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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Friday, June 15, 2007
i hope they taste of me forever
mood: positive
listening to: bang the doldrums-fall out boy
currently: think i'll be ok
pimpage: detectivedanielle (summer time for her finally), deadxonxarrival (mastah of the chicken dance), shallow heart (my number one fan), shadowme (she supposrts team panic!), october (sweetest stripper i know lol), hoaryu (beastmaster), tohmalover14 (the glamourous toh-toh), destinyssweetman (dear twin alex), savestheday (guitar superstar)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
tohmalover14: oh i like that d for drive-in hmmmm i might have to rewrite d now.
angel zakuro: i just took the pics out made it easier.
kirbysdouble: hey. how do you know pete and patrick aren't here as a matter of fact patrick's sleeping in my bed and pete's in my bathtub lol
therealyojimbo: no! i don't want to be a clown *hides*
shallow heart: sure, you can read them all if all the peterick doesn't kill you lol
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: no comment on danny's handsomeness
shadowme: it does make it harder to actually be around him then not and all that bad stuff. you're not mad about the teasing are you? cause i haven't teased you in a while.
aaya: you're so not lame. *hugs* yeah you can make a banner i don't mind.
hey guys, well some of you ((shallow heart)) may have noticed that i didn't update nor i was i around the other day. well rest assured i wasn't ignoring you. what happened was some stupid jackass cut off our home phone when they weren't suppose to! some accident or something like that so yeah i couldn't get on the net because they weren't gonna turn the phone on until the morning so i couldn't update or anything. blah yesterday was so boring because i don't have cable either so i just wrote and read a lot. thankfully the phone is back on.
oh yeah and i found out that my mom is finally letting up and is allowing us to get cable again! that means anime for redmoonchick! woop. yeah the cable guy isn't coming until tuesday but i don't mind too much. i talked to danielle yesterday and asked her if she wanted to go to watch danny's band and she said she can't because she's doing the relay for life. so i need someone else to go with now. only problem is that none of my other friends like that kind of music so it will be hard finding someone. i'm going to call my bestfriend sydney and ask her. i don't want to go alone ecspecially if danny's girlfriend will be there cause i don't want to seem like some loser freak. i might not go because i'm not sure if danny even wants me there, maybe i just want to see him again. i dunno but i'm not turning this into a danny rant.
ok i know i said i wasn't going to turn this into a danny rant but i just wanted to mention that when i woke up yesterday and thought about him i really didn't feel anything, like nothing no anger, or love or anything just blank so i believe i am finally getting over my severe crush on him, which ultimately is a good thing because if that was the reason he hasn't been talking to me then i can fix our broken (not that it is) friendship.
oh yeah my aunt came over yesterday and she brought my mom and i pizza and some lasanga. the pizza was good the lasanga not so much. my aunt is also buying my family a new airconditoner because she came over and said it was way too hot to live in our house so she is buying us a new one today or tomorrow. oh and my bro came home today he was in another city hanging with his friends but he came home today because he feels sick.
my mom, my bro, and i were all driving to my friend sydney's house and while we were driving we heard this loud crack as something hit our windshield. it was an egg some teenagers from around the neighborhood were hiding in these bushes and egging people's cars! my mom was furious so she turned around real fast and drove back by and this guy behind us pulled up next to us and asked if we got hit by a egg and it turns out that he was hit too so he was coming back from washing his car, and he also said that someone else at a store he stopped by said they were hit as well. my mom drove around but found no one but she was screaming a lot along the lines of "i'll get you little bastards!" and "throw another egg you f***ers" we never did find the culprits but we saw a car was also teepeed so we have vandals running around.
got to my bestfriends house and she was going to a hotel with a way older guy to have sex with him. ugh i hate when she does stuff like that. the guy isn't a stranger she knows him, but it's still weird. i was laying on her bed and she asked me to smell her conditioner so i did and she squeezed it and it hit me in the face and good thing i had my mouth closed or it would've gotten in there. so i went into the bathroom to wash my face and i hit her with water. it was funny but now i smell like conditioner.
well since i didn't get to post it yesterday here is the latest chapter of "wentz in wonderland"
pete: finally! my time to shine! patrick isn't stealing this from me.
red: actually patrick is in this chapter.
pete" what?!?! but the name of the fic is wentz in wonderland, WENTZ!!! get it?
red: yeah i think so considering i wrote it.
pete: -looks nervous- just tell me one thing does patrick outshine me?
red: -grins- you'll have to read to find out.
pete: noooooooooo!
as always for anyone new to my site this fic is basically alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist so enjoy and also character bio thingys will be after the chapter.
wentz in wondeland
chapter nine: the return of the cheshire pat
pete was hot on ryan's tail chasing him throughout the woods. he could still see ryan and he knew he could keep up with him. at least that's what pete thought, but as the chase wore on ryan seemed to be getter farther away and he didn't seem to be losing any energy unlike pete who was gasping and slowing down. before pete realized it ryan was again gone and he began to wonder if maybe he had those disapearring powers like patrick did.
pete stopped in the middle of the woods, rather in the middle of nowhere. it felt like he had already done this a million or so times today and he suddenly went back to his 'i am dead' theory now thinking that this wonderland was hell and his punishment was to forever chase ryan ross and meet up with his friends who no longer knew him.
pete was now frustrated more then he had ever been in his entire life. he grew angrier with each passing second until he could take no more and let out of a earth shattering scream. after his scream pete oddly felt a little better. pete sighed and took a seat on a nearby stump.
"hey wouldn't you rather sit on this stump?" he heard a male voice say, a voice he's heard so many times that he already knew who it was. pete lifted his head to see patrick aka the cheshire pat standing there winking at him. if pete wasn't so sure he'd say that wonderland patrick was hitting on him.
"hey, trick" pete mumbled obviously not in the mood for patrick's antics.
"where's a trick? the only one i see is you" patrick practically cooed at pete which in turn weirded pete out more so then the suggestive winking.
"very creative you called me a whore" pete said his annoyance clear in his voice.
"ah did i hurt your feelings? want me to kiss it better?" patrick asked as he appeared next to pete and leaned in towards him his lips twisted in a fishy face sort of way. pete leaped from the stump and patrick suddenly disappeared before reappearing on pete's back. due to the extra and unexpected weight pete and patrick toppled to the ground and pete found himself laying under patrick.
"that's odd i never pictured you being a bottom" patrick said as pete pushed him off of him. patrick made a pouty face and folded his arms.
"you suck" pete snapped back
"i could, do you want me to?" patrick giggled at pete.
"what are you doing here anyway?" pete asked choosing to ignore patrick's previous statement.
"i came to help you peter" patrick told him as he floated over to a nearby gangly tree. peter looked skeptical at patrick
"what kind of help?" pete asked expecting a typical dirty anwser from patrick.
"you want to go home don't you? well i know how you can" patrick said with a look of pride plastered on his round face.
"you do?!?" pete asked trying hard not to get his hopes up at the though of a way out of this wonderland.
patrick nodded "yeap, all you have to do is-" he began as he raised his arm and hit the gangly tree with his fist "go through this door" patrick told him as a door large enough for pete to get through appeared in the trunk of the tree.
patrick beamed as pete stepped closer to the door. his steps slow and wary reflecting his experiences in wonderland. upon reaching the already open door pete leaned down and peered inside. all he saw was a sea of vast dark green foliage. pete looked up at patrick confused.
