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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
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cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
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full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Friday, May 11, 2007
there's a fire in your eyes and i hope you let it burn
mood: relaxed
listening to: face down-red jumpsuit apparatus
currently: trying not to think about the last day of school
pimpage: em0taku (my future famous friend), detectivedanielle (she'll shank ya), aayaownsyew (it's the truth), shadowme (she's worthy of dedication), knight edge (eviler then you), hoaryu (niisan), destinyssweetman (twiny), , tohmalover14 (she has a red jumpsuit apparatus), october (she has returned)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: lol you hit the nail on the head with that one
LS: i might as well start making up excuses like kagome does.
kirbysdouble: we don't like eachother! we are friends...nothing more.
detectivedanielle: you don't look like pete wentz
girda: yeah the chapters are in my archives. i really should compile them on my other site like i did for my other story.
tohmalover14: lmao damn regret is playing again as i'm typing this. it must be fate!
shadowme: yeah i tried to pm you but your box was full. danny isn't mad at you. that's what i was going to say.
i went to school yesterday. i like school for the most part. my brother on the other hand doesn't care for school and every day he asks me if we can miss and everyday usually i have to tell him no. he told me today that danny wouldn't be at school so i told him to call danny and he did and we found out that danny was infact going to school but my brother told danny that we weren't so then i had to call danny back and tell him that we were.
anyway back to school. it was good like i said. we didn't do anything in my first hour so we played on the internet all hour. my brother also chugged a whole can of jones cream soda and then he was all hyper by breakfast. danny and i made little mention of the fight we had on the phone only bits here and there but nothing serious but i don't mind. second hour...i skipped again. edge and LS i don't wanna hear a word out of you :p but don't worry redmoonchick's ninja skills seemed to run out as my second hour teacher came up to the computer lab and saw me. i didn't really get in trouble but i did get a stern talking to and she said i must check in with her before going to the lab. blah. danny was of little help because during the talking to he was looking at me and laughing and making me laugh. after that unpleasentness danny and i were discussing guitars and we got on the subject of fall out boy and how he thinks pete wentz sucks. danny thinks that pete is a prop, that he's only in the band because he is good looking. i objected and said that he wrote good lyrics then danny went on to say that a mentally disabled person could write better lyrics then pete and he went on full acting mode making himself look 'special ed' and he was singing a fall out boy song while doing so. it was one of the funniest things i have ever seen. during second hour danny kept singing part of the chorus to the red jumpsuit apparatus song "damn regret" he would only sing the one line and it was driving me crazy because he wouldn't finish it and the funny thing is that he hates that song and he didn't even mean to sing it.
third hour my class was supposed to do journalism but my teacher felt really crappy so we watched the steven king movie "desperation" instead. it was a pretty good movie. a little creepy but with the class commentary it was funny as hell. we also worked on a word puzzle while watching the movie and i did pretty good. before yoga i got made fun of by this girl and i went and talked to danny and my bro about it and i felt a bit better but still i couldn't shake that feeling of being laughed at so i was paranoid all yoga so i didn't have much fun. i worked out hard though. lunch was good. all we did was talk and danny said when he get's famous he's going to let me be his manager. he also said that he's going to send naked pics to me to put on my site and this senior who was eating lunch near us heard him and gave us the weirdest look. my brother wanted to skip his fifth hour and go with danny to his fifth hour i said no but he went anyway but he did come back before fifth hour started and didn't skip. in fifth hour we had to write a poem about our past, present, and future selves. sixth hour we took notes and because this boy in my class brought up the topic of girls periods. we launched into this huge discussion about periods and pregnancy and sex and stuff like that. me being the only girl in the class besides the teacher was a bit awkward. oh yeah my yoga class was cut short because all the girls and guys had to have seperate assemblys about the dress code because i swear some of the girls at my school look like they just stepped off hooker alley. the girls assembly was like five minutes longer then the boys one. during the end of fifth hour this guy in our school got in a fight and punched out the glass window in the office door. he cut his hand up pretty bad and had to go to the hospital. there is now a big ass hole in the glass door.
danny left early so i didn't get to hang with him after school. i did get to listen to the song "one and only" by timbaland featuring fall out boy. my god i love that song. everyone go listen to it. i took a nap after school and i woke up because i heard my brother and i's friend nathan's voice. now what you must know is that when i nap i don't wear pants (it was too hot) so i was just in a tank top and my undergarments. well me hearing his voice i threw my blanket over myself and said i was awake. so nathan comes in my room to talk to me and all the sudden he's like "you look skinny with no clothes on" i was like wtf? then i got it he walked into my room before i was awake and saw me in my underwear. he even named the color and i was like dear god i can never look at him again! i've know this kid since he was like 11 years old. he's fourteen now. apparently nathan drove his moped to our house and we live a good thirty minutes away from him by car. he hung around for awhile and talked about random things he gave me a dollar and offered me a ride on his moped but i declined. because that kid is insane and i don't want to die on a moped.
woo hoo it is the weekend. i will probably update tomorrow if i am not too busy. i don't know what i will be doing yet. i kind of want to hang with danny sometime this weekend because i want to go and hear him play the song "your gaurdian angel" my new favorite song on the guitar and maybe play his xbox or whatever but he has band practice so i don't know what's going to happen.
boo i have a subsitute teacher in place of my favorite teacher today. it's going to suck i hate the sub. i am so skipping yoga today.
have a good weekend!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (16) |
Thursday, May 10, 2007
i steal all my subject lines from pete wentz
mood: considerably better then last nights
listening to: damn regret-red jumpsuit apparatus
currently: yelling at the television
pimpage: em0taku (he's a good person really he is), detectivedanielle (she infects me with her music), aayaownsyew (see her at the country fair), shadowme (she's panicing at the disco), october (i'll miss her T-T), hoaryu (he really knows how to act like a brother), knight edge (knightly chess playing villan), tohmalover14 (damn regret), destinyssweetman (twin)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: it's your pirate avi! it tricks me into thinking of you as a pirate. i go to class three times a week! not my fault when danny is so very convincing.
playitbakinslomo: lol your comment sounded exactly like my reasoning of the whole situation
LS: i don't think your one of the people he's thinking of about the insults
wensdayskitten: yeah when i get frustrated i ponytail the hair too.
kirbysdouble: things went from okay to bad to okay again. oh geeze we so don't like each other.
hells light: yeah when i skip class i don't actually leave the school. XD
claes: i am a ninja!
tohmalover14: yeah i think danny does read my comments. ha ha i am so listening to damn regret as i type this!
angel zakuro: ok i misread lol but so did danny. he pointed it out to me. we were like o.o XD. i so think renee is going to win. even though i don't really want her too.
