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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Monday, April 16, 2007
the dreams in which i'm dying are the best i've ever had
mood: kinda upset
listening to: never gonna stop-rob zombie
currently: regretting the fact that i asked for drama
pimpage: detectivedanielle (she helped me through the weekend), em0taku (book em' dano), hoaryu (niisan), deadxonxarrival (virtual pizza party thrower), destinyssweetman (my internet twin XD), shadowme (best damn stalker ever), knight edge (pervy sage), the song "mad world" listen to it!
Redmoonchick Responds:
alex: ah thank you for the kind prayer you left for danny's grandma and for the other prayers you sent me.
squiggy: i don't know it's going to be awfully hard to take away knight edge's perv title
caprice: lol yes my mom wants me to date a appliance XD
knight edge: creepiest comment ever j/k
detectivedanielle: your so lazy girl dani. you should read all my posts and live by my words! *evil laugh*
angel zakuro: yes we are both rooting for jael! and omg do i love you so much for being brave enough to mention anal sex in a comment! XD
X shadowme X: danny is no longer a whore he is a respectable young man. *gasp* how dare you insult mr. wentz! *death glare*
deadxonxarrival: i love your comments aaya
em0taku: well we talked about it and your over it so i am glad
how was your guy's weekend? mine was alright. today is suppose to be school but unfortunately i can't go. i am so upset about this! T-T i want to go to school! i was on a good attendance streak! but now it's ruined. well i can't go to school because the guy who is fixing our van isn't done yet so i'll have to miss today. so sorry danny i'll see you tuesday i guess.
a surprising thing happened to me on saturday. i recieved a call from my dad! yes, my long lost father who i just wrote about on thursday i think it was. well he called me and i was a bit angry with him but he didn't have our new phone number so he called information to get it, and he couldn't visit because his car broke down. well i was really glad to talk to him again but we didn't talk for too long about ten minutes i think. well my dad told me that he moved to a new house and i was so surprised because i didn't even know he wanted to move. he told me that he wanted me to come and see his new place and that he call me on sunday and pick me up to take me to his new house. i was a bit skeptical because my dad doesn't always keep his promises, but sure enough on sunday at around noon i got a call from him and he said he was coming to get me so i got up and got ready even though i was still sleepy and he didn't even show until around two. grrr and he brought his girlfriend because she had to drive us. regardless though i was so happy to see him and he apologized for not seeing me for such a long time and i believe him because seriously he was like spoiling me and stuff and he never does that. his new house is really nice and huge! i got along with him and his girlfriend really well and he burned me a cd with some great songs on it. i spent most of the day with him. best thing is that he's coming back next sunday to pick me and my bro up (my bro didn't go this time because he wasn't home) end result i had a great time with my dad because we are so much alike and we get along so well.
oh i mentioned that my dad burned me a cd well you guys there is an absoulutely beautiful song on the cd. it's called "mad world" and it's by micheal evens. the song is so lovely and my subject line is a lyric from it. the song is off the donnie darko soundtrack and it was also used on the gears of war video game commerical. so yeah if you guys can find it on the net or something listen to it because i love it! it's such a good song.
oh a bit of drama happened on saturday night. some of you already know because you were around on saturday night. i was talking to my friend danielle and she said that danny updated, so i went to check his site and yeah he was less then happy. i checked my site and found so angry things he left behind so i pm'ed him and he was upset with me but we've worked it out so everything is alright. if anyone recieved a angry comment from him or whatever you should just ignore it. the most ironic thing about it all is that on my friday post i asked for some epic drama and i got some mini drama instead. the remains of the drama can be found in my c-box and spread across people's sites. lol teenagers.
speaking of danny. i was listening to some of my old cd's and i found my blink 182 cd so i was listening to it and most of the songs reminded me of danny. mostly because he has played these songs at school and sings along to them. has that ever happened to you guys? i mean do certain things remind you of your friends? hellogoodbye reminds me of danielle and rap music reminds me of my bro.
oh thank you to you guys for visiting me! i have hit 2900+ visits! woot! and thanks to blackparadegrl for being my 270th gb sig! *hugs for everyone* oh i was watching a talk show and one of the guys on there went on an anime rant! i was so effing surprised! i heard trinity blood and i was like wtf? the rant was about the anime network and the lack of it on the east coast. so yeah i thought that was worth mentioning. anime is going mainstream. oh i was wondering if you guys ever use the otakuboards? i usually forget that they exist so i was wondering if you guys used them. i was also wondering how you guys decide whose gb to sign. like who to pick as a new friend? some people do it random sometimes i do.
ok well i am wrapping this post up and shipping it off to sit in the spotlight so enjoy it. i don't think it's too long.
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (18) |
Friday, April 13, 2007
i found bliss in ignorance
mood: craving epic drama
listening to: the take over, the break's over-fall out boy
currently: want to make him feel something
pimpage: detectivedanielle (danielle visit her because she's cool like that), em0taku (he's popular), christianotaku (a good kid), shadowme (so nice she commented twice), hoaryu (my niisan), destinyssweetman (twin), knight edge (perv)
Redmoonchick Responds:
knight edge: yeah i thought you'd like pervy sage better, now you'll just have to live up to that title! XD oh snap it's on now. now we have to have a blitzoff! i would whip you pervy sage! oh emm gee you just had to put the word boobs on there.
playitbakinslomo: yeah i actually don't like the alice in wonderland movie either!
lordsesshomaru: be careful or you and knight edge will have to have a perv off!
shadowme: my word thanks for your compliments! ^//^ i'm glad i wrote it now and i'm glad you like ryan as the white rabbit! your so emo you make me emo j/k
ani mae: no my ds! *hides pink ds* well i'm glad you got a laugh out of the flava flav line! it's one of my faves ^-^
angel zakuro: i can not talk about 'him' today too, well see if i can do it. i'm sad that whitney went home! but i knew it was gonna happen, now i root for jael and britney.
christianotaku: yeah i managed not to talk about him! i may not talk about that boy again today, though i may mention him. oh emm gee! i forgot you were so young! XD your very mature for your age! i think your more mature then me! XD p.s. glad you like the flava flav line!
