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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
i thought i loved you it was just how you looked in the light
mood: full
listening to: the (after) life of the party-fall out boy
currently: trying to get used to not being around him in case i never see him again
pimpage: savestheday (in the worst way), detectivedanielle (her nose runs ruby red), deadxonxarrival (she's the mother f-ing p-i-m-p), shadowme (is in love with a look-a-like), october (likes to talk about the weather XD), hoaryu (my handsome niisan), tohmalover14 (i miss toh-toh), knight edge (slave to the ladies), destinyssweetman (he lays beneath trees)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: yea, what can the three of us do together? hmm....rock, paper, scissors!
wensdayskitten: i've never had to dissect anything ever.
lalagirl: i wasn't upset or anything so i hope you didn't take it that way.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: lol the beatles was one of the choices too.
aaya: i think every person gossips girls just do it more. hooray aaya is commenting!
shadowme: i wouldn't have to keep saying that i didn't love him if people didn't keep saying that i did
hello myoers, i did something bad. no, i didn't kill someone or rob a bank but i did miss school. shocking i know. i fully intended on going to school yesterday but as things turned out i only got two hours of sleep and i literally could not wake up yesterday morning. i mean my body just would not get up. so i missed school after i promised danny and myself that i wouldn't. blah.
sorry i couldn't comment yesterday you guys. my brother was being a total dictator minus the tator part. anyway he was controlling the computer and like i said yesterday he was suppose to start a new job today but it turns out that someone else is trying to get his new job so the guy he could be getting the job from said he'd call my bro between eight pm and eleven pm. so if i did get on the net i'd have to get off at eight. i was going to get on and my bro said he wanted to get on and we got in an argument but i managed to get on for an hour. grrrr he is so pissing me off lately acting like he's all better then me and shit.
have you guys ever eaten so much and then got so full that you literally thought you were going to explode? i feel like that right now and i didn't even eat that much, but i did drink a shake so that could be it. i hate feeling to full. it makes me feel like i'm going to die. my tummy hurts.
i am going to school today. i hope danny is there. i don't know if he went yesterday because i didn't talk to him. i hate leaving him alone at school though because of lunch time and he has no one to talk to. i mean at least if he doesn't show up for school i always have my bro to talk to, but if my bro and i aren't there then he has no one and picturing him eating all alone makes me sad. he's a strong boy though so he'll survive.
does anyone watch the show dancing with the stars? i do and i am not ashamed to admit that i was friggen addicted to that stupid show. lol i just felt like mentioning it. i also watched american idol something else i don't normally do. oh also my niisan on the myo (hoaryu) sent me a pic of himself! he is so handsome. don't worry k-chan i'm not trying to steal him :p so now i know what six of my myo friends look like. edge, angel zakuro, aaya, october, hoaryu, and elvesatemyramen <---i don't think i spelt that right. oh well.
at my school the seniors only have about three days of school left and that suks because i talk to a lot of seniors and it seems that i always make friends with the seniors too. last year all my friends were seniors except for one of them. with all the seniors leaving and danny declaring that he isn't returning next year. i'm going to be all alone. gah so not looking forward to that.
the band the academy is... is going to be performing on the talk show late night with conan o' brien tomorrow night. (thursday night) i'm mentioning it now incase i forget. but i think you should all check them out. they are worth it and redmoonchick reccomends them.
picture time!

here's a pic of the lead singer of the academy is.... mr. william beckett
after that photo i'm out of here before the guys attack me.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (13) |
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
wear me like a locket around your throat i'll weigh you down and watch you choke
mood: groggy
listening to: danec, dance-fall out boy (had it in my head all friggen day)
currently: working hard to not care
pimpage: savestheday (back talks cops), detectivedanielle (the detective is m.i.a), deadxonxarrival (master chicken dancer), shadowme (she's weighed down with words too overdramatic), october (stripping is her game), hoaryu (such a caring bro), knight edge (our computers are evil), tohmalover14 (toh-toh tastic), destinyssweetman (very special boy)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: great now i'm a memeber of the lazy group with founding fathers edge and LS
alex: ha i liked your ideas for the story title
bed-stuy: i could never be bad
danny: you didn't win.
hoaryu: niisan, you'll be happy to know that i didn't skip at all yesterday and i ended doing something fun too.
angel zakuro: hey maybe you should join the lazy club too :p
wensdayskitten: i actually have two years of school's a long story.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: we do yoga on tuesdays, wednesdays, and thursdays
lalagirl: you're not the first person to say that about me and danny, but i mean i talk about him because he's my friend and a lot of things that happen at school involve him so why not talk about him? it doesn't mean i like him or anything. i just get attached to people and i guess i'm attached to him. in a platonic way.
i went to school yesterday. i know a lot of you will be pleased to hear that and also i didn't skip any classes at all! woot go me. i've also made a decsion not to miss anymore school for the remaining weeks.
1st hour: didn't do anything much just played on the myo and talked to danny but then danny wanted to go to the seven-eleven with my bro and i didn't want to go because we'd be walking and yeah i'm not up for long walks in the morning. so they left and we're gone for about five minutes then they walk back in and i knew they weren't gone long enough to have walked so they told me that they were stopped by this police officer and that the officer made them come back to the school and he followed them inside and my bro told me that danny was back talking the officer. smooth move.
2nd hr: i didn't skip to hang out with danny. i went to class and we ended up having to go and look up info on important people from the 60's and i have muhammed ali (sp?) so i did end up going to the computer lab to hang with danny. i won either way. he was playing games during second hour and we gossiped a bit but for the most part i worked.
3rd hr: our class played the board game "you've been sentenced" were you get cards with words on them and you have to make gramtically correct sentences. i didn't win but i still had fun.
4th hr: before fitness class i went to my brother and danny's fourth hour to talk to them for a bit like i usually do but no one was in there and i was like wtf? so i peeked in the office and sure enough danny was sitting there. i asked him what he was doing and he said he was going home because he didn't feel good. i was bummed because lunch would be boring. in fitness we played soccer again and i was on the worst team in history!!! grr and our teacher made us run drills where we had to kick or "dribble" the ball up and down the field and by bad timing i ended up going last so everyone was watching me. what a fine lesson in embaressment 101. also we had to do a team drill and i was partnered up with this guy named jordan and he was all "you have to keep up with me" so i did and he tried to score on the goalie but the goalie blocked and kicked the ball back down the field so i didn't have to run back with jordan and yes, i thanked the goalie and he laughed. this soccer game we played was really violent. my teacher ran into me and the ball hit me hard in the leg. a lot people fell and ran into each other it was funny.
lunch: lunch was boring my bro was sleepy and my teacher asked me to go to the office and help the secertary get a image off the yearbook website. it didn't take long though and after that i drew with some markers.