cosmicsailor: no, your good. i don't think you've insulted him.
shadowme: your poems aren't what he was complaining about. you don't have to stop writing anything or talking about him because lord knows i don't want you to die! ^-^
aaya: yep, you've been a good aaya lately. now we all just need to convince danny that we don't think he's really a whore. yup danny wears glasses sometimes. they make him look more emoish but i like them. maybe i should see if he'll put a pic up of him in his glasses. i am on team wentz you is now meh enemy. lol
my subject line is because i was talking to my friend and they said that all i steal all my subject lines from mr. pete wentz from fall out boy. hey that's not true i just use his lyrics as lines. it's more like i'm renting them XD i don't always use fob lyrics as subject lines. yesterday i used red jumpsuit apparatus lyrics and i've also used different ones in the past.
i didn't go to school yesterday. bad i know. the reason is oh so stupid too but it's my mommy's fault. when we got up to get ready for school we had this horrible rainstorm going on. it was lightining and thunder and so loud. well my mom didn't want to drive in the storm so she said no school. but i must admit that sleeping during a storm is absolutely awesome. i woke up later then i should have and found out that danny called me while he was in fifth hour. i don't know why he called because i never called him back. i don't think i'm going to call him anymore because most likely he doesn't want to talk to me. oh well. i'll see him at school today.
i am a little sad today because one of my dear myo friends xgiaXgrotesquex left the myo. she left for her own reasons but for some reason i can't help but feel guilty like i attributed to her leaving...oh well i seriously wish her the best in her life and hope that she is happy. and i will miss her.
i was standing by my window earlier today and i have a lilac bush right by the window so the wonderful aroma of lilacs flooded my room and it was just lovely. i looked later out the window and saw butterflies on the lilacs like five of them and i was surprised because i never see butterflies around. obviously by the butterfly talk it should be obvious that i have absolutely nothing to talk about.
i still need to buy a yearbook at school. i don't know how the other kids in year book manage to do it but they always take a picture of me with my chin down and i hate pics like that! urg how do they use their ninja skills on me? i like the year book anyway's lol in one of my brother's pics he looks so stoned! there is another where danny looks emo and a few where my face is all red. oh well i'm sure i won't care looking back at those pics ten years from now or whatever.
ok time for the newest installment of "wentz in wonderland" if your new this fic is dedicated to shadowme because she wanted me to write a small short version but i made a series out of it. it is basically alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist. as always characters bio's are after the fic.
"wentz in wonderland"
chapter five: singing flowers and master hurley
pete raced after ryan still chasing him through the strange wonderland. he would probably be able to catch him if he hadn't been three inches tall. before he realized he had once again lost track of ryan. he continued on until he saw gigantic colorful shoots before him. "what now?" pete wondered outloud as he approached the once giant shoots. the shoots had now shrunk down to about the same size as pete and he realized that they were flowers.
"flowers" pete said outloud expecting no response but again he had yet to figure in the rules of wonderland. "yes, were flowers" a soft airy voice replied. pete looked to his right to see a violet talking to him. pete was only a bit surprised by the talking flowers and he guessed that maybe he was getting used the creatures of wonderland. "uh-hi" was all pete managed to say as he was unsure of what type of things one talks to flowers about.
"hello" the violet said cheerfully. when pete said nothing else the flower took it upon itself to talk more with him. "welcome to the garden" it said. "the garden?" peter wondered outloud. he scanned his surroundings and saw a bevy of flowers all surrounding him. "come on" the violet instructed "let's go in" it said as it wrapped it's leafy hand around his wrist and pulled him inside.
instantly all sorts of flowers had surrounded them. each flower had taken on an almost human like apperance. their leaves had changed into something like hands and their roots now makeshift feet. the flowers had made their way around him their eyes watching him.
"we should sing for him!" one flower suggested.
another nodded "yeah that's a good idea!".
"what should we sing about?" a daisy asked
"hmmm i got it what about if we sing about what kind of flower he is!" a lily annouced.
"yeah that's a great idea!" a few flowers in the back agreed.
the violet that stood next to pete turned to face him "so what kind of flower are you?" it asked.
pete wasn't sure what to say. the flowers had all decided things so fast and he still wasn't sure about anything. he didn't even know how the they mistaked him for a flower. he didn't have leaves or petals. pete decided to go the honest route and tell them that he wasn't a flower. "um funny thing. i'm actually not a flower." pete told the group.
the flowers gasped and began instantly chattering amoung themselves. "he's not a flower?" "then what the heck is he?" he heard them whisper. "maybe he's a weed!" one of the flowers yelled. causing instant terror in the other flowers. "a weed! that must be it! he's a weed!". the flowers yelled at him. "wait everyone will go see master about this" the violet next to pete said. it's words serving to calm down the other flowers. "yeah let's go see master!" the flowers agreed and before pete could say or do anything his arms were grabbed by two flowers and he was dragged away to see this 'master' of the flowers.
the group of flowers lead pete deep into the garden passing other flowers who looked on and whispered to their neighbors. eventually the flowers lead pete to a very leafy looking spot. the flowers holding pete stopped as did any others who had happened to follow the group. the violet that pete had first met stepped up to a huge leaf before bowing down slightly.
"master, we need your assistance" the violet called to the leaf. silence was heard for a few long moments before a sigh was heard "fine pull back the curtains" pete heard a oddly familar voice say. instantly two flowers jumped out and pulled back the leafs that made a makeshift chambers for the master of the flowers. the leaf curtains fell away and the infamous master stepped out for pete to see.
"andy!?!" pete cried as he saw what was once his friend and drummer. now andy wasn't a person but a rose with a human face. needless to say it was one of the scariest things pete had yet to see in wonderland. andy surveyed pete "how did you know my name?" he asked pete as he stood infront of him. what could pete say uh your only one of my oldest friends and not a flower! somehow he figured that it wouldn't work. "i guessed" pete muttered. andy gave him a skeptical look before looking at the flowers holding him.
"what is this about?" andy asked as he paced back and forth. "well master" the violet began "we thought this creature was a flower but he is not and we suspect him to be a weed" it told andy. andy's eyes widened at the word weed. "of course he is a weed! i mean look at him!" andy stated as he gingerly touched pete as if he were diseased ridden or something. "hey, i'm not a weed!" pete protested. "yeah right weeds always say that" andy told the captured pete. "throw him out of the garden!" andy cried. pete tried his best to protest but before he could do anything all the flowers rushed him and tossed him out on his butt out of their garden.