caprice: lol i saw the line i sleep with 30 year olds and for a second i didn't know it was you XD i was wtf? lol
squiggy: you can be pervy sage jr. lol
did you guys have a good day? i had an alright one. i think i forgot to mention back when i changed the color's on my site, that i changed it to these colors because i wanted it to look like a fruits basket manga cover. i held up a cover while i was changing it so it's almost close and i really like it! yeah i just wanted to tell you guys the reason for the colors.
i have a theory, i think if you were to combined patrick stump from fall out boy and pete wentz from fall out boy then you'd have the perfect guy. yeah this probably isn't interesting to anyone who doesn't know fall out boy. but pete is just sex on legs and patrick is so sweet and adorable if you combined them something good would come out and we could call this perfect boy peterick! XD yeah i am that random today.
i talked to my good friend danielle or detectivedanielle here on the myo, well i called her and we talked for a bit, what did we talk about? you ask. well we talked about the normal girl stuff like people at our school and our lives and we even chatted about danny for a bit <-- just a little mention. so yeah it was fun talking to her so we definitly have to hang out so we can talk with out running up minutes or whatever.
today i'm suppose to be going to an ultrasound appointment, to check for cancer or something. i've already done this test like four times but the doc keeps making me get a follow up even though i am fine. i hate this test because your not suppose to go to the bathroom before you take it so you got to drink a bunch of water and your not allowed to go potty. well i'm not going because well i don't wanna say it but my mom says that the van needs a tune up. i'm just praying that the van doesn't break down because i just cannot handle that again! but i'm sure it will be fine.
oh yeah my mom wants me to start going out with the dishwasher at her work his name is juan. well my mom wants me to go out with him but i don't think i should because i don't think it's entirely a good idea to start dating someone when your totally in love with someone different. or it could help me get over the person i am in love with. i don't know. i might try it eventually because he is a nice guy and often says nice things about me, and that guy i'm in love with, well he's just not a good guy at all.
oh i had a super weird dream where a hoard of zombies took over the world and me my bro and my mom were trying to get away and at one point we were fighting them off with big pieces of fire wood, ugh i hate zombies and i woke up scared, oh i think pete from fall out boy was in my dream because someone asked me if i was going to see him later and i said that i was. ha ha fall out boy and zombies. weird dream.
well school is starting back up on monday so my spring break will be over and wouldn't you know that i'm totally on a bad sleeping schedule lately. oh does anyone watch the tv show grey's anatomy? i love grey's anatomy so much! lol so does my male math teacher though he claims his wife makes him watch it. oh well just felt like mentioning that. ok this post is really short and it's my last post of the week but it all feels too boring, blah maybe i can put up some pictures or something. oh sorry if this post was boring i had barely anything to talk about, i should have better stuff to report on monday!
p.s. figures the day i don't talk about danny is the day he doesn't visit me. ironic.
pps. i got to see the academy is on TV!!!!!
ppps: just heard that danny's grandma is sick, so i really pray that she feels better and that his family is well.
1. do you guys have a favorite non anime tv show?
2. what's the weirdest dream you've had?
have a good weekend everyone!
Comments (27) |
Thursday, April 12, 2007
i never thought i'd fade away
mood: happy
listening to: warning-incubus
currently: miss my friends
pimpage: em0taku (danny), detectivedanielle (danielle), destinyssweetman (my internet twin alex), hoaryu (niisan), tohmalover14 (someone who likes my long posts!), knight edge (pervy sage), angel zakuro (my top model buddy), deadxonxarrival and shadowme (the people who use my c-box)
Redmoonchick Responds:
lytjuh: i'm glad you get some enjoyment out of reading my posts!
em0taku: i wouldn't really destroy you, and your not emo i know your a scene kid
alex: how did you find out about the cult? .... i mean i'm not running a cult! *shifty eyes*
playitbakinslomo: shhh don't talk about the plans outloud! XD
xXurbrokendollXx: danny he's fine, i doubt anything i say hurts him
wensdayskitten: danny doesn't need paparazzi he takes his own pics
cosmicsailor: ha ha you gave the best anwser to number 1 lol i love it
roseeyes: hmmm my fave anime? it would be fma! it ruled my world for like a year
knight edge: well your not that old but your older then me and i find you wise sometimes, but do you like pervy sage better? XD oh no don't challenge me, now we have to have a blitz off! *grabs controller*
niisan: we have a deal niisan besides this part i shall not talk about danny the whole post!
tohmalover14: i love kingdom hearts! i like two better!
x shadowme x: you deleted him off your list but i went and commented and saw you commented on his site. curious. no i'm kidding you can have him as a friend. i do believe that is the first time i was called a drug dealer, come on and get your danny fix! XD hey danny isn't emo! he's scene. oh emm gee i want to see you write that fan-fic!
christianotaku: you can't give emo kids lollipops! *takes danny's lollipop* j/k
ani mae: i have played the sequel, i enjoyed it even though i didn't get the best ending! T-T
ok so like i mentioned up there in my responding section, i made a vow with myself based on my niisan's suggestion that i wouldn't talk about that guy that's my friend that i always talk about, so i won't this post shall have none of him today! that it will XD because i can do it!
pete wentz: um you've done it before
red: yeah but i'm doing it again. now shut up and get back to the fan fic!
speaking of fan fiction, i joined! anyone have an account on there? i know nekohex does, but yeah i'm going to put the naruto stories i wrote for nekohex and tohmalover14 on there soon so when i do i'll tell you guys so you can check it out!
once again been having a boring day so i broke out the old pink DS and was playing elite beat agents today. ugh it's infuriating because i swear you have to be a fricken robot to beat the last song! *cries* and i've been trying to get a better score on the song "i was born to love you" by queen and i can't get passed a D! it's because i scored too high once and now i have to beat that score to get a better one, so even though i'm scoring a B rank the game still says i'm on D. did that make sense to anyone but me?
i was thinking about my bestfriend today and how were total opposites! yeah she's younger then me and we are just way different. this is the same girl i talked about once, the one who sleeps with thirty year old guys. yeah i would never do that but she's my bestfriend and we've know each other since middle school. are you guys like your bestfriends? or are you guys different?