5th hr: creative writing we had to make this thing about the place we're from i'm doing germany because i'm german on my dad's side. my bro is doing ireland because we're irish on my mom's side. so most of the hour was spent coloring and cutting things out of magazines. i didn't finish so i have to finish it during lunch tomorrow.
6th hr: my biology class: we watched the last few minutes of the movie deja'vu. anyone see that movie? it's crazy! also my class is going to start dissecting pig featuses tomorrow. i am so not looking forward to that. the dead pigs were in these glass jars and this guy was looking at it and he was like "cassie! look you can see it's brain!" ugh so gross and i was sitting right by the stupid things.
after school: i was in the computer lab on the myo and talking to people and my teachers and stuff i also managed to use the time to comment on everyone who had updated at the time.
not much else happened to me. i mentioned a super long time ago that danny burnt me a fall out boy cd and it's been done for months and he brought it when i didn't go to school and now i'm back and i asked about it and he said he's doing something special and he won't tell me what. i seriously have no idea and when i ask him he says "you'll see" i trust him though.
just a small thing i want to adress. i know i talk about danny a lot and it's not limited to just the internet but i don't really care he's my friend i talk about him. i talk about my other friends too just not as much. and me talking about him doesn't mean i'm madly in love with him just that he does interesting things so yeah that's it. i'm not upset at anyone or anything so no worries anyone.
also my mom got home from work and annouced that she got my younger brother a job. he's doing stock or something at this store across the street from my mom's work. he get's paid five bucks an hour i think and he's going to be working from seven to eleven. his getting a job though kind of makes me seem like a bum though because he's younger and i should be the one with the job. oh well i'm not going to sweat it.
my brother: you're a queer
*i hit my bro in the nuts. not hard and on accident*
me: now whose a queer?
*he punched me in the arm after he recovered*
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (13) |
Monday, May 21, 2007
i'm like a lawyer with the way i'm always trying to get you off
mood: feelin' lazy
listening to: bang the doldrums- fall out boy
currently: procrastinating like crazy
pimpage: savestheday (he can't commit to a thing be it heart or hospital bed), detectivedanielle (she wrote a goodbye note in lipstick on your arm when you passed out), deadxonxarrival (she's races through the city windows down), shadowme (she couldn't bring herself to call except to call it quits), october (happily ever after below the waist), hoaryu (bulletproof lonliness), knight edge (he only keeps himself this sick in the head because he knows how the words get you), tohmalover14 (she is an arms dealer fitting you with weapons in the form of words), destinyssweetman (at night he's painting your trash gold while you sleep), tim tim (he's the new face of failure)
note: all pimpage comes from lines from the songs (bang the doldrums, i'm like a laywer, and this ain't a scene) all by fall out boy
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: ah edge you always seem to know what to make me happy
rinnah: i'm the first person you commented? awesome!
merrick-fma: i watch heroes too!
shadowme: glad you liked it yuki! ok i shall give you a cameo considering i'm giving aaya and october one's as well
whistle: now i must go and see spidey 3
sorry i haven't updated all weekend. or commented much. man i don't know what's wrong with me lately. i feel all lazy and unresponsive. even at school. i did go friday btw. but i mean at school i don't even feel like doing anything at all. all i do feel like doing is hanging out with danny. maybe it's because i know that the end of the school year is near and i want to get as much time in with him as i can. because i'm weird like that. but i know i can't skip classes anymore so i'm really going to buckle down and actually do my work.
like i said i went to school on friday. a bunch of things happened i can't remember them all so this shall be a short school summary. during first hour danny had his guitar and i just wanted to look at it but i couldn't get the stupid thing out of it's case so danny takes it out and starts playing it. but he doesn't have a pick so he breaks off a one of those little metal things off his energy drink and plays it that way. i like listening to him play the guitar it's always so good. danny happened to be selling his guitar to this guy from our school so danny gave his guitar to him.
second hour i only kinda sorta skipped second hour i mean the teacher knew i was up there and she gave me a pass. well my bro, danny, and i were all playing this like rpg game and danny and my bro were really good at it and i sucked at it because i kept getting lost. third hour my class played the game guesstures where you have to act out a series of things on these cards. mine were all pretty easy but still it was hard getting up infront of everyone and acting. my team was supportive though with chants of "come on cassie" yeah.
yoga we went outside and played soccer. i was intially terrified to play since team sports aren't my thing. it was pretty fun though. i didn't run a whole lot but i still managed to participate and even kick the ball a few times. though this guy kicked the soccer ball and it came flying at my face so i put my arms up and it hit me hard in the arm and i also got stepped on but i'm fine. lunch was not fun. my bro and danny were playing with a box of kleenex and they hit it towards me and it knocked over my nearly full milk and the milk spilt on my jeans and the floor and my backpack. it wasn't as bas as i orginally though but i was still mad and timmy (my bro) and danny said i overreacted. i don't care if i did. also got in an argument with danny at lunch about of all things myotaku and how i make him look like the bad guy in all our fights. i don't think this is true he does and my bro won't pick sides. i still don't think it's true and if it seems like he's the bad guy then hello. he probably is. he also said that i try to get sympathy from people. these things he says i don't see myself doing them so idk but i don't think i try to get sympathy. there is a fall out boy line i could use right now but it wouldn't be appropriet for the situation.
so sixth hour i saw danny in the computer lab and gave him a hug and apologized and looking back i don't know why i did. he was in the wrong as well and he gave me no apology. why do i always do that? why do i give into him? blah i t's because i don't like when people are mad at me. or maybe it's because i like hugging danny <----that was a joke people. let's not take things too seriously.
the weekend my mom made me stay and help her do house work because she said i have been getting too much from her and not enough work out of me so i cleaned up around the computer desk, did lot's of laundry, and raked the freshly cut grass from the yard. also my mom is having her lady problems so she is so not fun to be around. i'm actually looking forward to school so i can get away from her.
i'm glad you guys liked that new story i posted on friday. since you guys liked it i was thinking of starting to post it on fridays. but since i have a story i post on thursdays too, i was wondering if it wouldn't be overkill for you guys. can those of you who read my stories handle two different stories two days in a row? also i don't have a name for the murder story so suggestions are open! come on suggest something don't be shy do it!
me: danny, you're being mean
danny: i'm being honest
me: that's mean.
