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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Monday, June 4, 2007
would you believe me if i said i didn't need you? cause i wouldn't believe you if you said the same to me
mood: anxious
listening to: skeptics and true believers- the academy is...
currently: want to believe him with everything i have
pimpage: savestheday (i miss talking to you), detectivedanielle (now exiting gothville), deadxonxarrival (she won't get friskay with you), shadowme (i'm addicted to her story), october (vampire), knight edge (perv with a camera), hoaryu (my brother from another mother), tohmalover14 ( sister from another mister), shallow heart (fellow peterick fan), destinyssweetman (shop with me)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: i know you wear your speedo when it's hot out :p
destinyssweetman: you should totally stop by hot topic
shallow heart: you are totally pimpage worthy. ha i hert you times a million for being a petexpatrick fan. glad you're enjoying my writings. gah should have mentioned that i have the wentz in wonderland chapters archived on a different site. woops my bad.
october: glad you enjoy the story dear
toh-toh: sorry toh toh i always space when i people send me stuff. i shall write you a reply promptly.
shadowme: no way, i'm totally in love with your story! glad you like it dear!
hey guys, didn't really do much today. it was quite boring. i woke up and it was storming really bad like heavy rains and lighting and stuff. i didn't mind because sleeping while it's raining is nice. i ended up reading my fullmetal alchemist vol.13 manga and holy crap so good. i love fma. i haven't bought any manga in forever which is weird because before my mom used to buy me it all the time. next time i go i think i'm going to buy vol. 10 of death note because that series is almost done.
besides that i didn't do much else. i cleaned a bit and wrote a heck of a lot for the next chapter of wentz in wonderland. though right now it seems i have a bit of writers block with that story. =/ oh well i have quite a bit of time before i have to post it. i'm glad i'm getting such warm responses for the murder and lyrics story. it's odd because i wrote it on a whim and even considered not posting it.
this week at school is our last week of school and also our finals. i'm not worried about the finals at all. i will kinda miss school. i won't miss getting up early but i will miss the people and the free internet accsess after school, and of course danny but he hasn't been to school since that thing happened last week. i'm really hoping that he does show up at school on tuesday. god i hope he doesn't. i want to call him but something is stopping me. it's like i'm afraid to talk to him and i don't know why. it's so odd because it's just danny. maybe it's that i'm afraid to call him because i am afraid of what he's going to tell me example "i'm not coming back to school after all" *sigh* i should call him. maybe tomorrow after school or something.
i have a new feature being introduced on my site today and it shall be me telling you all about anything that i think deserves my reccomendation. this new feature shall be called *drumroll*
Redmoonchick Reccomends! ha im lucky there are a lot of R words.
the very first thing redmoonchick reccomends is the "the academy is..." cd titled 'almost here' man i love this cd like crazy! i think the academy is... is now my second favorite band behind fall out boy because we all know how i feel about fall out boy. anyways the cd is brilliant! the songs are incredibly catchy and right now my favorites happen to be 'slow down', 'the phrase that pays', and 'skeptics and believers'. something that always catches my interest in songs are the lyrics. if a song has a lyirc i really like chances are i'll end up liking the songs and i really like this lyrics. also the lead singer mr. william beckett is a nice piece of scene eye candy. they also have a new cd out but i opted to get the older one because i liked more songs from it.
so yes redmoonchick reccomends the academy is... cd 'almost here'
ha something i felt like doing, i may or may not do it again, but hey it was worth a shot.
oh you guys remember when i said my pregnant cat lola only had one baby and it died? well last night after i was asleep she had another and i am thankful that i wasn't awake to see this baby because my mom and bro told me that it was a still born baby where it's born dead. and that the kitten didn't even look like a kitten. they said it didn't have a tail and it looked more like an alien. it was burried along side dear peter the kitten. our neighbor is a vet's asisstant and she said that if lola doesn't have all her babies that it's going to kill her. i still think she has at least three dead babies in her. it's gross and sad.
well i don't want to end on such a morbid note so here is a picture!

it's the boys from the academy is...
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (10) |
Sunday, June 3, 2007
we're killing ourselves a kiss at a time
mood: somewhat normal
listening to: attention: the academy is...
currently: bummed i didn't get to see him
pimpage: savestheday (too busy?), detectivedanielle (she's ready for a change), deadxonxarrival (she's a ninja), shadowme (if i write it she'll read it), october (the forgotten doll), hoaryu (supah niisan), knight edge (he corrupts people), tohmalover14 (super writer toh-toh), destinyssweetman (twin-twin), shallow heart (she thinks i'm interesting)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: no actually i was wearing layers on field day.
shallow heart: you find me interesting? huzzah. you made my day.
shadowme: new murder and lyrics chapters posted on sundays. don't be crestfallen. it's here now!
hey guys, well yesterday i mentioned that my friends and i were going to try to go to hometown days. a mini carnival of sorts. well due to bad timing, other events, and bad weather we didn't end up going. i still managed to hang with my friend danielle we decided to go to the mall. i never did get a hold of danny and i'm getting that stupid feeling that he's ignoring me/doesn't want to hang with me. grrr i hate my paranoia. anyway's like i said we were going to go to hometown days but we had a really bad storm break out so we didn't and trolled the mall instead. i feel bad though because my mom and bro take forever to go anywhere! so danielle and her friend jessica had to wait for us.
it was fun when we got there though i went a bought the "the academy is..." cd not the new one but the older one "almost here" that's the name. i freaken love it! we also went to the hot topic store and holy crap they did a total revamp of the entire store! i like it better but some people don't. danielle's friend jessica didn't go into hot topic with us so we went in alone and looked at band t-shirts and i really wanted a fall out boy t-shirt but they didn't have any that fit comfortably. danielle tried on a hellogoodbye shirt and decided to buy it. it's funny when she was trying it on i was waiting for her and i wasn't paying attention so i didn't notice this guy walked over to the dressing room she was in and opened the door! good thing danielle was already dressed and on her way out. i wanted this cool skeleton key necklace but i didn't have enough money. danielle and i talked about how she wanted to make some changes in her life, like the way she dresses and her hair and stuff. i think it's a good idea. after we came out of hot topic we couldn't find jessica and we didn't know where she was so we walked to the parking lot to see if she was there and she wasn't so danielle texted her and we walked back to the main center of the mall and i ended up leaving with my mom and danielle left with jessica. it was good to see her, we always have a good time. after the mall i stopped by barnes and nobel and bought fma vol. 13 i haven't read it yet so no spoilers please!
