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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
i'm the (after) life of the party
mood: restless
music: violent pornography-system of a down
currently: wondering if he thinks of me
to do list: find my missing cell phone
i've got good news and bad news. good news first, we finally got the van into the shop to get it fixed! i'm so glad about that. now the bad news the van unfortunately won't be fixed until thursday so no school tomorrow. *sigh* but at least it's getting fixed so i should be in school in no time at all. which is good because seriously i feel so disconnected from my friends. danny has stopped commenting and won't anwser my pm cause he's lazy! i should just call him this morning.
redmoonchick's offical school days missed counter: 8 (that's so bad)
my mom didn't go to work today because of the whole van deal so she was home and bossing around the TV! ugh she made me watch american idol with her and i don't really care for that show. also i talked to my best friend sydney and while i was talking to her sydney's younger sister was there. now sydney's sister has a major crush on my brother and all my brothers friends and she has a thing for the bands fall out boy and panic! @ the disco. so my friend sydney mentions to her sister that danny looks like brendon from panic! and she practiclly freaks out and demands that she meet him and says i'm really lucky to know a brendon look-a-like. yeah that made me laugh really hard because it's just danny and yeah he does look like the singer and i've even mentioned that he could make a career out of looking like him. i just never knew that some panic! fans were jealous that i knew someone who looked like him. XD
um well not too much going on. the fall out boy club has gotten two new members so hooray for that so now we have seven members! yeah and i enjoy working on the fob site so it's fun being the president of something XD oh and i submitted a e-card to the myo but i don't know if it's going to be accepted or not. i only have ms paint so it's a little on the crappy side but i still hope it get's accepted!
i wanted to show a pic of the flip flops i got cause they are just so cute and it's finally getting warm enough to wear them!
it is wednesday so it's manga review day!
todays manga is "descendants of darkness" also know as "yami no matsuei" i know a few people around the myo who read this manga but for those who don't. the story of descendants of darkness is about a shinigami or death god named tsuzuki who works for a division of the after life called the ministry of hades. it's tsuzuki's job to solve cases with supicious deaths and that such. one day tsuzuki meets a fellow shinigami named hisoka and the two become partners. when i first read vol. 1 of this manga i was quite unsure of what to think of it. it was a little dark for my tastes but after volume two i was hooked and i ate this manga up as fast as they came out. like i just said the whole story of descendants of darkness is in fact dark as one would expect with a manga about death. but it does have it's lighter sides mostly in part to the goofball tsuzuki and the wacky storyline. the manga is gory and bloody and sometimes just makes you go "ugh i can't believe that" but it is funny and sometimes touching. speaking of touching there a a lot of shonen ai hints floating around this manga and i mean a lot! it is a shojo manga after all. the characters are mostly male and mostly touchy feeling with each other but mostly in a hinty way except for the evil doctor muraki who rapes one of the shinigami's and a few of the later volumes where things get racy. the art is good very good and very pretty! the men and women of this manga all look beautiful as do the locals and just about everything else in this manga except for a few times when the characters are ugly looking. there are plenty of different characters and tons of different storyline as the first few volumes are kind episodic in nature and follow no real story until a bit later but some of the cliff hanger will have you practicly pulling your hair out in frustration. this like last weeks manga is a bit hard to read with odd placement of the speech bubbles and not knowing who exactly is talking when i admit i had to re-read a few pages. but i like this manga and it's characters. the manga is currently eleven volumes long and is currently on hiatus with no future release date in site i'm praying that this one doesn't end unfinished. it also spawned a thirthteen episode anime which is good and less shonen ai like but it is short and ends stupidly. in the end redmoonchick gives descendants of darkness 8 out of 10

descendants of darkness vol, 1 cover
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (17) |
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
there is one person on this planet that i would love to lay on a curb with and count stars, it's too bad you are asleep
mood: average
listening to: the nightly news
currently: wondering why my heart beats faster when i think of him
it's tuesday and we are suppose to be getting the van fixed today. since i'm posting after midnight i don't know if we will get it fixed or not but my hopes are high. yesterday a lot of you suggested that i take the bus to school well i can't because i don't live in that school's district. i live around thirty minutes away from the school but i love the school way too much to go anywhere else. so if all goes well today the van should be fixed and i should be in school by wednesday.
redmoonchick's offical school days missed counter: 7
speaking of school and all, i really do want to go back because missing day after day of school and doing absolutly nothing day after day sounds fun at first but yeah i am so fricken bored! what's worse is i get the feeling that my life is meaningless when i don't do anything. do you guys know what i mean? like it doesn't matter what i do and my day has no real value. i don't know about you guys but i hate that feeling. so i'm more then ready to be in school!