i dunno why i put this quote it just sorta stuck with me
ok so school tomorrow/today depending on when you read this either way i hope you all had a good weekend and i hope you all have a great monday!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (11) |
Friday, May 18, 2007
the sounds of this small town make my ears hurt
mood: normal
listening to: of all the gin joints in all the world-fall out boy
currently: wondering if he missed me
pimpage: savestheday (no comments? you're mean), detectivedanielle (she'll solve the crime in half the time), deadxonxarrival (the aaya has returned), shadowme (shadowyou), october (real kinky, kinky yall), hoaryu (he'll make you an offer you can't refuse), knight edge (through the key hole he'll watch you dress), tohmalover14 (best lil' sister in the world), destinyssweetman (smart boy)
Redmoonchick Responds:
alex: thanks for your kind words dear alex.
hoaryu: if you put a pic of yourself up i may just consider it.
angel zakuro: i wanted natasha to win too! i don't really like jaslene but whatever.
edge: awww thank you so much edge *huggles*
aaya: i'm guessing by your comment that you know who he is. lol hooray return of the flamingo humper!
shadowme: well we can be crazy together then. lol everytime i hear that line i think of you.
i didn't go to school again yesterday. i miss danny but what else is new. bah i know everyone keep saying that i shouldn't be missing and i think LS is starting to keep track j/k well it was my mom's fault we didn't go to school. we could've but she was way too sleepy to get up and take us. i on the other hand couldn't fall back to sleep so i called danny this morning while he was at school. i also happened to call him while he was driving but hey he picked up the phone. he asked if i was coming to school and i told him no and we talked for a few moments longer but he had to go so he hung up.
i don't know why i haven't felt much like commenting lately. i mean i try and i do like three or four sites but then i'm like meh i don't feel like it. maybe it's because i have been totally engrossed in this fan fic i found on the internet. gah it's so good! it's like reading a real story. it's a panic at the disco one and it happens to have a yaoi flavor to it. if anyone wants a link to it just ask me. it's that good. aaya and shadowme i'm looking at yew.
huzzah i finally got my 300th gb sig! finally! i've been lingering at 298 forever. i had a weird dream where i was at school and my computer teacher was going to block myotaku and he was like mocking me with it so i called him a bitch and then he shut off my computer and i was like wtf? and he was like you called me a bitch....i dream about school when i miss school.
gah does anyone on here watch the show grey's anatomy? i know danielle does but anyone else? it was the season finale of that show and i am like so dissapointed! no one got a happy ending and nothing was tied up! blah now i have to wait till the fall to wrap up all these loose ends the show left.
i know i just posted my latest chapter of wentz and wonderland and i don't really want to burn you guys out on my writing but i wanted to pose an idea i had for you all. more like a pilot for a story. i am also posting this because i have absouluetly nothing else to talk about. yes, this is a crime story and instead of fictional characters i will be using me and my friends. it's a murder mystery type thing so it's not too long please read and enjoy and if you guys like it i may continue it.
the untitled fic
by redmoonchick
chapter one: get busy living or get busy...
the scene is backstage at a concert hall. people are bustling behind the stage and no one is standing still. a young girl about twenty three is rushing along beside a boy who is younger then her about twenty one is looking nervous and holding a guitar at his side. "daniel listen, after this show it's directly off to the airport. there's no time for a meet and greet tonight" the girl told him. he nodded signifying that he heard her. "that's my favorite part though" he said as he peeked through a thick red curtain. at a brightly lit stage and a sea of screaming fans.
"i know, but the life of a superstar is a demanding one" she told him as she dusted him off and handed him his signature hat. he took the hat and placed it on his head before flashing a grin at her. "i almost forgot. your a great assistant." he told her before placing the guitar over his shoulder and heading out on stage with his four band mates. "i know" she told him when he was too far away to hear.
the girl tried to watch the performance on stage inbetween taking phone calls and talking to very important people. during the third song the band performed a buxom dark haired girl struted up to the assistant as she took a rare moment of peace to enjoy the music. "cassie, where is he?" the woman demanded to know. "duh, he's on stage lexi" cassie told the angry looking woman. "already?" the woman huffed "yeah, you should try getting her earlier" cassie told lexi. the woman named lexi sat down in a chair in the corner next to the water bottles looking so very out of place in her sparkling red party dress.
"i had important business to attend to" lexi pouted and looked bored. cassie rolled her eyes as she watched the girl. "getting plastered at a party with paris hilton doesn't count as important business" she told lexi. lexi shot her a dirty look but didn't have time to think of a comeback before cassie's cell phone rang. "daniel H's manager" she anwsered already knowing the call was for him.
that was her job after all. being his assistant/manager. she had been for the last three years of her life. cassie didn't complain her life wasn't so bad. hectic but not bad. the call was to set up a interview with a magazine for the following week. cassie set the date as she pushed past person after person trying to find a quite place backstage to talk to the man. she was unsuccsessful as roadies came up to her wanting to know something about the equipment and another person ran up to her to tell her that the tour bus driver was missing.
cassie let out a sigh and hung up the phone to go and take care of the mini crisises. by the time she got backstage again the band was playing the last song of the set. cassie frowned as she leaned against a wall that gave her a good view of the stage. she watched her long time friend out on stage playing the guitar and she thought about the days when she was actually able to see a show.
the band finished playing and began to exit the stage to the sound of screaming fans. cassie made her way over to where the band would be. the roar of the crowd deafining her. as she walked one of the other band members assistants was carrying the cooler full of water bottles. cassie grabbed one knowing that daniel would be thirsty after the show.
"great show" daniel told his fellow band mates as cassie approached him. "here's your water danny" she told him as she pressed the water bottle into his hand. he gave her an odd look as he unscrewed the top "no one's called me danny since i got famous" he told her. she blamed it on a slip of the tounge as daniel gulped down half of the water. cassie leaned into daniel "your girlfriend is here" she whispered as she pointed to the dark haired girl named lexi.
daniel or danny clapped cassie on the back as he went over to his girlfriend and kissed her. cassie sighed again, she hated when he performed public displays of affection. it meant more rumors for her to squash and more interviews to set up. someone was bound to see the two lovebirds and report to a magazine.
a high pitched beeping noise emitted from cassie's jeans as she pulled out her beeping blackberry. "crap" she muttered before going over to the still kissing danny and pulling him off of his girlfriend. he gave her a what the fuck? sort of look "your late" she told him as she held up her blackberry. "your leaving?" lexi asked obviously getting upset once again.
"gotta fly out tonight babe" danny tried reasoning with her.
"again?" lexi scoffed "you've only been in town for two days" she whined
"a rockstar's work is never done. besides where were you all day? we could've been hanging during rehersal" daniel argued.