speaking of middle school, i was wearing my old uniform shirt from my middle school. yes we all had to wear the same shirt in middle school. well i was wearing it and i looked at myself in the mirror and i swear i felt like thirthteen years old all over again and it brought back a lot of memories, like who i used to hang out with and the guy i liked back then. *sigh* good times!
i wanted to talk about my dad for a minute. all my life i've been a daddy's girl, i swear there are a million tapes of me and him just playing together or whatever. when i was eight my mom and dad split even though there still legally married, now my dad's been with his total bitch of a girlfriend for a while and he lives with her. i hate her because she hates me and she has ever since i was younger. well i never thought my dad would choose his girlfriend over me and my brother but it looks like he did because i haven't even seen or heard from him since christmas day when he stopped by to give me money and then left after two minutes because he and his girlfriend were going to her brother's house for christmas. i was thinking my dad doesn't really know anything about me, he doesn't know who my bestfriends are or what i've been up to in the four months. my brother doesn't care because he doesn't like my dad anymore but i happen to be a hell of a lot like him and i always cut him some slack but i don't think i'm going to anymore because well i think i need to admit that my dad doesn't want to be a dad anymore. if i were a parent i couldn't imagine going four months without talking to my kids. sorry for the dad rant you guys i just felt like talking about it.
i want to try something with you guys. in your comments i want you guys to leave a word any word doesn't matter what it is and after i read all the comments i'll take the words you guys left and make a poem with them. danielle and that kid i go to school with, i would appreciate if you guys participated! ^-^
ok it's thursday and i want to post the first (very short) chapter of the fic i'm writing "wentz in wonderland" you guys don't have to read it but it is short and i like it so here it is! oh and if it's well recieved i may continue posting it!
wentz in wonderland
by redmoonchick
chapter one: ryan ross doesn't even like rabbits!
peter wentz lay in the grass in the meadow on a warm summer day with his pet dog hemingway. he laid under the shadows of the large oak tree sprawled on his stomach his lyrical notebook in hand. pete thumbed through the old worn pages of the notebook sastisfied with the words he had written. "this next cd is going to be the best one yet!" pete proclaimed "right hemmy?" he asked his loyal pet bulldog, knowing full well that he wouldn't get a response. "hemmy?" pete asked and turned to see the spot where his pet was lying was now empty. pete rolled onto his back and sat up searching the surrounding area for his 'missing' pet. pete spotted hemingway just in time to see him sniffing around a tall skinny man standing near the edge of the meadow.
"ryan?" pete asked confused as he saw his friend the guitarist for the band painc! at the disco. pete stood now, confused as to what in the world ryan ross would be doing out in a meadow with him. "ryan" pete said again as he took a step towards the younger man. ryan turned to look at pete he was adorned in black pants and a tight red jacket with a large gold clock hanging around his neck. "what are you flava flav?" peter asked jokingly, ryan said nothing only gave pete a passing glance as he looked down to the clock that adorned his chest. "is this the time?!" he asked surprised "i'm sorry, i must be on my way! i'm late! i'm late! for a very important date!" ryan cried before taking off at full speed towards the edge of the meadow with hemingway at his heels.
pete stood in shock for a moment at the unusual behavior of the young rockstar, before he remembered that hemingway was following ryan! "hemmy, no! heel boy!" he yelled to the dog. when hemingway showed no signs of stopping pete sighed and began to chase after the dog who was chasing after the boy, pete continued chasing ryan and hemingway until pete finally had them in his sights. he watched as ryan stopped infront of what looked like a small rabbits hole dug into the earth. "ha caught you know ryan" pete began as he stopped to catch his breath "you'll never fit in there" he laughed.
ryan was the type of boy who liked to prove people wrong, and he did just that to pete by squeezing his thin frame down the blackness of the rabbit hole. "the hell?" pete said as he stared at the hole unblinkingly, refusing to believe that the young man had fit. he probably would've kept on staring had it not been for hemingway's barking. pete looked down at the dog just in time to see him too fall down into the abyss of the hole. "hemmy!" pete cried for once hoping that the pooch would listen to him, but unlike most people these days hemingway didn't and proceeded with a leap down into the hole. pete of course being the responsible pet owner that he was leaped after him without a second thought and he too fell into the darkness.
see told you it was short! XD in case people don't know here's the guys in the story so far:
the cast:
mr. pete wentz as alice

mr. ryan ross as the white rabbit

hemingway as himself

another pretty short post
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (13) |
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
i'm the one you need, no you don't know you need me
mood: unbearably optimistic
listening to: the lost prophets
currently: wondering why i feel nothing when i think of him
pimpage: detectivedanielle (danielle), em0taku (danny), tim tim (little bro-bro), hoaryu (niisan), deadxonxarrival (she's like the little sister i wish i had), shadowme (danny's number one fangirl), knight edge (wise elder)
Redmoonchick Responds:
lytjuh: yes, i have mad taco stand drawing skills!
em0taku: i am sorry for making you look mexican in that picture danny. don't cry emo kid
knight edge: you aren't an idiot! you are a wise sage!
shadowme: yes, you are a fangirl but admitting it is the first step. ha ha looks like my fangirl jealousy plan worked on you! j/k, yesh he flashed me and i even got to touch his tummy before! *gasp* come on be honest garlic bread isn't the only thing you love, you love danny! (i'm only teasing)
*gasp* niisan you don't like ffx? *faints* that is the most kick ass game in the world! i pwn at blitzball! no way niisan i live to make the fangirls jealous/angry and coincedently i'll probably die that way too! XD
deadxonxarrival: ok i'll hook you up with cousin patrick....what i never said it was that patrick stump! lol, you like ffx? i lurve you aaya! oh no it looks like danny and your 'son' will have to have a wentz off! lol danny would forfeit
angel zakuro: well technically danny is half mexican on his father's side but that was too personal and to me he doesn't look mexican. *sigh* i can't control the danny fandom they are krazy with a k! *grabs taser gun*
ani mae: episode 25 of fma is where something bad happens to hughes
rapidxhopexloss: lol i used to love nysnc back when i was your age!....i made myself feel old
wensdayskitten: i have seen grave of the fireflies and i agree tis sad =(
christianotaku: yeah one day i'll probably be attacked by fangirls but you and gaara will protect me right? ha ha glad you liked the pic! poor emotional danny
tohmalover14: yes, one day i shall be killed by danny's fangirls and danny shall die by the hands of wentz fangirls after he kills pete wentz
how are you guys? i'm doing well. i did a lot of thinking today. i think it's funny that i got my friends danielle and danny hooked on using the myo now! lol their updating daily when just a few months ago they used to make fun of me for being on the myo i think that is funny. i had my myo account long before i met either one of them and when i met danielle one day i was on myo and she asked what it was and she made a site, then along came danny and danielle showed him my site so he too made one. what i didn't know was that before either of them made sites they used to read mine! yeah i found out because danny started mentioning things to me about stuff that i put on my site until he told me that he was reading my posts! i was alittle upset at first because i'm sure there was stuff on there that i didn't want him to read but whatever i don't care anymore. moral of the story is: myoer's beware about telling your school friends you have a site.