i kept forgetting to mention that my cat lola who is pregnant had a kitten a few days ago. on thursday. well i named the kitten peter after one famous bassist. well peter was really small and the mom didn't have anymore kittens but you can tell she still has more in her. it's so strange. well peter wasn't eating so my mom was feeding him but we came back from the mall today and we found out that peter died. it's sad. he was too small and premature. lola the mom is dripping blood and still hasn't given birth to more kittens so my mom is worried.
due to me feeling unbelievably down this past week i have been ignoring my stories. i do have the latest chapter of "muder and lyrics" done but not "wentz in wonderland" i think i'll stick to sundays for the "murder and lyrics" chapters as always "wentz in wonderland" is out on thursdays.
incase anyone is new here's a quick rundown of murder and lyrics:
the super successful rockstar daniel hicks dies mysteriously after a show one night. it is learned that he is poisoned. detective danielle kerly and timothy fisher have been assigned to the case. they currently have daniel's assitant/manager in custody.
here's the new chapter. not too long.
murder and lyrics:
chapter three: new partners and old friends
danielle pulled up to the crime scene no more then an hour later. the scene was a large concert hall. the hall was nothing to be impressed with by day at night was when it came alive with it's music and people that could be seen and heard miles away.
there was yellow police tape around the parking lot signifying that a crime had taken place there. blocked out by that very same tape was a large group of what danielle guessed must have been nearly a thousand people. most teenagers, danielle guessed that they were the fallen star's fans. most of them screaming and crying and holding up signs with prayers and his picture. if one didn't know better they'd think that the fans were hear to see their now dead idol instead of mourning for him in the very same parking lot where he spent his final minutes.
danielle flashed her badge at the security guard who had been stationed outside the back door of the arena. he nodded and let her pass. to get inside danielle would have to pass the large group of seemingly inconsolable fans. she sighed a bit and walked pass them.
some of the fans didn't notice her or if they did they paid her no mind in their grief ridden states. though some did yell to her begging her for anwsers as to what happened to their beloved musician. she couldn't tell them anything and part of her felt bad for it. she knew she had to ignore them as she made her way into the concert area.
danielle saw a small bustle of other agents. the crime scene workers who took and tested things. as soon as she walked in she saw a tall man walking towards her. he looked semi friendly if not intimidating because of his size. he wore a black fedora atop his head and a long brown jacket. he smiled as he approached her making him seem a bit more friendly.
"you must be detective danielle" he stated as he put out his hand for her to take.
"yes, i am. and who might you be?" danielle asked saving the handshake for after she knew his identidy.
the man grinned and reached into his pocket before pulling out and flashing his badge at her.
"the name is detective timothy fisher" he said again offering his one hand while his other tucked the badge back into his pocket.
this time danielle took his hand and they had a proper shake.
"i'm going to be your partner on this case." timothy told her.
danielle's mouth dropped open a bit "partner?" she asks
"sorry but no one informed me that i was getting a partner" she told him.
timothy shrugged "well your boss jessica rang me up and assigned me to work with you" timothy told her.
there was really nothing danielle could say to argue with the detective. besides he didn't seem so bad. the two of them stood there for a moment in complete awkward silence. the silence was mostly timothy letting out a slow drawn out whistle while danielle thought of the best way to deal with her new temporary partner.
"have you talked to cassandra smith yet?" danielle asked as she looked at the notepad in which she had written down the girl's name.
"no, i was waiting for you" timothy said as he smiled at danielle
danielle smiled uneasily back at the large man "well let's go talk to her now" danielle told him still holding the uneasy smile on her face. timothy nodded "this way" he said as he began walking towards the stage of the arena. they reached the stage and timothy pulled back the velvety red curtain for danielle and himself to walk through. upon going through the curtain danielle saw the large stage black and shiny and almost glowing under the hot lights. there sitting at the edge of the stage was the form of a woman her back to the detectives and her long wavy brown hair falling down her back.
"miss smith" timothy called to the girl. she made no movement at first but slowly she turned to look at the two detectives. "miss smith, this is detective danielle kerley" timothy said gesturing towards danielle. the girl stood and walked over slowly to the them "nice to meet you" danielle said putting her hand out for cassandra to take. cassandra didn't say anything just smiled not a real smile not by a longshot but a small sad smile and took danielle's hand.
danielle could see that the girl had been crying her eyes a bit bloodshot and parts of her face still held a hue of red. danielle figured that the girl was a few years older then she herself. her dark hair fell in curls over her shoulder and her bangs were clipped back. she was wearing a dark shirt with the band's logo on it and a pair of jeans under an open band jacket.
"now that we're all here we can begin the questioning" timothy said as he placed his hand on cassandra's shoulder. cassandra just gave another of those injured smiles and nodded and danielle was beginning to wonder if the girl was going to say anything at all. the two detectives lead her back to a makeshift interrogating room. on the way to the room they had passed the dressing rooms still labeled from last night's perfromance. cassandra kept her head down staring at the floor not looking at the names of the band as they passed the doors.
the detectives sat the girl down in the interrogation room. mearly to ask her questions danielle thought. as she couldn't really bring herself to believe that this young girl with the sad smiles and bloodshot eyes could be the killer. it was a bad way for a detective to think and maybe that's why jessica had assigned detective fisher onto the case.
cassandra sat at the table looking down at her now wringing hands. silence filled the room as they waited to see who would talk first. "did-did you find out what killed him?" she asked her voice soft and sad just like the rest of her. "i'm going to be recording our session for future reference" timothy told her as he held up and showed her the tape recorder. she nodded obviously not caring about anything but learning the anwser to her question. danielle glanced from the girl to detective fisher and back to the girl again. "he was poisoned" she said finally when no one else spoke. "poisoned?" cassandra said her face obviously shocked danielle thought that if this girl was acting she was doing a mighty fine job of it.
do the cops really think cassie killed daniel? did she kill daniel or is the real killer still out there? find out next chapter!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (9) |
Saturday, June 2, 2007
i'll keep you warm and not ask you where you've been
mood: hopeful
listening to: get busy living or get busy dying-fall out boy
currently: hoping things work out tomorrow
pimpage: savestheday (he was the last good thing about this part of town), detectivedanielle (she leaves me random messages on my anwsering machine), deadxonxarrival (aaya in love), shadowme (she's casually obsessed), october (goth doll), hoaryu (we have bad timing lol), knight edge (no judgements from him), tohmalover14 (i luv little toh-toh), destinyssweetman (wonderful guy)
Redmoonchick Responds:
hoaryu: i know i gave no warning about the color change. i did it on a whim.
edge: hey maybe i was the cameraman for the video. o.0 that's weird.
detectivedanielle: yes, i heart you get over it! :p
aaya: i think nana gets better later on in the manga. it's so good! zomg aaya are we the same person? lol
hey guys, well some of you might have noticed that i didn't post yesterday. quite unlike me since i post most everyday except for the weekends. what happened yseterday was that i usually post after midnight but i was way too tired and went to sleep deciding that i would update during first hour at school. well i get to school and find that the computer teacher isn't there yet so i had to wait for him and by the time he showed up he wouldn't let me in the lab because it was almost breakfast. oh yeah today was field day as well so that meant no free computer time for me so blah no update.