"i was busy" lexi said folding her arms upsetly.
"well now i'm busy so i guess i'll call you later" daniel said
cassie looked from danny to lexi unsure of what to say. she hated when they argued in front of her. it was too awkward.
finally danny broke the silence "come on cassie, you said we were running late right?" cassie nodded and dialed up the other assistants on her blackberry "were going to the bus" she said into the device. the band and their gaggles of entourage followed to the vechicals. cassie walked briskly to keep up with daniel. who she noticed looked paler then usual. "are you alright?" she asked her friend. "i've got a headache" he told her as he pulled on a jacket. "i would too if i had to listen to her" cassie said. "i've been thinking of breaking up with her" daniel muttered as they walked through the parking lot. "oh? got a new girl in mind?" she asked. "yeah, i do" he said as he looked at her.
suddenly daniel stopped in his tracks. "danny?" she asked wondering what he was trying to pull. danny was now breathing heavily his one hand clutched his chest and his other hand gripped cassie's shoulder. "danny, are you alright?" cassie asked now worried that her friend wasn't just kidding around. daniel said nothing but collasped to the concret parking lot.
"oh god danny!" cassie said as she knelt down to where he was laying. "danny? can you hear me?" she asked her friend. by now the others had begun to notice that this wasn't one of daniel's famous pranks and that something was seriously wrong. cassie grabbed her cell phone with one hand as she tried to keep danny awake with the other. "hold on danny i'm getting help" she said as she called 911. they said they were sending a ambulance and all anyone could do was wait. "danny don't die" cassie pleaded with her friend as they waited for the ambulance. the sound of the screaming fans still audible to everyone's ears.
love it? hate it? should i be shot for my crimes against writing? tell me what you think.
Comments (22) |
Thursday, May 17, 2007
let's get these teen hearts beating faster, faster
mood: giddy
listening to: london beckons songs- panic! @ the disco
currently: feeling lazy
pimpage: savestheday (he get's teen hearts beating faster), detectivedanielle (she writes sins not tragidies), aayaownsyew (she doesn't like your girlfriend), shadowme (she's a regular decorated emergency), october ( she's praying for love in a lapdance), hoaryu (he's of consenting age to be forgetting her in a cabera), knight edge (he swears to shake it up if you swear to listen), tohmalover14 (damn regret she'll try to forget), destinyssweetman ( any boy you'll ever me sweetie you had him)
Redmoonchick Responds:
alex: nah, i think i'd put a pic of pete with danny. he wouldn't like it too much
angel zakuro: guess you won't have to kill renee right? when i was watching when she got kicked off i was like k-chan is going to be so happy now. XD
capricorn-rocker: i just like saying his name. jon walker...he sounds like a cowboy XD *high five* for being a music nerd.
hyli: you marry danny and tell me what it's like
toh-toh: woot! you like the nickname i gave you? ha yes, feed me lines from my own work. XD no matter what size your comment i would never be mad at you.
jd person: i'm going to take that as a compliment XD yes, i have been told i write like one mr. pete wentz compliment? insult? depends on who your talking to.
shadowme: ryhming isn't for me. idk i think it's cheesy. respect my non rhyming poetry dammit! XD
i didn't go to school yesterday. i really didn't have a reason beyond pure exhaustion so LS it looks like i'm keeping my record alive. i'm going to try not to miss anymore school for the remainder of the year. i think i can do it. it's my bro that's the problem.
i'm in a panic! @ the disco kind of mood lately. as thoughs who are lyric savy can tell by my pimpage lines and my subject line. it's probably because i've been listening to my panic! cd non-stop for awhile now.
i was thinking about something today. i realized a lot of things. one thing i realized was that i'm always trying to impress this guy in my life. even when i don't mean too i realize later that i was trying to look good for him. it's a bad thing to do. i always try to look nice for him and i doubt he notices. blah i realized another more unsettling thing about myself is that i feel ugly around him. it's nothing that he is doing personally but when i am around him i feel like i'm not pretty enough to be around him. i don't know i guess i feel like this huge ugly creature. even though i know i'm not. it's harder because i feel like he thinks i'm ugly. he might i wouldn't know nor would i dare ever ask him. i won't ask him because i'm afraid he'll say yes that he does think i'm ugly. i wish i didn't feel like that it's just he says so many girls are hot and i don't look like them so then i get to thinking that he thinks i'm some hideous creature and that i disgust him. i'm not a perfect size two like the girls he likes so i guess that's why i feel so ugly around him. it's not his fault though. i mean he didn't do anything wrong and he never makes fun of my apperance. only once but i don't think he meant it. i mean i am always so paranoid that he hates me and thinks i'm ugly and he would rather not have me touch him or drink after him or anything like that. *sigh* it's my own stupid fault it's not his and if he does end up reading this i hope he isn't upset.
the last thing i realized was that i am afraid of people abandoning me ecspecially guys. i'm almost sure that this is because my dad left when i was eight and hasn't been a huge focus in my life. this would explain why i so desperately don't want to lose contact with danny. poor danny has to be on the losing end of my craziness. oh well, so i guess you guys know my whack ass flaws but i figure if i can't share this with you guys then who can i talk to? i just don't want any of you all to think i'm crazy. ecspecially my real life friends. i hope none of your opinions of me changed. that would be my paranoia kicking in XD but i figure we all have some craziness it's up to us wheter or not we want to reveal it and i do. i'm really sorry if i made this a depressing post but i must say that writing all that i feel a hundered times better like a weight has been lifted.
i know i was acting all weird in those above paragraphs. i'm going to talk to my mom later about maybe seeing some kind of therapist for my horribly low self esteem and my own warped image of myself. some people think therapist's are crap but i think it might help me so it's worth a try. but i hope you guy will still read my story and please no one think i'm a nutase now. not that i think any of you will. this is i think also the reason why i haven't put a pic of myself on my site because i'm afraid of what you all will think of me. anyway's i heart you all. i mean if i can't trust you guys then who can i trust? sorry for the depressing ness of this all.
time for wentz in wonderland. if your new this story is basically alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist. if you don't know who pete wentz is he is the bassist and lyricist for the band fall out boy. also character bio's are after the story so enjoy!
wentz in wonderland
chapter six: caterpillers and magic mushrooms
pete had followed the faint smoke through the woods. the smoke he noticed had become thicker and was varying in color. pete had followed the smoke to the edge of a clearing but hadn't yet ventured into it. with pete being only three inches tall he was worried what sort of creatures he would encounter. pete stood waiting just outside the clearing in a bunch of shrubs and bushes listening for any danger. when there was none to be found pete shrugged and moved into the clearing.
pete was surrounded by dark earth and mushrooms the size of himself. pete could now see what creature was emitting the smoke. there sitting on one of the large mushrooms was his friend and fellow band mate joe trohman.