"like i wanted to be a gay flouncy flower anyway!" pete yelled back at them while he stood and dusted himself off. pete didn't really have an idea as to where to go yet. he stood thinking until he saw the smoke rising faintly in the distance. with no where to go pete decided to go in the direction of the smoke hoping that it lead to somewhere kinder then a bunch of mean spirited flowers.
pete wentz as alice:

omg i love this picture of him
andy hurley as the master of the flowers:

this pic is for aaya because she loves andy
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (9) |
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
i said i'd never leave you'll never change
mood: hurt but i'll live
listening to: grim goodbye-red jumpsuit apparatus
currently: upset that it's happening all over again
pimpage: em0taku (i won't say a word), detectivedanielle (yaoi makes her giggle), aayaownsyew (she's on team patrick), shadowme (she's the bomb pun intended), hoaryu (niisan), destinyssweetman (i miss him), knight edge (pervy pirate knight), october (sorry i can't help), tohmalover14 (incredibly helpful), angel zakuro (top model buddy)
Redmoonchick Responds:
knight edge: i combined your two professions
LS: maybe you and edge can join together and solve this epidemic
wensdaykitten: shield your eyes! XD
whistle: aww i am though of?
angel zakuro: i think you misread my dear danny didn't show me his junk he wouldn't do that.
hoaryu: man i wish i listened to you more because that bad something happened
october: yeah i've always told danny that he can pull off his girl jeans. he can.
hyli: well danny is one of my dear friends so i will keep talking about him.
elves: wow you managed to leave a antamoy lesson in your comment! lol
hells light: ha i'm in the same boat as you
tohmalover14: no, danny doesn't wear eyeliner. just the girl jeans. the jordan guy i was talking about he was the one wearing eyeliner.
claes: you have the same name as my cousin ^-^
shadowme: if danny wants to talk to her that way who are we to stop him? even if we don't like it. not that i said that it bugs me. he really does look like beckett. ha ha beckett is in my sixth hour.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: it's ok if you haven't been around! i'm glad you stopped by! *glomps*
alex: i miss you!
keba-kun: sorry about the drama but highschool and drama go hand in hand.
aaya: woo hoo i am no slut! XD lmao megzican. can i join your race? i wanna be megzican too!
school yesterday was fine. i got there a bit late but that was because i was having hair problems. ladies you feel me? anyways first hour we were supposed to do this excel worksheet on the computer. i didn't have mine done so danny like the sweet guy that he is pulled up his and printed it for me. so i just wrote my name on it and turned it in. we almost got caught though because he gave me the wrong one so we had to quickly fabricate a story but it all worked in the end. i was intending on going to my second hour but danny wanted me to skip with him but i said i had my stuff in my second hour class already so danny went all ninja and grabbed my stuff so i did skip. i know i shouldn't but i tend to listen to danny a lot and i really hate history class. my teacher ended up calling and wanted to know where i was but i said that danny was suppose to tell her i was up there so again i managed to escape getting in trouble. third hour i had to write a news story about a woman who committed suicide by getting hit by a train. while i was searching for facts i happened upon some pics of people who were killed by trains and i nearly threw up. yoga we worked with weights and i usually use three pound weights but i went for five pounders and i knocked myself in the head with one of them. but i'm ok. oh yeah danny left during fourth hour because he left his glasses at home and he need to finish his driving school homework. so he left and our principal took him home and i tried to go with him by telling him that i left something at danny's house but it didn't work. lunch was normal i managed to scrape up enough money to go and buy a pop. fifth hour we had to write a poem about ourselves and my brother made me swear really loud and i got in trouble. oh and during fifth hour a group of seniors honest to god got in an argument over who would win a ninja or a pirate. it was quite funny. sixth hour we did a worksheet and then went outside and played frisbee but it was so hot out that it wasn't much fun.
i tried to take a nap after school but it was too hot so i didn't sleep very well. oh i can't believe i kept forgetting to mention this but a few days ago my grandma the one who was just in the hospital. well she managed to start a fire in her kitchen. apparently she was boiling something and forgot about it. she burned up her kitchen and i think she burned her face a bit but otherwise she is fine. it could've been worse because she has small oxygen tanks in her kitchen and we all know that flames+oxygen tanks=boom! she is staying with my uncle right now so were all just thankful that she is fine.
i took a shower and afterwards i decided to call danny on the phone because i wanted to know if his driving test went well. well we talked normally for awhile but then something happened and he got really mad at me and we argued and it was bad. it hurt my feelings but i feel better now so i'm not going to hold a grudge or anything because he is my friend. it's just a shame because we were getting along so well at least i thought we were. i think maybe sometimes i upset him and i don't mean to. but i also think he does that to me too. like on the phone he made me upset so i kinda hung up on him. i mean i said by and that i would see him tomorrow but i didn't sound happy. i know what he got mad about but i don't feel like talking about it.
i want to ask you guys something. i know sometimes danny can be mean to me and that may upset some of you but i was wondering if you guys could stop insulting him. i know not all of you do or if you do that you probably don't mean it but i put myself in danny's shoes and if i was ragged on i wouldn't like it much either. that also happens to be one of the topics that came up in the phone call.
well i got school tomorrow and my cousin who moved to flordia is coming back to visit for a few days so i should see her tomorrow. well i hope you guys all have a really good wednesday! i certainly hope i will.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo |
Comments (14) |
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
i'm the motherfucking princess
mood: happy
listening to: justify-red jumpsuit apparatus/danny playing the guitar and singing on his site
currently: know way more about danny then i wanted to
pimpage: em0taku (he's so jelous), detectivedanielle (smartest kid in her school), aayaownsyew (dare i say she's in love?), shadowme (she pwns the world), october (kinky, kinky), knight edge (he's a pirate now), hoaryu (soon to be graduated), destinyssweetman (best twin), tohmalover14 (i'm gonna adopt her because she's that awesome)
Redmoonchick Responds:
knight edge: yes, you are a complex person..but i have figured out your true identidy...your a pirate!
bed-stuy: my science teacher says the same thing about danny and i. it seems we can't go one day without arguing XD
alex: no, i'm fine when i said i didn't feel good it was because my stomach was hurting.
em0taku: stop being lazy and bring it! school is almost over.
detectivedanielle: yeah, that's what i figured no worries.
hoaryu: that's the way danny lives his life..bluntly
wensdayskitten: i have the HIM cd too! i have listened to it in forever though.
angel zakuro: aww dear it's fine! *huggles*
tohmalover14: we are awesome because we think alike. woot! you rock.
aaya: i guess we will have to start a revolution where we go and move fob cd's to the front of every cd store in america.
october: danny isn't looking for love. i'd say he's fairly happy with the situation he has going on.
lalagirl: um tomboy...sometimes. i just get in fights with boys alot. a certain boy ecspecially. um on a scale of 1-10 i would say the guy was an 8.