oh yeah i read through my post from yesterday and realized that i didn't mention danny at all not once. this is funny because i believe it was the first time i hadn't mentioned him in a few months. so it looks like i can go a post without mention both danny and fall out boy just not at the same time. XD yeah but danny has a bad habit of not anwsering people when they send him messages! bad danny! *rolls up newspaper and hits him* bad. ah well i guess i'll see him in a few days anyway. i was just curious as to how his weekend went. i could always call him...yeah i might do that.
oh i got a bit creative over the weekend. i was bored so i took some white painter's tape and wrote out all my favorite lyrics on them and then stuck them to my bedroom door. i think it looks pretty cool and i like it though it does screw with my OCD but they've been on the door long enough that if i took them down it would probably bug me more.
i did major friend deletion off my friends list but don't worry ijust deleted people who never visit or never return my comments. no one who visit's me is off of it but you can check if your worried.
i am proud to annouce that the offical myotaku fall out boy fan club site is open! *cheers and throws confetti*
yeah it's the site for the members of the fob fan club. so far we have five members but hey i'm not complaining.
the site is fall out boy fans (i tried to put a link but links don't wanna work for me) so stop by if you like!
yesterday was garbage day and my mom took the garbage out and then we went walking to check our mail and buy a newspaper and well on the way back to our house my mom sees a suitcase that someone tossed out so she stops and picks it up and brings it with us. all the while i'm telling her that we don't need it and that we have no room for it. yeah my mom is a total packrat! i was going through some old clothes and wanted to give them away and she wouldn't let me! ugh it's annoying but she's my mom what can i do?
the last paragraph leads me to my question for you guys:
do your parents do anything in paticular that bugs you?
for my mom it's the ratpacking and for my dad it's his compulsive smoking habit
oh yeah and a lot of people are saying that my posts are long. hmmm i know some of them are long but not all of them! oh well i like writing long post and i appreciate everyone who reads them!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (16) |
Monday, March 19, 2007
champange for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends
mood: lathargic
listening to: the evening news and my mom on the phone
currently: wondering how'll i ever say goodbye to him
this was another one of those quick weekends but heck since my van is broken everyday feels like a weekend. did you all have a good weekend and a good st. patrick's day? is anyone hung over? XD well like i said this weekend was quick and boring mostly because i was trapped at home. i seriously cannot wait for the van to get fixed! unfortunately it looks like i'll have to wait longer for it to be fixed because there was a problem at the bank or something so now my mom's money isn't going to be available until tuesday and if we get the van fixed on tuesday i won't be able to go to school until wednesday! it really sucks because everyday i miss is more work i will have to make up and also i miss school a lot. what's worse is that in my yoga class and my creative writing class it's all about class particpation. this is stuff i can't make up so everyday i miss school is everyday i'm getting zero's and so close to the end of school makes it 100 times worse. as if the situation wasn't bad enough my counsler already told me that if i keep missing school he was going to drop me from the school! even though numerous times i've explained my transportation problems to him; but believe me if they intend to drop me i will put up the biggest fight of my life! oh and my mom keeps getting mad everytime i say i miss school. double oh..i am mad now because i got a message on the myo from my friend danielle (the friend who transferred) and she said that she came up to the school on friday to see everyone and i wasn't there! *grumbles*
redmoonchick's offical school days missed counter: 6
ok wow sorry didn't mean to go on a school rant. well i don't have too much more to talk about. i spent the weekend creating the fall out boy fan club site and venturing around the photo bucket site looking at random pics. i was also intending on revealing the fall out boy club site on here but it isn't ready yet so no can do.
like i said before i don't have a lot to talk about so after a few people showed interest in it i've decided to tell the story about the protest i did at school.
