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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Friday, April 27, 2007
blame everyone but me for this mess
mood: nervous/dreading
listening to: thriller-fall out boy
currently: want to skip third hour tomorrow
pimpage: detectivedanielle (mostly likely to adopt a asian baby), deadxonxarrival (most likey to marry patrick stump), shadowme (most like to stalk/kidnapp danny), xgiaXgrotesquex (most like to be the worlds most famous stripper), hoaryu (most likey to burn down the JC), knight edge (most likey to get arrested for public indecency), destinyssweetman (most likey to win best brother award),
Redmoonchick Responds:
wensdayskitten: new chapter of "wentz in wonderland" is going up today.
roleni-chan: can i start calling you mommy roleni? lol j/k i am so rooting for brittany
alex: starry eyed is good ^-^
kirbysdouble: well i am feeling better now
angel zakuro: no, i haven't noticed that but i'll look for it next time
hoaryu: well one never knows what he'll do
emily sadako: yup, my school was mostly empty too but hey i'm not complaining
aaya: lol i was totally gonna say that your andy too! XD lol i want to do the patrick dance where it looks like he's having a seizure! thanks for telling me i'm intense. no one is as gangsta as aaya.
shadowme: your the good kind of groupie. the kind the musician marries XD well once upon a time he told me that he was going to stop being mean to girls...once upon a time was too long ago.
LS: fall out boy combined with naruto....i like it.
i went to school yesterday though i almost didn't. my brother didn't want to go because it was take your child to work day. i said we needed to go. we were arguing about it for so long that we ended up being 15 minutes late for school. but hey at least i went. danny wasn't there but it wasn't a surprise or anything i knew he wouldn't be there today. i'm pretty sure he'll be there tomorrow. if he is then it will be the first time we will talk face to face since tuesdays unpleasentness. really i'm hoping for the best tomorrow but i'm expecting the worst.
well school yesterday was boring. not that many people were around but i had an ok time. i wasted first and second hour by finding pics of for tonights post and also by wikipediaing fall out boy and other bands and filling my head with overall useless knowledge. third hour was fundraising for the yearbook and someone came up with the great idea of filming a commercial. ugh that is so not what i want to do. and someone came up with a greater idea of having us dress like gangstas. i do not want to be in this commercial but my teacher said i have to because i need to open up and she said that everyone would love to see me dress gangsta. mostly because i am so not stereotypically like that so people really want to see me with a grill and bling bling. i am considering skipping third hour. it was weight day in yoga where we work out with weights. i worked my ass off! man i was hurting so bad. fifth hour was fun because it was an easy assignment and because this senior was being so freaking funny. i couldn't stop cracking up. sixth hour i watched this tv show about caves and the creatures inside of them.
i got a message from my friend danielle and she said she wants to see a movie after school today. i told her ok but then my mom picked me up and i found out that i have a doctor's appointment tomorrow right after school. it's for an ultrasound. the kind where i can't go to the bathroom before it. i hate those ones so much. i can probably still hang with danielle but it might have to be later. she wanted danny to come too but i don't see that happening.
oh i heard the fall out boy song "thks fr th mmrs" on the radio today! it was so cool cause i love that song so much. i just hope they don't burn it out. it's funny i heard them say the song and i was like "oh my god!" i screamed it and i scared my mom she said she thought i saw something in the road. lol i guess i'm excitable. what's funnier is that the song was on as i was typing this paragraph.
alright i got chapter three of "wentz in wonderland" for you guys so i hope you enjoy. it's not very long. and i really like this chapter! as always character bio's are beneath the chapter. if you don't know the basis of the story is "alice in wonderland" with a fall out boy twist.
"wentz in wonderland"
chapter three: the way brothers recite poetry but not as good as me
after finally escaping the boring room with the rude doorknob. pete washed up somewhere outside, he climbed out of the bottle not bothering too much to wonder how any of what just happened made any sense at all. pete was just thankful to be on the now damp earth again.
he surveyed his surroundings and saw nothing but lots of green earth that streched farther then he could see. pete heard a noise from behind him he whipped around thinking that maybe it was ryan finally ready to give him some anwsers, but he should've know by now that in this wonderland what he thinks is never right.
instead of seeing ryan like he wanted he saw a group of strange animals the main one being the once thought extinct dodo bird. pete noticed that the dodo and the other animals surrounding it were all dripping wet persumably from the ocean of tears that had just passed by. pete thought for a moment about asking the animals if they had seen ryan. he actually considered this until he realized that animals don't talk, hell i just had a conversation with a doorknob. i might as well give this a shot. pete thought before clearing his throat and stepping up towards the animals.
"hey any of you guys seen a kid wearing a clock?" pete asked the group of soggy animals. the dodo gave pete a queer look as if he didn't know what in the world pete was saying. pete gave a heavy sigh and looked away from the group deciding to start looking for ryan on his own. before pete could take off and begin to explore he felt the scruff of his hoodie being grabbed. he turned just enough to see the beak of the dodo holding him firmly in place.
"what? i didn't do anything! if this is about that whole extinct thing...well i'm sorry about that" pete told the bird. his makeshift apology seemed to do the trick as the bird released him. pete fixed his clothes and turned back to look at the animals. they had formed a line as if they were at a starting line. "race" the bird quipped out. "excuse me?" pete asked dumbfounded that the bird could in fact talk. "we race' the bird said again but this time it too went to stand in the line along with his commrades.
"well that's just great." pete began with fake enthusiasim, "but i'm awfully busy so i'll just be going now" pete said as he tried to make his escape from the odd creatures. before he could get too far the dodo once again seized him on the arm this time. "you race, caucus race" the bird told him. pete not fully knowing what the word caucus meant finally gave up and went to stand in line with the animals. the dodo too took a spot they all stood there for a moment before the dodo suddenly yelled go.
pete was off running half heartedly he didn't really want to get lost here in this new world, but on the other hand these animals were the only contact he had in this world. pete continued running chasing after the surprisingly quick animals and thankful for his years as a soccer player. he probably would've kept following had he not caught a glimpse of red. pete stopped while the animals continued on. "ryan?" pete questioned as he followed the glimpse. pete was right it was ryan, he was standing just outside of a glade surrounded by a thick forest. ryan ran into the glade and pete followed.
pete emerged into the secluded clearing but saw no ryan. "dammit! how does he keep getting away from me?" pete asked outloud. "he's like a rabbit" he heard a voice say, "like a great white rabbit" a second voice added. pete whirled around the clearing looking everywhere for the two oddly familar voices. great more mystery voices! last time it was a doorknob what is it this time? a damn lamp? pete wondered.