how was everyone's monday? mine was actually good. school was actually fun. maybe it was the warm weather that made me happy? oh well it was a good day. first hour i didn't get any work done because i was busy messing around with danny. i swear i don't think we were serious for like one minute today. we were playing around all first hour like jokingly arguing as danny put it. he called me a slut i called him one back. blah all in good fun though. second hour aka american history, danny wanted me to skip but i said i couldn't so he went to class with me and tried to tell the teacher that i had to work on a project with him but the teacher wouldn't let me go so danny left all huffy. i eventually did go to danny's class after i finished my assignment and again we argued and he logged me off my computer so i shut off his computer so then he unplugged both of our computers. yeah, we are so immature. third hour my class played this game where you get cards with words on them and you have to make a gramatically correct sentence. i didn't win but i had fun. yoga since it was nice out my teacher wanted us to go outside and play kickball. i seriously didn't want to play because kickball brings up bad memories so i didn't play and kept score instead. lunch kind of sucked because our cafeteria ran out of food. i guess someone forgot to send us a tray so they ran out of burgers and we had to have salads. i took one and so did my bro but danny didn't want one and instead he ran around the school trying to find our principal so that he could resolve the matter. in the end our principal bought danny some snacks from the school store and i bough a pop, candy bar, and slim jim for lunch. i couldn't get my candy bar open and danny was making fun of me. fifth hour i was writing a poem about an object i'd save if my house caught on fire. sixth hour we took notes about natural selection.
oh at lunch danny told me something so very innapropriet. danny told me how big his man junk is...yeah i am not kidding. i was ew i don't want to know that! after school my brother, danny, and i were hanging in the computer lab and my bro was looking at pictures of amsterdam and danny was randomly clicking on people's myo sites and i was talking to my friend danielle via myo pm's. we went outside and for the second time this month danny acted out him having sex with a girl. he does it on purpose cause he knows i don't want to hear about it. oh and poor danny he got made fun of for wearing his super tight girl pants today. i don't think it bugged him too much. this other kid named jordan got made fun of for wearing eyeliner today in my third hour. *sigh* some people in my school are so close minded.
i was thinking about nicknames today. my name is cassandra and i've gone by that most of my life. mostly because every cassie i have ever met was a total bitch. so i avoided the nickname cassie. but last year i was called cassie a little bit not a lot because there was another girl named cassie in our school. this year i'm the only cassie so i have found that i am very rarely called cassandra anymore. even my friends call me cassie. last year i went all unique and dropped the E off my name so i was cassi. ha awesome. i think when i first met danny he might have called me cassandra but i can't really remember so really i don't ever recall him calling me cassandra but i don't call him daniel very often so whatever. my brother calls me sissy. he has done that all his life mostly because he couldn't pronounce my name but now were older and he still calls me sissy. last year i had a few other nicknames. one was cassie cop it has no real meaning it's just something my friends called me. and i also had cussing cassie. if i get really pissed i start letting off a string of swears and if i was getting mad my friends would be like "oh no here comes cussing cassie!" lol. sometimes i was also called cabbage patch because i have round cheeks. i do have a point with this nickname rant. i want to know what are your guys nicknames?
i think i am losing some weight but it sucks because for girls the first place you lose weight is in well their boobs. that's so not fair on so many levels. it hasn't happened to me yet but it probably will. oh i was looking at this kid named mike in my sixth hour and i realized that he looks a hell of a lot like william beckett the lead singer of the band "the academy is...." i know aaya and shadowme know who he is but for those who don't here is a pic of him: 
yeah also danny thought this guy was a chick before. XD so if i'm keeping score then i know a brendon urie look-a-like and a william beckett look-a-like. where the hell is the pete wentz one?
alright i have another picture. in honor of me playing kickball in yoga here is an pic of fall out boy playing kickball. pshhh i would play more if they were on my team. XD

awesome shorts and patrick's headband is love. so are andy's socks

i want to be on wentz's team
well that is all so i hope you all have an enjoyable day!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxo |
Comments (21) |
Monday, May 7, 2007
you said you would die for me so you must live for me too
mood: no feel good =/
listening to: waiting- red jumpsuit apparatus
currently: hope he doesn't think that poem was about him.
pimpage: em0taku (that one scene kid), detectivedanielle (that one quiet kid), aayaownsyew (that one pimp kid), shadowme (that one stalker kid), october (that one stripper kid), knight edge (that one pervy kid), hoaryu (that one older brother kid), destinyssweetman (that one twin kid)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: no revenge mwahahaha i discovered edge's true side! ha ha you just wish you could've sat on patrick stump too!
LS: more then anything i'd say that the video unblockage was a mistake
detectivedanielle:.....are you coming on to me? <-- (oh god i'm kidding no getting upset allowed) pshh the girl who said i screwed up her name was amanda taylor
aaya: aaya no punch the babies! punch whoever told joe that the beard was a good idea. ha ha the smosh pokemon one was funny but i liked the food war one the best. ha ha i got to sit on patrick are you jealous?
angel zakuro: normally i would get in trouble but the sub wrote me a pass because he is stoopid so i no get in trouble for skipping.
shadowme: well i found it so very ironic too but danny tells me that it wouldn't be the first time he was used by a girl
magnus: wowie i'm just glad to hear from you! *hugs*
hey guys. i was just trying to remember what happened on friday so i could talk about it. i really should at least post on saturdays but meh i'm lazy over the weekend. school on friday was average. i got to see the yearbook commercial that we made and the same one that i was so desperate not to be in. it was alright i mean it was funny but lame at the same time i enjoyed it but i'm still so very glad i wasn't in it. i skipped my yoga class because my teacher was gone and the sub was inexperienced enough to let me have a pass to the computer lab. fifth hour my class went outside to read out haikus and me and this goth kid talked about manga. sixth hour we had to watch this documentary about lions and they show animals getting eaten alive so i have offically became the person who can't watch that stuff and being the only girl in the class all the guys are like "yeah i wanna watch stuff get eaten!" so now the boys are like "don't look cassie" everytime something gross happens. danny left early on friday so i didn't get to see him much but we still managed to get in an argument during fourth hour where he claimed that i started the fight that ended in him leaving me bruised. i said that he started it so we watched the fight on his camera phone and it turns out i was right. he started it. but he still objects. oh yeah and my computer teacher said he was going to make me a fall out boy cd. yeah it's a long story but he said that he's sick of me trying to listen to them at school so he was going to use his free downloads or something and try to make me a cd. i don't care either way because danny made me the same cd he just has trouble bringing it to school.