"it's a hedge maze" patrick told pete "all you have to do is go through here and you'll run into the queen of hearts. the queen could possibly help you" patrick said as he looked down at peter. pete nodded and again stared at the hedge maze through the door. against his better judgement he trusted the cheshire pat and climbed into the door, pete sat on the edge between the woods and the maze for a moment. he looked back at patrick who he found was already gone before he slid down into the door all the way.
pete: 0.o is it just me or did patrick hit on me all the way through that chapter?
red: it was just you
pete: well patrick, what do you think?
patrick: *blush*
pete&red: awwwwwww!
pete wentz as alice

pete kinda looks like a little kid...weird
patrick stump as the cheshire pat

patrick looks so adorable in this pic!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (16) |
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
hold your head high heavy heart
mood: bored
listening to: mad world-micheal even ((i love this song))
currently: letting him go
pimpage: detectivedanielle (robotic dinosaur), shallow heart (she's just a good person i wub her), deadxonxarrival (megan malice), shadowme (scene kids rock her socks), october (viva la stripper), hoaryu (he's a barber), knight edge (that one pervy guy), tohmalover14 (she's my mini me! lmao), angel zakuro (woot she fixed my pics), destinyssweetman (plush dealer), savestheday (i want his hat)
Redmoonchick Responds:
omnimaster: well i mean danny isn't the leader of the band so i guess it isn't his but i think you all get what i mean, he's a member in the band.
LS: that's what i thought about the name too. eh? your eh? scares me and makes me think you think i'm ugly *paranoid*
edge: you didn't say i was pretty *cries* j/k
hoaryu: i believe i mentioned many a times that danny did wall flips and such. aw thanks niisan *hugs*
ani mae: if your really curious then just google pete wentz naked you'll find the pics
angel zakuro: awww thanks your comment in paticular helped me feel better about the pics.
toh-toh: awww toh-toh i luv you! *huggles toh-toh to death* *revives her* oh and i've only known danny for eight months so far.
alex: thanks for the support alex! *hugs*
capricorn-rocker: lmao i thought the same thing when i saw the pics!
narutoblackmail: i shall not tell danny that because his ego is big enough already XD
hellslight: danny isn't my bf just a friend
shadowme: thanks for the hair compliments you can touch it if you want lol i just creeped myself out. how does danny have this power over us?
shallow heart: yeah i have his band on my top though i didn't listen to the music yet. my god imagine if fall out boy ever read my site, they'd probably get a restraining order on both of us! lmao we look cute together? i guess. oh if you do come to michigan where will you be?
wensdayskitten: aww thanks for the compliments! *hugs*
well, again i didn't do much yesterday. i uploaded a new pic on my myspace and thanks to megan (deadxonxarrival) for the pic comment! i went all writer crazy and wrote well like crazy lol. let's see i finished up chapter nine of "wentz in wonderland" and then i wrote part of a stand alone story and i joined this challenge thing where you write short little drabbles with subjects from a-z i chose petexpatrick as my catergory and i already have two of those done. if anyone wants to leave me a word C-Z for the drabbles that would be cool. example A is for angel then the story has involve an angel or B for blood. get it? oh well then the first drabble is a gift to shallow heart for her awesomeness.
pete: red can i give you an idea?
red: -looks warily- fine
pete: C is for condom!
red: >.< i'm not doing condom
pete: you never listen to me! -pouts-
red: trick do you have an idea?
patrick: um C is for cupcake?
red: genius!
pete: hey! i could have thought of that
red&trick: riiiiight
pete: i could!
red&trick: -walks away-
pete: -thinks- ok what about C is for cupcake condom!
besides my crazy qwriting spree i didn't do much else. my mom picked me up after she got out of work ant the two of us went to eate at the A&W for dinner. dinner was ok nothing special just a burger, some fries, and a root beer float. after dinner we went and washed our van because the windshield was really dirty. it was funny because it was on of those do it yourself washes and my mom was running out of time so she was rushing around with the hose. it was pretty funny to watch.
man, it's only day four of summer break and i already feel utter boredom setting in. oh well i'm thinking it will get better later after my friends are out of school cause then we can do things like go to the beach or shop or just hang out. i'm thinking of being to do some of the yoga and aerobic moves i learned in fitness class at school at least doing the ones i remember. then i'll be working out. there's also this super long track by my house so i guess i could walk that a few times each day. i wish i had a dog or something so i could walk it. i don't even have an mp3 player or ipod so walking might be a tab boring. oh well usually when i walk i let my mind wander or i think of idea's for stories.
i was looking through some older documents on my computer and i found something i wrote a while ago, so i think i'm going to post that. it's not really a poem or anything like that it's an actual i guess piece of nonfiction. it's not long so it shouldn't be a hassle to read.
dear, you
i love you. i know that may not be shocking and that you claimed to know all along but i feel i must confess everything to you. because that's just the kind of person you make me want to be. i want to be with you in the worst way and it drives me crazy. i need to realize that it can never be between us, mostly because of you of course. i'm just not the type of girl you go for and the faster i get that the better. i hate that you linger in my heart and in my head. sitting there not moving and making me want to breath you in. nothing you say or do helps because as much as you hurt me i still run back to you. this is never going to end. your so completely clueless because i can pull it off, because you never thought of me that way and i wish with all my self that i didn't think of you like that. your too wrong, i'm too right. this would never work anyway and hey your too emotionlly crippled to pull off a relationship with me. i'm jealous of you, of the way those girls hang on your every word and how they all love you. because i want to love you like that and i want to tell you so badly. i want you to want me and i know my heart would break if you ever told me otherwise. that's why i'm keeping silent because a secret isn't as bad as the world ending and that's what would happen if i told you. we'd never be the same, i know that now and i know i'll miss you when your gone and i want to think that maybe i'm a little special to you but at the same time i think the anwser is no, that i'm just another girl with another crush something they all have on you. so i'll take the friendship over the realtionship because then i won't be hurt not ever by your rejection. i like you nearly everything about you and hell i am so fucking addicted to you that it hurts my heart. i get a little sad that you'll never know but with each word that passes between us i know it's the right decision. it feels good to write this now and i want to confess and tell you but i know i'll chicken out and not do anything. you wanted to know who those oh so mushy lines were about? they were about you and you had no idea. really is it so interesting now? i feel so stupid admitting this because it's only one-sided and it will forever remain that way because once your gone i'll never see you again and i swear i could burst into tears at the thought of it all. i'm afraid to slip away from your memories and your thoughts and your life. i want to be a part of it all. because really i don't know how it happenend but i love you.
yeah like i said it was written a while ago but the emotions in it were strong enough to bring me to the brink of tears so i figured i'd share it.
well i guess that is all for now so till tonight do us part
pete: you stole that line from me
red: i guess it's the only good thing you've contributed to this post
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (15) |
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
scenes play in my mind, photographs frozen in time
subject line isn't from a song i wrote it.
mood: hopeful
listening to: like a stone-audioslave
currently: repairing myself a piece at a time
pimpage: detectivedanielle (she's a charlie), savestheday (not waving just drowning), deadxonxarrival (myspace ate her brains), shallowheart (we should start a peterick club), shadowme (she has her way with words), october (she see's lepercauns), hoaryu (project partner), knight edge (*gasp* he tried to seduce me!), tohmalover14 (my dear little sister), destinyssweetman (plushie pusher)
Redmoonchick Responds:
crowely: ha i'm a night owl too! you like peterick? then i like you!
bed-stuy: yes, pete has some sort of magical youth serium because i rarely believe his age
edge: your thoughts scare me.