i feel like danny is turning into a mini celebrity on my site thanks to me and he's becoming too much to manage. yeah my whole site is turning into a teen magazine or something, i may just have to kill danny. *gasp* no i would never really kill him, don't flip out fan girls XD but yeah i helped create him and i could destroy him if i wanted. is that a threat? i care? no not really. i was also thinking about what my friends and i wanted to be when we got older. i want to be a writer, danielle wants to be a photographer and danny well he wants to be a rockstar, and i thought wouldn't it be funny if in the future danielle takes photo's of danny for an article that i'm writing about him! lol well i found it amusing.
oh i accomplished something today! ok so i don't really cook except for make cereal and microwave things, because well i never really tried to cook except for once and it was really bad. anyway i cooked something good today! woot! i perpaired rice and mixed veggies in a frying pan! alright not 100% gourmet but i'll take it and it was yummie! mostly i'm just proud of myself for trying and succeeding! go me!
oh well i mentioned here and there that i am writing a story for shadowme about pete wentz being in wonderland, like alice in wonderland except pete instead of alice. yeah the story was going great until i couldn't remember what the hell happened in the movie ^^; so i had to google it and now it's coming along swimmingly! i'm thinking about posting the short first chapter up on thursday.
oh yeah i talked about final fantasy X yesterday, i fricken love that game! i said i really wanted to play it but i own the actual game it's just that my ps2 is broken so i can't play it but i really wanna! i kid you not i must've beat that game like 200 times! cause i loved watching the ending even though it broke my heart. yea so in the game i'm just wandering the omega ruins and trying to fill all my characters spheres in their sphere grids up. i'm almost done with tidus.
here's some questions:
1. what job do you want when your older?
2. what's your favorite video game?
3. fave video game character?
4. fave song?
5. patrick stump?, pete wentz?, or danny hicks a.k.a danny?
my anwsers:
1. writer
2.ffx baby!
3. auron!
4. hum hallelujah
5. trick is adorable but i'll take mr. sex pete wentz
ok is it just me or are my posts getting more and more random?
Comments (19) |
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
weighed down with words too overdramatic
mood: good spirits
listening to: sutaki da ne
currently: wanting to play ffx so bad! T-T
pimpage: detectivedanielle (my friend danielle), em0taku (danny), tim tim (my little brother), hoaryu (niisan), destinyssweetman (my twin), tohmalover14 (cause she leaves the longest comments! lol), deadxonxarrival and x shadowme x (two highly entertaining people)
Redmoonchick Responds:
alex: thanks so much for the beautiful prayer you left me! your the best internet twin ever! XD
lalagirl: the poem is about NO ONE! ahem i mean no one in paticular, tis a work of pure fiction XD i won't smack you lol
niisan: you have all the best games! i'll give you my adress and you mail me your DS game and i'll give you my fma ds game! XD
deadxonxarrival: you get plugged because you call danny a whore and because your cool like that! XD
xXurbrokendollXx: hooray your back! *hugs*
jd person: yes, i used to take my anime viewing seriously too but now i have no cable so i take what i can get
ani mae: yeah i thought of the first line in my head and was like i must write this! thus a poem is born!
x shadowme x: don't be dissapointed i am writing wentz in wonderland! lol emo-fest!
tohmalover14: long comments are a good thing! rest assured i enjoy them! XD and your threath of molesting me with hugs! lol
well another boring day in cassandra land, glad to know i'm not the only one who was bored danny was too. well i am feeling pretty well today actually, which on all accounts i shouldn't be because i ran out of medicine and my mom didn't have time to get me any before she went to work, so my cough was acting up. i did take some medicine when she got home and i'm glad to report that i am feeling much better! i was really stuffed up earlier so i made so garlic bread and voila! it really opened my nose up! XD oh garlic bread what can't you do?
hey i was wondering if you guys found my text too hard to read? i can see it just fine at home and at school but a few people have told me that it's too bright. what do you guys think? is it too hard to read? should i change it? does anyone know the name of the song in final fantasy X where tidus and yuna kiss underwater? i've been looking but can't find anything, so i would appreciate if someone told me! nevermind i think the song is called sutaki da ne
like i said above nothing really happened to me. i slept for a long time and played around on the internet. oh in case anyone didn't know, danny is in a band. his band is called as he rises. you can listen to danny here: though most of you guys already listened to him. but anyway awhile ago i was talking to danny about his band and how he was destined to be the next pete wentz. and if anyone knows danny they know he hates pete wentz with a passion! so he asks me why he'd be pete and i told him it was because pete wentz attracts all the girls to the band, so then danny accused me of calling him cute. but it's true danny could totally be the next wentz! i mean just from me talking about him here he has his own mini fan club and a couple fan girls! XD so yeah he has the power to be famous and i really hope he makes it. cause then if were still friends i can use his celebrity to meet pete wentz even though danny said if he ever met him he'd punch him in the face! *gasp* not his pretty face danny choose somewhere else! lol yeah but if danny did get famous i could be like "yeah i went to high school with that guy!" and make all his fangirls jealous by saying "i've hugged him before and drank after him! and he flashed me before!" *evil laugh* how fun!