well it was last year and in my creative writing class we had an assignment near the end of the school year where we got to paint this long tunnel in our school. (the tunnel is infact a tunnel that leads from the bottom floor into the cafeteria) well the whole class was painting the tunnel with our original art and we worked really hard on it for like two days. so i come to school the next day and my friends told me that something happened with our art work and i came to find out that our lunch lady had walked through the hallway after i left and told my friends and my teacher that the art was innipropreit (wow spelled wrong) now i guess she thought it was wrong because my friend painted the word cyanide on the wall because she was doing a poem. so the lunch lady complained to the principal and because we share our cafeteria with some little kids our principal demanded that the paintings be painted over. while the creative writing class had painted part of the tunnel my friend danielle and i had been working for months on some wall art that was further down the tunnel walls. we were doing this for career credit and had been given permission to do so. my friend danielle painted the coolest black tree with red around it and now they were demanding that we paint over that too! needless to say we were all mad danielle, me, and my two other senior friends to be exact were the maddest. so we spent most of the day fuming and being pissed off (it was field day by the way) when one of us had the great idea to go and print out the free speech amendment in the computer lab. so all four of us went to the computer lab and we all typed up the same thing and we printed like 10-15 papers each and we also sent my friend into the office and she made a few copies of the paper. we then hijacked some tape and proceeded to sneak around the school sticking the papers everywhere. it was just before lunch so when lunch time came everyone would see. we put papers on the tunnels doors and inside bathrooms, on wall, and just outside classrooms. we even put one on the principals computer screen in his office!
we were down in our favorite teachers room when the principal bust's in holding the papers in his hands and demanding to know who did this. no one knew it was us but the principal did suspect us and our teacher because he blamed her. he then said that someone owed him money because the copies cost money. my teacher and he kinda argued and my senior friend said she'd take the fall if we got into too much trouble. but in the end people loved it and someone even went later and put a paper on the wall art that said "this is a democracy not a dictatorship!" lol it was great. but they were still going to paint over our art so my friends and i called the local newspaper and we set up a meeting for the next day (the very last day of school). the next day we all walked down to the little bakery that was a block from our school and we got interviewed for the newspaper and we got pics of us taken for the newspaper. if i had a scanner i could scan the pic and show you guys. the photographer said that we looked like a band! so yeah i was in the newspaper with my bestfriends last year but the wall art did get painted over which sucks but the art lives on in the newspaper and our yearbook and the prinicpal and i are on ok terms again. it's still cool because my teacher has the newspaper artical and the photo hanging in her room! so are protest will live on forever! ha!
ok wow that was way longer then i thought it would be! thanks if you read it. it was fun reliving the memories XD
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (21) |
Friday, March 16, 2007
fight to the death for the cause that's my life
mood: cute
music: thriller-fob
currently: wondering why i love him
for once in a few weeks i didn't use a song lyric or title for my subject line. instead i used a chapter title for the new story i'm writing. speaking of stories thanks to everyone who commented on my story yesterday! i'm glad you guys like it and for those who don't well there are only two chapter's left so get over it XD
it's friday and again i couldn't go to school yesterday or today which sucks because today is a field trip and i feel really bad cause danny will be all alone and i know that i wouldn't wanna be alone on a field trip so sorry danny! *hugs for danny* but some good news my mom said that she was getting the van fixed monday so i should be back in school by then or tuesday. you hear that danny? we're coming back!
hmmm i wanted to ask you guys something how exactly do you make e-cards, wallpapers, banners, etc? i realized that i never knew and everything on my site was made by someone else so i was just curious.
oh this next part is for the members of the fall out boy fan club. well there are only two of you now but other people have said that they wanted to join but i'm not gonna force anyone. anyway would you members be interested in recieving a weekly newsletter type thing that had info about fob in it? i'm just spitballing so if you all have any ideas please suggestions would be fine.
have you guys ever heard of how to find your porn name? your suppose to take the name of your first pet as the first name and the name of the street you grew up on as the last name. so mine would be bonnie mott! lol and my bro is ginger mott! XD
what are your guys porn names? danny if your reading this you should totally comment!
alright see you guys on monday!
Comments (15) |
Thursday, March 15, 2007
new york eyes, chicago thighs and every state in between
mood: releaved (not spelled right)
listening to: conan o' brien
currently: trying to get TV show theme songs out of my head
first things first. i want to apologize to anyone whose site i didn't comment on; but i swear it wasn't for lack of trying. for some reason yesterday my site wouldn't allow me to comment on anyone's site the only one it did allow a comment for was LS and no one else which was odd. initally i was afraid that my site was breaking but when i got on to update i found that i could comment again so no worries people intend to get to everyone who commented on my site yesterday!
oh and speaking of comments; yeah danny your comment was totally kick ass and long as heck! you must miss me lots huh? man i'd like to get one of those everyday! lol and bigger lol that you gave up and kept the pete wentz icon! ha ha i win!
ok so van is still broken down but i do really want to go to school! despite what some may say *cough danny cough* yeah unfourtunatly i live way too far away to ride the bus or get a ride from someone else and man do i wish we had a new or at least a better vechical, but you take what you can get. at least last night my aunt brought my mom home so she didn't walk.