1st hour:
like i said friday was field day at our school and it was so hot and muggy outside! first hour was our only normal hour and i spent mine waiting for the computer teacher in the science teacher's class. the science teacher had a spelling bee but i didn't participate even though i am a great speller. my bro did though and he won once.
2nd hr: it was a school wide jeapordy competiton in the computer lab. our school is small so we don't have a lot of students and even less now because all the seniors are gone and that quite a few people didn't bother showing up. anyway the entire school was seperated into two teams. i was on team one and my bro on team two. luckily i knew a lot of people on team one and even met some nice new people. one of the questions was from my american history class and no one on my team knew it except me! ha it's funny considering i skip that class a lot. my team was winning then somewhere we were losing and it seemed we were gonna lose the entire game but at the end we wagered all our points on a question which we got right and the other team only wagered 1000 points so we totally won in the end!
3rd hour: we all went outside and were gonna have a relay race. i didn't want to participate so i sat out and watched but my bro played so i watched him. people were seperated into five teams of four and they had to take turns running down the field and then put there foreheads on baseball bats and spin around five times then run back to their team. my bro did this and each time he spun his pants fell a little more and his crack was showing! also his hat fell off. i was laughing my ass off but my bro was ok he doesn't get embarressed easily. then the next event was a three legged race and again i didn't participate but my bro did and he paired up with this really skinny guy named mike. they were running and doing a good job but their rope fell off so they had to stop and retie it. they didn't win but it was still fun. the next thing was an eating thing. neither i nor my bro participated. people had to eat whipped cream out of a pie tin and find the piece of gum hidden inside then chew it and blow a bubble to win. i'm not sure who won that one. the last thing was a water balloon toss. i actually wanted to play this one. but alas their was no available partners. it would've been good timing for danny to show up. my bro partnered with mike and they lasted a good amount of time.
4th hour: this guy put water balloons in his shirt and they looked like real boobs and he was walking around like that then my friend tim put some in his shirt and his cousin kyle put his mouth on one and kyle's girlfriend took a pic. it was so funny. i was really bored by this time because i didn't participate in the activities so i was just watching. i mean there was other people i knew but not enough to just invade their groups. i really missed danny at this point and i think field day would've been a million times more fun with him around. finally i went and talked to my friend tim the self professed emo because he was alone too. oddly enough we talked about danny. ha finally someone else who talks about him. i think this tim kid has a crush on danny because he used to be bisexual (tim not danny) and i swear he sounds just like i do and we all know how i feel about danny. meanwhile while i was talking the rest of the people were playing homerun derby. my bro did pretty well. oh yeah i also didn't play the baseball game because the kid who fucked with danny was in the outfield and i didn't trust myself with a metal bat.
lunch: my bro was too busy playing the baseball game so i went to lunch with tim and sat with him and we talked a bit more about danny but mostly about stereotypes. my bro came in eventually and tim left so i talked to my bro then after we ate we went outside and wandered until the next event started.
5th & 6th hour: this was my favorite event. we played sack toss. it was like horse shoes. so everyone put their name in a container and we got paired up into two person teams. i got paired up with one of my fave teachers. my bro got paired with our friend kyle. my team was one of the first to play and we played against two other teachers and i sucked because i had never played before. we lost but i was told later that the team we played against was the best. my bro lost his first game too. i was talking to the computer teacher and he said he was good at sack toss and i said i wanted to play against him. so i did end up playing him and i did better then the first time but still lost. it was double emlinitation so i was out of the tournament. my bro lost again too so we just rooted for our teachers. we got to play a wild card match me against my bro. and my team won! it was close though. that last game i did really good at.
after school: i got to go up to the computer lab for a bit before my mom showed up. oh yeah all day my prinicpal kept asking if i was ok. because he knew i was really upset about danny and stuff. i tried to have fun and eventually i did but i still missed him. i was sitting by the water cooler in one event and one teacher came to get one and he saw me sitting their and his hand was all wet so he flicked water at we which hit me in the face. it was funny though.
i don't know about you guys but it was insanely hot here on friday. my mom took me and my bro to mickey d's to get some ice cream and wouldn't you know that they were out of ice cream! so we went to this ice cream shop where you build your own cone and mine was so messy i had chocolate crumbs all down my shirt.
my friend danielle wants to go to hometown days this weekend. it's weird that she asked me because i was going to ask her. she wants me, danny, my bro, herself, and her friend jessica to go. i want to go and my bro does too. so the only one left was danny and i called him after school today and we actually had a normal conversation! it was good to hear his voice. i asked him about hometown days and he said that tomorrow is his bro's open house but that he might be able to go after it's over. he told me to call him today which i will and also i called danielle but got her voicemail so i left her a message then she called and got my anwsering machine so she left me a nonsensical message so i have to call her tomorrow.
p.s. even better news danny told me on the phone that he was coming to school on tuesday!
that's all for now so i will talk to you all later.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (12) |
Thursday, May 31, 2007
joke me something awful just like kisses on the necks of 'just friends'
Mood: little disappointed
Listening to: the clickety clack of typing keys
Currently: using his words as a last hope
Pimpage: savestheday (I hope I see you soon), detectivedanielle (it was fun seeing you), deadxonxarrival (she’s gangsta yo), shadowme (she writes while on drugs), hoaryu (mr. popular), knight edge (he sends lewd videos to innocent girls like me), October (so does she XD), tohmalover14 (toh-toh tastic), destinyssweetman (karate mastah)
Redmoonchick Responds:
LS: hey at least I gave a warning
Edge: I’m going to start selling those tapes and make you famous like Paris Hilton.
Hoaryu: according to him she ended it
Danielle: I totally forgot about his fight with ryan. I could see you hitting him with a chair. Lol yes, perhaps we should kill steve….i’m kidding…..yeah kidding.
Tim tim: I’m lucky that song didn’t get stuck in my head.
Toh-toh: sorry about the colorful language. I was going to put a warning about that too.
October: thanks dear. I’m glad you’re proud of me.
Shallow heart: hey, long comments are never a problem ^-^
i changed my site! i was going to do it tonight after midnight but i did it at school instead because it was quicker. so you guys like? it's a nana theme black for nana and pink for hachi.
I had my job interview for the family dollar today at 9:00 this morning. Because of the time of the interview I had to miss first and second hour, and about fifteen minutes of third hour. But hey as they say better late then never…or at least that’s what my third hour teacher said to me when I walked in.