here are a few random facts:
.the high school in fall out boy's dance, dance video was named clandestine high
.danny knows a surprising amount of nsync songs
.so do i XD
.my father and my brother and my uncle all have the same name
. i already picked out the name for my future son
.i cry everytime i watch the ending or ffx, or fma, in fact for ffx i get sad just by listening to the soundtrack and thinking about the ending
.i cry a lot
. patrick stump is my third cousin (not true but i wish it was)
. my ex-boyfriend used to refer to himself as auron and me as rikku from ffx
. people used to come over my house and watch episode 25 of fma with me just to see if i would cry ( i have mean friends)
all right i'm almost done but i have a pic for all you danny fans out there

ok this is the result of endless boredom and lack of meds, ha ha ha he's not so hot now is he? *evil laugh*
alright that is all hopefully something interesting will happen to me! XD
slight shorter post today
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (15) |
Monday, April 9, 2007
medicate me so i die happy
mood: overstuffed
listening to: like a stone-audioslave
currently: wishing i felt better!
plugs: em0taku (danny), tim tim (my bro), detectivedanielle (my friend danielle), knights edge, destinyssweetman, playitbakinslomo, deadxonxarrival: (all these people are my PM buddies!) oh yeah if you haven't yet go to to hear danny's mad guitar skills!
Redmoonchick Responds:
alex: don't worry i shamelessly plugged you this time! XD
X shadowme X: yes, i wrote a paragraph long post!*faints* ok i'm back and so are my long posts! i can't help it i swear! loling at wentz in wonderland, good lord danny has a fangirl? XD i told him he was the next wentz!
caprice: yes, my signings went a little screwy this weekend! one dissapeered
playitbakinslomo: yes i loved the laylah piece so much! so pretty!
yensid: i really hope it doesn't take me that long to recover or i'll miss my break!
cosmicsailor: well the only reason we did sports in yoga was because the sub couldn't do yoga
angel zakuro: lol i love that you commented again just to complain about renee! lol go jael!
thomalover14: lol even your short comments are long! XD
christianotaku: yes danny has mad ipod worthy skills! hooray ice cream!
em0taku: way to stick to your name dramaqueen! XD
woah lots of responses today!
did everyone have a good weekend? i bet it was better then mine! i was so sick all freaking weekend! i had having this really horrible cough all week but on friday it got so much worse! my head was killing me because each time i coughed it hurt my head, so to make me feel better my mom went and got me some chinese food! yummy ecspecially the egg drop soup! so hot and good! i wasn't feeling much better and i was also really cold! like so freaking cold even though i was fully dressed and piled under my blanket, so my mom turned the heat way up and threw my warm robe on top of me. finally i was all toasty and warm and my mom was hot so i got up and turned the heat way down and even cracked my bedroom window and uncovered myself but i was still way hot! after about fifteen minutes of me still being so hot i told my mom that i thought i had a fever and she checked and sure enough i had a fever of a whopping 102 degrees! i was two degrees from being hospitalized! scary. i've also been having some major trouble sleeping and i've been coughing so hard that i nearly throw up each time, ugh and my nose won't stop running! yeah i am definitly not a pretty site right now! i will feel really bad if my little brother or danny catch this because it's so bad! i'm feeling a little better now though so hopefully i be better while i still have spring break! because i am tired of being at home and want to do fun stuff!
how was everyone's easter? if you celebrate it or whatever. mine was fine i was suppose to go to my grandma's for dinner but i didn't feel well and my mom didn't really want to so we didn't go and i ate a yummy dinner here. i also got lots of candy for easter and those little peep marshmellow bunnies! so cute! i really wanted to go to church but i couldn't because of the dreaded illness! T-T
oh this weekend i got to watch the naruto marathon at my grandma's house! at least i managed to get a bit caught up on naruto and see itachi and stuff, though i'm finding that jiriya is becoming one of my fave characters. oh got to watch bleach too and see chad in his whole two seconds of airtime XD i got to see a little of blood+ but i have yet to see an entire episode! T-T
oh my gosh i really need to get better so that i can actually leave the house! T-T getting so bored here! all i have to do is either watch TV but i have no cable or get on the internet or sleep! i was playing my DS earlier but i am bored with the two games i got and i need a new one. glad you guys liked the poem i wrote on friday yeah i really like it too! lately all my poems have been in the vein of disfunctional relationships <---danielle if you read this post don't dare say a word! *death glare* p.s for danielle danny updated a few days ago check out his inane ramblings on my love for fall out boy and sell outs.
poem because i don't like short posts, i wrote this one during second and third hour at school
fingertips stained black from ink left by words that used to make sense
trace lips and hips turned jagged in the moonlight
blackness breathed into my soul
leaves scars deeper then anyone knows
flashes of light bounce off the walls of my mind
leaving blank spots in the form of you
words abandon me as they leap from my mind
leaving every memory of you and me behind
feet walk dusted paths just to get away from you
i can't see the road anyway
eyes locked on eyes keeping promises and telling lies
you and me, we have ties that bind
only to be severed by these words of mine
screams break the silence too still to move
i'm immobilized when it comes to you
hurt and cut, bend and break
all my wishes come too late
friendly warning confessions at hand
i'm plotting my own demise
how far can i fall before i realize? how imbicillic this all was
beaten to the point of death but still you whisper
"we're not done yet"
ok ladies and gents i don't think i have anything else to say except thanks to playitbakinslomo and destinyssweetman for putting up with my insomnia related PM's yesterday and for knight's edge for putting up with my whining in general! he truly is a knight! XD
talk to everyone tomorrow if i don't have cabin fever by that time!