oh and everyone look in the profile! *points to profile* see i did start a fall out boy fan club with the help of christianotaku who made the banner. i have another banner too made by deadxonxarrival but it won't show! so anyway if you want to join just PM me!
ok so i'm gonna wrap this post up because it is thursday and that means it's story time! if your new the story i'm referring to is the story i wrote titled "my friend rory" and if your behind or just want to re-read it head on over to the myo site redmoonchick2, that's where the story is archived! again not edited version *facepalm*
chapter eight: four o' clock: that fateful meeting
i awoke three hours later in a hospital bed. the room was too bright and smelled horribly of disinfectent. i turned my head slowly glancing to the chair that sat next to my bed. i had expected my mother to be sitting there, hell i expected someone to be sitting there and i was surprised to find that she nor anyone else wasn't. no one was sitting next to me and no one happened to be in the room either. i spotted my mother's purse sitting on the little table next to the chair, so i knew that she was still in the hospital and i was relieved to know that i hadn't been abandonded. my own room was silent but the door was open and i could hear loud talking and yelling, and machine's sounding off in the hall. i wanted to get up and go check it out. i felt restless in my own body as if this perfect silence would force me to think about the day's earlier events. walking turned into nothing but a hopeless dream as i remembered my leg. i threw the itchy light blue blanket off my legs and peered down at them anxious as to what i might see. i guess i had been afraid that my leg wouldn't be there anymore but it was something i didn't have to worry about as both of my legs remained intact.
my right leg, the leg i was shot in was wrapped up again, this time in a cast. i also noticed that i had been changed out of my clothes and into a hospital gown and i prayed that it was my mother who had done this for me. i sighed and wondered how long it would be before i could walk again. i tried not to be too upset about the state of my leg because at least i still had my life and i should be grateful for that. i absentmindedly wondered how many of my fellow classmates ended up here at this hospital. i also wondered how many of them ended up at the morgue. i stopped myself from thinking too much on this subject. when i had first woken up i didn't really remember what had happened and for just one brief moment i was as normal as every other patient in the hospital, but then reality had set in and i knew that i would never be normal again. never again would i be laylah hodges, now i would be that girl who survived the clearview school shooting. i sighed once again and resigned myself to get use to that idea because i was sure that this story wasn't going away anytime soon.
i leaned my head back and stared at the celing because due to my leg couting the celing tiles was about all i could do. i was up to tile number fourty-eight when i heard the clicking of heels coming into my room. i looked up and saw my mother standing in the doorway holding a cup of coffee. she looked at me and a huge smile broke out on her pretty face. "laylah honey your awake!" she said walking towards me. "uh yeah, what happened? the last thing i remember was being in the ambulance" i asked her. "oh laylah the doctor said you passed out from the loss of blood. he said if you had waited any longer you'd be dead!" she exclaimed. "what are you serious mom?" i asked, she nodded "yeah but luckily we got here in time and your surgery went well" she added. "my surgery?!?" my mouth dropped open a bit "i had surgery? for what?" i asked still feeling uneasy about my near death experience. "the bullet dear it was stuck in your leg." my mother patted my head and retook her seat at my side.
"well where's dad and alex?" i asked. "oh well alex was hungry so your father took him to get some food." my mother said as she set her coffee down on the small table. speaking of food it was then that i realized that i was starving. i hadn't eaten since breakfast that morning and i hadn't eaten school lunch considering the events of the day. "are you hungry dear?" my mother asked practicly reading my mind. i nodded "yeah i'm starved" i replied, "well i'll just have the nurse bring you your dinner then" my mom smiled at me, stood up and proceeded to go out in the hall and flag down the dinner nurse. in a few minutes time i had my dinner set out before me. i poked at the suspicious food. i was a little hesitant to eat it considering all the things i'd heard about hospital food, but i figured it could be no worse then what the school would've offered, so i began to eat.
i would say it took me about five minutes to totally devour my small dinner and my stomach seemed sastisfied for the moment. "honey visiting hours are almost over. is there anything else you want me to do before i have to go?" my mother asked as she glanced at the clock. i was a little saddened that my mother would have to leave me but i saw a TV was hooked up in my room, so i knew i wouldn't be totally isolated. i thought about my mother's question for a moment. what could she do? she couldn't turn back time or take me home so what else was there? i thought harder knowing that there had to be something i wanted her to do. it hit me suddenly as if my mind had just remembered what i had been thinking before i fell asleep. "the boy!" i said excitedly, "huh? what boy laylah?" my mom asked me confused by my sudden outburst. "the boy. the one who saved me in the school! i want to go see him!" i told her as i shot upright. "oh i know who your talking about" my mom said and she once again stood but this time she didn't leave the room. instead she just ventured into the corner to fetch something. what she brought back to my bedside was a wheelchair.
