah cool that you know what i mean.
the real yojimbo: ah yeah i cleaned it out so it should be empty.
edge: well edgy i don't think you commented on my last post so that would probably be why you weren't in the reponses.
ani mae: yeah, if i had the pics i would post them. well danny has new girlfriends so frequently that i don't know which one's i talked about.
kakashi s: yeah it is weird, i dunno but i don't mind she seems nice.
merrick-fma: yeah the short version is fine i kinda like it. lol
kitabug: i am sorry that i haven't gotten to your site.
hoaryu: yeah it was super good, go and see it!
aaya: i don't mind if you have him as a friend, it's not like i own him or anything.
hi guys,
well not much happened yesterday as perdictied i stayed home. i woke up really late today, like 5:30 in the evening. blah that's so bad. my bro has been hogging the computer lately when i'm sleeping he is on then i want to get on and he makes me wait while he messages the girl he likes on myspace, blah. i just realized that i barely ate anything yesterday. like some ice cream and half a sub and that was it. maybe it's the heat affecting my appetite.
well in other news. the band not waving just drowning also know as the band in which danny is the guitarist, well their playing again on the 29th so i have another chance to see the band. which is cool because it is later at night and since i have a whole week before the show i can find someone to go with. i'm hoping danielle will want to go because really she's the only other person i know who likes that type of music. my bestfriend would go but she really doesn't like rock and hell she doesn't even know what screamo is, so yeah. i told danny that i was thinking of going and it seemed like he wanted me to so i probably will.
speaking of danny again, remember how i said he and his girlfriend broke up? well i asked him about it and he told me that she cheated on him. upon hearing the news i was like wtf? not to his face but in my head. i can't believe that a girl who is with him is going to cheat on him! you have him dammit! and you want someone else? she's stupid. and life isn't fair.
pete: you sound jealous.
red: you look like a girl.
pete: -looks hurt, then cries-
red: aww sorry pete -hands him patrick doll-
pete: hooray! -clings to doll-
patrick: where does she keep getting those?
ha, you can tell when i do those i am bored. anyway i don't care if i sound jealous. it's just not too fair he's a good guy he deserves a good girlfriend.
ah something else kinda bummed me out was that my dear friend jenny ((shallow heart)) is going through a tough time. i've been talking to her on and off on myspace all day. either way i hope she feels better and things work out because i wuv jenny and i want her to be happy. she's my fangirl dammit! and my peterick partner.
ah my uncle joe was on tv on monday night. he was on celebrity blackjack even though he isn't a celebrity. he won some tournament in las vegas back in january so he got to play on tv. i don't really like my uncle joe so i don't really care and he's rich and greedy so he doesn't need to win. i kinda hope he doesn't. ha that sounded way mean. anyway if any of you watch the gameshow network on cable and watch celebrity black jack and see a guy named joe fisher that's my uncle joe.
i had the opportunity to go and bowl at the bowling alley while my mom and aunt had a drink and watched it on the bar's tv but for some reason i didn't feel like it. i don't know have you guys ever felt like where you didn't want to be around other people and you were perfectly content being alone? that's kinda how i feel today.
i know this is getting long but i am almost done. i had another strange dream, two actually. one was that danny was dating my way older like 25 year old cousin and they came over my house and he was talking to me and i don't really remember but he was on my computer trying to find pics of himself. and i remember one line pretty well i got down in his face and was like "wow dating my cousin, that totally doesn't hurt me danny" and it was dripping with sarcasm. wow i have weird dreams. oh the other was about a alligator that was loose in my neighborhood and danny was in my dream for a second as well as my science teacher and danny looked really girly i mean his hair looked like aaya's hair. lol. and i think i told him that he had to ride in a carseat. wtf? lmao.
pete&patrick: how come you never dream about us?
red: -thinks- well i have dreamt about pete before
patrick: now i feel left out -cries-
pete: you made patrick cry! you're a bad person! -points finger accusingly-
red: patrick here i made you cookies!
patrick: -stops crying- hooray!
pete: patrick you're won over way too easily.
well that is all, i got to about half of you who commenting but i was unable to get to like ten of you so i am sorry i will try harder tomorrow.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (13) |
Monday, June 18, 2007
i'm not going home alone cause i don't do too well on my own
mood: happy
listening to: classifieds-the academy is...
currently: want to go see more movies
pimpage: detectivedanielle (classifieds), deadxonxarrival (attention), shallow heart (down and out), shadowme (slow down), october (checkmarks), hoaryu (the phrase that pays), knight edge (almost here), tohmalover14 (skeptics and true believers), destinyssweetman (black mamba), savestheday (season)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
wensdayskitten: ha your pun made me laugh
shallow heart: i will totally write fics for you and karaoke is awesome! well actually the girl with the laptop is shadowme's cameo but now i must write one for you!