The pre interview went good. I only had to go in the store and talk to the manager keith. I gave him my application and he said he would be interviewing soon and that I would get a phone call if I’m suppose to come in for an interview. Also a later interview means that I can wait to take the drug test! Woop now I’ll pass. Hopefully.
3rd hour: worked in the lab but had nothing to do so I played on the myo.
4th hour: we were going to go outside and play badminton but someone suggested a walk to the gas station so we did that. I hate walking so bad. My legs always hurt badly and I usually don’t keep up but this time I was walking around the same pace with this girl named Amanda. I normally don’t talk to her but we had a civil conversation. I didn’t have any money but I was so thirsty when we got to the store and I asked my teacher to buy me a pop and I said I’d pay her back tomorrow.
5th hour: my teacher left and she also left me in charge. So I was supposed to tell everyone what our assignment was and to hold on to the keys. I did and we only had like five people in the class and only three of us actually did the assignment.
6th hour: we watched a movie about ufo sightings from the history channel. It was actually pretty cool but a bit unnerving if you ask me.
After school: while I was still at school waiting for my ride I got a message from my friend Danielle via myotaku. She said she wanted to come up and buy a yearbook and she asked if I was going to be there. I told her yeah so she did show up and we had at least five minutes of interesting conversation before my mom showed up to get me. I’m glad Danielle showed up because with the way I was feeling lately I needed a friend around me. It was also funny because Danielle kept quoting my posts and I was all like wtf? Did I write that? Lol I heart Danielle.
I didn’t do much after school. I called danny after I got home and asked if he was coming to school today and he said no. I was bummed of course I was. Our conversation was only a bit awkward but I think it was my fault because I tried not to sound like I was absolutely begging him to come back when that was all I wanted to do. I hung up with him a short time later and I was upset because he said he didn’t want to come back at all so I just asked if maybe he could show up tomorrow for field day and he said he didn’t know.
I talked to him later on myspace where our conversation went a bit smoother. He told me definitely that he wouldn’t be at school today and I asked if I’d ever see him again and he said that I would. I’m really, really hoping that he shows up tomorrow. I’m not the only one who misses him. Our computer teacher does and so does our science teacher and this kid named tim asks me about danny every single day. –Sigh- we all miss danny.
I was really too tired to post after midnight last night like I normally do so I am typing this up now during first hour. Chyeah the city I go to school in is going to be on good morning America today! And it’s going to be on CNN tomorrow. It’s because the city had this annual event called hometown days and it’s from the 31-3rd. it’s set up just down the street from our school and I kinda want to go.
This was on the day before things went to shit.
Danny: you have teen angst?
Red: yup
Danny: you need some Goth pockets to carry all that angst?
Comments (16) |
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
your secrets out and the best part is it isn't even a good one
mood: happy, sad, relifed, angry, and nervous all mixed into one
listening to: music or the misery-fall out boy (ah fall out boy the soundtrack to my life)
currently:i just want him to come back
pimpage: savestheday (i love you), detectivedanielle ( good to hear from you), deadxonxarrival (she bangs the drums or the drummers), shadowme (she's a poet and she didn't even know it), october (october+valentine), hoaryu (niisan), knight edge (wonderful guy), tohmalover14 (dearest toh-toh), destinyssweetman (alex!)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: yeah it must be the chemicals..or it could be that video you sent me of yourself 0.o
LS: there's no offical lazy club just an unofficial one because were too lazy to start a real one
bed-stuy: no hitting on danny allowed. yeah i added you on the ol' myspace
kirbysdouble: danny isn't emo. he's scene
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: yeah he is....wait. lol cool i love my cat yuki, he's like a little kid
angel zakuro: you too k-chan? will niisan be pleased to hear that you're drooling over danny? (just kidding)
shadowme: i don't smoke pot and write but it does sound interesting
aaya: you have a cat named lola? my lola is a whore though. mr. hughes is my baby, i love that cat. he's named after hughes from fullmetal alchemist
tohmalover14: ah no toh-toh! don't join the fangirls! ah why fight it? i should just start a freaken danny club or something.
kitabug69: i have never heard of that but i am so tempted to try it lol
WARNING!!!!!!: this post is long and ranty and mostly about danny. read if you want i don't care either way but it is important.
1st hour: didn’t do anything really commented on the myo and talked to Danny. Oh I found out that he broke up with his girlfriend…already, and I saw his spiffy new black video ipod. It’s so cool! I envy him. I want an ipod. Then Danny told me that he read my myspace blogs which I never thought he would but oh well it’s not like they were about him or anything *edit* ok they were *edit done*. He also asked if I would buy him a pop but I didn’t really feel like it so I didn’t. When it was breakfast this guy Tim showed me that he was wearing a clandestine industries belt! Man it was so cool. For those out of the loop clandestine is a clothing company by Pete Wentz the Bassist of fall out boy. Tim said that he borrowed it from a girl and I told him I was going to steal it.
2nd hour: I thought I’d be able to get a pass to the computer lab and hang with Danny but my teacher was being a real biatch and said I had to stay in class. This then prompted Danny to say “ha ha you have to stay” so I flipped him off but in a friendly way. I finished my work by half listening to the teacher and when I was through I asked for a pass to the lab, and I got it but unfortunately when I arrived to the lab all the seats around Danny were taken so I went to the row in front of the row he was in and comment on the myo.
3rd hour: I have finished all my work in yearbook so I basically got a free hour in which to comment (which I am doing) and also I am using this free time to type up tonight’s post in word. I’m all alone in here, Danny’s in his biology class and my bro has a downstairs lab class. I will probably finish typing the school part after school so the events are fresh in my mind. I hope this doesn’t confuse anyone.*edit* god i wish i would've know what was going to happen during this hour*
4th hour: I am writing fourth hour in real time too. After third hour was over that same Tim kid from first hour was coming in the computer lab and he told me that Danny had a freak out. So I asked what happened and he said that he didn’t know so I went to Danny’s third hour; he wasn’t there so I asked the teacher what happened but she didn’t tell me, so I went to Danny’s fourth hour and he wasn’t down there so I asked around and found out that he was outside. Sure enough he was there with his guitar and he was visibly pissed off. I asked what happened and he said that his third hour was playing hang man and he called out a letter and this annoying kid named Steve who has messed with Danny before had to be all smartassy and say something to Danny. Well Danny in his oh so normal tone said that he was going to kill the steve kid. I know full well that Danny didn’t mean it because I am his friend but I guess other people don’t so the kid freaked and wanted to fight Danny. Danny took the high road and went to talk to the principal. The principal decided that he would take Danny home. So I was outside talking to Danny and I gave him a hug and he was so mad I could feel him shaking. While we were waiting for the principal to take Danny home the stupid ass steve kid came out side and started talking shit to Danny pissing him off more and causing this huge scene. It was horrible and now everyone in this fucking school is taking steve’s side over Danny's and it sucks because Danny is such a great guy and he doesn’t deserved to be fucked with. All these kids are closed minded little fucks who obviously would rather hang out with fake idiot’s then genuinely cool people. It’s no wonder that Danny doesn’t want to come back here. He is seriously one of the last things holding me to this school. So Danny went home and people are talking shit about him and now I’m in a bad mood because I hate when people fuck with my friends and seriously if I hear someone say some bad shit about Danny then I might just fucking go crazy on someone. Other then those events I didn’t want to go for a walk in yoga, and I went to the computer lab so now I have to write a page essay about health and nutrition.