on cinco de mayo i went to this bar/resturant to try and win tickets to the fall out boy concert. unfortuantly i didn't win but while i was sitting at my table drinking my coke this bus boy comes up and hits on me. lmao it was quite funny he was also very cute. yeah he talked to me until my mom came back to the table when he promptly said goodbye to me. i thought it was funny. oh i also got the red jumpsuit apparatus cd "don't you fake it" this weekend. i got for a few reasons. 1. it was on sale 2. now i don't have to bug danny to let me listen to their songs on his ipod. while looking through the cd's i found fall out boy ones in the back and kept sticking them in the front. because that's where they deserve to be! XD i saw their cd "take this to your grave" and i was so tempted to buy it but it's the same cd that danny made for me and also the same one that my teacher said he was going to make for me. i was also looking for the bands the academy is... and gym class heroes but alas i couldn't find them. T-T
by the way i love my red jumpsuit apparatus cd! i bought it cause i like their song "face down" but now i also like "cat and mouse" and "damn regret" and "your gaurdian angel". oh i got in a play fight with my brother friday after school. it started because i was taking off my sock and i threw it at him. then he threw it back at me and so on and so forth until i hit him in the face with it and he like pounced on me and we were fighting and i bit him and accidently punched him in the jaw now my arm hurts. oh well it was still funny. he was mad at me later though and he was getting ready to mow the lawn and i was sitting outside and i had some orbit gum and you know the commercial where the woman is like "dirty mouth clean it up with orbit gum blah blah blah" well i did that to him and he thought it was funny and i was laughing my ass off.
ok so school today. hopefully it will be good and i still need to buy a yearbook darn it!
i have a quote of the day.
ok so i was talking to danny about his girlfriend at lunch sometime last week.
red: so your girlfriend is using you?
danny: yup
red: for what?
danny: my looks....and the sex
red: *sigh*
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (14) |
Friday, May 4, 2007
let the good times roll
mood: content
listening to: golden-fall out boy
currently: i want us to be like that all the time
pimpage: em0taku (he does it in the dark with a smile on his face), detectivedanielle (she don't fight fair), shadowme (she's dropped and well conceled in secret places), aayaownsyew (don't pretend you ever forgot about her), knight edge (cause sorrow is all the rage), hoaryu (tell the boys where to find my body), october (new york eyes chigago thighs), destinyssweetman (your a canary i'm a colemine)
note all pimpage are lyrics to the fall out boy songs "the take over the breaks over" and "i've got all this ringing in my ears and none on my fingers"
Redmoonchick Responds:
alex: no they don't sing with fall out boy but some rap artists have helped produce a few tracks. that is all.
jaguar: hey! i missed you but i understand real life can get hectic
LS: you have made me a very happy fangirl *grabs cheap champange*
angel zakuro: well he does have a thing for pokemon. but i am sure you could totally rock a pikachu suit! ha ha i would have pwned that anwser! in your face alex trebeck. (i am a geek)
detectivedanielle: yes, ryro indeed. you must start calling him ryro. do it.
knight edge: ha i made you care. don't change because you are awesome.
aayaownsyew: joes beard=bad very bad. i don't like it!
em0taku: nonsensical comments suck.
capricorn-rocker: you like thnks fr th mmrs? i love you now! lol yes, that song kicks everyones ass. no disfiguring ryro! no actually that'd be pretty funny.
tohmalover14: yes, we shall take over one yaoi fangirl at a time. i am a goddess? ha i love you so much! always ready with the nice compliments!
shadowme: i know i went and found your name and put it in the chapter on purpose. consider it another late b-day gift along with the ryro pic. if your his maid you better find him his damn gloves.
i went to school yesterday! go me. i am proud of myself because i only got like an hour of sleep but still got up and went. weird thing happened just as i was falling asleep last night the phone rang! and when we picked up no one was there...creepy. oh i changed my avi because i finally went to school so i could upload it finally. what do you guys think? do you like the new one or the other patrick+peter one? i like both.
school was actually good today. i saw danny we had a good day except for one small argument during first hour and some pinching and punching. are normal teacher wasn't there for first hour so we did nothing but play around on the myo which danny tells me was almost blocked the other day by our teacher and that he begged him not to block it for my sake. oddly nice of him. second hour i was suppose to watch a movie about bonnie and clyde but i had already missed most of it so i opted to go and work on a powerpoint in the computer lab....yeah that didn't work too well because our school recently somehow unblocked videos so we can get on youtube. wtf? i say. so i found danny in the computer lab watching family guy clips and i got preoccupied and ended up watching videos with him all hour. lmao we watched these guys called smosh. man they were funny. i was lmao all hour.
third hour our yearbook's came in! after months of working hard on it, it is finally here! i didn't buy one yet but i got to look through it. and it is awesome. i want to buy one today if my mom gives me the money. it's only fifteen bucks. danny isn't buying one though which i think is sad but oh well what can i do? there was a girl going around and telling people that i screwed up her last name on one of the art pages but that is bs because i wasn't the only one working on it. she asked me about it during third hour and i told her it wasn't me but i don't know if she believes me. if we have a yearbook class next year i don't think i'm going to be in it because it takes all the fun out of yearbook like when i look at it all i see is the mistakes i might have made and worring about wheter people like my pages.
yoga we worked with weights and did crunches and for some reason i was doing the crunches with ease! woot go me. fifth hour we went outside and wrote haikus about nature. i found a stump and sat on and i named the stump patrick! lmao let me explain the lead singer of fall out boy his name is patrick stump. so i said i was sitting on patrick stump! lol i found it funny. <---aaya will understand. sixth hour played hangman and watched some videos on evolution.
i found out my friend danielle isn't mad at me. so we are cool there. danny is having some problems with his girlfriend of like ten days. apparently her bestfriend was texting danny and telling him that his girlfriend doesn't even like him. well he said he was being used and blah but i don't think he cares. he might but he's just not showing it. after school we were all in the computer lab and danny plugged his ipod into the computer and was blasting music. i wanted to listen to the fob song "grand theft autum" but only one computer in the lab has sound and this slightly annoying senior named joel took it. T-T but danny did tell me that he'd bring me the cd he made me today. i just hope he remembers. back to the joel kid. danny doesn't like him and i can see why. the kid is a bit boastful. he is in a band and constantly brags about and he didn't know who fall out boy was! *shocked* danny played one of their songs and he acted like he knew it but was singing it all wrong. i felt like i was going deaf in my right ear because i was sitting next to danny and he was blasting hard rock music. he'd play fall out boy for like a second then change it. that joel kid also poked me so that i could listen to a song that he played the drums for. other occurances my bro fell out of a computer chair on purpose and also tried to hit someone else (just playing around with a chair)
lol have you guys noticed how when i go to school my posts are longer? sorry about that i know people don't like to read long posts. so school tomorrow my teacher will be gone. i'm probably gonna skip fourth hour. (yoga)
so i'll be off to check a few sites and what not.
xoxoxoxoxoxoxox |
Comments (16) |
Thursday, May 3, 2007
i'm every cliche but i simply do it best
mood: pleased
listening to: alone-prom kings
currently: glad danny is ok
pimpage: em0taku (he belongs in hollywood), detectivedanielle (captain kirk stole her dance), aayaownsyew (supahhero), shadowme (she's fourteen now), october (she loves the strippers), hoaryu (best niisan evah), knight edge ( he's a very good listener), destinyssweetman (so sweet he notifyes me when fall out boy was mentioned on tv), tohmalover14 (she's a werewolf!)