aaya: lexi is no one i know she is a fictional character.
shadowme: well i don't respond to every comment i just pick and choose but i must've overlooked your comment yesterday. patience young one you sorta had a cameo because you were the girl with the lap top but you can't rush me! *hides*
hi guys,
well another busy day yesterday, i swear it's like i get up and then have to go and do something. not tomorrow though because my mom is back to work tomorrow and that means i'll have to way to get anywhere so home is where i'll be. anyways back to yesterday. it was fathers day but as i semi-perdicted i did not see my father, but he did call so at least he acknowledged that he in fact has children. i talked to him for a bit he asked if i was out of school and if i passed and i told him that i did and he said that he was proud of me. he said he might not be able to stop by because he didn't have any gas so he said he'd call later but he never did.
well like i said the other day we bought an airconditoner and it didn't work well and the fan we bought from the same place was defected too, so we took them both back to the lowes and got a new airconditioner and a new fan. the air conditioner was like $208 bucks and the fan was like $28 bucks. it was all on my aunts tab though. i had to help set up the new air conditioner like i mean get it in the window and it was so heavy! but i did it and we set it up so we plug in the monster air conditioner and wham we blow a fuse. my mom fixed it though so it's all good.
my aunt called later in the day and asked if we wanted to go and see a movie, we did and we ended up going to see the movie knocked up. oh emm gee! i loved it! it was so funny. i was laughing my ass off. it was kinda vulgar though but it was hilarious. if anyone has seen the 40 year old virgin a lot of the same people are in it. i really liked it and people should see it. i went with my mom, bro, aunt, and my cousin. the guy behind me kinda had an annoying laugh and he thought everything was funny but it was all good. oh inside the movie theather they had this advertisement for the simpson's movie and it was these satues of the family and their living room so my aunt took some pics of my bro and i with the simpsons! there on her camera phone and she's not sure if she can send them but it would be so cool if she could!
after the movie which got over at 12:30 am we all decided to go to this 24-hour resturant and eat some food, again on my aunt's tab. my bro and i had a chicken dinner and we had desert afterwards. i'm kinda glad there weren't a whole lot of people in the place because like i mentioned before my cousin is handicapped i mean he is in a wheelchair and now he's lost most of his arm movements so my aunt has to feed him. it was the same with the popcorn at the movie. though people nowadays seem kinder because no one said anything about it. oh i also saw a girl who used to go to my school at the resturant and these other two girls were talking about pete wentz so my mom goes to them and is like "pete? my daughter loves him!" yeah she seriously did that.
here's a little gossip because i know you all like it. yesterday night when i was on myspace i noticed a bulletin that danny posted with his girlfriends name on it. i made my bro read it because i am weird like that and it was something a long the lines of her saying she was soulmates with some other guy and danny telling her not to talk to him anymore. i haven't been on yet today so i don't know if things changed, i also don't know if any of you have danny as a friend. i know a few of you do. oh also one of his ex-girlfriends added me! wtf? i don't know this girl and i don't know how she knows me, oh well it's not like i mind too much she never did anything to me.

this is a pic from "knocked up"
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (19) |
Sunday, June 17, 2007
i keep telling myself i'm not the desperate type
mood: never better
listening to: my mom and bro arguing
currently: gonna eat some ice cream
pimpage: detectivedanielle (el detective), deadxonxarrival (she deserves better), shallow heart (best fangirl ever!), shadowme (an angry poet), october (she leaves me the most comments on myspace XD), hoaryu (the brother i wish i had), tohmalover14 (where is my sister gone?), destinyssweetman (happy graduation), savestheday (nothing to say)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
shallow heart: you think i'm the coolest person on myo? i love you know and i insist that you come and live with me so you can give me constant positive reinforcment! lol also congrats on stealing first comment from edge.
edge: if odd dreams mean i cracked then i cracked a loooong time ago. yeah right if i come visit you you'd probably make me pick peaches, or clean your room, or god forbid wash your speedos *shudders* j/k
alex: aww sorry alex! you know i'd love to visit you too! *hugs*
inuyashafan4-ever: yeah i love that song too, the one they played was the great escape
keba-kun: it's alright, i missed you!
narutoblackmail: can i add you on el myspace?
merrick-fma: hmmm interesting, you know a lot about dreams.
the real yojimbo: yeah i'll take the jacky chan cut out and pretend i'm chirs tucker!....wait.