"who are you and where are you for that matter?" pete asked wondering if he'd get an anwser and even if he did get an anwser would he even like it? before pete could do much of anything else two figures came bounding out of the woods surrounding the clearing. the two figures stood in front of pete arm in arm and bouncing excitedly on theirt heels.
"i should've perdictided this" pete mutter to himself as he saw the faces of the mystery men. "hi i'm gerard or tweedle gee!" the first pale dark haired man exclaimed "and" began the younger also dark pale man next to him "i am mikey or tweedle M" pete wondered why in the hell gerard and mikey way the two brothers from the band my chemical romance were doing in a place like this. he was tempted to ask the two brothers a million questions but he settled on a simple one instead.
"have you guys seen ryan ross?" pete asked, still determined to find and get anwsers out of ryan. "the white rabbit is too busy too play" gerard said as he began to slowly circle around pete "he's not a rabbit" pete griped "hey calm down petey take life come what may" mikey said as he followed gerard in the circle path they were making around peter. "oh cute. your rhyming" pete said sounding none too pleased with the nonsense the way brothers were causing.
"would you have us say something else?" gerard asked as he came back into pete's view before promptly continuing his path around pete "lyrics maybe?" mikey chimed in. the two brothers made their way back around to stand infront of pete. they gave each other a slight glance and smirk before gerard stepped out and offered pete his hand "shall we dance,dance?" he asked before breaking down into a series of giggles accompanied by mikey's laughter.
pete sighed even though he was finding the way brothers antics entertaining. "listen i'd love to stay and chat but do you think you guys can help me find ryan?" "he's in the carpal tunnel of love" mikey said as he jumped on gerards back. pete let out a deep sigh, it was obvious that he was going to get no help from these two. "well guys i'd love to stick around but i have a emo boy to catch" "don't we all" gerard muttered. pete grinned and nodded to the siblings before heading off into the direction he thought he saw ryan go.
"thanks for the memories!" he heard mikey and gerard call to him and he laughed again.
the cast:
pete wentz: as alice

gerard way: as tweedle dee

mikey way: as tweedle dum

i might update saturday but if not i hope you guys have a great weekend!
Comments (14) |
Thursday, April 26, 2007
they said she died easy of a broken heart disease
mood: annoyed
listening to: xo-fall out boy
currently: want my friend back
pimpage: detectivedanielle (sherlock kerley), knight edge (pervy sage with a heart of gold), hoaryu (concered older brother), destinyssweetman (starry eyed twin), deadxonxarrival (aaya the pimp), xgiaXgrotesquex (dominatrix of the year), shadowme (cute is what she aims for), angel zakuro (tyra banks is her arch nemisis)
Redmoonchick Responds:
knight edge: ha ha you have the best idea's ever!
alex: thank you for the prayer it is always appreciated
roleni-chan: no need to be worried i'm mostly fine now.
october: yes, i am so very glad we met as well. you, aaya, shadowme, and myself. it's like we have our own group.
wensdayskitten: yeah but that time on his site he wasn't exactly mad at me...well he kinda was but for a reason i knew.
roseeyes: i'm afraid to touch him anymore.
kirbysdouble: *hugs* thank you for you kind words
hoaryu: i think xbox ate his mind...or stole his soul or something
grifter: i appreciate your adivce but i don't really want to stop being his friend. he's not always like that.
thomalover14: yeah believe me he had his space yesterday.
emilysadako: well i know he was on today because he anwsered a pm i sent him but wheter or not he read this remains unknow
aaya: i dunno i just got a dance,dance vibe from you. i can picture you dancing like pete or patrick to the song.XD
slowness: it's ok i know people are busy around here, i'm glad you visited now!
angel zakuro: yup i was recap episode? damn you tyra banks!
well i didn't go to school yesterday. so that means no talk with danny. oh well a day appart probably helped. oh and before i get any comments like "you shouldn't miss school because of danny" i didn't. the reason i didn't go to school was because i was so exhausted and i just fell back to sleep. i know that's not a good reason either but i didn't miss much at school because one teacher was on a field trip all day so i had extra credit in three of my classes and one class was being used as a make up day but i'm already passing that class. so reall all i missed was my math and history class and those can be easily made up. i am going to school today but it's take your child to work day and i know danny wanted to skip so i'm not sure if he'll be there or not. but i've decided that i'm not going to worry about it and take life as it comes.
i did talk to danny for like a second of the day. i sent him a heartfelt message and i got a reply but all it said was "k" that was it. needless to say i wasn't too pleased with him. if he is at school thursday i will talk to him and try to keep it civil. if not whatever i guess i'll talk to him on friday.
i was thinking about what my next theme should be for my site and again i'm not sure. i kinda wanna do fall out boy again but i'm also open for new idea's. anyone have a suggestion? i also want to thank everyone who talked to me today via pm's. man i might have went crazy if not for you guys and my lovely fall out boy cd.
i'm suppose to put a new chapter of "wentz in wonderland" up today but considering how i've been feeling lately i think i get an excuse for not finishing the chapter. i have it half done so i think i'll be putting it up tomorrow.
i feel like i want to hang out with my friend danielle this weekend. i'll definitly be doing something. i want to get furuba vol. 16! man i am so far behind on my manga that it's not funny. i also want the red jumpsuit apparatus cd and the academy, i think if maybe i bug my dad for music he'll buy one for me. hey it's worth a shot.
i wrote something the other day and i meant to put it in yesterdays post but i forgot. it's a poem. who it is about is obvious. i wrote this when i was super pissed at him so i not all of what i wrote is still how i feel. you don't have to read this but it really sheds some light on the situation.
i don't get it.
you call me your close friend
but you treat me like shit
you say and do all these things and expect me to forget.
do you not even realize how much you mean to me?
or your too busy wrapped up in loving all the pain and misery
that you cause me
your my best guy friend
i thought i could at least trust you
that you be there for me to help me through
but i guess friendship doesn't mean so much to you
because if you have no emotions then you can't feel pain
you've lost your emotions but there's nothing you have gained
you said i was being a bitch
that just isn't true you were attacking me
and i never thought it would come from you
i'm just another of those annoying girls now aren't i?
well excuse me while i extract myself from that catergory
i don't want to be your lover you moron
i just want to be your friend.
do you even want that?
it doesn't feel like it to me.
i guess i was right all those times when i said that i wasn't important to you
you could have at least told me then that it was true
when did you change? when did you become cruel?
you weren't like this and it hurts when you say i killed the kind side of you
i never did it. how could i?
you say i can't take a joke
newsflash not a joke if your the only one laughing
and why would you laugh at my misery?