"joe?" pete said out of pure surprise as he stepped fully into the clearing. "whose asking?" joe said in one of those stereotypically rich sounding voices. "joe it's me peter" pete said as he walked up to his friend. joe eyed him warily as he took a puff off the pipe he held. "petah? i don't know any petah." joe said as he blue the thick blue smoke out of his mouth. the smoke pete noticed had taken the shape of the name petah and the word now hung in the air.
joe didn't recongize him and pete should've know that because ryan and andy hadn't recongized him either. while pete stood there thinking joe looked on still smoking his pipe. "hey joe, do you know anyway i can grow taller?" pete asked his smoking friend. joe thought for a moment "do you know anyway a alligator can have less teeth?" he asked as light green smoke poured from him and into the shape of an alligator.
ok obviously this joe get's high too pete thought to himself as he watched the smoke alligator dance above his head. pete sighed and shifted a little as he waited for something resembling a real answer to his question. when one didn't come pete asked again "so can you help me?" joe watched pete while he took another hit off his pipe.
"because i really don't want to stay this size" pete told him as he took a seat on a nearby squishy mushroom. "what's so wrong with this size?" joe asked pete as if he had offended him. "no, well i mean it's ok for you to be this size but not me" pete fumbled out while he continued to watch the darkily colored smoke pictures dance above joe's head.
"not good enough for you?" joe said "i suppose you think your better then the rest of us?" he spat out at pete. joe's words copied by the dark red smoke. pete could tell this conversation was getting worse by the second and his chance to get information from joe was falling apart.
"that's not what i meant. i mean your used to being this size and me i'm used to being bigger"
pete told the obviously angry joe. "so just because i'm this size means that you can insult me!" joe yelled. "no, i-" pete began but was cut off by joe. "you think you can come into my clearing while i'm enjoying a nice smoke and demand that i help you get taller because you hate being the same size as me!" joe was now standing and yelling a cloud of dark smoke shifted over his head.
"i didn't demand anything i-" pete tried once again to talk and once again joe interrupted him. "i'm leaving!" joe annouced as he grabbed his pipe and began to walk away. pete said nothing to stop him and gave up on getting any help from his warped friend. joe was almost out of the clearing when he shouted back a message for pete. "if this small you don't want to be stuck, try taking a bite of what's under your butt!" he yelled at pete.
pete sat for a moment trying his best to understand joe's cryptic message. "what's under my butt" pete looked down to see the mushroom he was sitting on. "that's got to be it!" pete said as he leaped off his newly found treasure. pete decided to break off two pieces of the mushroom one from each side.
pete held the two pieces in his hand but didn't taste either of them yet. he was a bit wary as to why joe would help him after he had made him so angry. perhaps the mushrooms were poisoned? pete quickly pushed that thought out of his mind as he took a bite of the first piece of mushroom.
instantly pete felt his body grow and he looked down to see that his feet were a million miles away. he had grown too large and his head was now in the tree tops. a bird noticed pete's presence and attacked him thinking that he was a monster of some kind. inbetween getting attacked by the bird pete managed to take a bite of the second piece of mushroom. before he could do much of anything he was once again three inches tall.
pete comprismised by taking a small lick of the first piece of mushroom. he grew again this time to his normal size. elated pete put the mushroom pieces into his pocket for later use. now his normal size pete once again set off into the woods and once again not knowing exactly where he was going.
pete wentz as alice:

joe trohman as the blue catapiller:

p.s. i am also sorry for not commenting like i should. lately i haven't been feeling up to it but i'm sure i'll be better soon so if you support me thanks so much more then you'll ever know and if not then...well get the hell out because i don't need you.
Comments (12) |
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking off her clothes
mood: discouraged
listening to: time to dance-panic! @ the disco
currently: writing like wentz
pimpage: savestheday (brendon urie's site...not really), detectivedanielle (when i say shotgun you say wedding), tim tim (my little brother. go visit him he is lonely), aayaownsyew (she owns the aayanet), shadowme (shadowyou), hoaryu (my niisan), october (kinkay), knight edge (underwear fixation), tohmalover14 (my adopted little sister), angel zakuro (she's going to kill america's next top model), destinyssweetman (he deserves happiness)
Redmoonchick Responds:
mommy roleni: no, i meant to put ol not old my bad.
edge: cheer up emo kid. *hands you popsicle*
alex: you could enter and rap! just kidding don't kill me XD
october: maybe one day you can share your kinky secrets with the masses
danny: you're the only one who said you didn't look like bren-bren. you so do by the way. now if we can get you a top hat and a effiment guitarist you'll be set.
LS: that's what i thought too stupid brendon...i don't think he's old enough to drink
hoaryu: your unicycle sings? ah maybe you should have k-chan ride the unicycle while singing
kirbysdouble: no insulting brendon! he is adorable.
detectivedanielle: don't be ashamed of your invention danielle! be proud. ha ha virtual high five for you because you think danny looks like brendon.
wensdayskitten: your comment about the pics made me giggle insanely. you win.
capricorn-rocker: thanks for the info but i know the members names but good job on informing the masses. btw spencer's last name is smith ha just like mine. we are so secretly related. i like jon walker!
lost child: since you are new to my site i shall put a pic up of danny so you know what he looks like.
aaya: yeah you don't want so seem cocky by naming it after yourself. XD i would vote for you for myo idol. sing fob! ha i thought you or shadowme would like the spencer/ryro pic.
tohmalover14: i put up a pic of danny to remind you.
shadowme: ah we can fix that if we get danny lip injections. ha i agree ryro+facial hair=creepy
for all those people that are new to my site this is danny:

it's a bit small and he looks a little different now but that's him basically. i should get a more recent photo of him.
anyway i went to school yesterday. i was really late though like thirty minutes but it's because my mom and brother are the slowest people alive in the morning! ugh it's frustrating because i'm ready and then i go and wait for them.
1st hour: our teacher decided not to give us any work for the rest of the year so we have a free class period everyday. we were late but most of first hour was spent talking about what my bro did and trolling the myo. also we watched videos on danny's cell phone. it was funny because danny lost his newer cell phone and had to go back to using his older one with a broken screen.