LS: something in my post made you laugh! i feel i acomplished something.
toh-toh: we both have crazy families? no wonder we get along so well! lol
capricorn-rocker: i can totally see it too! patrick just sitting there like wha?
shallow heart: aww i wish you were coming here it'd be so cool to meet you! ha i was thinking the same thing, pete must think only his penis is pretty...and patricks of course.
narutoblackmail: another peterick fan! hooray you rock now.
well today was another lazy yet semi productive day. i slept real late again because i was up all night trying to comment on people's sites and being mad at a certain boy. but i finally did retire to bed at around six in the am. yes, i'm afraid redmoonchick is on her vampire sleeping schedule again. oh well i like the night better anyway.
oh some of you might have noticed the new little thingy i have in my profile. well if you didn't notice then i am pointing it out to you. it's that thing that says not waving just drowning. yeah that's the banner for danny's new band that he's in not waving just drowning or nwjd. he plays the guitar for the band. hmmm even though i was mad and maybe still be a bit cross with him i still put the freaken banner on my site. i told him i did and he thanked me. so yeah i urge those with a myspace to go to the bands page and add them as a friend.
speaking of his band he's going to be playing a show on saturday and i kinda want to go. not alone and my bro doesn't want to go so i think i'll ask danielle and see if she wants to go. it's weird because i was trying to ignore danny the way he ignores me and i failed miserably at it. anyone with a myspace page can see that. but even though i was upset with him i still pimpaged him and checked/commented his myo and put the banner thingy up. i don't feel mad at him anymore now i just really miss him a lot. reasons are in the next paragraph.
ok so my aunt came over and i had cleaned a lot so she would give me my camera back and she got here and said i didn't do enough! ugh i was so pissed off! she made me clean around the litter box and it was so disgusting! bleh. she also called me spoiled and a baby. she's always been like that though a tough love kind of person because i know she loves me and she buys me things all the time, she just thinks she has to be tougher on me then my bro which is unfair because my bro doesn't do shit. anyway the important thing is that i did what she asked and i got my camera back! along with the delevoped pics and a picture cd. you all know what that means? that means i can put a pic of myself up!
pete: woo!
red: shut up you already know what i look like
pete: still exciting
red: -sighs- look pete patrick is over there -points-
pete: trick? where -runs off-
before i put the pic up i have more post. i did something today that truly cements my existants in the lazy club, this kind of lazy might also rival LS's laziness. i wanted some watermelon today but i didn't feel like dicking around with a knife so the top of the watermelon was already cut off and i just grabbed the entire melon and held it and ate it with a fork. yeah my bro saw me and called me lazy as well. oh well it worked.
gah my mom and i went to take my bro to his friends house and on the way home we were stopped by a train. an already moving train. so we casually waited for the train to end and after fifteen minutes it was still going! this wouldn't have been so bad had the train not started to slow down. it kept moving slowly until about five minutes later we finally saw the end, and wouldn't you know just as the end was passing by the train stopped all the way! right there a dead stop. my mom was pissed and she went honking like crazy and yelling but still the train didn't move so my mom went a different way home.
ok so i know everyone has been waiting a long time to get a pic of me, though some of you already know what i look like via my horrendous photo on myspace. well the pics really made me miss danny cause a lot of the photos are of me and him. blah i miss the boy he used to be. anyhoo i know i am ugly so no one say that k?
patrick: forgive her she has low self esteem.
red: so do you
red&patrick: -pouts-
pete: -laughs-
red: shut up! at least we don't have nudie pics on the net!
patrick: -laughs-
ok on to the pictures:
this post is late cause these pics took so long to upload, the ones that are sideways if anyone knows how to fix them pm me
*drumroll* here's redmoonchick!
yeah, i know i'm side ways but that's the only way this stupid computer would let me load it. if anyone could save it then change it for me then email it back to me i'd love you forever.
here's one of me and danny that's my bro's hand in the picture.
here's another one of me and danny. i like this one better but i wish danny had made a normal face. ^^;
here is one of me, danny, and my younger brother timmy this time all three of us have weird faces (i think i look ugly)
remember all the times i said danny could do those amazing flips? here i caught him doing one
this is another one of him flipping but he was far away i caught him mid flip that time
here's one of just my bro and danny, again it's sideways if anyone can help pm me.
ok well those are my pics? are you all happy now? now i command that everyone who visit put a pic of themselves on their sites! lol j/k
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (15) |
Monday, June 11, 2007
everyone's a let-down it just depends on how far down they can go
mood: not sure confused i guess
listening to: time to dance-panic! at the disco
currently: miss all my friends
pimpage: detectivedanielle (number uno on el myspace), deadxonxarrival (she knows she's not your favorite record), shadowme (she's a wet dream for the webzine), shallowheart (she locked peterick in a room together!), knight edge (living version of jiraiya), hoaryu (he's been planning something big), october (she leaves me comments on el myspace), tohmalover14 (she likes peach and lime dacaries), destinyssweetman (he wouldn't be caught dead in a strip joint) tim tim (he's paying for a lap dance)
Redmoonchick Responds:
shallow heart: i almost made you cry? woo! go me! don't cry it's not too sad.
edge: oh man you're vain. you think i mention my garments for you? puhleeze XD
omnimaster: woo! someone who thinks i'm mature!
october: aww thanks i'm glad you like it!
toh-toh: they named code red after me
shadowme: woo thanks for the quote love
deadxonxarrival: aww it's ok i haven't been commenting much either, i've been busy too. you mean awwwww fic future danny and cassie.
hey guys, well i didn't do much today, i mostly slept. yeah, catching up on the old sleep as summer bordom sets in. i counted how many days of summer we have and we have 85 yeah that's a whole lot of days. i don't know what i'll be doing this summer, i know what i want to do. i want to join the gym for the summer and work my ass off literally so i can be all nice and slim when i return to school in september. it's a real bitch trying to get my mom to make an appointment to meet with the leader of the gym or whatever. danielle doesn't get out of school till next week, i haven't talked to danny in forever and i miss my bestfriend sydney. i guess i'm feeling lonely. hopefully sometime soon once everyone is out of school we can do a group activity or something.
well besides being bored i worked on my two fics: "murder and lyrics" and "wentz in wonderland" i wrote a little of each but not much, i really should be working on just wentz in wonderland because i already have the next chapter of murder and lyrics done. shallow heart and i have been talking about peterick fics and now i kinda wanna write one.
pete: no! red you have to finish my story first!
red: your so self centered petey, hey you'd be in the next story and so would patrick!
pete&red: *looks at patrick*
patrick: *is sitting and eating a cupcake* what?
red: he's so adorable
pete: yeah, he is
red: ha! caught you!
lol i don't if anyone enjoyed that but i did. i also did some photobucketing because for some reason that makes me feel better. my two aunts and my cousin also stopped by our house today. i was yelled at for being on the internet on such a nice day and i argued that it was too hot to be outside. my aunts made me go outside and do some cleaning for my mom which i did. my aunt also said she couldn't find her car key so the whole family goes on a search for it and guess were it turns my aunts back pocket. *sigh* that's my moms family for ya. then my aunt yelled at me for not doing enough for my mom and my aunt took my camera to get some pics developed and now she said she won't give them to me until i do more. i do a lot of stuff geeze.