that's what hurts most of all
that you saw my tears , the ones you caused
then laughed in my face
i always stood up for you every single time someone talked about you
i said you were a good person
why are you trying to prove me wrong?
are you trying to make me hate you?
that's not what i fucking want so why are you doing this?
i guess that boy i talked to on the phone is dead
that's too bad i wish i was invited to the funeral
you said that i only have you as a friend because your in the same place as me
but really it couldn't be farther from the truth
but that's how you feel about me isn't it?
only my friend out of conveinence
you make me feel like you wouldn't give a damn if you never saw me again
that hurts
i don't get why your doing this to me
why your oh so desperate to hurt me
when all i want is to be your friend
when did that change? when did i not become your friend?
what you do is fucking killing me but i bet you couldn't care less
you probably don't care how much it hurts
because your used to hurting girls
but i'm not used to being hurt by you
or being one of those girls you abuse
i'm not in fucking love with you
i don't know how anyone could be
if you treat them the same way you treat me
i'm not in love with you
so no worries alright?
all i want is to be like we used to
to be your friend again.
you know who you are
i'm sure everyone does
i wonder if these words hurt you?
maybe part of me wishes that they do
because you always have to pretend to be dead inside
but i know your not
i don't hide my emotions like you do
so go ahead keeping beating me down and hurting me
just like every other guy in my life
i thought you were different
i guess i was wrong
well on that note i am out of here so if anyone wants to talk to me tomorrow feel free to pm me.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (16) |
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
look in my eyes your killing me
mood: betrayed and hurt
listening to: the animal i've become-three days grace
currently: wondering why danny hurts me
pimpage: detectivedanielle (sugar, were going down), deadxonxarrival (dance,dance), shadowme (i slept with someone in fall out boy and all i got was this stupid song written about me), xgiaXgrotesquex (a little less sixteen candles a little more touch me), hoaryu (the music or the misery), destinyssweetman (nobody puts baby in the corner),knight edge (snitches and talkers get stiches and walkers), em0taku (thnks fr th mmrs)
ha ha fall out boy references ahoy
Redmoonchick Responds:
kirbysdouble: well i was fine when i read your comment but not now.
hoaryu: already been hurt by danny, just not in the way i expected.
detectivedanielle: it's ok i don't think i have a crush anymore.
shadowme: yup i quoted you..yeah i know it was wrong but meh i was being lazy.
angel zakuro: i think if we were married one of us would be dead.
playitbakinslomo: no we are the normal ones lol
i hope you guys are doing well and i wish i could say the same for myself. anyone who talked to me via pm's or c-boxes knows whats going on. for the rest of you well i'll just say that danny was being very cruel to me today. i'm still not sure why. but in the end he was making me horribly mad and hurting my feelings so badly. were friends so i don't know why he does this things. i mean i have a theory but i'll have to talk to him about it. in the end i ended up breaking down into tears outside after school because of him and i went into the office where my fave teacher was and i didn't even have to tell her what was wrong the instant she saw me she said "was it danny?" yeah so i guess we've been fighting too much lately i just don't know why. i also don't know how tomorrow is going to turn out. the last thing i want is more fighting, i think danny and i just need to sit down and talk but it's so hard lately because i feel like i don't even know him anymore. i just want my friend back. that's all i want. i doubt he'll read this now but i wish he would so he knows how i feel. what really set me off earlier was him punching me again in the same spot as yesterday. also him knowing that i was pissed and hurt and he just kept going. i just want normal danny back.
besides that school was alright. didn't really do anything too important and danny and i managed to keep things civil up until the end of the day. first and second hour was boring because danny didn't talk much. imagine that i wanted him to talk earlier but later in the day i would've gave anything to keep him quiet. i worked out really hard during yoga and did pretty well that the teacher complimented me. lunched sucked the food was gross. fifth hour was actually fun because all i had to do was listen to people read stories. my brother and i were a team so i wrote our story and he read it. sixth hour was entertaining. we took notes but the discussions we get in are always really funny. so yeah after school and the crying i avoided danny and hung in the computer lab where i talked to my teacher and trolled around the myo.
man i hate not knowing what's going to happen tomorrow. my brother told me that danny said he's not going to try to be my friend tomorrow. so i don't know what's going down. i was thinking about calling him but i don't think i will. i don't think he wants to talk to me. i don't know he didn't anwser my message on myspace but what else is new? something that really bugs me is that he doesn't care that he hurt me so bad. i was in tears and he laughed. i heard him laugh and i think that hurts a lot. i don't want our friendship to end not like this.
oh i hit 3000 hits. i have 3000+ now but thanks for the visits you guys. it's always appreciated. and i'm thankful i have such nice people here that i can talk to about my problems and what. really i apprciate you all so very much.
well hopefully things go well at school tomorrow so yeah if it does or doesn't rest assured you guys will probably know about it.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (18) |
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
let me guess your madly in love but he couldn't care less, yes?
mood: pleased
listening to: the kill-30 seconds to mars
currently: glad things are alright with me and danny
currently 2: i'm so going to kick danny in the nuts
pimpage: em0taku (woman beater), detectivedanielle (dani at the disco), deadxonxarrival (mrs. stump), shadowme (addict), hoaryu (niisan), xgiaXgrotesquex (best damn dominatrix evah!), destinyssweetman (twinage)
random act: danny wikipedia searched oral sex and pictures came up in the computer lab during first hour.
Redmoonchick Responds:
em0taku: your no king, your a total queen. (just kidding)
october: there you be a dominatrix now! XD
knight edge: well i'll post a pic of me in a dress if you do the same.
keba-kun: aww well i miss you as well, pm me sometime if you can.
LS: i'll be sure to have a good time at the wedding in two months.
hyli: hey i haven't talked about fall out boy in forever. also i spend a good amount of my day with him so why not talk about him?
niisan: i haven't gotten a new ds game in forever. but no i don't play the pokemon
the real yojimbo: wow randomania? lol
rapidxhopexloss: thanks i liked doing my six facts
angel zakuro: i actually have found the yaoi before XD
deadxonxarrival: too bad i can't bring you to this wedding. hell yes pizza time.
shadowme: your actually the only 13 year old i know but still good job! lol it's sounds like you have read the fall out boy yaoi before. pete is a whore just like a certain someone else who will get mad if he happens to read this. good job not thinking about danny.