2nd hour: uh i went to eat breakfast in the computer lab with danny and my bro and i just didn't leave when breakfast was over. so of course it took the computer teacher at least five minutes to catch me in there and he asked if i had a pass and i was like yeah and he was all then where is it? and i was like i lost it. he didn't believe me and it didn't help that danny was laughing at my excuse. the teacher told me to go and get a pass i was stalling but he kept forgetting and then yelling at me when he remembered. i did go and get a pass and the teacher said that all the computer teacher had to do was call down to my class and she'd let me stay. i told him that but he still insits i get a pass. i wasn't really working in second hour but i was doing a powerpoint and watching video's about fall out boy. my teacher was asking me about bonnie and clyde the subject of my powepoint and i was making things up it was funny.
3rd hour: my class was assigned new jouranlism stories to write and i am writing about how my sixth hour is going to dissect pigs soon. we also have to write a letter to the editor and my teacher is making us write on the topic of open campus vs. closed campus and she is making me write supporting the close campus side even though i oppose it. i went to danny's class after third hour and walked with him to his fourt hour he also let me read some poems he wrote and i liked them they were good.
4th hour: in yoga we lifted weights i took the three pounders because i was feeling lazy. yoga has been hurting my bad knee. it's my right knee and it's been hurting to walk up the stairs and stuff lately. blah. tomorrow were suppose to play soccer but i'm not sure if i can.
lunch: i bought my yearbook and had people sign it. a senior named jessi wrote a lovely message to me it was so sweet. i told danny i wanted him to sign it and i told him i wanted something heartfelt so he started reciting poetry. i have yet to get him to sign. my brother also retold the story of how that bad thing he did. i also let danny read a poem i wrote awhile ago. and sure enough he read it and was like it's about me. it wasn't but it didn't stop him from thinking that. there was a better poem i wanted him to read but he said i couldn't read my writing so i typed it up.
5th hour: we went upstairs to type up poems and when we got up there i was said to my bro where should we sit and he was like how bout next to danny. i didn't even see him up there! mostly because a teacher was blocking him. i got to sit by him and he was typing up a survey or something and i told him to stay in the computer lab with my class but his teacher wouldn't let him. so he left and a girl took his seat. so he ended up coming back and he had to sit in front of me. he took the poem i was coping and read it and one line said that i was in love and he starts laughing and thinks it's him i'm in love with annoying!
6th hour: i took a test and talked to this guy named kyle about last year and when i used to have a crush on one of his friends. we get to watch the movie deja vu so that will be cool.
after school: danny left early so i didn't see him but i got to sit at the computer with music and listen to the fob song grand theft autum and the timbaland song one and only featuring fall out boy but then me and my bro had to go downstairs to our english teachers room and cut stuff out of magazines.
school is almost over we only have about three weeks left. most people are happy but me not so much. mostly because all the awesome and nice people at the school are graduating and all the stupid people will be left over. also danny isn't coming back to our school next year and i'm worried that i'll never see him again no matter how many times he tells me otherwise. so yeah a bit depressing but i guess i'll deal. i just feel like i haven't had enough time with him and i'm not ready to say goodbye to him and it's sad because sometimes i don't think he feels the same.
anyway here's that poem i told danny to read. i really like it so i hope guys do too.
a million words of happiness echo against the naked walls
their nearly nonexistant by the time they reach me
you're bi-polar at best and i'm paranoid at worst
a decaydence of heartfelt moments watched by all
under the microscope of our lives
silver smoke settles between us and i look at you and i'll never be the same
gentle touches at midnight seep into my skin soaking me and burning you
we're in love but not really
we're talking but not speaking
we're touching but between sheets of oversoft fabrics
you're overexposed and i'm underdressed
this relationship is far from the best
haunted hallways make me hallucienate that we live a better life
broken locks fall into the distance between you and i
you are my muse but then what am i?
sometimes i feel like your only one but then i feel like everyone is before me
you're changing me, making me more like you
i hate you for it but it also makes me love you more
i'm a reflection of you and your losing your identidy
i'll pick up your broken pieces and put you on the shelf
because you deserve to break and i deserve to see you in pieces
ok i didn't get to everyone who commented. i'm sorry i'll try to do better today.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (12) |
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
can't take the kid from the fight take the fight from the kid
mood: uneasy
listening to: nobody puts baby in the corner-fall out boy
currently: wondering who he writes about
pimpage: savestheday (he invented the post it), detectivedanielle (she invented the trapper keeper), aayaownsyew (she invented the internet), shadowme (she invented candles), october (she invented hand cuffs), hoaryu (invented the unicycle), knight edge (he invented the banna hammock), tohmalover14 (she invented the cd player), destinyssweetman (he invented the hot pocket)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: not evil just manipulative
LS: heck yeah the naruto/fob crossover pic is awesome! ah for the love of god put down the kittens!
hoaryu: he was high on drugs/he wanted the money
hells light: your comment confuses meh
october: yeah my computer teacher wishes he could be as kinky as you
capricorn-rocker: i can't believe your mom said that!
toh-toh: you are younger and smarter then my bro
bed-stuy: if we got married we'd be divorced within a day
i didn't go to school yesterday. it was because my mom didn't have enough gas to take us to school, and she didn't have enough gas because we had to go and pick up my bro on sunday. i called danny yesterday morning to see if he was going and he told me he wasn't so i didn't feel too bad. but i did feel bad about not going because now that puts us a day behind in work. i hope danny goes to school today because i really want to talk to him.
i was on the old photobucket yesterday and was searching for brendon urie aka the lead singer of panic @ the disco and i was looking at the pics and was like holy crap he looks like danny! i know i said this before and danny denies it and a few of you don't think so but holy crap he did look like danny! my bro thought so to, so at least i'm not the only one. maybe i should put one up.
you guys remember my friend G. well my bro told me that him and greg were play fighting and greg threw an ash tray at my bro! it hit him in the mouth and now his one front tooth hurts when he chews. oh and my bro found out from his friend that G might have been the one to give the police my bro's name. he's pretty pissed about that because G was saying that it was their other friend N who gave up the names.
i was super bored today so i did a girly thing and painted my nails. i painted them a really bright silvery lilac color. looks prettyfull. oh and the myo user kirbysdouble had a really cool idea on his site to start something called the otaku idol. it sounds really cool. the details and rules and junk are on his site so if your interested go and visit him. he's on my friends list.
i have nothing at all to talk about so i shall give you pictures!