i smiled at my mother's eagerness to please me as she unlatched the right side of the hospital bed's guardrail. she pushed the wheelchair into position and lifted me out of my bed before setting me down into the chair. she carefully set my injured leg onto the foot pedal and began pushing me out of the room. my mother pushed me down the hall as if she knew where she was going. i didn't question her as often times it turned out she was right. the two of us passed doctors and nurses bustling down the hall. we also passed many open rooms and with each room i'd glance inside curious to see if anyone from the shooting had wound up here. i saw many faces i didn't reconize and i wasn't sure if i should be relieved or not. finally my mother stopped me just outside of one of the open doors. she left me for a moment and knocked on the door. "yes?" i heard a male voice say "i have a visitor to see you" my mother smiled at the person inside the room. "alright" i heard the voice say again and i swallowed suddenly nervous for some reason but why should i be? i had went to school with this boy and he had offered to help me today. "but?" i found myself thinking "but what if he blames me for what happened to him? or what if it isn't even the right boy?" i swallowed my nerves as my mother once again took her position behind me and wheeled me into his room.
the boy's room was as equally bright and smelly as my own room. i realized that i was glancing akwardly around his room and had not yet looked at him. finally i forced myself to look at the boy no matter what he would say or do. to my utter delight it was infact the same boy who had fought rory at the school. he sat in his hospital bed a remote control in his one hand and his left arm rested in a sling. his face held a blank stare and for a moment i wondered if perhaps he didn't reconize me, but quickly his stare broke into a look of surprise. "oh its you" he said in a light surprised tone. i nodded unsure of exactly what to say to him, everything i had thought before suddenly sounded so much better in my head and i was beginning to regret this whole idea. my mother continued pushing me until i was on the right side of his bed, right next to his good arm. i looked back at my mother "thanks mom" i said. my mom nodded "right well i leave you two alone" she said. i looked back at my mother unsure of why she would say such a thing, but "maybe" i thought "maybe she thought that whatever i had to say to the boy would be left better in private.". i nodded and my mom left the room taking whatever noise there was with her and an akward silence enveloped us. i was staring at my hands still unsure of what to say. the boy either felt the same or was weirded out by me and i wasn't sure as to which one it was.
the silence continued until i could stand it no longer and i cleared my throat. i lifted my head and looked at the boy who had been staring at me the entire time. i reddened a bit but continued anyway. " how are you feeling?" i asked him, not out of lack of a real question but because i had genuinely wanted to know. "i'm doing all right" he began "they gave me some pain medicine so i'm doing fine" he told me and i couldn't help but be comforted by his stong smooth voice. "what about you? how are you feeling?" he asked me. "well, physiclly i'm alright but emotionally i'm pretty banged up" i said while staring at my leg. "yeah same goes for me but i didn't see everything you saw, so i can't say i'm too bad."
after our first words to one another we were once again left with silence "i-i'm sorry for bothering you like this but i wanted to come by and say thank you for all that you did today and i wanted to ask you something as well" i blurted out after a silent minute. "what is it?" the boy asked softly. he was looking at me intently and seemed to be focused on what i had to say. "well i wanted to ask you. what's your name?". the words hadn't seemed so ridiculous in my head, but they had turned that way once they left my mouth. the boy looked at me blankly again for a moment before he chuckled a bit. i wasn't angry at his laughter, i was just a little surprised but i enjoyed listening to him laugh. "i'm sorry i didn't mean to laugh. it's just that your question was so random." he said wipping his eyes. he took on a serious face and put out his hand "my name's david williams." he said. i looked at his hand and smiled now knowing the name of my hero. "and yours?" he asked "laylah" i told him "laylah hodges". it was the boy's turn to smile as he took my hand "nice to meet you layah. its really nice to meet you."
author's note: i really like this chapter and i hope you do as well!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (13) |
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
the best part of believe is the lie
mood: airy (is that a mood?)
music: our lawyer made us change the name of this song so we wouldn't get sued-fob
currently: wondering why everything is centered on my site
well not too much to report about today. i didn't have yesterday because i didn't have it so i slept in really really late! because i slept so late i didn't get to talk to niisan or my friend danielle! oh well maybe today.