yeah i stole this subject line from shadowme because it always gets stuck in my head. how are you guys? i'm good. my arm hurts though, thanks to a cerain friend of mine *points at danny* yeah he punched me again and seriously i think it was the hardest he has ever punched me. ow it hurts so bad. the reason for this punch was well more on that later. well if anyone was wondering danny and i are fine and we are the friends again. even though we did manage to get in an argument during first hour but what else is new? someone told me that danny and i fight like an old married couple. 0.0 i don't think we do. but i do know that we need to be quieter when we argue because this boy named tim always sits next to us and he is always listening and laughing and taking sides. well like i said we got in an argument because i called him a slut today and we also argued about the fall out boy song thanks for the memories. we are so stupid sometimes. something strange though is that he said i wouldn't miss him if he left and i totally tell him all the time that i would and i find it strange because that's how i feel about him that he wouldn't miss me if i never saw him again...i guess were both screwed up people.
ok school was fine. it was really nice out today. we played the game nerdy wordy in my third hour girls vs. boys and us girls totally won. yoga we did normal yoga but after yoga was over danny was standing on the stage in the gym and he did a backflip off of the stage, so then this boy walked in and bet danny a doller that he couldn't flip off the stage. he obviously didn't see what danny had just done so danny accepted, flipped and won a doller. at lunch my brother, danny, and myself used to eat in our teachers classroom but now they opened up a school store in her class so danny and my bro don't want to eat in there so for the last three days we've been eating on the stairs next to the classroom. didn't do much else at lunch talked about danny's future rise to fame and shampoo and stuff. we also went outside and it was like tornado weather out there. fifth hour my brother and i had to work on this story with this new girl and i have to write the story..not fair. i still haven't finished it but it's almost done. after school went outside to talk to danny he gave me a dandelion then he was throwing them at me.
back to the fight outside with danny. yeah i got in a fight with my bro first and danny recorded that on his cell. so after i said i could beat up danny cause he's little so then we got in a fight and i was doing kinda alright i punched him in the stomach and the head but he said it didn't hurt and i almost kicked him in his man parts but i was like an inch off. we fought again but i like grabbed him by the hoodie and was like clinging to him and he is so hard to hold onto so i like scratched up his neck it was all red. so then he just like slams me in the arm and i fuck did it hurt. i was like slumped against the wall and i almost cried. my mom had the timing to pull up at that moment and i was in so much pain. so danny said he was going to massage it for me but he ended up poking me right in the spot so it hurt so i swung my hand out and slapped him in the face not hard and i mostly grazed his lips. then he said he felt bad and gave me a hug but after the hug i punched him in the chest before leaving. so much for no more fighting.
days without a fight with danny: 0
didn't do much else sorry i haven't been commenting on your guy's sites. i honestly don't know where my time is going. but i'll try to get to it at school tomorrow. i have a little poem for you guys then i'm out of here. oh and thanks to the people who i tagged who did the six facts. it's funny the only people who didn't do it were people i know in real life. oh well still trying to get danny to do it. oh i was wondering if you guys would be interested in seeing a pic of me? i dunno i might do it if danny takes a picture with me. no promises.
remember that question you asked me on the second day i knew you?
"if you could eradicate one day from history what would it be?"
i have an anwser for you now my friend
i can say that to you with a broken smile on my face
and you say nothing but i expected that
first tears fall
and you still say nothing
but it's alright because i'm used to being broken by your silent words
i turn away because i don't want to see you
"don't you wish you were dead inside like me?"
that's all you say
"every day of my life" i say as i turn to give you one more look before i go
i'm near the door when you speak to me again
"if you could eradicate one day from history what would it be?"
you ask me that and i swear i can feel your voice break
it's so like you to bring up the past in a moment like this
i smile again but you can't see
and i give you my anwser
"the day you met me"
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (11) |
Monday, April 23, 2007
love can't save you
mood: normal
listening to: thnks fr th mmrs-fall out boy
currently: normal again
pimpage: em0taku (you know who he is), detectivedanielle (10-4 good buddy), deadxonxarrival (awesome aaya), shadowme (smartest 13 year old i know), hoaryu (niisan), destinyssweetman (alex the twin), xgiaXgrotesquex (sweet girl)
Redmoonchick Responds:
due to my post on saturday i'll be responding from comments from friday and saturday.
knight edge: yeah i wish danny would go back to missing me like he was. maybe i should just start missing school again j/k
wensdayskitten: yup we have a candy machine and two pop machines in my school.
em0taku: you have figured out nothing but a way to upset me
cosmicsailor: danny is high on life or ectasy either one
wensdayskitten: yeah we made up i guess
playitbakinslomo: yeah honesty is the best policy
shadowme: i've know him for six months and he's still hard to figure out
emilysadako: i think you were a great psychologist!
deadxonxarrival: hell yeah come on aaya let's go get that pizza and bring shadowme cause she's going through withdrawls. i don't think our friendship is over i think it was just one of those days.. i hope
beyblader: yeah i don't think so because danny is mostly about the looks and i just ain't got the looks he wants
shadowme: i don't see it
i want to thank you guys for all the kind comments you left me over the weekend. i'm feeling better now so no one worry about me. yeah i was still feeling depressed yesterday and i really wanted to hang out with my friends but no one was available so i was stuck home all weekend. on friday i was so tired and went home got on the net for a bit and then crashed around midnight. saturday my six year old cousin porsha (the same one i posted about a few days ago) came over on and spent the night. she was a heck of a lot more tolerable then she had been before. the only thing i hate is when you have to keep a little kid entertained. i ended up taking her to the park by my house and these little boys were following her and she was getting shy, it was pretty cute. i ended up taking her to a better park down the road and these like fourteen year old girls were there and they were all watching these guys play basketball across the street and they kept yelling things at these guys like "hey your hot!" and "i love you" XD man i wonder if i acted like that when i was their age.
my cousin left this morning after waking me up at 9:00 am and being awfully annoying. oh i got a sunburn on meh face! and i don't know how this happened. we went and walked around outside during my fifth hour on friday so maybe it happened then because i came back in and my teacher said it looked like i got burned. i went home and sure enough my skin be red...i hope it doesn't do that peeling thing cause that's gross! i also got burned on my arms and chest cause i was wearing a tank top over the weekend. but they aren't red or anything they just feel burned.
i got a invite to my cousins wedding on friday. his wedding is the day after we get out of school. i don't really feel like going to his wedding because i don't even remember who he is. but my mom is making me go so sometime within the next month i have to buy a dress for the wedding.
my brother was playing elite beat agents the music rhythm game i talk about. well he was playing the new level i unlocked and he was playing it on the most difficult mode and he couldn't beat it and it was driving him nuts. much to my amusement. he was sitting right next to me trying to beat it and he got really close like two seconds from the song ending and him winning and he missed a button and lost the level! lol he was so mad like he fell to the floor and was swearing and near tears mad...yeah i took my ds away from him after that because i was afraid he was gonna break it. but he did eventually beat it and he did a good job he got like two million points on it.
oh i updated the myo fall out boy fans site again. so yeah if any of you fall out boy fans want to go check it out feel free. and i want to thank rosie princess for being my 290th gb signature! oh i got tagged on friday. in case anyone doesn't know what i mean, getting tagged is this thing going around the myo where someone who has gotten tagged tags you then you have to write six facts about yourself then tag six more people. so here goes my six facts.