ryan and spencer from panic! they don't know the meaning of personal space

pirate brendon! <---i don't think he looks like danny here

this one he looks like danny alot

and this one

even this one too
ok i am done now so i shall talk to you all later!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (22) |
Monday, May 14, 2007
i'll be stuck fixated on one star while the world is crashing down
mood: content
listening to: snitches and talkers get stiches and walkers- fall out boy
currently: worry about my brother
pimpage: savestheday (secret), detectivedanielle (choose love or sympathy but never both), aayaownsyew (she rocks your socks), shadowme (one day she'll marry ryan ross), hoaryu (super niisan), october (candy carnage), destinyssweetman (alexander the great), tohmalover14 (we're basically the same person), knight edge (he's evil)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: eh the drama is done so i shant bring it up again.
alex: no, i didn't write a poem for danny. i wrote a poem and he read it and thought it was about himself
omnimaster: yeah i'd be mad if they blocked myo at my school, but i'd just use a proxy to get to it.
october: yes, my teacher always seem to take control of my computer when i'm talking to you or on your site.
angel zakuro: well it was the same teacher gone for multiple classes.
shadowme: yes, i update on saturdays now. go me!
tohmalover14: i am beyond happy that you enjoy hearing about me and danny. i'm begining to think that your my number one fan. ha i agree danny and i do have a strange relationship more disfunctional then anything. ah toh-toh don't molest your tv!
well after yesterday's abnormal post i am pleased to say that this shall be a normal one with actual words and not just angsty pics. yesterday was mother's day. did everyone do something nice for their mother? for my mom i made her a lovely poem and taped her favorite flower to it and she just loved it! ^-^ i thought she'd like it but she liked it way more then i thought. unfortunately my brother runined mother's day for my mom. for one he called her and said that he needed a ride home and she was none too pleased about that and he didn't get or make her anything. he also told us that he did something really bad, but more on that later.
on saturday my grandma (who just recently went to the hospital because she started a fire at her house) went to the hospital again. my mom was suppose to take her shopping so she went to pick her up from my uncles house and she comes back an hour later without my grandma and i'm like "what's going on?" so yeah my grandma was taken to the hospital again because her blood pressure was too high. my uncle went to the hospital with her but my mom still wanted to go so she left at like 9:00 pm to go to the hospital and she didn't come home until after 1:00 in the morning! i think my grandma is doing well now but i think she's still in the hospital.
i talked to my aunt while my mom was gone and she mentioned our school yearbook and how her and my cousin didn't like it. i was all like hey you know i'm in yearbook right? so then she starts making excuses and saying how all my stuff was good. blah i worked so hard on the yearbook so like i wanna hear people complain about it. oh well most people like it, i like it so i guess that's all that matters.
back to that bad thing my brother did. it was actually something illegal. i'm glad he didn't take a huge part in it but still i am a bit dissapointed in him. my brother who is fifteen and his three friends N,G (yes, that G), and T drove to a store in a few cities away from the city we live in. N the one driving was only fourteen. they drove to the store and had a key to the door. their plan was to break into the store and steal stuff like cell phones. well they got there and N and G got out of the truck to see if the key would open the door but it didn't and while the two boys were checking the doors my bro and T suddenly decided they didn't want to be a part of this so they got out of the truck and went to the store next door. while they did that N and G broke the glass doors with a hammer and went inside. my brother and T waited by the gorcery store for like thirty minutes. then they went and checked on their friends and N comes out and tells my bro that he has like ten carts full of stuff. so he rolls a cart to my bro and my brother picks up the whole cart and puts it in the back of the truck they drove. N told him that they didn't need the cart so my bro dumped it and they did this several times with several carts full of stuff, the stuff they were stealing wasn't even valuable! it was towels and shirts and laundry soap. they did have two whole racks of cell phones. anyway there is only one cart left and before they can load it a car pulls up into the parking lot and sees them so they freak and get in the truck and leave and the car is following right behind them. the kid driving is speeding and going through red lights and all sorts of dangerous stuff. they kept driving till they were in the country part of town and the car still followed them.
my bro told N to turn off his lights and drive through a corn field but he didn't instead saying that he was going back to the city that we live in. so they get back to our home city and the car is still following so suddenly they stop and get out of the car and decide that their going to beat this guy up so G has a bat and they give my bro a neon light and their gonna go after the guy but the guy gets out of his car and says that he's a cop. my bro freaks drops the light and takes off running along with T. meanwhile the N and G get in the truck and take off with the car following. my bro is hiding behind people's houses and he meets up with T. they heard the truck sreaching and car alarms going off and him and T try to go to their other friend's girlfriend's house but her mom won't let them in because she knew they did something wrong. so they keep running and my bro see's N who was driving and they meet up with him and they decided to go to their other friends house so they go there and think things out and N wants to go back for the truck because it's his mom's and my bro won't go and neither will T but G agrees to go back for the truck with N so they leave. T gets picked up by his mom and then my bro found out from his friend over myspace that N and G who went back for the truck got arrested and were taken to a holding cell and fingerprinted and stuff. then he found out that T's mom turned her son in and he was fingerprinted too! so the only one who got away was my bro but the cops know his name so we're still wondering if they'll show up to pick him up too. N and G who were in jail are out because i saw G when we went to pick my bro up.
yeah my bro is a complete idiot and now he's sure that the cops are going to come to our school and pick him up there.
days without my bro getting caught: 4 <----he wanted me to put that.
-quote of the day-
from school on friday
me: danny, we have a really disfunctional relationship.
danny: i like it that way
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (16) |
Sunday, May 13, 2007
this isn't a normal post blame it on photobucket
i am in an angsty mood. blame it on the fic i'm writting.

that is all
p.s. don't think too deeply about this |
Comments (13) |
Saturday, May 12, 2007
lost in a simple game, cat and mouse are we the same
mood: tired
listening to: seventeen ain't so sweet-red jumpsuit apparatus
currently: wondering why i have bad timing
pimpage: savestheday (secret, secret), em0taku (rest in peace), detectivedanielle (don't judge a book by the cover), aayaownsyew (megzican), shadowme (she shares a nickname with my cat), october (i'm sorry), hoaryu (the next kira), knight edge (the lines are drawn), destinyssweetman (super twin), tohmalover14 (toh-toh)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: i already told you the color
alex: try not to get too grossed out it is nature XD
LS: lmao. i applaude you for knowing the song
hoaryu: well i sleep like that everyday and no one ever bugs me. i didn't know he was coming over
hells light: i haven't seen that movie but i want to
detectivedanielle: wow and i thought i had forgotten about that
roleni: i listen to punk kind of rock or poppy rock. i also listen to some emo stuff and sometimes a few hardcore things oh and alternative and indie and stuff like that.
tohmalover14: every time i type up your comment reponse damn regret plays. it's playing right now. i am scared. you can control my cd player can't you? lol poor peter i'm sure patrick will help him get over it. my door is broken ironiclly by the same kid. XD
shadowme: long is how i roll. no the period convo didn't happen until science class when we were taking evolution notes.*gasp* you angsty? no way really? ^-^
lostchild: pink
moonlessdaemon: yeah it is annoying but i'm not like that. i already knew about rja from my friend danielle. it just took me forever to buy their cd. i feel that way about the band gym class heroes.
school yesterday was really fun! i was tired but we didn't do anything all day. i also realized that i was in the computer lab all day. i was also on the same computer except for sixth hour when my bro stole it. usually i write about my school day in one long paragraph but instead i'm going to try something different.