Comments (16) |
Sunday, April 8, 2007
only idiots get writers block at 5:15 in the morning
damn this illness has me up all night and i can't sleep! i'm really in the mood to write something but i'm kinda blocked as to what, so how about you guys give me some characters from anything: anime, video games, etc. and a scenario or whatever and i'll write it for you! anyone interested? don't know i'm just in a writing mood and anything will do, so go ahead and give me what you got! i'll even write yaoi or yuri or whatever so yeah come on peoples! oh and if your not comfortable telling me here you can Pm me or something...oh yeah happy easter!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (12) |
Friday, April 6, 2007
i used to obsess over living now i only obsess over you
mood: tired
listening to: sophmore slump or comeback of the year-fall out boy
currently: praying that i feel better
shameless plugs: here's some plugs for myo sites: redmoonchick2 (where my story is archived), em0taku (danny's site), tim tim (my little brother's site), hoaryu (niisan's site), deadxonxarrival and shadowme (two awesome people)
Redmoonchick Responds:
cosmicsailor: well technically my yoga class is called fitness for life and we switch between yoga activities and other sporty things
niisan: well no need for you to pry niisan, you already know anyway
X shadowme X: it's a short story compared to the other things i write, i love that you call danny a whore! XD
xXurbrokendollXx: don't worry i was just kidding about the rape thing, after all who would want to rape danny when he gives it away for free! XD (just kidding)
thanks to everyone who read/commented on my short story! *hugs*
i forgot to mention yesterday that it was my last day of school before spring break, so yes i am on spring break today! though i'm not really doing anything to special, just hanging around the homefront and seeing a few friends. i am so jealous of this guy kyle, he's going to flordia for spring break! T-T it's cold here now so flordia seems prefect, heck i'm jealous of danny too, he's going to new york next week for spring break, but i talked him into bringing me back a keychain or something. he said he's going to steal one for me but he'll probably forget. XD so yeah i'm so happy about spring break cause now i get to sleep in!
sleeping in would probably be a good thing lately because i know i'm getting sick. i can feel it and also i've been coughing up a storm all day! yeah i walk in school this morning and the first thing danny says is "your sick. you better not get me sick" how kind of him to worry about himself! XD (i'm just kidding) he followed that up with a sincere "get better" and he gave me two dollars. wouldn't it be funny if i got him sick over spring break? lol no that would be mean.oh if anyone was wondering i'm feeling less exposed now, so it's all good!
school was alright, i had trouble concentraiting and i felt like i really didn't do anything all day. one of my fave teachers was gone on an all day field trip so we had this horrid sub who i really don't like. i had him third, fourth, and fifth hour! i totally skipped my fourth hour because i didn't feel good and i didn't want to play volleyball. it was funny because usually i get caught skipping but i stayed in the back of the computer lab so no one noticed me and even when the teacher did notice me she let me stay because she thought i was working on english stuff, but i was on the myo. oh danny brought his x-box 360 to school with him today, we hooked it up to a teacher's TV at lunch time and him and my bro played it, they played "gears of war" i just watched cause i suck at shooty games. at least danny played some fall out boy so i was entertained.
hmmm danny also told me he broke up with his girlfriend, i think this relationship lasted a few weeks. oh well i found it midly entertaining how danny can fall out of love with people so quickly, and also how the girls are just like insane for him. oh shameless plug ahead: everyone go to <---that is danny's band and he put up some music of him playing the guitar so if you guys wanna hear danny's mad guitar skills then go there. also i know i talk about him a lot but i hope no one mistakes my talking about so much for me having a crush on him, cause i don't. he is just a friend nothing more, nothing less.
ah you guys! myo user playitbakinslomo finished one of the drawings that go along with my story! it's the character laylah, so anyone interested in seeing it head on over to her portfolio and take a look. oh and i finally got my 260th gb signing! woot! go even numbers!
like i said spring break, not sure if danny is going to read this post, he usually does read my post's daily but i'm not sure now. so danny if you read this leave a comment so i know that you did.
here's a short poem:
lies spread in their lives like ivy across an old stone wall
lies told to keep each other always guessing
the truth was always considered a lie and the lie was held as an absolute truth
they kept each other in rapture under lock and key
her being the lock him being the key
it was a war of words each one spilled leaving scars and marks on the skin of the fighters
these battle scars only visible to those so astute
they used tears to drown all the mistakes becaused they believed that water cleaned it all
after the tears were spilt and the wounds were healed they always chose each other
because together vs alone together always won
just like bed always won over breakfast and body to body won over fist to face
they hurt each other over and over but neither ever left
they were too fucked up for anyone else
'damaged goods' one might say or at least that's what they thought
neither one ever left because they felt they deserved every word spoken
and the ever present fear that no one else in the world could put up with them
they hurt each other to feel alive because pain is the only thing that's real
these two people who can barely qualify as a couple
are in the closest thing to love either of them have felt
because the way they see it is
two halves of a broken heart make a whole
no pics today so yeah i guess i'll see you guys on monday! have a great weekend!
Comments (21) |
Thursday, April 5, 2007
everyone one has a secret, but oh can they keep it?
feeling: overexposed
listening to: talk shows
currently: hate the way i feel when i think of you
pimpage: danny updated his site: em0taku if anyone cares
Redmoonchick Responds:
tohmalover14: alright if you really do enjoy hearing my tales that involve danny i won't stop talking about him, but maybe i'll cut back
angel zakuro: yeah it's a paradox of sorts when i have to talk about danny to say that i'm not going to talk about him
xXurbrokendollXx: wow for a second there i thought you were trying to rape danny
X shadowme X: eh? you think danny is cute? teh sex you say? man he's going to be laughing about that one
deadxonxarrival: yeah i lurve that pic of peter
demonskiss: yeah he has tatt's in other places too
if any of you read in the three little lines i have in the opening of my post, i'm feeling over exposed. which i am usually i the subject lines i choose for my posts don't have anything to do with my posts but today's one does...i don't know i guess i just feel like everyone knows everything about me and i have no more secrets left. i also feel like everyone knows my secret and i'm still desperately clinging to it. a few people do know but for everyone else don't worry about it your not missing much. i guess it all started when danielle came to visit, she managed to wretch the secret from me and now i feel like everything is coming to light when i just want to push it into the shadows. even this paragraph it's self is going to raise a few eyebrows and get me an endless string or pestering questions but whatever my site my rules.
well school yesterday was pretty normal and pretty boring. i called danny this morning and got his voicemail so i had a hunch what was coming next and sure enough i walk into first hour and he's not there. like i said school was boring. in my sixth hour we played jepordy and i almost won! i came in second but i was only behind by 800 points. danielle didn't visit either but i don't blame her, if i was on my spring break i wouldn't want to spend it at a school. today were having a sub in my yoga class and i'm probably going to skip because i don't like the sub and i don't want to play volleyball or basketball.