Lunch: I spent lunch worried about danny.
5th hour: worked on make up work. Spent time cutting stuff out for my collage of germany.
6th hour: we continued to dissect our pigs. Unfortunately my partner kyle had to leave early, so I was left to dissect the pig but thankfully the teacher did it for me so I wouldn’t have to touch it. and the teacher was touching the pigs without gloves! *barf*
After school: I went to the computer lab and trolled the myo and found out that danny isn’t coming back to our school for the last two weeks. I didn’t take this news too well…. I will be completely honest, I cried I went into the hall way and cried. I then talked to my science teacher about it and cried more. I care about him so much I didn’t want it to end this way…it can’t end this way. Thank you a million times to the three myoers who were talking to me at the time edge, October, and niisan. It’s not fucking fair. Why did other people have to ruin things? Why can’t people leave him the fuck alone? I am so pissed and sad and so much more all mixed into one unstable person right now. I want to kill the kid who pissed danny off so bad…seriously I want to hurt him so bad and scream at him that he ruined everything. I want him to pay….i really, really do. Fuck that short fucking stupid little prick he doesn’t deserve to even be going here, he’s an ass who can’t handle someone whose not a complete idiot high on prep like him and the rest of his friends! I know I’m ranting and I don’t give a flying fuck.
ok i am better now from when i typed that earlier. i talked to danny and he said he still wasn't sure if he was coming back to school. i told him that i hope he does but it's all up to him. either way i don't think he'll be at school tomorrow. also while chatting with him on myspace i took the oppourtunity to tell danny my secret. that i'm in love with him. yeah, you read right redmoonchick has feelings for danny. i know some of you already knew and a few of you guessed and danny could basically tell so it was up to me to tell him which i did and he took it as expected. he was cool about it and said that i was still his friend. i knew he wouldn't return the feelings because i'm just not his type. it kind of hurts but i can handle it because i want to be his friend. so yeah i feel good like a huge weight has been lifted off of me and it's all good now. all good except for the part with danny maybe not coming back to school....i really hope he does.
i'm almost done with this post. i found out that i have a job interview at the family dollar store tomorrow at 9:00 in the morning so i have to miss the first two hours of class then go in during second hour probably. i don't know if i'll pass the drug test but i think i will so wish me luck everyone!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (17) |
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
hey, hey you, you, i don't like your girlfriend
mood: oh so reveling in teenaged angst
listening to: dirty pop- nysnc (don't make fun)
currently: struggling enternally which a decision
pimpage: savestheday (he looks so good in blue), detectivedanielle (the missing detective), deadxonxarrival (she's a member of the anti ashlee simpson club), shadowme (she's good at describing things), october (give her a handful one one's), hoaryu (k-chan's future husband), knight edge (he likes to touch his own nipples XD), destinyssweetman (professor alex), tohmalover14 (my little sister toh-toh), tim tim (my stupid brother)
Redmoonchick Responds:
toh-toh: yeah toh-toh is back! well the guy that slept in my room i've know him since he was 11 so i don't feel weird around him. i see you also feel the pain of parent favorage.
shadowme: that's a pretty detailed desrciption i don't think i need anything else.
bed-stuy: aww i'll invite you next time. lol
edge: i still think you're blonde. guess you'll have to put a pic of yourself up on your site to prove me wrong.
roleni-chan: mommy roleni i want to add you on myspace!
ha my subject line. i love it! i love that song.
yesterday was memorial day. no school. i didn't do much. did you guys do anything fun? i just was around my house and did odd jobs for my mom. it was quite boring. i had to clean the stove! gross all this caked on grease was all over it and my hands smelt like cleaner after i was done and the stupid stuff still didn't come off the stove! grrr. i also have to clean half the kitchen. i haven't done it yet because i'm feeling lazy. i am in the lazy club with edge and LS. lol. i also started up the grill for my mom and now my hair and clothes smell like charcole so i have to take a shower soon too.
hey anyone here on the myo have a myspace? i know a few of you do because i already added you but anyone else? if you do i want to add you guys as friends just pm your myspace link or whatever. if you don't want to that's fine i am forcing no one.
i never got to get the cd today and now my mom is saying that i have to wait until the weekend! i wish my dad was here because then maybe he'd buy it for me. i still don't think it's fair that my bro gets what he wants when i'm the one who goes to school more and does my work more. but my mom's anwser to that is "i'm not paying you to go to school!" blah sometimes i don't like her much.
also my mom got me a job application for the family dollar stores. you guys heard of it? the application seems easy enough but you are required to pass a background test and a drug test and i just remembered that i smoke pot on friday only a bit so it shouldn't last too long right? oh well.
my little kitten yuki wanted to go outside today so i got a rope and tied him up and set him in the yard and he was so cute! he was hopping around in the grass trying to catch bugs and playing with flowers and rolling around. he's so cute. yuki's mom another cat we have named lola is pregnant and i think she's going to have her babies soon. she is so huge that she looks like she's going to explode. my mom is upset that she' pregnant because we already have four cats: yuki, nana, lola, and mr. hughes and it looks like she's going to have a lot of them this time.
ok well i have school today. most of the seniors last day was friday but some for some of them their last day is today but after that we'll have no more seniors for the last two weeks so that cuts down the number of people in a lot of my classes by a lot ecspecially yearbook were only going to have like three people in there.
anyway this is the end of my post but i feel like putting a pic up so here's a pic of danny that i snagged from his site.