1st hour: we were in the computer lab. we really didn't do anything. i talked and play fought with danny there was pinching, poking, and grabbing involved and a few kicks here and there. i also drank my berry lemonaid soda. my brother was falling asleep in first hour and danny compared him to a hibernating bear. my brother also told me and danny to turn down the volume on our conversation but he always says that. there was also some drama during first hour involving a myo member but we got that squared away.
2nd hour: myself, danny, and my bro went to my second hour which was ungodly hot. i got permission to be in the lab so i went and hung out with danny and was on the myo again. i can't remember what happened but i'm sure danny and i argued and play fought some more. he also deleted his myo site but then he made a new one. at the end of second hour this guy named jordan wanted us to sign his yearbook so we did. also some of you may remember the annoying kid i was talking about named joel. well he brought his guitar to school and was playing it in the lab. danny really hates this kid dare i say he hates him more then pete wentz. we heard the guitar being played and danny's like "that kid can't play" ha mean. but seriously danny plays so much better. danny also made up fake myspace pages in paint and he made one for our computer teacher.
3rd hour: this was supposed to be yearbook but our teacher was out and we had no sub so i walked all the way downstairs from the computer lab only to be told that i was suppose to be in the computer lab. we were suppose to finish our journalism stories but i finished mine so i took the opportunity to me on the myo and i wrote a poem. i also got on danny's new site because i figured out his password and i gave him a new avi and changed colors and stuff.
4th hour: suppose to be yoga but again the teacher was gone so i tried to skip into danny and my bro's fourth hour but the teacher wouldn't let me so instead i went to the class and we were going to play basketball but i was so not dressed for basketball so the teacher let me hang in the computer lab. we were watching the price is right in the computer lab and i was on myo and some other fall out boy related stuff. danny and my bro ended up coming to the computer lab so we all hung out there and i should danny the poem i wrote and he thought it was about him (it wasn't) he also sang it to me and said it was like something pete wentz would write. he meant it as an insult but i took it as a compliment.
lunch: we couldn't eat where we normally eat so we had to go upstairs to our science teacher's class room. something put me in a bad mood during lunch. but i was over it after a few minutes. danny tried to interogate me over lunch he did the whole cop thing asking me where i was between noon and two pm and i was like school. and he was like how can i believe you? i was like um you were with me. i was sitting up on the table and danny said he was going to train me like a tiger and he was holding a chair by me and telling me to do tricks. it was funny. danny then said he was going to ignore me so i came up to him and grabbed his man boob. my brother told my teacher that he thinks i'm belimic because i haven't been eating recently. he meant it as a joke so no one worry.
5th hour: suppose to be creative writing but we were in the computer lab again. we were suppose to look up facts about our heritage but i got distracted. i was reading questions that fans ask pete wentz. i even asked him a question. it would be cool if he anwsered. i'll probably be in trouble on monday for not doing my work. when i was getting ready for sixth hour danny came to the lab for sixth hour and he was suppose to be leaving early so i wouldn't see him so i was like "bye danny" and he was like "what i don't get a hug?" i was like "do you want one?" and he said "not now" like acting all pretend offended. the guy next to him our friend tim was like "i want a hug!" so i gave him one and danny's like "he gets a hug and i don't?" so i went and gave danny a hug and he was like "rape!" lol it was funny.
6th hour: science my teacher wanted to go outside and play frisbee. i didn't want to go outside because it was way too hot. so she let me go to the yeah you guessed the computer lab. where my bro stole my computer that i had been on all day. he also stole the seat next to danny. i was like "i want to sit next to danny" and danny is all like "awww" so i ended up sitting behind danny and next to jordan. it was ok but jordan has been so weird lately. our computer teacher was watching us all on the myo and printing part of someone's site. danny left early or at least we thought he did. his grandpa was suppose to come and pick him up but danny came back inside the building like fifteen minutes later and he said his grandpa forgot about him, so he had to call his mom.
after school: i was on wikihow for a cerain reason when danny came back in and i closed what i was on and he went on the teachers computer and looked up my history to see i was on like relationships and stuff and he's like "you like me" and i'm like "nope you wrong". then my brother took the teachers computer and took control of my computer and i was pissed because he closed all my windows. so then danny offered to let me hear any song on his ipod so i chose "your gaurdian angel" by red jumpsuit apparatus. i love that song so pretty. and danny was all singing it to me and stuff with dramatic hand gestures and stuff. quite funny. i was going to go to danny's house and hang out with him but he had stuff to do with his mom so maybe next week.
so do you guys perfer the one big paragraph or the several smaller paragraphs? i don't care either way. i just want to entertain you guys. i archived all my wentz in wonderland chapters so far on my other site redmoonchick2 if anyone is interested. after school i took a nap. with pants on this time. then we took my bro to his friends house and while we were driving we saw my best friend sydney walking around. so i stopped and talked to her for a few minutes. she wanted me to spend the night at her house but since it's mother's day weekend i couldn't. we were driving again and then i ran into sydney and my friend greg otherwise know as G and some older readers will remember that i used to have a crush on G but not anymore because he's changed so much. well g and sydney were walking together so i talked to them and sydney told g about the time danny bruised me and g got really mad and wanted to beat danny's ass but i explained the situation but then sydney told g about danny making me cry and he got mad again. i had to go so i couldn't talk to them for long but it was good to see them.
i am proud of myself because all day i have gotten to everyone who updated before 2:00 pm i visited nearly everyone on my list. i'm trying to get better at comment because i feel bad when i don't.
ah i was just watching this thing on tv about rolling stone magazine and they interviewed pete wentz. so effing cool. well mother's day is sunday so i hope all you mom's on here have a good day! i think i'm going to write a loving poem for my mom and maybe make it look all fancy and pretty.
oh and lordsesshomaru made me this awesome picture that came up based on one of his comments

quote of the day:
me: danny, i want to hear you play "your gaurdian angel" on the guitar
danny: i want to hear you play the banjo
everyone have a good weekend!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxo |
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