like i mentioned in the above paragraph danny didn't come to school today and i know why. it was because he was playing his x-box 360. i feel like making a public service annoucment. hi i'm redmoonchick, there are so many addictions in this world that need to be helped, but there may be one you don't know about yet. it's called 360 addiction, yes it's where a person become so totally addicted to their x-box 360 that they give up all aspects of their lives. it's alright if you didn't know about this addiction, i myself was unaware of it until it struck close to home. this is my friend danny *holds up pic of danny* danny used to be a normal teenager with an active social life and good grades, but after danny got his 360 he's turned into a shut in who hasn't seen the sun in days. there is no hope for danny, but there is hope for you.. if you or someone you know is addicted to x-box 360 it's not too late! just call the number at the bottom of the screen and we'll get help for you, special discounts if you use are intervention packet!
ok that was a joke up there but seriously i called danny after school and my bro was talking to him and he was playing his 360 so he hung up on my bro, we called him back and he yelled "playing xbox!" then hung up so i proceeded to call him like 15 times after that and he answer and get mad and i'd hang up on him, i eventually left him alone because it was boring. man i think his 360 ate his brain, he's acting like a different person since he got it. time for an intervention.
oh for all you music fans, i'm really getting into the band "the academy is..." i heard their stuff here and there but i really sat and listened today and i'm loving it! don't need a new addiction. oh also my gb has been lingering around 259 signings and it's driving me crazy! i need an even number! i guess i could go sign some random persons gb and hope for a sig back.
two quotes!:
first one from dan-o aka danny:
danny: *talking to me* you should put a pic of me up on your myo! all the myo bitches we'll love me
happy now daniel?
quote two from my friend danielle:
(i was wearing this big bracelet that had balls on it)
danielle: nice balls
yeah those two are my friends! XD
well it is thursday and since my story is completed i am putting up a short story, for the day. this story was inspired by the fob song "hum hallelujah" so yeah if you read it enjoy! it's not too long. oh yeah not edited sorry
redmoonchick's special short story:
they sat out in the empty parking lot of the supermarket where he worked part time. it was dark inside the car, the only light coming from the lamp post's as they casted warm glows inside the still car. they had the windows open letting the summer's breeze waft in around them. "you look beautiful in the light" he said to her as he took her hand in his own, she looked down at their entertwined hands and then to him a smirk played on her dark lips.
"compliments won't make me say it" she told him and for a moment his face took on a blank stare before he quickly recovered the compuser he was famous for. "what makes you think i want to hear you say it?" he asked as he returned her smirk, "that's just the kind of boy you are and also you just said it a moment ago" she told him as she turned away and stared again out the window at whatever happened to catch her interest. he too turned to look out the window and was tempted to release her hand, but he didn't and instead he squeezed it tighter. she didn't say anything or look at him but he felt her thumb rub against his palm and he smiled.
the "it" she was referring to was the big L word, you know love. she never said it out loud and he realized that neither had he, until just a moment ago. of course that didn't mean that they didn't love each other and they had said it before. in bed in those intimate moments the word was said freely and it meant something, but outside those moments that word was never said. he gave up on trying to get her to say it and wished he could take back his own words.
all summer they had been going out. they had fallen for each other at the end of the school year...their senior year. it had been great they started dating and it was serious and it was fast and hell it felt like living. neither one wanted to mention what would happen at the end of the summer, when it was time for college and lives and that they were destined for something better then sitting in empty parking lot's holding hands. so neither of them did and they continued living through the summer, but now summer was ending it's life coming to a close and before anyone knew it fall would come and collect the body.
even though they could see summer ending still neither of them spoke a word. there was nothing about "what's after this?" or "will i see you again?", there was none of that. there was just kisses in the dark and embraces too hot due to the summer's heat. they both knew that somewhere during the nights lying on trampolines or the days spent floating in the pool someone should have said something and they both knew it was too late for regrets.
"your thinking about tomorrow aren't you?" he heard her ask, he looked at her and saw her shoulder's slumped and shaking slightly as she waited for his anwser. "yeah" he said and she didn't respond "you are too aren't you?" he asked and he saw her nod "i've been thinking about it all day" she told him as she turned in her seat to face him. so now was the time, they picked now to have the conversation that should've been had two months ago. their love was young but it felt more real and more right then anything else either of them had ever felt before, and neither was quite ready to let it all go.
"we must have horrible timing" she laughed out but he could hear the sadness that resided in her laugh. he hated the sadness more then anything else and he didn't want to hear it in her. how fair was it that tomorrow morning at eleven she'd be leaving for a new life in the big city at some well know college, that obviously wasn't know enough because he couldn't remember the name of it. she'd be leaving to do something great and he'd still be at home working at this part time job for a few more weeks until he too went to college, to become the writer he always wanted to be. maybe he'd write about this? hell he could write it better then either of them felt it.
sure they could lie to eachother and say that they were going to see one another again, but really what were the chances? he sucked at math but even he could tell that they weren't good. "it's over after tonight isn't it?" she asked as if she had been reading his mind. he stared into those blue eyes and was at a loss for anything to say, if he wanted to be honest he'd tell her yes, that there was no hope, but he was in denial and he wanted to tell her that they could make it all work, even if he didn't believe it.
"is that what you think?" he asked her his voice low and unwilling to admit anything, she looked surprised for a moment "yeah i think so" she whispered and again he could feel the pain laced in her voice. he let out a long breath or air and looked into her eyes "yeah me too" he said, he had never seen a person's heart break before until that moment in her eyes as her heart struggled to accept the truth. he leaned in quickly and pressed his lips to her's for a kiss. the kiss itself lasted only a minute but to each of them it felt like a million minutes, as they broke the kiss and caught their breaths they looked into eyes, browns on blues and kissed again.
the kiss was more urgent this time and with each kiss and touch, with each piece of clothing shed from their bodies and each hot touch pressed to their skins, they felt and remembered every other time just like it, because after tomorrow memories would be all that was left. "i love you" she whispered in his ear between a kiss. afterward when the kisses and touches ceased they still sat in the car, seats leaned back and staring at the starry summer sky.