Redmoonchick Responds:
knight edge: you were worried about me? awww *feels loved* i'm alright now.
alex: thank you for the prayers as always i appreciate it.
october: danny is home now at least that's what he told me. come on we all know you kick it kinky.
LS: you would have my undying adoration if you made that pic. hey don't snicker at me! i did not snicker at you when you told us you had fuzzy brown bear slippers! XD
shadowme: if you think that pic is purdy check the ryro one. *grin*
wensdaykitten: yeah i'm not doing anymore tagging either
roseeyes: lmao i laughed at your comment for a good minute!
angel zakuro: i knew britt would go home! wah she went crazy in the challenge! now i'm rooting for dion (sp?)
niisan: maybe you can have k-chan dress up as pikachu? o.0 i better stop before both of you kill me.
lalagirl: being embaressed infront of the whole school? not fun.
tohmalover14: ha ha you agreed! now we are peterick fans. *evil laugh*
aayaownsyew: lmao i keep typing your old name! no your not tagged. i didn't tag anyone else this time. soon you'll own all of myo!
well i didn't go to school again yesterday. for about the same reasons. it all had to do with my grandma being in the hospital but no worries because i am going to school tomorrow and better news my grandma is also getting out of the hospital tomorrow. i actually wanted to go to school yesterday but alas it wasn't to be. more good news. i got a message from danny on the old myspace and he said that he's home now. that's great because i was worried about him. so hopefully i will see him at school tomorrow.
i think maybe my friend danielle is mad at me about what happened last weekend. how my mom changed her mind about letting me go to the movies with her. i explained my situation to her but she still seems a bit upset and i don't blame her i would probably be mad too, but theres not a lot i can do.
my mom came home from work and told me that the guy she wanted me to go out with told her to tell me to call him. yeah i don't think so. i don't even know the guy! what would we talk about? also i learned that he might have gotten a girl pregnant before but he doesn't know if it's his kid. yeah, i don't think i want to be involved in any babies mama drama. kinda sucks because he had the makings to be an ok boyfriend.
i saw fall out boy on the tonight show. they played "thks fr th mmrs" <--if you haven't heard this song listen to it! it's so good! their performance was awesome except that their guitar player joe now is rocking a beard and he looked totally hippieish. he doesn't look so awesome. patrick was really cute with his bowler hat and pete with his genral hottness and andy with his long hair. fall out boy = happy redmoonchick.
i made it to everyone who commented on my site today. so i am pleased about that. i am going to school today so i'm sure i'll be able to hit a lot of you up.
now ladies and gents it's time for a new chapter of "wentz in wonderland" if your new the series is basically alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist. i hope you guys like it. it's not too short and as always character bio's are located after the story.
"wentz in wonderland"
chapter four: cupcakes and gender confusion
after escaping the insane wonderland versions of the way brothers. pete was basically wandering aimlessly in a direction he thought he saw ryan go. he continued to wander not really knowing where he was going, but it's not like it was the first time he ever wandered aimlessly in a unknow place.
by this time pete was moving only by habit. his thoughts lost somewhere far away. pete thought about what would happen if he never got out of wonderland. before he could think too much on the subject he felt himself stumble and he came out of his thoughts just in time to watch himself fall down the side of a small hill. pete couldn't regain his footing and proceeded to tumble down the hill until he at last landed shaken and dirty at the foot of the hill.
pete groaned and stood before dusting himself off. he looked ahead of him and saw a large two story house before him. "that's weird" pete said outloud as he made his way towards the house. "maybe whoever lives here will know where to find ryan" pete thought. peter didn't have to wonder for very long. as he passed through the gate and into the front yard of the house he was a small sign stuck in the yard. the white rabbit was all the sign read and pete's hopes shot up that maybe this was ryan's house.
pete practically dashed full speed to the front door before knocking excitedly. he waited bouncing on his heels excited at the prospects of getting out of wonderland. when no one anwsered pete knocked again harder thid time. it was only a few moments before the wooden door was pulled open and sure enough there stood ryan ross in all his glory.
"ryan!" pete exclaimed both pleased at finding the young guitarist and upset at the chase he put him through. "your late. come inside." ryan told pete, pete nodded and followed ryan into the house. ryan led pete through the living room to the kitchen. "ryan. what's going on? do you know how to get back to the real world? i-" pete was cut off by a glaring ryan. he adjusted the clock he was wearing. "belinda go and fetch me my gloves" ryan told pete. pete was confused "belinda? whose belinda?" pete asked ryan. "you, you idiot. your my maid belinda! now go and fetch me my gloves!" ryan shouted and for such a scrawny kid he could sure yell loud.
"i'm not your maid! and i'm sure as hell not a girl!" pete yelled back. ryan gave him a puhleeze kind of look "you could've fooled me" ryan deadpanned. pete snorted "right this coming from the girliest guy in the world" pete shot back. "oh? are you looking in a mirror?" ryan retorted. pete grumbled as upset that ryan didn't remember him and upset that his one last hope for getting out of this wretched place was now gone.
ryan had walked away from pete still demanding that pete fetch his gloves. pete didn't even know where to begin looking for the stupid gloves so he still stood dumbly in the kitchen. pete suddenly realized that he was extreamly hungry his stomache growling at him. he shrugged and figured that if he was going to search for ryan's gloves then at least ryan owed him a meal. pete's eyes scanned the shiny blue countertop before his eyes caught something he knew he couldn't resist.
a cupcake sat on the counter just begging to be eaten. pete knew that in wonderland the chances were good that this was no ordinary cupcake but he still couldn't resist. he rushed over to the sweet treat and devoured it in two bites. feeling oddly full after his one cupcake pete left the kitchen to search for the missing gloves that ryan was adamant about finding. pete went into a spare room and opened a chest looking for the gloves. "ugh i don't feel so well" pete mumbled to himself as he peered into the chest. "why the hell is this thing getting smaller?" peter wondered as the chest became smaller and smaller.
by the time pete realized what was happening he had already grown too large. pete's arms and legs broke through the holes where the houses windows once were. pete's head had busted through the roof and he could now see the entire west side of wonderland. pete could also a very shocked, very pissed looking ryan ross in his front yard. "a monster! someone help! a monster has destroyed my house!" ryan shouted "i'm not a monster" pete bellowed back. ryan didn't listen and instead continued screaming bloodly murder.