don't drool too much ladies. lol ^_~
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (17) |
Monday, May 28, 2007
use me as you will pull my string just for a thrill
mood: feelin' good
listening to: cat and mouse-red jumpsuit apparatus
currently: wondering if i believe in horoscopes
pimpage: savestheday (he's hardcore), detectivedanielle (i miss her), deadxonxarrival (megzican), shadowme (mobile fallout shelter), october (striptastic), hoaryu (wanna see my pokeman's), knight edge (pure blonde), tohmalover14 (toh-toh is back!), tim tim (my bro-bro), destinyssweetman (he kicks test's asses)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: glad you liked the name!
alex: i was going to put that title but then this one just popped into my head
shadowme: shadow can you leave me some kind of description of yourself. in your comment, or your site, or my c-box, or whatever.
merrick-fma: lol yeah i guess this is my shortest post XD
toh-toh: me? kill danny? nevah
deadxonxarrival: i'm glad you liked your character! i was hoping that i describe you well and that you weren't pissed or something.
hey guys, i didn't go to school on friday. i was suppose to go late, but remember when i said i had a dentist appointment on friday? yeah well this seemingly quick appointment took forever! it was because of my mom and brother. they stayed up too late on thursday night and got little sleep so they were a major pain in the ass to wake up and because of them taking forever we were late for the appointment. i guess the dentist has a rule that anyone whose late has to wait for everyone on time to go in first. my mom, bro, and i all sat there while people who just came in were getting in before us. it was annoying. when i got called in it only lasted like five minutes. all i did was get an x-ray of my teeth and got them cleaned and flossed and stuff. the dentist gave me a major compliment by saying that i had one of the most straight set of teeth he had ever seen. i like my teeth, except i found out that i have wisdom teeth growing way, way back in my mouth and if they come in they might mess up my teeth so i might have to have them removed.
after the dentist appoinment it was way too late to go to school considering i only had two hours left. so my whole family was starving so we went out and ate lunch at this chinese food resturant. after lunch we left and went home and i went to sleep. i woke up later like 6:00 pm and my brother was going to his friends house because it was his birthday and my bestfriend sydney called me and asked if i'd spend the night at her house. i normally don't like spending the night at her house because her mom is crazy and it can get kinda boring after a while. i felt bad so i did end up spending the night with her, and i ended up getting high with her and her mom. the rest of the time there was normal mostly like on friday i painted my nails and we watched tv and went to sleep.
i also spent most of saturday with her. we went walking around and her mom sent me to the store to buy cigarette's for her. i also ran into one of my brother's friends one of the one's who was involved in that bad thing my bro did and we talked to him for a minute. these guys also came to her window at like 7:00 in the morning and wanted me and sydney to go outside with the rain and we were like hell no! my mom was suppose to come and get me and sydney and go to the mall because i was going to get the "the academy is..." cd or a band t-shirt from hot topic but my mom claims she forgot and by the time she picked me up the mall was closed. then sydney couldn't spend the night with me because her mom wasn't feeling good but my bro and his friend nate another person involved in that bad thing. ended up coming home with us and nate spent the night but he ended up sleeping in my room! don't worry i have two beds in there.
sunday morning he woke up early and was getting ready to go home but he made me get up and talk to him until his mom came to get him. after he left i went back to sleep for awhile. i woke up but didn't feel too good so i ended up sleeping for longer later on. oh and i wanted to get that cd and my mom said she didn't have enough money but my bro asked if he could rent a game and she let him! she favors him. it's not fair at all so she better take me to get it today. i talked to danny a bit today on myspace which is suprising because he usually doesn't talk to me for long on the net.
ok well i will be sure to comment today i promise!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (13) |
Sunday, May 27, 2007
you're the prettiest insomniac i've ever seen
i am tired. i am not going to drag this post on. i am giving you guys the second chapter to the story i posted about murder. i have decided to name this fic "murder and lyrics" so yup heres the second chapter. first one if your new can be found in last week or the week before's archive.
murder and lyrics:
chapter two: enter the detective
chapter two: enter the detective
it was all over the news the next day. the guitar player for the insanely popular band "as he rises" died yesterday...
"danielle i have an assignment for you" one woman said to another as they stood in a police station. "what is it jessica?" the shorter younger female name danielle adressed the older taller girl name jessica.
"homicide. the victim is daniel hicks-" jessica began before being cut off by danielle.
"wait, that rockstar that just died?" she asked
jessica nodded "the one and the same"
danielle let out a sigh as she pushed her dark framed glasses up her nose. "you know i don't like these celebrity cases" danielle complained. "yeah, but your one of the best detectives we have. i'm sure you can handle it" jessica told her as she handed the folder over to danielle. danielle sighed and opened the folder.
inside was a photo and all the information about the victim. "twenty one eh?" danielle said as she looked over his info. "creepy considering that i'm the same age" danielle muttered to herself as she stared at the victim's photo.
he certainly looked like a rockstar. his dark hair long over his eyes but short in the back. he wore thick dark framed square glasses and a small lip piercing adorned the right side of his bottom lip. danielle wasn't sure if she had ever seen the man before she had heard about his death on the television and in the paper and anywhere else that had a form of media.
danielle didn't think she had ever heard his music except for maybe times it had played without her thinking. the young rockstar's death was everywhere and she was sure that by now everyone knew of it. the young man was handsome, talented, and on top of the world. it was a shame that he was dead.
danielle took the folder and headed out of the police station she waved at a few of the other agents as she made her way to her car. she had decided to go and visit the morgue where the body was being held. then maybe she could anwser the questioned that loomed on everyone's lips. what killed daniel hicks?
danielle arrived at the morgue not really looking forward to going inside even though her job brought her here many a times. the only sounds heard as she strode through the building was the tapping of her footsteps against the cold marble floor. she hated the morgue it was all too cold and steely and it left her feeling the same way inside.
she found the appropriate door and went inside finding the corenor sitting at her desk. the woman stood and flashed a smile too happy for someone who dealt with corpses all day. the short woman walked up to danielle and shook her hand a million or so bracelets jingled as she did so. "your here for mr. hicks right?" the woman asked. danielle nodded "yeah he's my latest case" she said as she followed the corenor to where the body was kept.
danielle eyed the woman skeptically for a moment. the woman didn't fit one's view of someone who dealt with death. she was young probably around the same age as danielle herself and she certainly didn't look like a morgue worker. she on the other hand did look like someone who would've listened to the fallen rockstar's music. considering she had perfect scene kid hair she was also wearing a plaid school girl skirt over dark pants and boots and a t-shirt that didn't match anything else that she wore under her open white medical coat.
the woman walked over to the large wall of corpses and pulled one of the squares open revealing the body. the two women looked down at the now cold blue body of daniel hicks. "megan do you know what killed him?" she asked as she looked across the body to the corener named megan. megan looked up but remained quiet as if she were choosing her words carefully.
"well to put it bluntly he was poisoned" megan said as she walked over to her desk and grabbed a file before walking back to the body and handing it over to danielle
"posioned?" danielle said surprised that this had killed the young man.