i was outside earlier and my bro had our hose on and i was walking by and he sprayed just in front of me and i told him not to spray me but he did it anyway and he got me and my brand new tank top all wet. then i took the hose and sprayed him a bit but i turned it off and ran inside so he couldn't spray me. oh yeah all four of our cats got out of the house via a window while we were all asleep. they all eventually came back so it was all good.
i think my brother will be going to his friends house today or tomorrow so i will probably go and see my bestfriend sydney and maybe she can come over and spend the night. my aunt is also coming over tomorrow to see what i have done and probably give me my pictures. sorry i haven't been commenting you guys, i just can't seem to find the time, and also when i get on the myo my computer seems to want to freeze up. i will soon though i promise!
well i guess that is all because i have nothing left to talk about so i shall chat with you all later.
pete wentz was asked why he'd never be gay:
pete: to be honest i'm not a real big fan of the penis, i think it's ugly.
quote number two:
my bro was trying to get my can of raviolies:
bro: can i have your raviolies?
red: no
bro: please?
red: no
bro: come on! i'll give you a hand job.
(he was kidding obviously)
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (18) |
Sunday, June 10, 2007
i'm the kind of kid who can't let anything go
mood: somewhere between embaressed and good
listening to: dance, dance-fall out boy
currently: getting ready to sleep off the alcohol
pimpage: savestheday (he's two quarters and a heart down), detectivedanielle (she only wants sympathy in the form of you crawling into bed with her), deadxonxarrival (she likes to dance, dance), shadowme (she drinks gin and kerosene), shallow heart (she wants to lay in your bed all day), october (she keeps her jealousy close), hoaryu (he'll weigh you down, he'll watch you choke), knight edge (nothing comes as easy as him), tohmalover14 (she's salt and you're the wound), destinyssweetman (he knows that you're in between arms somewhere), tim tim (he should try saying no once in awhile)
Redmoonchick Responds:
playitbakinslomo: ah you're back! i haven't seen you in forever! ah yeah i do have a small school not a lot of people attend.
shadowme: peterxpatrick is love ryanxbrendon is lust, ha i am weird. btw what was that line you had on your site about everyone being a letdown? i really liked it but i can't remember it T-T
october: *hands over cake* the frosting tastes like soap
toh-toh: i did work! i just happened to work in the computer lab a lot.
edge: ah you caught me, i mentioned it purely because of you..kidding? or am i? lol
hey guys, so i literally just got back from the wedding just thirty minutes ago. it was fun, i was there from six till like a little after eleven. i woke up today at one o' clock pm and took a shower because the wedding started at three, but i didn't end up going to the wedding part, just the reception. it was fun got there and had the unlucky fortune of sitting with my least favorite cousin...right next to her. my other cousin asked how old i was and wouldn't believe that i was eighteen. i don't know why people don't think i'm that old. the reception was pretty boring during dinner with me mostly talking to my bro.
things picked up after dinner though because they opened the dance floor and the bride and groom did their special dance together and all that. they also opened up the free bar and i began sneaking drinks. my brother ended up doing the chicken dance and the hokey pokey, i just watched though. i actually didn't dance all night except for the point when i was walking back to my table and my aunt corned me and made me dance a little, including her dirty dancing on me. *sigh* why does that always happen to me?
anyway as the night wore on i drank more and more but it didn't matter because all my other underaged cousins were doing it too even my brother. overall i drank seven drinks and was feeling pretty good, not drunk just buzzed. the dj at the wedding kept playing old songs or annoying rap songs so i requested fall out boy and after the longest time he played it, i guess a lot of people weren't feeling it but i was jamming so the freaken guy cut the song off early! i was pissed and i booed him. i was also weirded out because i saw all the young like seven or eight year old girls freaken dancing like little hoes! i was like wtf? it was creepy. it didn't help that my least favorite cousin was out there dancing like she belonged on stage accompanied by a stripper pole and looking for dollar bills.
i was outside talking to my older cousin and she wanted to see my yearbook so i showed her and she was like "is danny your boyfriend?" and i'm like o.o "wtf? no!" gah no more yearbook showing ever. that i declare. lol, i was watching my young cousins like six and two years old and played with them for a bit and just talked to family and crap. when it was time to leave my brother was messing around with me on the dance floor and i took my one show off to hit him with it and i freaken slipped! due to the nylons i was wearing and i fell on my butt on the dance floor infront of most of my aunts and uncles and a few of my cousins. quick thinking me i said my bro pushed me and i fell so some of them believed me and like everyone rushed over to help me. my uncle tim tried to pull me up and my pants were slippery too i was slidding across the floor. i was so embarressed that i cried after we left. yeah embaressment+alcohol don't mix. oh well i'm over it now.
anyway so that was the wedding and it was lovely and i really like my cousins wife, she's pretty and nice. the two of them are cute together and there wedding got me thinking about what i would like my own wedding to be like and also what kind of wonderful guy would be next to me. ah romance long live it.
anyhoo it's sunday so here is the latest chapter of "murder and lyrics" the surprise hit. seriously i never thought anyone would like this.
danielle met timothy her new partner and the two of them tracked down cassandra daniel's assistant.
"murder and lyrics"
chapter four: the unusual suspects
the news of learning how daniel hicks had died was a bit too much for cassandra and shortly after learning the news she burst into tears. danielle and timothy tried their best to comfort the girl but nothing seemed to calm her enough to actually get any information from her.
danielle left the interrogation room to take a breather and try to decide what course of action she and detective fisher should take. danielle leaned against the wall hand fisted in her pocket and she craved a cigarette something she hadn't had in nearly a year. detective fisher also exitied the room a mere moment later seeming a bit frazzled and frustrated.
timothy took off his hat and for the first time danielle saw his short light brown hair.
"this girl sure is emotional" he told her as he ran a large hand through his hair before placing the hat back on his head. " but i guess that's girls for ya" timothy said as he too leaned against the wall. he seemed to realize his mistake with his words as he glanced at danielle. "sorry about that" he said giving her a crooked smile. danielle shook her head
"don't worry about it" she said knowing full well that the guy didn't mean to insult her.
"we should check on her" danielle told detective fisher. timothy nodded in agreement and opened the interogation room for danielle before following her inside. when the two detective's entered the room they saw that the girl had calmed down a great deal and now she sat sniffling staring at the cold surface of the table.
she looked up at the two detectives upon their entry into the room. "i-i'm sorry" she said through small sad breaths. "it's just i still can't believe it" she managed out before tearing up again. cassandra was still semi calm though and the detectives knew that this is the best they would get.
danielle and timothy took seats infront of the girl. danielle with her notepad in her hand and timothy setting up the tape recorder. "alright miss smith, we're going to begin now" timothy told her. cassandra nodded and looked down at her hands. before timothy could ask the first question cassie interrupted him.
"wait, you said danny was poisoned right?" the two detective's nodded at her question
"what about it?" danielle asked
"how was he poisoned? i mean how did it happen?" she asked them
"he drank it" timothy said more bluntly then danielle would have liked. after all she wanted to keep the girl calm. cassie gasped and brought her hands to her mouth. danielle was confused by the girl's actions.