eventually some help came to ryan's aid. pete sighed as he saw what had come to help ryan. the same stupid dodo that had made pete race. "it is a monster!" the dodo screeched "but i can help!" it proclaimed "bill!" it called. "who the hell is bill?" pete asked. seconds later a green lizard with a pushbroom on his back showed up in front of the house. "i have an idea" bill began "we tear the roof off!" he proclaimed before scurrying up the side of the house and sliding down into the chimney. bill slipping into the chimney caused some dark black soot to rise up right into pete's face.
before he could do anything to stop it pete sneezed and blew the chimney and bill sky high. "sorry bill" pete yelled. "now what?" ryan asked exasperated. "i have one more idea" the dodo said as he rushed inside ryan's house. he came out moments later with pleanty of broken furniture. "we smoke it out" the dodo excalimed. "oh shit." pete was no scienctist but even he knew that this couldn't end well. the dodo continued smashing and breaking many of ryan's posessions much to ryan's objections. before anyone could stop it the dodo had lit a small fire and pete knew he would die if he didn't get out. glancing around pete spotted a vegtable garden to his right praying that his idea work he grabbed a carrot and ate it.
in mere seconds pete had shrunk back down to about three inches small. "great tiny again" pete grumbled. he made his way out of the burning house just in time to see ryan had once again taken off in a run. pete chased after him for what felt like the hundreth time. "that kid must like the chase" pete sighed as he followed ryan.
pete wentz as alice

ryan ross as the white rabbit

i couldn't resist. happy belated birthday gift shadowme!
for that picture i feel bad for the guys
Comments (16) |
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
everyday with you is a holiday
mood: worried
listening to: fully alive-flyleaf
currently: not ready to say goodbye
pimpage: em0taku (danny h.), detectivedanielle (superhero at night), aayaownsyew (she does), shadowme (happy birthday), knight edge (male stripper), october (she kicks it kinky style), hoaryu (ill author with a pokemon fetish), destinyssweetman (wonder twin powers activate), angel zakuro (america's next top model)
Redmoonchick Responds:
roleni-chan: well the door isn't broken anymore my bro fixed it.
LS: maybe you should make me a picture with fall out boy with ninja headbands on. that would be awesome.
alex: oh we're made up. yeah we're pretty normal again.
niisan: as stated above danny and i as of monday were made up so we's good i guess.
em0taku: you said you didn't read my posts anymore. how was i suppose to know that you did?
bed-stuy: glad you like the blue i wasn't sure about it.
october: i wasn't calling him a slut exactly... *hides from whip*
lalagirl: well not anymore but he has given me a bruise before
shadowme: i never said it was danny or his girlfriend that i was talking about. i stated no names. *innocent*
tohmalover14: nope, he's not paticularly good with cars nor does he want to be a mechanic. he get's too frustrated.
bah i didn't go to school yesterday. now, now no one jump to conclusions and be all like omg you missed school. it was for an important reason. my grandma went to the hospital last night. my aunt called at around 3:30 in the morning and said that my grandma went to the hospital. so naturally my mom went to the hospital and we didn't go to school. i guess that my grandma couldn't breath and they found out that her lungs were filled with water. i think she's alright right now but it's still a bit iffy.
i am hoping that they filmed that yearbook commerical while i was gone from school yesterday so that i don't have to be in it. i really don't want to be in it. i got a bit of bad news today though i checked out danny's site and he said that he was kicked out of his house and that he wouldn't be to school for awhile. i sent him a few messages but he didn't respond so i am worried about him. i hope he'll be ok and i want to know what happened. other then that i think i'm going to remain mum on this situation until i learn more.
i was tagged again so i think i'll do it one more time then after that no more. also i'm not tagging other people.
1. i have a weird intense hate for the rapper chris brown.
2. i have seen the naked pictures of pete wentz
3. i can act of whole episodes of fma
4. i was born in the year of the dragon
5. i used to be afraid of turning into a vampire when i was little
6. i cry at kid movies
ok well those were more random. i so have nothing to talk about today so i think i'll give some pics.

they are so gay together

some one drew this. i did not but it's so good i wanted to share it
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (15) |
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
show me all your scars, let me kiss your stars
mood: happy
listening to: falls apart-hurt <--love this song
currently: i'm lost somewhere between love and hate
pimpage: aayaownsyew (master of the hobo's), em0taku ( natural born heartbreaker), detectivedanielle (i respect her), shadowme (i'm going to find her a ryro look-a-like), hoaryu (soon to be fugitive), knight edge (attention shoppers, flasher in lane five), destinyssweetman (has protective brother down pat), october (she'll whip you)
Redmoonchick Responds:
knight edge: yup, you said i was assless in your friday comment. you must be getting old your memory is slipping.
alex: sorry alex but i like the occasional drink. i'm not hurting anyone so i think it's alright.
LS: i like the manga too! poor havoc. i am so calling the cops on you tag ripper.
wensdayskitten: danny was more like "don't let your mom call me anymore"
kirbysdouble: interesting. but wrong because danny has a girlfriend. grrr now i'm more interested in the one you shot down.
niisan: michigan. you should start walking now lol
angel zakuro: lol i can so hear jael saying that! XD
capricorn-rocker: i lurve your icon
tohmalover14: not stick thin. losing some poundage is a good thing.
aayaownsyew: aww i feel so loved. lol that's what i thought when i bought furuba 16. i was like aaya is going to be mad. lmao. hell's yes superumbrella infomericals. it will be the next big thing.
jd person: well that is a good reason.
shadowme: yeah drunk redmoonchick was yelling mean things at the sober danny. oh well.
hi guys, well i changed my site as you can see. i do this every month. well for may i decided to do another fall out boy theme. cause fall out boy owns me. i made the colors on my site look like the colors on their cd. the avatar i have i probably won't keep because the ones i do want are saved at school. i hope you guys like it! well i went to school yesterday. *applause* yeah and pleased to find that it was not nearly as awkward as it could've been. there were some awkward moments of silence and stares when i first got to school but we basically had an icebreaker because danny pierced his lip so i was talking to him about that. things got better bit by bit and danny and i have all but made up. so it's ok october you don't have to worry anymore.