"yes, he it was located in his stomach so i'm guessing that he drank it." megan told her
"suicide?" danielle asked as she looked over the autopsy report
"with his life? i doubt it. no, i'm ruling this one a homicide" megan said
"anything else i should know about?" danielle asked.
megan nodded "yeah, he had a bad wound on the back of the head from when he fell to the ground and that he was poisoned twice."
"twice? how?" danielle asked as she closed the file and paid all her attention to megan
"like i said earlier one he drank and the other was in some sort of capsule form" megan annouced
danielle made a noise as she took in the information that megan had given her.
"well i guess i should go and see the last person to see him alive" danielle said looking up at megan.
"that would be one miss cassandra smith. she's still at the crime scene" megan told her
danielle knew that there was no more information to be collected here with megan and the corpse of the young man whose killer she was tracking. she said her goodbyes and thank you's to megan before heading off to find this cassandra.
Comments (11) |
Friday, May 25, 2007
kiss me goodbye i can see the venom in your eyes
mood: normal if not a bit overheated
listening to: one and only-timbaland featuring fall out boy (via deadxonxarrival's site)
currently: dreading my junior year
pimpage: savestheday (manorexic), detectivedanielle (where is dani?), deadxonxarrival ( she's on the cobra starship), shadowme (cute is what she aims for), october (she's a gym class hero), knight edge (he's a fall out boy), hoaryu (zombie), tohmalover14 (she wears a red jumpsuit), destinyssweetman (j-rock my socks), emojiggles420 (timmy v)
Redmoonchick Responds:
danny: yes, because everything that leaves your mouth is hilarious including the penises. ha
LS: i went to school yesterday and the dayt before that.
bed-stuy: i'd probably smother him in his sleep (joking)
edge: somehow i knew the word boobs would catch your attention
girda: do you really want to know who dies?
warning this first paragraph is for danny only. DANNY I WON'T BE AT SCHOOL FRIDAY UNTIL THIRD HOUR BECAUSE I HAVE A DENTIST APPOINTMENT @ 9:00 AM that was in caps because i was grabbing his attention.
well i did go to school yesterday but my brother did not. why? you might ask. to that i would reply he is uber lazy. so i went to school on my own but my mom made my brother ride to school with me which was stupid because he was asleep the whole time and me being tired watching my brother sleep. not fun.
1st hr: i was on my way to first hour when my counsler grabbed me and told me that he wanted to do my scheduel for next year. so i went upstairs to tell my teacher and to leave my stuff since i figured it wouldn't take too long. boy was i wrong. it ended up taking the whole first hour period! mostly because i mentioned that i was confused by the credit system so my consuler gave me a math lesson while doing my scheduel and forcing awkward small talk on me. blah i also found out that my least favorite teacher is going to be my homeroom teacher next year. woopie -sarcasim- i also have my least favorite teacher for my least favorite subjects. goverment and social studies. also my school isn't offering my absolute favorite class creative writing next year and their turning my yoga class into a freshman's only class so now i have to take real p.e. god. i also found out that one of my favorite teachers might not be coming back to the school. the bottom line is that my junior year is going to blow.
2nd hr: i got to go upstairs and work on stuff in the computer lab and hang out with danny. i can't remember what we talked about except for him saying that his hair made me horny. >.< that kid i swear.
3rd hr: we had a repersenitive of a yearbook producing company come in and talk to us about having a yearbook class next year using new software and stuff that would make it like 5 thousand dollars cheaper to make a yearbook. then we went upstairs and i didn't have anything to work on so i played on myo all hour.
4th hr: went and talked to danny for a minute, i told him to wait for me after his class got out so we could go to lunch together. i went to class and did weights and leg work and my knees are hurting so bad lately!
lunch: danny didn't wait for me so i went down to get lunch and just as i round the corner here comes danny carring his lunch. i'm like wtf? he's like hurry up so he did wait for me to get my lunch. we talked all through lunch about stupid things. like his girlfriends being whores and stuff like that.
5th hr: had to make up a character and write a poem from their point of view. i made the character josiah hardwick. a.k.a danny's alter ego. anyway's i wrote about that and i finished it before the hour was over.
6th hr: no pig dissecting thank god. we did a study guide instead and i worked with kyle and all we had to do was match terms and definitions to body parts and find the location. it was easier then it sounds. my ocd kicked in when we were gluing because my partner was gluing all crooked.
after school: danny was already gone by the time i got out of class so i just hung around in the computer lab because the teacher mr. fernald let me. i also managed to snag the computer with sound on it so i watched so many videos and listened to so much music. i was in the computer lab with the most annoying senior on the face of the earth! he was pissed because i took the computer with sound and he was telling me to play metallica and stuff and laughed and played fall out boy instead. i watched the cobra starship videos and i love the video for the song "bring it" cameos galore.
nothing much else going on. like i said above i have a dentist appointment friday at nine in the morning all i have to do is have my teeth cleaned so it shouldn't take too long so i am still going to school. alright i get to see the band "the academy is...." on tv tonight. so awesome i think beckett is my second favorite male musician.
lunch time i was talking to danny and he was holding a ruler
danny: don't make me go all nun on you!
*hits me with the ruler*
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (15) |
Thursday, May 24, 2007
you kiss me like an overdramatic actor starving for work
mood: somber
listening to: my heart is the worst kind of weapon-fall out boy
currently: wondering why television shows are against me
pimpage: savestheday (he's in between arms somewhere), detectivedanielle (she'll teach you a lesson for keeping secrets from her), deadxonxarrival (she could gut you on stage), shadowme (try to forget how it feels inside), october (she'll get the job done), knight edge (he's going down, down in an earlier round), hoaryu (he drops hearts and breaks names), tohmalover14 (she'll be your number one with a bullet), destinyssweetman (he's more then you bargained for)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: i'd rank you number one! lol just kidding i don't judge my friends on looks. ha fall out boy force that's my secret weapon.
danny: penis is your favorite word now isn't it.
lalagirl: i actually managed to comment today while i was in class! XD
shadowme: let's all take a moment to stare at mr.beckett
apatheticnote: i drank a coke to keep myself awake yesterday
hey guys, i did go to school yesterday. ironic that the reason i didn't go to school before was because i only got two hours sleep. well yesterday night i only got like twenty minutes of sleep yet i still got up and went. danny was there per usual and it was a good day.
1st hr: played around with danny who was in a really good mood today. i also found out that danny has a new girlfriend because he posted about her on his site and he told me before i read that i was going to get mad. i read it and was like why would i get mad? i don't care. your not anything to me so why should i care? i really don't care. good for him and his girlfriend....i don't know her name this time. dannica or something like that. oh also danny said that he is on a diet now and i swear that kid does not have any fat on him, but i guess he wants to buff up or something. most of first hour was spent goofing around and playing with each other and making fun of my bro who was listening to music and couldn't hear what danny and i were saying.