"what's wrong miss smith?" danielle asked determined to get to the bottom of her puzzling actions.
"the water bottles!" she blurted out her eyes wide and fearful
"water bottles?" timothy and danielle both said at the same time
"yes" cassie began, her eyes far away as if she were lost her thoughts "last night after the show, danny drank one of the water bottles before he collasped" cassie told the detectives her eyes now once again focused on the pair.
"that's very helpful miss smith, do you happen to know who gave daniel the water bottle?" danielle asked. cassie nodded the color draining from her soft sad face.
"i did" was all she whispered as her face took on something of a blank stare. danielle and timothy looked at one another wondering how to best proceed with the given information. was this some sort of confession? was cassie admitting to killing daniel?
cassandra saw the look on the two detective's faces "i didn't kill him!" she said suddenly a new look of fear took over her features. "i gave him the water bottle yes, but i swear i didn't know it was poisoned" cassie cried at the detectives in an almost desperate manner. silence took hold of the room before timothy cleared his throat
"did you see anyone else near the water at all that day?" he asked. cassie's breathing slowed and she seemed to calm down a bit as she realized that the detective's weren't going to arrest her. cassie again took on that far away look that she was near perfect at as her thoughts went to yesterday, to when danny was on stage to when lexi showed up and took a seat right next to the water cooler.
"lexi hartford" cassie said surprised as if lexi herself had suddenly appeared out of thin air.
"that hotel heiress?" timothy asked and cassie nodded
"yeah, she was danny's girlfriend" cassie said her voice losing it's surprise and settling back into it's monotone of sadness. danielle was glad that there was another potentional suspect because she was still having trouble seeing this girl as a killer. "lexi was sitting near the water cooler at the show" cassie muttered.
"did you see her touch the water?" danielle asked cassie shook her head.
"no, i got a call and went to find a quiet place to talk"
"did you see anyone else cassie? anyone else who came in contact with daniel or the water?" timothy asked cassie again took a moment to think before anwsering the detectives
"well danny's old friend chris walker was hanging around before the concert but i didn't see him during or after it and the musician josiah hardwick he was around too, other then that just all the normal crew and assistants"
danielle wrote down the names cassie had given them and could think of no other info they could get from the girl as finding and interviewing the new potential suspects seemed a higher prioriety then bagering the girl. timothy seemed to agree as he collected his tape recorder and turned it off.
"thank you miss smith, you've been extreamly helpful, we'll be in touch" timothy told her as he stood and picked up his briefcase. danielle too stood and smiled at cassie, cassie took the hint and stood as well walking over to shake hands with the two detectives before timothy pulled open the door for her. cassie made her way out the door but before exiting completely she turned to look at them.
"danny...was a really amazing guy. i know we had our differences and stuff but he was a good friend...he didn't deserve to die that way." cassandra said and danielle could see the tears forming in her eyes.
"i know" danielle said as that was the best thing she could think of to say at the moment. cassie gave something resembling a real smile and turned to leave again. the detectives nodded at her and watched as she walked away.
timothy waited until cassie was gone before looking to danielle and asking her what had been on his mind "so, what do you think?" he asked danielle.
"she didn't do it" was all she said
like it? love it? hate it? either way tell me what you think. here's some useless info i had to rewrite this whole chapter because i didn't like it.
Comments (14) |
Saturday, June 9, 2007
i got my pride and i'll let you sleep tonight
mood: bittersweet
listening to: attention-the academy is...
currently: will miss all those who are leaving
pimpage: savestheday (my muse), detectivedanielle (best person i met at sca), deadxonxarrival (dr. love i need a prescription), shadowme (she's a little man, she's also evil, she's also into cats), shallow heart (she's a cool kid), hoaryu (protective brother), knight edge (he cross dresses), tohmalover14 (big girls don't cry), destinyssweetman (alexander)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: i didn't buy heels you perv
shadowme: yeah i don't know how jon and spencer came out all crazy like that lol, no one should feel bad for ryan's junk, i'm sure it get's a lot of attention...from brendon, gah i couldn't help it!
ani mae: ha i love how you have a nana avi while i have hachi
christianotaku: well he's been in a wheelchair all his life so i think he's used to it
ninjalover: myspace is blocked at my school too
detectivedanielle: yeah, it is.
hey guys, well it is offical. school is now over until september. yeah bring on the months of endless bordom and sleeping till noon. lol. school was actually pretty good. i had my fourth, fifth, and sixth hour finals today so that meant i had to do the fitness final at 8:00 this morning.
4th hour: i was freaken nervous but i did as my brother suggested and sorta winged it. i mean i thought of my move in the car on the way to school. i ended up going fourth and i was more nervous about standing in front of everyone. i almost got the deer in the headlights syndrome. but i pulled it off and passed my final. woopie!
like i mentioned before our dear beloved principal is leaving the school so today was his last day as well. well the teachers did something nice and bought a cake and all the students signed a card for him so during breakfast the entire student body went into the cafeteria and waited for him because we were going to surprise him. well it turned out that he was in an important meeting and couldn't leave so we all just went to our fifth hour finals and we decided we'd have the cake thing for him after fifth hour.
5th hour: for our final all we had to do was read something that we wrote. my teacher personally wanted me to read something that i wrote in my freetime and not for school. so i choose a really good poem that i've posted on here before and i was the third person to read. my teacher must've liked it because she said wow after i was done and said i gave her goosebumps. my brother read a cute poem he wrote and i loved it! it was so cute.
everyone went back to the cafeteria to have the ceremony for the prinicpal and he came down and we gave him the card and he cut and handed out cake and hugged everyone. as more and more people showed up and showed their love the principal and even some students began to cry. it was quite an emotional thing. everyone was sad to see him go because he was such a great prinicpal who honestly cared about all the students.
6th hour: went and did my biology final. it was somewhat hard and i found out that i missed seven questions but that i was still one of the highest grades. oh well i don't mind too much i did the best i could and got a lot of the hard ones right.
we got out of school at ten thirty and i didn't even leave until almost eleven thirty. because i was busy saying by to friends and teachers and printing last minute assignments. i ran into the prinicpal and he signed my yearbook and hugged me a bunch of times and even kissed me on the forehead. yeah i'll miss him he was a great man. i also hugged and joked around with my computer teacher who was paranoid that i wasn't going to come back next year. i think he figures that if danny doesn't come back i won't but i assured him that i will. i got my science teacher's email adress so i can keep in touch with her because she wants to go to lunch sometime. overall it was a good fun last day and i don't know it hasn't sunk in that i won't be back until september. i found out that i did pass and i will be a junior next year, my brother on the other hand did not pass so he will be repeating his freshman year. i felt bad for him but it was his own fault for never working.
i got home and took a nap and then my aunt called and said that she'd buy my mom and i a new outfit for my cousin's wedding which is today. so we went to the mall and my bro walked around with my wheelchair bound cousin and my other aunt while my mom and i shopped. i tried a dress on but didn't like it so i got this dressy shirt and nice black pants and some black ballet flats. my mom also made me buy a new bra, it's nice and lacey and purple. we shopped forever! i am serious we were in the mall till it closed. our mall before had this huge fight break out in january and people got arrested and stuff so the mall made this new rule that anyone under 18 can't be in the mall after 5:00 without an adult. so yeah the mall was quite empty. my feet hurt real bad from all the walking.
like i said the wedding is today and it's kind of an all day thing so i have to get up at like noon tomorrow on the first day of summer break and take a shower and straighten my hair and get ready and go to the church cermony at three then we have two free hours until the reception which starts at five and last's until midnight. needless to say i probably won't be commenting much today. i hope all goes well at the wedding because my mom's side of the family has a bad tendency to get in fights when their all happened at the last wedding, what's worse is that it involved my mom.
well i guess that is all so i shall report to you all how the wedding went and i hope you all have an enjoyable weekend.