angel zakuro: ah i visited PA when i was a baby, maybe i ran into you when you were a baby? lol
aaya: patrick stump cures all! lmao daniel dreams...yeah what is it with boys named daniel treating girls badly?
ani mae: yeah it really is spelt like that on the cd thnks fr th mmrs. lol i love it.
hi guys,
well i managed to do some commenting today not as much as i'd like but i got around. it was another of those busy days. my family went to buy our new air conditioner and i went to the mall to take my bra back (it was too uncomfortable). so we went to lowes to get our air conditoner and i got bored rather quickly so i just wandered around the store and went outside to the garden area but i had to be careful because there were huge puddles of water and i was wearing my flip flops. so we got our new air conditioner and it's about the same size as the old one and it works better i guess. it was like $89 dollars. like i said then we went to the mall and i took my bra back and stopped in hot topic to see if they had the fall out boy shirt that i loved when i went there with danielle, but alas i didn't see it. i think they might've gotten rid of it for new merchandise or something.
we got home and it took my mom and brother forever to get the air conditioner set up. oh yeah and we bought a fan at the same place as the air conditioner and we get home and i plug it in and guess what? the damn thing doesn't work! it was defected or something. so my bro tried to fix it but now when we turn it on it smells like something is burning. oh yeah i heard the new gym class heroes single clothes off! and i love it! it sounds like it's an eighty songs.
oh yeah i didn't go to danny's gig yesterday because well one thing i didn't want to go alone and for another i don't know maybe i'm vindictive and if he did want me to come then i wanted him to be sad that i didn't. but he probably wasn't so whatever. i didn't even wake up yesterday till five o' clock in the evening.
oh yeah it's fathers day! so happy fathers day to all you fathers out there. (i don't think there are any). i actually don't know if i'm going to see my dad today so i don't know. if i do see him i do have a gift for him. i found an old shirt that he used to wear all the time when i was little so i'm going to wash it and give it to him. my bro doesn't have a gift for him so i don't know what he'll do.
well it is time for the latest chapter of my fic "murder and lyrics" i should keep working on this but i don't know where to take it. if anyone knows a great deal about murder cases or knows where i can find info tell me.
danielle and timothy questioned cassie about danny's death and cassie told them of all the people who came into contact with daniel of the day he died.
chapter five: love was the reason
"she didn't do it" danielle told timothy after cassandra had left.
"what? how do you know that?" timothy asked sounding slightly amused.
"come on, i'll explain in the car" danielle told detective fisher who still looked puzzled.
"so i'm riding with you then?" he asked and danielle nodded as she headed out of the venue. as they walked to her car she saw that the throng of fans were still there and still crying out for anwsers. none of this would've caught danielle's eye if not for one girl in paticular. she was a young girl probably nineteen, she stood pressed against the metal guard rails that were put up, but that wasn't what made her interesting. what made her interesting was the fact that unlike all the other people this girl wasn't crying nearly as much as the rest and she held a laptop in her hands.
detective fisher saw danielle staring out at the sea of fans and he too turned to look out at them. "what are you looking at?" he asked as he turned back to danielle.
"there's a girl with a laptop, see her?" danielle asked, timothy nodded
"yeah, but there's nothing important about her" timothy said. danielle remained quiet for a moment before nodding and getting into her car along with detective fisher.
they drove in silence out of the parking lot and onto the main street.
"so who are we going to see first?" timothy asked danielle
"you'll see" danielle told timothy as she drove around the busy streets of L.A.
"want to tell me the reason you think cassandra's innocent?" timothy asked as he pulled his briefcase into his lap.
"it was the way she talked about daniel, you could tell he meant a lot to her." danielle said as she made a right turn.
"he was her old friend of course he meant a lot to her" timothy argued as he undid the locks on his case.
"no, the way her eyes looked it wasn't just a friendship...i believe she was in love with him" danielle said as she looked over at detective fisher who was now rifiling through his briefcase.
"that's it? love? you don't think she killed him because she was in love with him?" timothy said obviously not agreeing with danielle's opinion.
"well why do you think she is guilty?" danielle asked timothy her annoyance heavy in her voice. timothy didn't anwser but he did pull out a series of papers.
"these are part of my suspicions" he said as he waved the papers a bit.
"and just what are those?" danielle asked looking at the many papers
"each and every paper is a signed testimony from people who have witnessed arguments and violence between cassandra and daniel." timothy said as he pulled one paper out and proceeded to read it outloud.
"here's an incident two months ago. daniel and cassandra were seen yelling at each other outside his dressing room, and another from a few weeks ago, daniel pushed cassandra as she was walking down the hall. one more were she was reported with a bruise on her leg."
timothy said as he rifiled through the papers and read each one outloud.
danielle had to admit that she was surprised. cassandra didn't seem like she had any anger towards daniel, but if these reports were true it was a lot harder to think of her as a hundered percent innocent.