1. the first boy i truly fell in love with back in middle school is gay now, but i still love him btw i didn't turn him gay.
2. when i'm eating something if i think of something disgusting i will start to gag and nearly throw up
3. i already have the names for my future kids picked out: liam patrick <--cute yes?
4. i won't watch a movie or tv show if i know a animal wil die in it
5. i cannot go to sleep if i hear any sounds like music or a tv going i need it to be silent, i also need it to be dark
6. i like to find yaoi that involves the boys from fall out boy or panic @ the disco...pete makes it far too easy.
ok now i have to tag six people and then they do the six things about them on their site and tag six people of their own. so my six people are: em0taku, detectivedanielle, deadxonxarrival, shadowme, destinyssweetman, and xgiaXgrotesque so yeah get to it guys!
quote of the day!:
this happened friday mid fight with danny:
me: *talking to danny* why do you always have to make a scene?
danny: this ain't a scene it's a god damn arms race
yeah anyone who doesn't get that the line is from a fall out boy song
alright so i am out of here and hey another somewhat short post. lol
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (19) |
Saturday, April 21, 2007
i'll keep you my dirty little secret
mood: frustrated
listening to: one headlight-the wallflowers
currently: did it occur to anyone that there could be two different him's?
currently2: worried that nothing will ever be the same
this is a special post so there shall be no pimpage or responding today. ok so i know i normally don't post on the weekends but i am making an exception today. mostly because i didn't feel like waiting till monday to talk about this and also because danny doesn't read weekend posts. you guys remember that i was having a bad day yesterday? well i was sure school would make me feel better and if not school then danny, but i was so wrong. the one person i had hoped would make me feel better actually made my day worse. and yeah that one person was danny.
it all started normally enough, i mean we were talking normally and everything but then danny asks me who it is that i'm in love with, and i didn't tell him. he got mad because i told danielle and a few of you guys on here and not him. so then he says that he already knows who i like anyway and i ask him who so he points to a pic of himself! it all went downhill from there. i repeatedly told danny that i didn't like him that way but he didn't believe me and it was making me mad, it was also upsetting that he was doing it on purpose and my bro was helping him. it was agrivating beyond belief ecspecially because of the kind of day i was having on thursday. i ended up letting off a long string of swears at him and god i know so many people could hear us arguing. at one point i got up and left the room right infront of the teacher because i swear i was near tears and it hurt me that danny knew that but kept going with it. i came back to the class but i sat away from danny and he asked if i was going to ignore him the rest of the day and i told him yes.
we didn't talk for the rest of class until after class when i tried to get him to go to breakfast with me so we could talk it over, but he didn't. needless to say the fight put me in a worse mood so i didn't participate in class and stuff. i went up to the computer lab for second hour where danny was suppose to be but his class was in a different classroom for the day so i didn't talk to him then either. i ended up waiting for him right before third hour where he ran from me, but we did talk and make up and what so were good now. but i think a lot of people knew we were fighting because i kept getting odd looks all day. i talked to him and my bro a bit more at the beginning of fourth hour because i wanted to know if they'd still wait for me after yoga, danny was avoiding my question and what not but not in a mean way.
what struck me as odd later was when we were going to get lunch and danny told me that i act like i'm superior to him and my brother! wtf? i never act like that! god i don't know what the heck is going on. this danny that i saw on friday definitly wasn't the same one i talked to on the phone this week or the sweet danny that was around on thursday this was a whole different person and that scared me. i asked danny where the nice sweet danny was and he told me that i killed him. i tried talking to him about it but he just got upset with me and relied on the old i have no emotions excuse. sometimes he's frustrating but i'm glad that he is my friend.
i just hope things are normal again on monday. i don't care what other people say that danny on friday was not the normal danny. i don't know why i'm posting this but really i don't care if he reads it or not i just want my friend danny back because seriously there was something a little off about him. well they do say that every friendship goes through a fight at one time and i think that's true. so i guess maybe this was mine and danny's time? oh well i'll probably regret this post later and i'll probably feel like i'm blowing it all out of porportion but regardless i shall talk to you guys on monday.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (22) |
Friday, April 20, 2007
prima donnas of the gutter
mood: overwhemlingly sad
listening to: pain-three days grace
currently: fucking hate that i love him so fucking much that it hurts and that i can never tell him that.
pimpage: em0taku (best guy friend ever), detectivedanielle (really good person), deadxonxarrival (awesome listener/little sister i wish i had), shadowme (cool kid), hoaryu (dearest niisan), destinyssweetman (twin), knight edge (blackmailer/pervy sage), october (sweetheart)
Redmoonchick Responds:
knight edge: hey now stick to your knightly morals and don't say a word..please don't say anything.
cosmicsailor: ah i missed you around here *hugs*
the real yojimbo: ah holy crap a drifter! *grabs bat* lol just kidding thanks for stopping by
LS: glad you are not offended though i am slightly confused but whatevah. well i'm glad that you can say that now.
angel zakuro: r.i.p jael. <--over dramatic XD
kirbysdouble: i don't tend to smack around six year olds lol
detectivedanielle: obviously you can't tell because danny and my brother haven't figured it out.
shadowme: well i'm no emo expert so i'll take your word for it. XD shadow i only mock because i wub you! *glomps*
bed-stuy: i only love school because danny is there..god knows it's not for the other kids
well if anyone read my little lines at the top of the post then you'll know i'm not in the greatest of moods. which is weird because i was in a great mood after school but for some reason i'm so sad right now. i don't know i mean i know why i'm sad but i don't feel like talking about it. danielle could probably figure out why and maybe aaya too. grr i hate being a girl because i just break out in spontaneous tears...stupid girl brain. no doubt that danny might ask me about this tomorrow whatever i'm going to keep the rest of this post non depressing.
well speaking of danny yes, i got to see him today at school. it was so cute because i walked into first hour and danny saw me and he was on the phone so he put his phone down and gave me a hug. awww he must've missed me. i had an alright day at school, except i'm really hating the boys at my school. i freaking walked in this morning and this group of boys were standing around the stairs and i pass by and their all like "you can have dibs on her" you know in a their making fun of me kind of way. i fucking hate shallow superficial people! guys that only see looks and can't see past it. it irks the hell out of me. i may not be a perfect size two but dammit i'm a good person and i think i deserve some fucking respect! sorry i was trying to keep this a happy post. it's just the guys were really annoying me today because it seems all they care about is the outside and it makes me feel like i'm never pretty enough that i'm always second best. i fucking hate that feeling.