school was fine like i said. we had like a free day or something for my first hour so i mostly talked to danny and trolled around the myo. danny and i also traded insults in my c-box. you guys should check out the older messages some of them are funny. second hour i did questions about history then went up to the computer lab and talked with my brother, danny, and this guy named jordan. i was so very upset to find out that the video i so desperately DIDN'T want to be in for my yearbook class wasn't filmed on friday and instead my teacher decided to film it tomorrow. so i'm probably going to skip my third hour tomorrow. yoga we went for a walk up to the diary queen and yes i see the irony of walking to a fast food place. before we left i tried to bum some money off of danny but all he had was a dollar and unlucky for me they don't sell anything for a dollar. the diary queen was a good distance away and by the time we got back i was utterly exhausted and my legs still ache from the walk. my teacher saw the bruise danny left on my arm and said she was going to talk to him about not touching me because she considers that abuse. i told danny this and he avoided her the rest of the day. lunch i watched danny, my brother, and some other boys play basketball then went and got lunch. fifth hour we had to list all ten things we would save if our house were on fire, then we had to pick one of the things and write a poem about it. sixth hour i took notes about evolution.
after school was alright. my brother and i thought danny had left early so we were up in the computer lab for like fifteen minutes and we had to leave so we got downstairs and danny was still here. so we all talked and yeah danny decided to tell me the gory details about him and his new girlfriend having sex. i hate when he tells me that kind of stuff but he does it on purpose. i want to ask your guy's opinions on something. if you knew a someone for two weeks and then only started dating them for four days. would you sleep with them? and if you knew someone who did this would you consider it slutty? i know i would. one of my teachers asked me and danny if we made up and danny said i was being overdramatic for the attention....boys are so stupid.
i forgot to mention yesterday that over the weekend i broke my van's passenger side door. what happened was i was talking to sydney and just absentmindedly flipped this latch thing on the open passenger door. i flipped it back again and then later when i tried to close the door it wouldn't close so we had to bungy cord it closed so that we could take sydney home and pick up my brother. in the end my brother was able to fix it so it's all good.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (17) |
Monday, April 30, 2007
everything just fell apart for me
mood: annoyed
listening to: the carpal tunnel of love- fall out boy
currently: glad i am not feeling the effects of a hang over
pimpage: detectivedanielle (elementary my dear jessica), deadxonxarrival (don't go gently into that goodnight), shadowme (lil' miss infedelity), october (blushing october), hoaryu (bestest older brother), knight edge (strip poker champion five years running), destinyssweetman ( he'll karate chop you), em0taku (just another victim of drunk dialing pssh he deserved it)
Redmoonchick Responds:
wensdayskitten: ha glad you liked the dance,dance line. it's my fave.
alex: sorry alex i don't support guys ogling girl pics on my site XD just kidding
roleni-chan: i'm not the only huge fob fan. you should meet aaya and shadowme.
knight edge: i am most certainly not assless. i am working it very hard though. i think you know what i mean mr. flash people at the mall. XD
LS: if i can burn pete wentz into one person's subconcious then i have done my job. on a side note i so want to move to wentzville.
angel zakuro: lol if i sent this story to mr. wentz he'd probably file a restraining order or laugh his rich ass off.
hoaryu: if you need a place to hide after you burn down JC, i'll help you.
aaya: i am pleased times a million that you like the way brothers as tweedle dee and tweedle dum. i'll get all my how to be gangsta tips from you aaya. my stupid local radio barely even played this ain't a scene.
kirbysdouble: oh? i'd like to hear your other theories.
shadowme: i live to write stories that please you shadow! XD glad you liked it.
hey people, did you all have a good weekend? mine was pretty good for the first time in ages. i didn't go to school on friday fro various reasons. none having to do with a certain scene kid whose name rhymes with manny. i did end up going to my doctor's appointment. my ultrasound where i wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom. it wasn't as bad as the other times and it was over pretty quickly. i was suppose to hang out with my friend danielle this weekend and go to see a movie with her and her significant other, but my mom really screwed me over on that so i after telling danielle that i could go and that i would meet her at the movie theater at 7:00 my mom tells me i can't go. and to make matters worse we were busy running erands so i couldn't even call her to tell her i wasn't going. i sent her a message when i got home around ten. i hope she isn't too upset with me.
my mom also surprised me this weekend by buying me furuba vol.16 and fullmetal alchemist vol.12. i think she felt bad about me not going to the movie. either way i am not complaining. i thought both of these volumes were so good. i got to hang out with my bestfriend sydney this weekend. i went and picked her up and she spent the weekend with me. it was fun. we went shopping and bought candy and stuff and we were just being stupid in the store like throwing stuff at each other. she is a totally insane person. the first night she spent the night we drank a bit. she drank more and proceeded to get terribly drunk. i was fine by the way. she drank so much that she passed out on me! lol i didn't mind too much though because i read my manga while she slept.
the second night she was over we hang around outside and walked in the rain to get the mail and stuff and we combined our umbrella's to make a super umbrella! yeah it was funny to us. we also played some card games until the rain let up then we walked all around my trailer park. god it was so far because i live in one of those huge fancy parks. well we walked along the hill behind my trailer and until we cut arcoss this field to the park. we walked around this huge track that surrounds the park. we talked while we walked and reminisced. man we walked for like three hours.
that night we played my furuba card game and it was so fun. we also drank later and yeah this time i cut loose and drank alot and got well drunk. i know what your thinking. *gasp* redmoonchick drinks? yes, dear children i do but not often so i'm good. so my friend thinks it would be a great idea to call danny and in my druken state i agreed. so yeah we called danny and his bestfriend anwsered. so my bestfriend was yelling at his bestfriend and i found it all too hilarious. eventually danny got on the phone and i was still drinking while my friend talked to him but i kept stealing the phone and heard when danny played a whore song for my friend. they kept hanging up on us but sydney kept calling back. god it was so funny. oh my mom was drinking too and she called danny and talked to him for like ten minutes and man i can't describe how entertaining sydney and i found this.
when we woke up in the morning i didn't even remember calling him and i was like "sydney did we call danny?" and she was like "yeah we did" lol so yeah, he's probably gonna be like wtf? at school. something else i think i've lost a few pounds. the reason for this is because i was walking down the hallway to my room and my bro saw me and was like "you look like you lost weight" so i was like really? i can't tell but i am me so i always look the same to me. but then sydney and her mom both said it so i was like maybe i did lose some weight! nothing too drastic but enough to inspire me to keep working out in yoga.
oh yeah i totally looked at my arm this weekend and what did i find? a stupid bruise right in the shape of three knuckles. hmmmm wonder where that came from? stupid danny. it sucks too because it's fading away so i don't think he'll be able to see but it was there! all yellow and stuff...gross and proves that he hit me way to hard.
ok well this post is just about done. school tomorrow well today techinically. it's the first time i'll see danny since tuesday of last week but i'm not sweating it. i'll take life as it comes. new outlook. go me.
p.s. anyone else recieve a weird survey message from a myoer named the mask?
~redmoonchick~ |
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