-two quotes of the day-
it was pete wentz's birthday the other day so i mentioned it to my mom:
red: pete's birthday was the other day
red's mom: wentz?
lol i found that funny
i was talking to danielle about the yoga final:
red: i'm nervous!
danielle: it's not that bad just sit down and call it the sitting duck
lmao that killed me.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (12) |
Friday, June 8, 2007
do me a favor and ask if you need some help she said, do me a favor and stop flattering yourself
mood: beyond nervous
listening to: i'm like a lawyer with the way i'm always trying to get you off-fall out boy
currently: scared to death
pimpage: savetheday (if i woke up next to you), detectivedanielle (she kisses teeth stained red), deadxonxarrival (she knows the best way to make it through with hearts and wrists intact), shadowme (she wants to know how cruel is the golden rule?), shallow heart (she knew that the lights of the city were too heavy for her), october (she saw god cry in the reflection of her enemies), knight edge (all of the mothers raise their babies to stay away from him), hoaryu (the sewage of youth drowns the spark of his dreams), tohmalover14 (penny for her thoughts but a doller for her insides), destinyssweetman (he only wants to sing you to sleep), tim tim (the kid was alright but it went to his head)
*note all pimpage lines are from the fall out boy songs (i'm like a lawyer, golden, and don't you know who i think i am?)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: oh wow i so don't want to know what you do to yourself in your bedroom
shallow heart: it's going to be hard to beat edge to first comment. ah i liked that line too. ha your comment had me laughing for like a minute straight.
ani mae: nope, jon and ryan are from the band panic at the disco.
krustyknuckles: i'm out of school tomorrow but i know other people who aren't out till next week.
hoaryu: if you went to arkanas, i might see you there since i'm suppose to visit my grandparents there this summer.
capricorn-rocker: wow i can totally see that happening XD
october: i missed you too! *hugs* thanks for the compliments dear.
kitabug: it's ok i know it's hard to catch on to a story so late in the game.
hey guys, well yes, i went to school yesterday. it was such an easy day. it was a half day so we only had three classes and we got out at 10:30. i have my last day of school tomorrow/today depending on when you read this. i don't know if i'm happy about the end of school or not. i mean so many things are going to change next year that part of me doesn't want this year to end. today i had finals for my first, second, and third hours and today i'll have them for fourth, fifth and sixth hours.
1st hour: had to take the final which was a test about computers, an absurdly easy test but i don't blame the teacher since he techincally isn't a computer teacher. i'm almost sure i aced this test. after the test was over i just played around on the myo and myspace till breakfast.
2nd hour: since i finished my final for that class on tuesday the teacher sent me to the computer lab to work on make up work so i can pass. i had to do a powerpoint but by the time class was over i still needed to do three slides so i asked the computer teacher if i could come back after school and do those slides and he said yes.
3rd hour: went upstairs to type up my yearbook final. it wasn't hard and i was the first one to finish so i took the time to finish my powerpoint but i still didn't finish until school was over. but i did get it done. i went and showed my teacher and she said to pass her class i had to write a short story thing about the great depression. ugh it took forever but i finally finished it a few moments ago.
school friday i am scared of because i have to go to my fitness class and for the final teach the class a new move and i am shy so there is no way in hell i want to get up in front of everyone and teach them something! i am super scared. and i have no idea what to teach. my bro says to wing it so i might do that.
my aunt who is up here for the wedding came over my house to visit. it was good seeing her again and it wasn't weird or awkward or anything like it thought it would be. my aunt asked me about danny and i was like wtf? how does she even know about him? my mom has a huge mouth. i also went outside to see my cousin jonathan again. he's in a wheelchair so he couldn't come inside and had to stay in the van. it's sad he's like thirty one and he can't do stuff he wants to. my cousins wedding is on saturday so sometime today i have to go and get something to wear to the stupid thing. i mean it's fun shopping as long as something fits me. i might have to get heels too yeah probably. and pantyhose. my god weddings are difficult to perpair for.
yesterday after i got out of school we went grocery shopping. nothing special about that. then after that we went to my grandma's apartment at around noon to drop off some food. well we ran into my aunt tina so we tried to get into my grandma's appartment building but my grandma never anwsered so we figured she was gone. so the normal thing would be to leave right? wrong not my mom. her and my aunt talked for literally an hour. while me and my bro sat in the car and listened to songs from the eighties and ninetys on the radio. it was funny as hell cause me and my bro are just belting out these old songs and we don't even know how we knew them. oh while we were grocery shopping my mom let my bro drive our van and he was doing donuts in the parking lot with me in the passenger seat and it was fun.
that is all for now, oh sorry about the lack of comments. my homework kept me pretty busy.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (18) |
Thursday, June 7, 2007
break down back out get what's coming to ya
mood: nervous
listening to: season-the academy is...
currently: hoping i'm not bored all summer
pimpage: savestheday (but he can't save me), detectivedanielle (she wants your attention, attention), deadxonxarrival (no one see's her noodz), shadowme (she likes porno mimes), shallow heart (she's loves a good trick), october (stripping doll), hoaryu (niisan has returned), knight edge (i know his name), tohmalover14 (wee little toh-toh), destinyssweetman (megumi's husband)
Redmoonchick Responds:
LS: no i didn't rip my pants at school, they were already ripped
hoaryu: i don't know what g-mail is ^^;
claes: yeah i watched a movie again yesterday
christianotaku: you? weird? never
ani-mae: yup that's the movie
shadowme: hooray you're fresh meat! be careful
shallow heart: heck yeah i want to read your fic. i promise i'll tell you the truth
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: eh that might have been the reason
edge: don't worry edge i'm back to normal posting and once school's out it will definitly stay normal. no, i wasn't annoyed with school.
alphonse13: we have a really down to earth and nice principal.
rapidxhopexloss: woo! for loving the planet!
aaya: aaya is a hippie who sneezes badassely <--not a word
hi guys, yes, well i did go to school yesterday but i was pretty late for first hour. by the time i got there we only had 10 minutes of class left. thursday and friday are half days, then school is out. i'm not sure how i feel about all of it.
1st hour: i only had ten minutes of class so i just checked my myo and got on myspace via proxies.
2nd hour: american history: got a pass to go to the lab and work on make up work, i finished a autobiography thing on muhammed ali, but way back when danny was going to school i used to skip to hang with him and i'd tell the teacher that i was working on a powerpoint but i never did so now she wants to see it so i have to quickly make a 10 slide powerpoint.
3rd hour: yearbook: we had to write a reflection paper about what it was like to work on the yearbook. we did the rough drafts today.