ok back to happier school stuff. it was really nice to see danny again. first hour at school was so fun because we all got to hang out and talk and stuff. i also got to go to the computer lab during second hour and hang out with danny again, but during this time we managed to have a mini arguement. my friend danielle sent me a message and it had something to do with a secret i have and danny was trying to peek so i had to hide my mouse from him and he kept trying to read it. man he was mad because he was all like "you never tell me anything." and stuff like that and this kid next to us was listening and a teacher was sitting next to me. lol i was like "danny why do you always make a scene?" man it was funny. third hour was annoying because i was seated around a bunch of guys and like i stated above they were being really fucking shallow. played crab soccer in yoga that was fine because i didn't do much. lunch was fun but the food was disgusting, so i didn't eat it. danny gave me a five and told me to go buy him a monster drink from the school store and that i could keep the change. so i did and i had three dollars left and danny stole one back and he tried to stop me from buying candy by putting his hands over the machine so we got in another play fight over that and i had to pull him away from the machine , i also got a pop. but then danny stole my school bag and put in the boys bathroom so i had to run in there all ninja like and get it back and danny tried to lock me in there and he also screamed rape. lol that kid's insane.
fifth and sixth hour were fine if not a bit boring and after school i was checking my myo and danny was trying to read my messages again and he fell on me and made the teacher mad. we went outside and on the way down the stairs danny tried to jump them and he stumbled a bit and ended up burning his arm on the wall and he had this big red mark. then later he was doing wall flips and he did an okay one but then he did one and like gave up mid flip and busted his ass on the pavement. it was funny and he's alright. i also took some pictures of all of us together, and i got a pic of me wearing danny's hat because i love his hat and i'm going to steal it from him. danny starts driver's training soon but it's too bad that he won't be around when he can drive...but i don't want to think about that.
i know this post is long but i'm almost done. i guess the reason i'm sad is because i know that the guy i find myself in love with. i know he'll never feel the same way about me and it kills me on the inside but i have to deal with it. i hate that i love this guy and i hate that people know and i just hate love right now because i seriously love him and i don't know how it happened and now it's too late and i shouldn't because it can only end badly. love sucks and i miss danielle because i really want to talk to her about it all because she understands and she doesn't judge.
sorry i haven't been getting to everyone's sites lately my bro keeps hogging the computer so if i haven't gotten to you i am sorry. hey know what's weird? every thursday my comments go down a bit...i mean same thing happened last thursday. oh well as long as someone reads this and enjoys hearing about it then i'm happy. oh and sorry this post is depressing i didn't mean it to be.
quote of the day!
danny after i removed him from the candy machine:
danny: you just grabbed my boobies!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (13) |
Thursday, April 19, 2007
this is a love note in my own way
mood: joyous
listening to: heroes-shinedown
currently: want to be everything to him
pimpage: em0taku (future rock star), detectivedanielle (donkey kong), deadxonxarrival (mastermind), destinyssweetman (twin), hoaryu (niisan), knight edge ( porn star/pervy sage), shadowme (danny's future paparazzi), angel zakuro (top model buddy)
Redmoonchick Responds:
knight edge: crap now you have a vendetta against me? well at least don't reveal that secret you know. *prays*
alex: woot! i have my own cheering section! go me! lol aww well if you think my post is interesting then that's good enough for me!
em0taku: i'm coming back so rejoice and now you can't make me feel bad. of course you would like the pic, it's you. j/k
wensdayskitten: yup i know about the girl characters so don't worry no secrets spilt here.
LS: hope i didn't offend you with the sinner thing. didn't mean anything by it.
hylian88: do i really talk about him like that? i think we should take a vote or something. danny is just a very good friend.
niisan: yeah i would probably do more damage then good if i tried to fix anything XD even after i took shop.
roseeyes: lol there's been a pic of danny in my profile the whole time XD, oh well your not the only one here to think he's cute.
detectivedanielle: that's all i get? well thanks pm me later and i'll tell you more about it.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: i missed you! *glomps*
x giaXgrotesquex: lol yeah but if danny is my model technically i should be paying him. XD
tohmalover14: well i'm sure my posts will get long again *readers groan* ahem once i go back to school i should have more to talk about. hey i don't care if your comments are short or long doesn't matter to me.
deadxonxarrival: aaya no! don't go gangsta on me! stay away from the darkside!
angel zakuro: zomg did you watch top model? jael...T-T
emily sadako: it's ok a barely knew those ones! lol go you!
shadowme: that poem wasn't about danny....really it wasn't. ok no seriously it wasn't. lol preppy danny hurts my brain.
huzzah! the van she is fixed! that means i get to go to school today! wow never thought i'd be so excitied to go to school. but i am cause i get to see danny again and i've missed him like crazy. (in a friend sort of way) i wasn't going to talk about getting the van fixed because i was going to walk into school tomorrow and surprise danny. but i didn't want to upset him so i am coming to school, he shall be alone no more.
the stupid mechanic tried to keep our van one more day and my mom had to take off work today so that she could go and get it. the man called and said the van was done but we didn't have a way to get it so my mom called my cousin and she came to get her and my brother and they went to get the van along with my cousins two kids. i was in the shower so i didn't go. i was out by the time my mom and bro got back along with my cousins six year old daughter porsha, who i guess is my second cousin.
man are six year olds annoying, usually i can handle kids in fact i love little kids but i don't know man my porsha is insane. i had to ride to the store with her in the back seat and she was acting like a dog and trying to bite me. i swear she's so hyper. then we got to the store and she wanted to ride in one of those little car shaped carts which are insanely hard to steer! ugh then she was grabbing everything and she wanted weird stuff like a toothbrush and deorderent. so i quickly abandoned my mom and the girl and walked around the store but i eventually came back and porsha almost knocked over one of those stands that was holding some medicine but i grabbed it before it fell but then it was lopsided. i was went to get her a book to look at and she wouldn't walk right so she made me pull her along. i'm almost sure people in the store thought i was her mom, that happens to me a lot so i guess i have a motherly feel to me. later we went to my grandma's house and when we were leaving porsha wouldn't walk so i had to carry her. we dropped her off and i was so glad and i also got to see my adorable second cousin jordan who is two.
i had another late night talk with danny. i pm'ed him last night to ask if he was up and he told me to call him so i did. we had another good conversation, though danny was tired and singing quite a bit, but it's ok cause i was eating and he isn't a bad singer so it wasn't horrible or anything. sorry to everyone who might have read about this on his post yesterday. i dunno i like talking to him on the phone, it's fun and he's a good talker.
we had a small scare a moment ago. my seven month old kitten yuki was missing all day and we couldn't find him so were all freaking out saying he got outside and that he's probably dead. well i told my mom to check under my dresser and sure enough we found the little idiot. so thankfully he's ok.
it is thursday so here is the second short chapter of "wentz in wonderland" summary incase you don't know: it's alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist. characters in the story can be found below the chapter.