well it's offical my family's van is broken down again! this is like the eight time in a few months! grr it's so annoying because now i can't go to school and it's such a easy week too! sorry danny i definitly won't be at school today but maybe thursday. so like i said the family vechicle is broken down and i have no idea what's wrong with it so my mom is going to call around to see how much it is to fix. in the meantime my mom has to ask people for rides to and from work and tonight she didn't have a ride home so she had to walk home! it's so far away too i honestly can't believe she did it! i'm kinda bummed cause i want to go to school missing all these days so close to the end of the school year can't be good.
alright i really feel like i'm using too many explanation points in this post. no more of those. oh yeah and danny if you read my posts everyday why don't you comment once in a while? is it cause i said you were mean yesterday? XD
i feel bad cause i wasn't able to get to everyone's sites yesterday and yes i know we have the new two day lumped together update thing but heck i can barely keep up with daily posters letm alone do two days. i believe this is the most active friends i have on the myo in my two years i've been here. so i'm really gonna try to get to everyone's sites but i promise nothing!
oh yes and thank you to edelriclover250 for being my 230th gb sig!
for those of you who took yesterdays dare. did you all notice what like the first two pics were? yeah the ones that looked like pete was naked but he was censored...yeah i totally didn't know those were there *shifty eyes* what? really i didn't! ok so maybe i did but at least you didn't see the real naked pics of pete, but i have and i am dropping this!
oh i was gonna put up a pic of one of the girls that LS suggested yesterday...but yeah like none of the pics were ok for myo...those girls should really wear bigger bikini's!
ok so there is no way to go from naked rockstars to manga reviews so let's just jump in!
alright so today's manga is "trinity blood" yes there is a manga in case you didn't know. well as most on this site already know there is a trinity blood anime and it was airing on adult swim, but for those who don't know trinity blood is set in a world after the armageddon in a time when there is a war between vampires and humans taking place.
the manga starts off differently then the anime series with abel and esther meeting at a train station and it's pretty different for the first few chapters of the manga. i must be honest upon first reading of this manga i didn't really like it. mainly because the first few chapters are awfully hard to follow along with. the characters never say where they are and when they move to a new location or time it can be horribly confusing. it gets better later as the manga starts to follow some of the anime episodes with a few changes here and there. the art of this manga i like the art. everyone is so very pretty but again at times the characters look just plain stupid. another thing i found hard about this book was the placing of the word balloons. sometimes there placed so wrong and random that you don't know who said what or which one you should read first and it's really distracting when you have to re-read a page differently until it makes since to you. i wanted to like this manga and in the later chapters i do but the beginning is a but rough and if you really love the anime i hear it doesn't follow that storyline too closely. so if you really love the characters of trinity blood and want to see them in some new adventures i reccomend this manga, for everyone i suggest you give it a good once over before deciding wheter or not to read it. it does have a few extras though which are nice like a fold out cover that reveals a esther bookmark and a excerpt from the trinity blood novel coming out next month.
redmoonchick gives trinity blood a 4 out of 10

trinity blood vol.1 cover
Comments (16) |
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
i wrote a goodbye note in lipstick on your arm when you passed out
mood: tummy hurts =/
music: bang the doldrums-fob
oh boy did i have a bad morning yesterday. so i didn't go to school yesterday BUT it wasn't because i was sleepy, no infact i was quite well rested and i got up easily and got ready for school and everything. my younger brother went out to start the car and it won't start for him so he comes inside to keep getting ready and my mom goes outside to start the car; well it doesn't start for her either so it's obvious that something is wrong with it and now i find out that i may not be able to go to school. my mom decided to test drive our van around the roads just to see if we'd go and well we went but not very far and not very fast. i'd say we were going like five mph! so my mom is heading back home when a cop suddenly shows up behind us and my mom keeps driving until we get back to our driveway and the cop pulls in after us, so my mom is all freaked and the cop asked if we were alright and my mom said the van was acting funny. so i guess my mom accidently ran a stop sign but it's ok because we were inside our trailer park by that time. she didn't get a ticket or anything and the cop left but the bottom line is i got up and got ready for school and didn't even end up going! oh and i don't have school today so i can miss guilt free!
i spent the rest of my morning well i called danny to tell him that i wouldn't be at school and then i spent the rest of the morning on the myo. mostly talking to my dear niisan hoaryu and visiting people.