4th hour: fitness: we went outside and played badmittion. we had two different set's up so it was two on two i was partnered with this guy named jordan. i find him so incredibly annoying when we play sports. i was serving better then he was and he was complaining. i wanted to hit him with my racket. my team lost twice and won once.
lunch: again the 8th graders had my usual lunch spot so i went upstairs to eat in the science classroom. someone cut me off on the stairs so i stopped quick and a nacho chip full of cheese and sour cream hit me right in the chest so i had a big cheese stain on my boob. i cleaned it though so you couldn't see it. my teacher asked me if i talked to danny i said no and this guy out of the blue said that we fight like an old married couple. he's not the first to say that.
5th hour: creative writing: it was make up day so we were upstairs in the computer lab. i worked on my two page story and also submitted a short story to this magazine called "teen ink" it would be so cool if it got published! i was also around the myo this hour.
6th hour: biology: we watched more of the movie enemy of the state. it's so good and suspensful. i hope we get to finish it after our final on friday.
after school: got to hang in the computer lab until my mom arrived. i watched a whole bunch of amv's and i found a lot that had fall out boy songs on them. i also watched one that was a final fantasy x one that had a panic at the disco song on it and it fit so well! it was crazy.
my aunt from arkanas who i haven't seen since i was like 12 years old is visiting. she just arrived this morning while i was at school. she's in town for my cousins wedding which is on saturday. we're going to see her and my cousin after school since we get out at 10:30.
about the wedding. i have nothing to wear so my mom said we might have to go and buy me a pretty new dress. i don't know what kind i'd want. probably something black and pretty. unless it's hot then black wouldn't be a good idea. the wedding is at 3:00 on saturday. weddings are really boring and none of my cousins are around my and my brother's age. the one that was moved to florida so she won't be there. oh well nothing i can do about it. last time we were at a wedding my brother got drunk and a girl dirty danced with me on the dance floor against my will.
anyway here's the next and latest chapter of wentz in wonderland. you guys still like this story right? i feel like no one likes it anymore. any way if you don't know wentz in wonderland is alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist. character bio thingys are after the story.
wentz in wonderland
chapter eight: panic at the tea table
pete was still recovering from his run in with bizarro wonderland patrick, so he was a bit apprehensive about going to the march hare's house, but if he could help then he would suck it up and go. no matter what or who would be there when he showed up.
pete walked in the direction patrick had pointed out. he was searching for something that resembled a house but what he found was no where near a home. pete stopped a good five feet away when he spotted it, an absurdly long bright pink kitchen table sat out in the middle of nowhere. a variety of chairs where sat around the table, the largest and grandest being sat at the head of the table. tea pots and cups were set all along the table along with china plates. pete expected someone to be sitting at the table but no one was to be found.
pete contemplated what sorts of things could go wrong if approached the table. none of them seemed too bad so he cautiously approached the nearly neon table. pete reached the table and still nothing out of the ordinary happened. he thought that maybe the fact that a table was in the middle of nowhere was the only strange thing.
up close there was nothing odd about the table except it's color. there infront of pete was a cup of tea. pete thought about taking a sip but remembered the last time he ingested something from wonderland and quickly decided against it. pete was slightly confused, patrick had said that the march hare and mad hatter would be somewhere around here and that they could help. but pete still saw no one.
pete was beginning to think that maybe trusting patrick a.k.a the cheshired pat was a bad idea. pete pulled out one of the many chairs and took a seat to rest before deciding what to do. just as pete took his seat two figures seemingly appeared out of no where.
"jon! he's trying to steal our tea!" one figure shouted as it jumped out from under the table and stood before pete pointing an accusing overdramatic finger at pete.
"we must stop him spencer!" the second figure yelled and he too jumped out and glared at peter. as usual with the people he met in wonderland pete recongized the two men standing before him. the two men were spencer smith and jon walker. two members of the band panic at the disco.
"spencer? jon?" pete asked still a bit surprised at their presence in wonderland. spencer who was decked out in an outlandish orange vest and matching necktie, gasped and turned to jon
"jon! he knows our names!" jon looked at pete as if trying to decide what to do about the situation. pete surveyed jon, he was wearing a dark green blazer buttoned up with a green necktie and matching large top hat.
"how do you know our names stranger?" he asked pete. peter sighed not really wanting to explain that in some other world he helped make them famous.
"it doesn't matter but listen i wasn't going to steal your tea" pete pleaded with jon and spencer because if these two were the march hare and mad hatter then he would need their help.
"see spencer you overdramatic twit he wasn't trying to steal our tea." jon scolded spencer. spencer look offended for a moment before recovering
"well one must be cautious when you have excellent tea like this!" spencer exclaimed as he took a seat across from where pete still remained seated.
"yes, our tea is excellent, as are our tea parties" jon said as he took the head seat at the table, with pete positioned at his left and spencer at his right.
"spencer we got so distracted by this boy that we forgot what day it is!" jon said as he grabbed the tea pot
"oh yes! how could we forget!" spencer chimed in. pete was sorta apprehensive to ask just what it was that the two of them forgot, but despite his better judgement he did anyway.
"uh just what did you two forget?" pete asked as he gingerly laid a hand on the table. jon and spencer both looked at pete with wild grins on their faces.
"it's our unbirthday's today!" jon exclaimed "it's your unbirthday too!" spencer chimed in.
"unbirthday?" pete asked thinking he already knew the anwser but asked anyway.
"anyday that's not your birthday" spencer and jon said together as jon poured himself and spencer some tea.
"would you like some tea?" jon asked pete, pete thought for a moment before nodding and holding out the light blue tea cup for jon to take. unfourtanatly pete never got his tea as suddenly jon dropped the tea cup and looked at spencer with a wild excitment in his eyes as the tea cup smashed to the floor.
"time to switch!" jon proclaimed and before pete could do or say anything jon and spencer were up and dashing about the table. this would've been alright if jon hadn't knocked pete down onto the table spilling tea and smashing cake onto his front. spencer didn't help matter either by rushing past pete and knocking over the chair pete had been sitting in causing peter to fall to the ground when he tried to climb off the table.
in a matter of seconds jon and spencer had nearly completely destroyed the tea table and had reclaimed their original seats. while pete had dusted himself off from falling on the ground and he too reclaimed his seat. "now how about some tea?" jon asked again and although pete was shaken and covered in tea and frosting he nodded again and offered a different tea cup. once again poor peter never got his tea seeing as at that exact moment another person emerged from the woods and joined the tea party, the very person that pete had been chasing all day, mr. ryan ross.
jon once again dropped pete's tea cup this time out of surprise. "ryan!" jon and spencer proclaimed as they darted over to the boy.
"come to join our party?" jon asked as he bounced eagerly in front of ryan.
"no-i" ryan began before noticing pete and turning to look at him.
"belinda? what are you doing here?" ryan asked as a look of confusion over took his boyish face. pete sighed
"my name isn't belinda! it's peter-" pete tried to get out before spencer interrupted him
"pan?" spencer added before cackling at his own joke
"wrong movie spencer" jon told him as he joined in the laughter
pete sighed and ryan looked like he was in pain. pete realized that this was his chance to finally get some anwsers from ryan but before he could ask the all important question of how to get back home jon took ryan's attention instead.