"wentz in wonderland"
chapter two:
chapter two: don't listen to talking doorknobs
pete wentz always imagined what death would feel like, but he never imagined anything like this. he was falling through a seemingly never ending darkness. the same darkness that had swallowed up ryan ross and hemingway, but pete couldn't see either of the aformentioned party, hell in the darkness he could barely see his own hand inches away from his face.
pete began to wonder if maybe seeing ryan and his dog were just his imaginations way of leading him into death, and the more he thought about it the more it seemed reasonable. he must've died out in that meadow while working on those lyrics that were now useless, sure that was probably it. maybe he had a heart attack? or was mobbed by a group of fangirls and torn to bits? pete hoped for the latter because he was sure no one else had ever died that way.
before pete could go on wondering morbidly about how he had died the darkness stopped. and suddenly pete wasn't falling but floating downwards. the reason for the sudden floating was that the wind had caught pete's hoodie and had puffed it open much like a parachute. pete eased his way down until he saw walls surounding him, the walls held knick knacks and other things that weren't too important to pete at the moment. pete had somehow gone upside down and landed with a small thud on the floor of a long tunnel.
a flash of red caught pete's eye and he looked up to see ryan was standing only a few feet away from him. "ryan" pete called out to his friend hoping to get some anwsers as to where the hell they were and what ryan was late for, but it looked like those answers would have to wait as ryan once again proclaimed he was late and took off down the tunnel. "ross, stop running away dammit!" pete yelled as he scrambled to get up and chase after the young guitarist, his own words echoing back at him in the tunnel.
he found himself once again chasing after ryan through this unknow world. pete could see that they were heading into a an empty looking room with a large wooden door and little else. ryan reached the door first and proceeded through it with little ease, "does he seriously think he can hide behind a door?" pete wondered as it was he was drawing closer to the seemingly normal door. pete was so preoccupied by his thoughts that he didn't notice the door getting smaller and smaller. when pete finally reached the door he noticed that it was now barely large enough to fit his head.
pete stood in disbelief for a moment before his anger took over him. "what the hell is this place?" pete asked no one in paticular so he was surprised when he got an anwser. "this is wonderland" the male voice echoed around the nearly empty room.
pete whipped around quickly. his dark eyes scanning every inch of the odd room for any sign of the mystery voice. "who said that?" pete asked as he realized that there was no one in the room with least that he could see.
"it was me" he heard the voice again this time much closer. pete looked down to see the copper doorknob was the one speaking to him. "what the hell? your a doorknob you can't talk!" pete exclaimed at the now alive doorknob. "well you can't play the bass" the doorknob retorted back. pete forgot his 'i must be dead' theory and instead created a new one the 'i'm dreaming' theory, because only in his twisted dreams could he be insulted by a doorknob.
"whatever" pete began as he ignored the doorknob's insult. "listen i want to get through this door can you help me?" pete said never thinking in all his life that he'd ever be asking a doorknob for help. "just go through it?" was all the cocky doorknob replied, "hello, my head won't even fit", "that's because you have a huge ego" the doorknob insulted him once more. "dammit are you going to help me or not?" pete asked. the doorknob let out an exasperated sigh. "there on the table behind you there's a bottle labeled 'drink me' do what it says", "what table? there was no table in this room." pete said turning around his jaw dropped when he saw a metal table sat there with a small bottle of purplish fluid labled drink me.
"stupid materializing table" pete mumbled as he marched over to the table. he grabbed the bottle and eyed it wearingly before swigging most of it down. almost instantly pete could feel himself shrinking down until he was just the right size for the door. pete stood proudly and walked to the door before turning the handle and giving a good pull. the door failed to open, pete tried again with a bit more force but still the door wouldn't budge.
"what's going on?" pete asked the doorknob. "oh did i forget to mention that i'm locked?" the doorknob asked and pete felt his hands twist into fists. "so now what where is the key?" pete asked. "up there on the table" pete's mouth dropped open and he growled a bit. "i'm too small to carry that key now. so any other idea's?" he asked the doorknob. "there is a box of cookies on the table as well eat one and you'll grow large again" the doorknob told him. pete turned "i hate this place" he said as he made his way back to the table.
somehow pete had managed to climb up to the table and he proceeded to eat a cookie. instantly his body grew large, too large and he found himself cramped inside the room. now frustrated pete felt his eyes prick with tears at the thought of spending an eternity with a talking doorknob. pete cried and his huge tears filled the room. "you idiot drink the remaining fluid and shrink back down!" the doorknob cried. pete did as he was told and gulped down the liquid, again he shrank and again he was too small, so small infact that he slipped down into the empty bottle and floated right out the doorknob's mouth on his ocean of tears. "saved by an ocean of tears? doesn't get more emo then that" pete laughed to himself.
pete wentz as alice

ryan ross as the white rabbit

~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (18) |
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
this knife has never been so kind
mood: undecided
listening to: sooner or later- breaking benjamin/ my brother playing my ds
currently: want to be the girl of his dreams
pimpage: em0taku (phone buddy), detectivedanielle (monkey lover), deadxonxarrival (professional stumpha), hoaryu (niisan), destinyssweetman (twin), shadowme (addicted), knight edge (pevry sage/yaoi star) <--he's going to kill me for that.
Redmoonchick Responds:
knight edge: riiiiiiiiiight not yaoi, i totally believe that. j/k
em0taku: well sorry i didn't call you last night i figured it was too late, but pm me if you wanna talk tonight, excellente now i'm believing that your mexican.