like i said earlier i talked to danny on the phone and while i was talking to him i asked him if he broke up with his girlfriend yet and he said that he did. i'm not too surprised that he did it since he said that he would but i am surprised by how mean he was when he did it! apparently he told his girlfriend that he couldn't stand her! (mean right?) now i did find his girlfriend annoying but not deserving of that. come on now danny your usually a nice guy don't be mean to girls like that!
oh yes before i forget, the myo user playitbakinslomo was kind enough to make me two buttons i only have one up on my site though but it's still nice and i wuv her! *hugs for her*
oh yeah and i began to write a new story today. one i might end up posting a bit of it on here after i finish with "my friend rory" i dunno though depends on how it is recieved. i can already tell you that it's an alternate universe story involving certain members of a certain band, but i shall say no more! gah i really tried to resist this idea! *facepalm*
today when i was trying to comment my keyboard went crazy on me and i thought the computer froze so i was hitting the E key on the keyboard and turns out that everytime i hit the E key it was opening explorer on my computer so like 50 explorer boxes popped up and i had to close them all! it took the better part of at least three minutes.
dare of the day:
for today i dare you all to go to google image search and search for pete wentz
one last thing:
i was thinking of starting a fob fan club on here cause i have found a few other fob fans on the myo, but i can't make a club banner, so if anyone wants to just PM me.
well ok i'm out of things to talk about so i'll post some pics and be out of here!

something for the fellas!
ok well i don't know what guys like to look at so i found a pic of j-pop star koda kumi

a very pretty man

fall out boy for good measure XD
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (19) |
Monday, March 12, 2007
this is me wishing you into the worst situation
mood: annoyed
music: dance,dance-fall out boy
i hope you all had a good weekend! mine was alright if not on the boring side. friday was pretty interesting mostly because my younger brother was drunk out of his mind at my best friend's house. yeah he was being reallu annoying like falling down and he kept hugging me and he accidently felt up my best friend at one point, but i guess it was pretty funny to watch.
oh i must thank everyone who commented and signed my guest book this weekend! all of you who comment over the weekend you all helped me break my comment record again! this time by an amazing 27 comments! *hugs for everyone* oh and i want to thank lalagirl for being my 220th gb sig!
alright time to get serious for a moment. if you all could would you guys please go sign this petition to stop the genocide in darfur and other regions. if your interested here's the link
some of you may have already signed it but if you haven't i urge you to do so it only takes like a minute tops.
on friday i mentioned that i might be going to the teen night at the church. well i didn't go but meh there's always next weekend.
last week at school i asked danny for his password to the myo and he gave it to me, which he probably shouldn't have because i got bored yesterday so i found a fall out boy avatar and put it on his site as his avi! lol he changed it later but i changed it back again.
oh while i was at my best friend sydneys house on friday i was going through her music channels and i was looking for a certain fall out boy video but alas it wasn't on there so i was bummed until i found this thing called "fall out boy naked"! so yeah my friend looks at me and starts laughing because i clicked on it but don't worry no naked fall out boy to be found just a interview with them and it sucked because i couldn't even hear the interview because her mom was so loud! oh and after watching that i was so shocked to find a j-rock video on there! it was a dir-en-grey video to be exact but again couldn't hear it worth a poop! T-T
question for you guys:
1. do you guys have a favorite music video?
my anwser: well i'm almost sure you guys can guess who i'll pick but meh it would be a three way tie between fall out boy's dance,dance, a little less sixteen candles, and this ain't a scene because all of those video still make me laugh no matter how many times i watch them.
hmmm is anyone else having a problem on the myo that it has yesterday and today's updates together? or is it just me? grrr stupid daylight savings time!


adorable pic of patrick from fob sleeping

hottest geeks i've ever seen
*sigh* i really need to put up something for the guys to look at!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (21) |
Friday, March 9, 2007
the truth hurts worse then anything i could bring myself to do to you
mood: peaceful
music: i've got all this ringing in my ears and none on my fingers-fall out boy (like you didn't see that coming? XD)
i had a hard time deciding what to use as my subject for the day. i must've changed it at least three times before i settled on the one i have now, which happens to be the chorus of the song i'm listening to as i type this.
well i didn't go to school again yesterday. (yeah i know i'm bad) but really i was way to tired to go and i know that's not a good reason but seriously i didn't get to sleep until 5:00 am and i have to be up and 6:30. i did wake up this morning and contemplate going lol i actually made my bro flip a coin to decide! XD and i don't have school today so i probably should've went.