he turned to look at her, the sadness in her eyes replaced by a deep love for him and he hoped his eyes shone the same. "were not going to talk about tomorrow?" she asked, he shook his head "nope to us tomorrow doesn't exist" he said and grinned. she looked for a moment as if she were going to say something more but she didn't. "tonight is it" he said as he reached a hand out towards her, she nodded "till tonight do us part" she said as he took his hand and they kissed.
they stayed that way until late into the night, they had talked about things, things that weren't important after tonight. their thoughts were finally off of tomorrow and the what an unpleasant experience it would be. he had woken up and looked at his car's clock which read 3:45 in the morning. he let out a groan and looked at his girlfriend who too was sleeping, as he watched her he didn't think he could go through with this plan of "only tonight" but he had to for both of their sakes.
he woke the girl up gently and told her he was taking her home, she didn't object as he saw the sleep still fresh in her eyes. she held his one hand while he drove her home and it pained his heart to know he was going to lose that warmth. "i know we said no more talk of tomorrow" she said as he pulled up to her house, "but i think we could do it! you and i could make it work! this doesn't have to be the end" he thought for a moment about accepting her offer and trying to make it work, but in the end he knew it never would and they would both end up more hurt because of it. when he said nothing she went on "i mean i love you and i don't want to lose you! don't you love me too don't you want the same thing?" she asked as she clutched onto his hand.
he didn't know what to say to her, his mind and heart were arguing and he wasn't sure which to listen to. he figured one must have killed the other because finally words popped into his head. he sighed and turned away from the girl "no, i thought i loved you, it was just how you looked in the light" he said slow and easy. he didn't look at her because he didn't want to see the pain etched into her face, she didn't say anything but he could hear he crying and it broke his heart. she got out of his car for the last time and slammed the door shut. he started up his car and left not bothering to look back. he didn't regret the words he said, because he knew he had to say them even if he didn't mean them. because what better way was there to make someone forget their pain then to make them hate you? at least now it wouldn't hurt so bad to be away from him.
did ya like it? i wrote it pretty spur of the moment but i lurve it!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (15) |
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
even when there's nothing worth living for, your still worth lying for
mood: nostalgic
listening to: nobody puts baby in the corner
currently: wishing to push him out of my heart and mind
Redmoonchick Responds:
tohmalover14: wow you win the award for longest comment ever!
angel zakuro: alright it's a tie for longest comment between you and tohmalover14! XD
kirbysdouble: yup that's the layout since my site refuses to show wallpapers as my main site, so yup pink and uh i guess teal! XD
X shadowme X: are you trying to say that danny is cute? ah you might wanna talk to xXurbrokendollXx and join his fan club! <--i'm kidding don't XD
hooray! i am so happy today! the reason for this new found happiness is that my friend danielle, who transfered to a different school came up to visit today!!! it was so good to see her! it felt just like old times back when we went to school together, but before i get to into that i'll tell you guys about my day. well it was pretty boring and normal until around lunch. first hour did the same old stuff, was on the myo, managed to talk to danny a bit while he had his ipod paused. after yoga my brother met up with me and told me that danny was gone and that he never showed up to fourth hour , so yeah we assumed he went home to play his xbox 360, but my bro told me that my dear friend danielle was here so i met up with her downstairs. like i said earlier i was so glad to see her and i was also glad to see that things weren't awkward between us. so yeah anyone who was worried i'm not depressed anymore so no worries!
so yeah danielle stayed in my fifth and sixth hour with me and we caught up and stuff and it was so great! she was a little mad that danny wasn't there ecspecially because i had told him during first hour that she wanted to come to the school. so me, danielle, and my bro were in the computer lab after school and who should show up but dear danny. yeah we was around for a bit and it was weird cause it took him like three whole minutes before he even said hi to danielle. but yeah i guess danny went to his friend's house without telling anyone and he came back to see danielle but he didn't stay long so me and danielle went outside and got into some deep conversations. i mean i like having guy friends but there are just some things you can only talk about with other girls. i told danielle to try and visit again tomorrow because she's on her spring break and she said that she'd try.
i made a vow that i wouldn't talk about danny too much today. i don't know things seem a little strange with him. maybe it's just my imagination? man i really miss danielle i mean we didn't even scratch the surface on stuff we need to talk about.
oh do you guys happen to have any idea's for a comic? i need to draw one for my school's newsletter and honestly i have zero ideas! so any help would be appreciated. i need a funny idea for it is a funny comic.
well yeah a few funny things did happen today, well for one when danny came back me and him got into one of our play fights in front of danielle and i attempted to hit him from across the computer and the bracelet i was wearing flew off! i swear when we fight we act like four year olds! or so my brother says. oh and i was sitting at my computer and danny rolled up by the back of my computer and i had my hand up like i was going to hit him and we ended up doing the lamest high five! lol so stupid! oh another funny thing was when me and danielle were in the computer lab and we both wanted to listen to different music so we played two different songs pretty loud, it was funny cause neither of us could really hear the music. oh and later she and i were talking about how cute it would be if patrick and pete from fob were a couple! XD (don't even ask), oh and danny claimed i made this --> ^-^ anime face when he gave me some candy today...i in fact did not.
oh yeah i think i'm getting sick, yeah i'm sure i am. i've been coughing my butt off for the last two days and i can feel a coldness in my chest. man it feels like bronchitis or something. i hope not cause i do tend to get that around this time of year, i also hope i'm not sick because today i took the first drink of danny's pop and he drank after me so for his sake i hope i'm not sick! though it would be revenge for the time he got me sick.
this post might be a bit long but, well i joined this health challenge thing on the interenet and it's free and you tell it your weight and it tells you how much you should weigh and also what to eat to be healthy and some cool workouts! it's really neat. i'm hoping with this plus my yoga class i'll shed a few unwanted pounds. i'm also going to join a health club over the summer i think so yeah i should drop some pounds!
oh yeah sucky news: my microwave is broken and during the day my bro and i basiclly live off of microwaveable food! so yeah it sucks bad! anyone got a microwave they want to sell? XD
ok i really don't feel like doing a manga review this week so here's a few pics before i go.
oh yeah that pic of pete with the boots i didn't mean to put that pic up i meant to put the one below up

ok seriously tomorrow no talking about danny because his ego is getting big! like this big <--------------------------> lol
~redmoonchick~ |
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