"tea ryan?" jon asked ryan nodded "yes sounds lovely" ryan said as he offered jon his tea cup. "no, jon i want to serve ryan tea!" spencer whined and shoved jon causing jon to jolt suddenly to the left right where ryan was standing. in an instant ryan got a crotch full of semi hot tea and pete knew if anything was going to make him run it would be a hot crotch full of tea, and sure enough ryan was screaming and swearing and tearing off through the woods but pete was on his tail this time, and he was determined to get some anwsers.
pete wentz as alice:

spencer smith as march hare:

it's nearly impossible to find pics of spencer by himself
jon walker as the mad hatter:

ryan ross as the white rabbit:

ha ryan has a mullet
here's some useless info this chapter was hard to write because a guy named spencer goes to my school so i kept picturing him. lol.
~redmoonchick~ |
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
take back everything you ever said you never meant a word of it
mood: pissed
listening to: almost here-the academy is...
currently: want to break my computer
pimpage: savestheday (don't you forget about me), detectivedanielle ( i know i can trust her), deadxonxarrival (dr. love), shadowme (i need more of her story), shallow heart (i love her theme), october (a stripping vampire), knight edge (phd in breast studies) hoaryu (where for art thou niisan?), tohmalover14 (toh toh!), destinyssweetman (alex)
no redmoonchick responds today because i...forgot.
hey guys, i am currently pissed because i just finished typing up tonight's post and i clicked to save it and what does my computer do? it freezes. urg everything your reading i already typed. well considering i posted from my first hour i went to school yesterday. it was a pretty good day. nothing horrible happened yet nothing wonderful either so i guess it was normal. wednesday is the last full day of school we have thursday and friday are half days. for monday, tuesday, and wednesday our school is hosting all the little eight graders who are potential freshman next year. i don't like the little bastards. oh remember i said our prinicpal is leaving? well everyone got so upset people say their not coming back next year and people were crying it was crazy.
1st hour: computer lab: was mostly spent typing up yesterday's post and commenting a bit but mostly typing.
2nd hour: american history: i actually went to class and good thing too because we did our rough draft for our final. the final itself is four essay questions about the american dream and each anwser must be a half a page long. i like writing so i finished in good time. i also found out that i am failing that class but i already expected that. the teacher said i could do make up work on tuesday so i think i should squeek by with a c.
3d hour: yearbook: there were only three of us in this class so the teacher let us watch the movie pay it forward. i've never seen it before but it's really good. i didn't get too far so i hope the teacher let's me keep watching it.
4th hour: fitness: we were going to play badmittion but there weren't enough people so the teacher said we were going on a walk instead and i hate when we go for walks because it always kills my legs for like two days. so she said i could go upstairs and research a new yoga pose and an aerobic move for our final.oh yes, the final in fitness is to get up in front of the class and teach them a pose and aerobic move. cue the life scarring embarresment music. i can't do it! there is just no way.
lunch: the little 8th graders mentioned above were in my english class were we usually eat and we weren't allowed in there so we went and ate in the science teachers room and my bro and i just talked about random crap. we had to go back downstairs because i left my bag and jacket in the room with all the 8th graders and i need my money out of it so i could buy some candy and i think the little bastards were making fun of me! how dare they the little jerks. stupid 13 &14 year olds.
5th hour: creative writing: there were only five of us in the class so we all sat at the same table and we had to pick a prompt and write about it. i wanted the dreamcatcher but someone else took it so i wrote a story about a sunset. it's suppose to be two pages long but i only wrote on so far. i bet our class wasted at least fifteen minutes just joking around. the teacher included. we were talking about bugs and my teacher who seems like a prim lady is obsessed with poop...i kid you not she loves to talk about it and tell people when she has to go.
6th hour: biology: we watched the movie enemy of the state starring mr. will smith. i missed the first part of the movie but it's ok because i've seen it before.
oh i got invited to one of the seniors open houses. i'm not sure if i'll go because i mean i'm friendly with the girl but not enough to hold a lengthy conversation. her open house is also on father's day so i'm not sure if i'll go yet. if i do go maybe i'll bring danielle with me.
one of my favorite pairs of jeans has a rip in them around the belt area. this rip wasn't too bad before my mom washed the jeans and they came out ripped more. i still wore them to school today figuring my shirt would cover the rip but when i got to school and sat down i found that the rip was in an unfortuant place so i had to sit on my shirt so none of my classmates would see my undies.
some of the teachers asked me if i was alright today and i was yeah why? they said i seemed more quiet and sadder. hmmm i didn't think i was acting like that and if i was then i certainly didn't mean to. my bro said i seem like i'm moping around school more. i don't think i am.
ha my big boy cat has been humping the hell out of my little boy cat yuki. poor yuki. it doesn't help that i sit there and watch and laugh.
i have a small redmoonchick responds
take showers instead of baths. it saves water and it's cheaper. it also helps the planet.
ok i am done saving the planet and typing this post.
*i woke up at 3:30 in the morning to post this, i'm weird, sue me*
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (16) |
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
the once ambitious one now holds the smoking gun
Mood: meh
Listening to: the somewhat annoying beeping sound in the computer lab/tim vaness singing
Currently: knew not to get my hopes up
Pimpage: savestheday (I won't bug him anymore), detectivedanielle (dani), deadxonxarrival (she's the motherfucking princess), shadowme (she has a way with words), hoaryu (brother from another mother), knight edge (panty inspector), tohmalover14 (lil'sis) shallow heart (her fish are gay for each other), destinyssweetman (is it?)
Redmoonchick Responds:
Edge: you in a speedo? No thanks, I'd like to keep my sight :p
LS: danny didn't show up but it's what I expected
Wensdayskitten: yup I saw them on conan too. They played the song "neighbors"
Shallow heart: I love you forever due to your avi. Ah I want to read your petrick fic! *puppy dog eyes*
Angel zakuro: no, you're not mistaken I did used to do manga reviews but I never called them "redmoonchick reccomends"
Hey, live from Swartz creek academy high school first hour computer lab,it's redmoonchick's post! Tonight redmoonchick's special guests will be: the three other students in the computer lab and the lab teacher himself mr. fernald.
*Three students clap*
Wow, love their enthusiasm.
Anyway on to the real post, Yes, I am typing this at school because I went to sleep early last night and didn't update after midnight as usual. I also didn't go to school yesterday because when I got up my mom and brother both claimed to be sick. My mom actually did throw up but my bro never did. I just went along with them because I so didn't feel like arguing. It's always such a hassle for me to try and get them around in the morning that it usually leaves me in a bad mood.
Anyways, yesterday morning my cat lola had five more kittens. All of them sadly were stillborn and somewhat deformed. We think that maybe she might have one kitten left in her but she seems to be alright for the moment.
I called danny yesterday and talked to him for a bit. Not nearly as much as I wanted but he was with other people so I let him go. It was weird though after I talked to him and he said that he might not show up for school (which he didn't) I just sat there with the phone in my hand and actually cried. I don't know why blame it on my stupid girl heart.
I also called him again around eleven and got his voicemail so I left a message, which my mom heard and said was stupid. Blah I don't care. I feel like I'm bothering him so I'm going to stop. I'm not going to call him or message him because I'm sick of feeling like I smother him. i don't think he reads my myotaku blogs anymore and he hasn't been on myspace in forever so I haven't really talked to him much. He lied to me about not being able to comment because I got on his account and left myself a comment from his site. So maybe he is ready to let me out of his life. If so he's doing a pretty good job of it.
I just found out that my principal is moving to the middle school next year so now were going to have a new principal which sucks because our one right now is really quite cool.
Anyway it's breakfast and then American history hooray <--*sarcasm*. So I guess I'll do some commenting later.
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