LS: wow an oddly serious comment from you. something i wasn't expecting
wensdayskitten: i hate playing that level! it makes me sad when i do bad. oh i know about the elite beat diva's if that was the secret you were refering to
hylian: hey what's that suppose to mean? danny is just a friend.
elvesatemyramen: holy cow, i don't think i'll ever be able to beat your comment record
xgiaXgrotesquex: did i spell that right? oh well. i don't really name my poems. i probably should. glad you liked it though.
deadxonxarrival: aaya is there nothing you can't do?
angel zakuro: platonic late night talks with danny. thank you for the poem compliments! but no fear i am not empty
shadowme: oh really? and what did this life changing pm say? oh yeah i talked to him on the telly (why am i british all the sudden) well the poem does have a subject but i'll never tell.
tohmalover14: yeah my family doesn't think he's my boyfriend but it still didn't stop my mom from listening to part of the convo.
kirbysdouble: i think you are the most awesomest person alive! *huge hugs*
my subject line happens to be the last line of one of danny's poem's my favorite one. oh and thanks to kirbysdouble for going back and commenting on an older post and breaking my old comment record! *hugs him* my new comment record is 28. i am going out of my mind! i can't go to school again today. grrr, that man is taking far too long to fix the van. my mom called him yesterday and he said that it wasn't quite ready yet but it would be on wednesday. so we should be getting the van back today...hopefully. i'm getting really mad because i need to go to school and also for poor danny's sake. i just want to go to school, but not my bro he's more then happy to be staying home day after day. *sigh* i think i should be in school by thursday. the reason i think it's taking so long is because what we thought was wrong with the van wasn't wrong and it was something else instead. stupid piece of crap van.
my mom got a ride home from work today from the guy that she wants me to go out with. he didn't come inside luckily because i looked awful. XD when i see him again i want to make a good impression! XD. oh i also got a cool sprint camera phone. my mom was going to buy it from the guy who gave her a ride but he was asking for too much so she didn't buy it. bummed because i really want a camera phone!
my brother and i were playing around in our kitchen and he pushed me into the fridge and knocked off a indian magent like in the shape of a indian warrior. when the magnet fell it's head broke off, now this wouldn't be such a big deal if we had a normal mother but our mom is obsessed with her stuff and she'd get so pissed if she found out that we broke it. so naturally we didn't tell her and instead my brother grabs some glue and we glue the head back on. this was hard because it wouldn't stay and the more the head fell off the more pieces broke off. lol it was pretty funny, so now the stupid head is lopsided and it's so funny looking but i don't think our mom is going to figure it out.
wow i really must not have anything to talk about if i posted that story! XD well i tried to make this really cool thing with this pic of danny and what i was trying to do was put a poem on top of his picture. i did one with the poem i posted yesterday but i made one with one of his poems and it just won't save right! so annoying! i mean when i save it the whole thing loses color and goes introverted black and white. i just don't get why my poem works but his doesn't.
my brother is playing my elite beat agents game and he is getting really mad because he's on the hardest difficulty and he is no where as good as me so he keeps losing. it's funny to watch because he won't give up.
here's that poerty thing i did with the pic of danny

ok so i am done for the day and your all probably happy that my posts aren't so long anymore. XD
Comments (24) |
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
sinners moon's are always stained red
mood: frustrated
listening to: mad world-micheal evens
currently: want to open him up
pimpage: em0taku (dear danny), detectivedanielle (check her mad detective skills), hoaryu (niisan), destinyssweetman (twinage), deadxonxarrival (professional patrick watcher), shadowme (best lil' stalker on earth), knight edge (professional perv), grif 2.0 (280th gb signer)
Redmoonchick Responds:
em0taku: yes, i am happy about my dad too. sorry about yours though and sorry about the lonely tuesday you'll have
wensdayskitten: yeah i don't think i have the mad world from the commerical i think i have the original
squiggy: oh gosh, everyone shield your privates!
angel zakuro: hooray i am thought of! *feels loved* lol i never said i was going to stop talking about him completely!
shadowme: i demand to know the reason behind your cryptic message! tell me now! *shakes fist* i'll give you a picture of danny almost naked if you do....ok so i don't really have a pic like that but tell me anyways! XD
detectivedanielle: oh emm gee i love you forever now!
deadxonxarrival: i think you win for longest comment evah! XD oh i chose you as a friend because you had a sweet tricky avi.
zombie munchies: yup my life is a soap opera and i'm the star!
knight edge: is it bad that when i read your comment i thought of yaoi? XD
my subject today is a slogan i made for myself, but in this slogan am i calling myself a sinner? nah, i get to be the keeper of the sinners. i forgot to mention this yesterday but i almost broke my comment record over the weekend. i had 27 one more would've broken the record but hey i'm not complaining. oh yes and thank you to grif 2.0 for being my 280th gb signing. oh and sorry for not commenting a lot today my stupid bro was hogging the computer. ok well on to more important things.
well bad news for me. i can't go to school again today. the stupid man who is fixing our van is taking freaking forever to fix it! T-T so bored i wanna go to school! i also feel bad for danny because when my brother and i don't go to school he tends to get bored so i'm sorry danny but it looks like you'll be listening to your ipod again tomorrow. ugh i am really hoping it will get fixed because i don't want to get bad marks ecspecially so near the end of the year. oh well i guess two days isn't so bad.
speaking of danny yeah i am talking about him again, who cares. well yesterday he posted that he wanted to talk to me on the phone so i called alittle after 1:00 in the morning and ended up talking to him until about two. it was quite a interesting conversation, i enjoyed talking to him like that, like it was real...don't know hope i'm not embaressing him. we should totally talk like that more often.
ok so i'm going on a little video game talk here again. the game i've been playing for my ds alot is elite beat agents. if anyone doesn't know it's a game where they play a song and you have to hit these circles to the beat of the music. i think i let danielle and danny play the game before so they should know what i'm talking about. well on the game i managed to beat the second difficulty level which was so hard! so i unlocked the third difficultly level this one is super hard. i also got an A rank on one of the level's and i wasn't even trying! XD i guess i'm just awesome like that. i also got a new rank on the game and i unlocked another new yeah i am kicking ass at a video game.
i'm sure that wasn't interesting. i apologize XD, but on a serious note some of you may have heard of the campus shooting in virgina. i just want to make sure that anyone from there is alright and that i'm praying for the families of those who died.
alright i really don't have much to talk about so i am going to post a poem. i wrote this a couple days ago so i hope you enjoy and as always my poems aren't really about anyone personally. enjoy it but don't steal it.
i want something more then just a broken stanza
i want your broken heart
i might as well keep it for you anyway
if i let you keep it you'd just break it again
your better that way
without a heart
because then you can't feel the pain that you hide from
i'm helping you
to become the hollow person your so desperate to be
now you don't need an excuse to break peoples hearts
because you don't have one to begin with
love was never your strong suite
lying always was
so lie to yourself and say you have some emotion
we all know you don't
because i own those too
you traded your tears for something better
and your fears for something worse
your a jaded mess
and your reflection shows it
your just a shell of your former self
but that's what you always wanted
so i'll take your heart so you can be
just as empty as me
i did something interesting with this poem and a pic of danny, i told him about it he didn't seem mad so i might post that soon.
~redmoonchick~ |
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