"what i'm trying to say is that perhaps miss smith couldn't take anymore of daniel's harrassment so she wanted to get rid of him." timothy said as he put the papers away.
"then why not quit instead of killing him?" danielle asked
"maybe she was afraid of what he'd do to her if she did?" timothy said
"sounds like a lot of speculation to me" danielle said as she pulled into a parking lot.
"well what else have we got?" timothy asked
"this" danielle said as she turned off the car and pointed at the building they were parked at.
"the hartford hotel? what are we doing here?" timothy asked
"looking for one miss lexi hartford" danielle said as she stepped out of the car.
will lexi be the key to solving this mystery? find out next time! <---ha cheesy!
oh yeah i got this from keba-kun's site.
cassie may explode without warning | M EXPLOSIVE |
guess i'm the bomb!
pete: holy crap that was lame.
red: you're just jealous cause you're not the bomb!
patrick: happy fathers day everyone.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (10) |
Saturday, June 16, 2007
true romance is dead. i shot it in the chest and in the head.
mood: pretty good
listening to: down and out-the academy is...
currently: want to meet someone new
pimpage: detectivedanielle (she relay's for life), deadxonxarrival (megan malice), shallow heart (i love her fics), shadowme (holy p.m.s!), october (she burns witches), hoaryu (hope he has a good weekend), knight edge (pervy sage), tohmalover14 (i love my sister), destinyssweetman (i love my twiny too), savestheday (good luck with the show) <---like he even reads my myo anymore
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: glad to hear you enjoy my stories, i enjoy yours as well
hoaryu: lol for some reason you sounded like an old man in your comment
kakashi s: danny is something alright. your comment made me giggle
shallow heart: hooray! i have a stalker! j/k glad you liked that line it was my favorite too. patrick's sleeping in my bed with his pete doll.
bed-stuy: i don't think he has a weird nose but hey to each his own.
october: glad you liked it hun!
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: patrick is the adorable lead singer of the band fall out boy.
ani mae: i actually do like eureka seven i thought it was over by now.
the real yojimbo: lol your comment made me laugh.
hi guys, well first and foremost i want to apologize for not commenting because my mom has been keeping me pretty busy around the house so i've had little time to do much. i will try my hardest to get to you guys. besides that i was of course cleaning a lot yesterday. i was helping taking boxes of crap out of the house to clear the way for our new air conditioner and i did a lot of other stuff too.
my brother drove to get a newspaper and i went with him and while we were driving i heard the band boys like girls on the radio and it reminded me of my friends. right after that they played thnks fr th mmrs and i turned it up real loud and was singing it equally loud it was fun. i got to buy a newspaper and when i tried to get back in the car my bro kept speeding up and getting away from me then i was cliimbing in and he started driving before i was even seated.
i talked to danny today on myspace not for very long he just asked if i was going to his show tomorrow and i told him i wasn't sure because now my mom is acting like she doesn't want me to go. oh well it's not like i had anyone to go with anyway's. i just kinda wanted to see him that's all. though i doubt he'll care much if i'm there or not. i don't think he'll mind. i hope it goes good for him anyway. i want to hang out with my bestfriend sometime this weekend so i might get her to spend the night with me on saturday because she keeps me busy which is weird because when i go to her house all we do is watch tv and sleep and stuff.
i keep forgetting to mention this but i keep having these dreams where i'm at school then while i am at school someone tells me that danny is there so i turn around and he always is. that's not weird though what is weird is that when danny is in my dream it's like i know it's him but it never looks like him. like the first time i knew it was danny but it looked nothing like danny and in the second one it looked like danny but i never saw his face just from the side like his hair. i don't know in my dreams i'm always looking for him or trying to follow him. it's weird. i should look up some dream stuff on the net or go to the library and check out a dream book or something.
i don't know if any of you have felt/feel like this but isn't it weird how you can meet such amazing people on the internet? i mean most of the people that i'm really close to on here are people who i am sure would be like great friends if we hung out in real life. i think those people know who they are. one of my goals in life has always been to go to all the states in america. i've already been to indiana, illinoise (sp?), arkanas and penslyvannia (sp?). so yeah i think i'll go around again maybe after high school and visit all the states and i'll drop by and visit a few myo people. definitly jenny and aaya and edge and shadowme and anyone else on my pimpage.
Redmoonchick Reccomends:
that you go to and go and listen to their rough demo.
well i have a pic

oh emm gee it's baby patrick stump! look how cute he is! he even wore hats back then! lol
~redmoonchick~ |
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