2nd hr: i got to go to the computer lab and work/hang out with danny. i did more of the latter. i also went through all my old posts from when i first started my myo site. when we were leaving second hour danny and my bro went somewhere and danny left his cell on the desk so i took it and told the computer teacher to tell him that i had it.
3rd hr: i went to my third hour with danny's phone and we ended up going to the computer lab to work on this letter we all had to write and danny was up there so i walked by him and showed him his phone. i couldn't sit with him because my teacher has a rule that we have to sit in certain rows so we're not distracted. i was playing games on his phone and he never got up to get it. this senior girl said danny knew her sister and danny had told me about it during second hour and i asked if he did anything with the girl and he said no but then the senior girl asked if danny kissed her sister and he said yeah. he came and took his phone away from me after that and i asked him why he lied and he said that he didn't want to make me mad. i wasn't though. i finished my work and went and sat with danny and watched him take quizzes.
4th hr: we went outside in 86 degree weather to play soccer. i was wearing a tank top under my black shirt and it was so hot that i had to take off my black shirt but i was still self concious about wearing the tank top because of my arms. i also got a wicked sun burn on my chest and arms but oh well i'll live. soccer wasn't too bad today. my team won the game.
lunch: lunch we talked about really really stupid stuff like what if the world was all downhill. danny said his bro was moving out of his house and my brothers like "alright then i'll move in" and danny was like "okay" i was just looking at danny and i didn't say anything nor was i going to but he's all like "no" and i was like "i don't want to live with you anyways" we probably end up fighting a whole lot. and danny would drink my milk or something. my bro and danny also played a game where they threw a kleenex box at each other and danny threw it at me and hit me in the boob. then he called my boobs small but then he said he was kidding and lunch was fun too.
5th hr: our class got into the disscussion of whose better ninja's or pirates so my teacher set up a box and told everyone to vote. i voted ninja. we got to pick out of four assignments which one we wanted to do so i wrote a poem about someone whose special to me. my bro chose the assignment where you write about eyes.
6th hr: two words. pid dissection. ugh sickest thing in the world! they stunk so bad! i worked with these guys kyle and randy. and i'm the only girl in the class so the guys know that i am uber disgusted by the pigs but they tease me with them. ugh like this guy mike was walking with his pig and he came up to me and was like "cassie!" and acted like he was going to throw his pig at me. we had to name our pigs and my group named ours mr. bacon. we had to cut open mr. bacons jaw and break it and look inside it's mouth. i didn't have to cut anything but i said i would do a small cut today.
after school: the computer teacher had a staff meeting to go to so he locked up the lab but let me and my bro stay in there and i got the only computer with sound so i listened to some fall out boy and the academy is.
oh yeah danny sold his guitar to this guy at our school. danny gave him the guitar on friday but the guy never payed him and still hasn't. he said he suppose to pay him on friday but if he doesn't this guy kyle said he jump the guy for the money.
does anyone watch the show lost? i love lost and tonight was the season finale and the stupid show killed off my favorite character! blah i was so mad. it happens to me all the time. who ever i pick as my favorite gets instant death wish and dies. it happens a lot in animes i watch as well as video games and movies and books. my favorite always dies.
there's a artical in my local paper about fall out boy and they interview patrick! not a peep from peter.
speaking of fall out boy. it's time for the latest chapter of wentz in wonderland! this chapter isn't too long because i didn't have much time to write it but i still like it and i hope you all do too. as always character bio's after story.
wentz in wonderland
chapter seven: pete never was a cat person...or a tea person
after pete's encounter with the disgruntled joe pete was more afraid then ever about who or what he might run into. he walked slow and with no real direction. after all he had no idea where he was heading or where ryan might have gone. he trudged slow and lazy and tried not to think to hard about what might happen if he never got out of wonderland.
"thinking hard or hardly thinking?" he heard a familar voice ask him. pete turned quickly to see no one standing behind him despite the fact that, that was the direction the voice had come from. pete let out a defeated sigh. wonderland really knew who to kick a guy when he's down. pete turned back around from the emptiness behind him and was shocked to find someone standing in the path before him.
there infront of pete stood a young man a pale slightly chubby young man with strawberry blonde hair. "patrick?!?" pete said out of shock at seeing his best friend and lead singer standing infront of him. patrick grinned a slyly as if he knew something that pete did not. "i'm not patrick" patrick began. pete said nothing as he was beginning to grow accustom to the wonderland versions of his friends. "then who are you?" peter asked his friend.
patrick or atleast what looked like patrick grinned again and did a small slight jig that would've made fangirls squeal in delight in any other situation. "i am-" he began in a very showy and overdramatic way. "the cheshire pat!" he annouced waving his arms in a fashion as if to say taa-dah!
"oh dear god" pete said at the scene that had just unfolded before him. patrick still stood before him grinning. "now you know who i am. so who are you?" patrick asked as he disapeared right before pete's eyes only to reapear above him seemingly floating in mid air. "i'm peter" pete said as he looked up at the grinning levitating patrick stump.
"peter. you know that's a dirty name" patrick said as he once again appeared on the ground before pete. pete sighed and realized that now he understood what patrick went through went pete acted goofy. "hey cheshire pat, you don't happen to know where ryan ross is do you?" pete asked figuring that it was worth a shot. patrick thought for a moment as he lay on his side on the ground one arm supporting him and the other patting the earth.
"i know a lot of things friend" patrick said with a smirk that made pete believe that he did in fact know where ryan ross was. "i don't really have time for this" pete said as he tapped his foot a bit. with each second he spent in wonderland it seemed that normal life was getting farther and farther away. "no one really has time for anything" patrick said again as he rolled onto his back. "patrick come on! do you know or not?" pete asked as he kicked dirt at patrick. the dirt never hit patrick seeing as he disapeared before it could.
patrick sighed "you're not as fun as you seem" patrick pouted "listen dick-" patrick began "it's peter" pete corrected him "aren't they the same thing?" patrick asked again with that sly grin plastered on his face. pete actually cracked a small smile this time unable to ignore patrick's somewhat clever remark. "ok pete, just keep going straight and eventually you'll run into the mad hatter and he should be able to help you" patrick said again levitating.
"thanks patrick" pete said to the his fading away friend. "ok bye pee-pee" patrick said before disapearing completely. pete sighed again and for what seemed like the hundereth time that day he was walking in the woods alone.
pete wentz as alice:

patrick stump as the cheshire cat:

oh yeah i have a quote as well
i gave danny a hug
me: i like you as a friend
danny: you can't keep saying that. it's like saying i want to have sex with you as a friend
me: i don't want to have sex with you
danny: yeah, you do
~redmoonchick~ |
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