the reason i was up so late was because i went grocery shopping with my mom around 1:00 am (don't ask why we were shopping so late it's a long story) well we went shopping, to be exact my mom did the shopping i happened to find the issue of rolling stone magazine with fall out boy on the cover and read the long article about them, which only made me love them more because their so normal! oh and it made me laugh cause in the article pete is describe as looking like a anime version of elvis!
we ended up being in the store for two hours being that we didn't leave until 3:00 in the morning, but that still doesn't acount for two hours so i made something to eat and went to bed at 4:30 but didn't fall asleep until 5:00.
it's friday and my friend danielle who used to go to school with me and danny want to go to the teen church thing tonight. i used to go to the teen night at the church when i was like fourteen or fifteen but only once recently, and danny well he goes every friday. my friend danielle doesn't really like church she just wants to see me and danny again because she misses us. i think the last time we saw her was the beginning of january so yeah i miss her too! i don't mind the church thing but i am a bit apprehensive about going because i know if i go danny's girlfriend will be there and i will feel guilty because i know he wants to break up with her, ecspecially if she's all lovey dovey with him.
speaking of danny do you guys think i talk about him too much? i don't really think i do and my bro says maybe i do, but if i do talk about him a lot it's because he's the main person i hang out with at school so it's only natural that he gets talked about.
one last thing. i've noticed that a person on the myo has the same exact avatar as me and this didn't bother me until i went to return a gb signing and that person had signed right under mine so it was the same avi twice in a row. am i being weird or would this bother you guys too? idk i'll probably end up changing it.
oh p.s. danny if your reading this be sure to comment because you'll get a surprise!
p.p.s i put up a new quiz in my quiz results, yeah it um basicly speaks for itself XD
the cover in question

i just thought this one was funny and yes i am putting up fall out boy pics again because i am a fob addict!
ok well i'll see you all on monday!
Comments (25) |
Thursday, March 8, 2007
got post cards from my former self saying how you been?
mood: stuffy nosed but mostly upbeat
music: i'm like a laywer with the way i'm always trying to get you off (me+you)-fall out boy
redmoonchick comment respondes:
.alright i think i should start be more careful with what i'm saying. for the record i was not close to danny in any dirty ways to get sick from him. i simply sat next to him on more then one occasion and i believe i may have taken a drink of his pop. all you dirty minded people jumping to conclusions! JK XD
well nothing too important happened yesterday it was in fact a pretty average day. i went to school did my work and came home. well my yearbook teacher who also teaches yoga and my creative writting class went on a field trip today so she wasn't there. that means that absolutely no one was doing what they should've been doing in yearbook ecspecially, to make matters worse we have a deadline coming up and most of my pages are getting sent in to be printed and i just found out that there was a page i was assigned to that i didn't know about and absolutely nothing has been done on it and it's due monday! oh and the guy who is assigned to the page with me is never around. i also skipped yoga yesterday, i know it was bad but i hate doing yoga when the teachers away and the sub teaches us! but don't worry i got a stern talking to after she got back.
the danny report:
well danny still isn't completely over his sickness he still has a cough and he also denies that he got me sick. but he did and i know he's reading this *points at danny* you did get me sick because i know have your cough! danny was also kind enough that yesterday in first hour when i was talking to him he coughed right in my face!
my bro and i got into another play fight yesterday after i updated. this fight included me getting knocked out of my computer chair and being tackled in the hall way and repeatedly knocked over when i was trying to get up, but i'm alright.
well it is thursday and that means a new chapter to my story!
sorry this isn't the spell checked version! that one is on the school computer ^^;
"my friend rory"
chapter seven: one o' clock: the aftermath
i was taken outside by the police officer. as he walked down the stairs slow and gentle as to not upset my leg. he asked me questions maybe because he had to or maybe it was just a way to know that i was still alive. "what's your name?" he'd ask. "laylah" i'd respond. he asked me my age and if i was hurt in any other ways. "not physiclly" i wanted to tell him but emotionally i was a wreck but anyone would be had they just been through the same things that i had. once we made it passed the stairs i was once again in the main floor hallway. the very place all of this had started and i wished i could just go back to this morning, back to when i wasn't shot in the leg, to when my bestfriend wasn't dead and i wished in vain i could be that innocent girl again. then i wondered what would've happended if i had taken rory's advice? what if i had skipped school today? would rory have stopped killing when he did? would the boy who helped me be dead? what about mr. carter and the other students? so many what if's resided in my mind doing no good to me except to make me wonder "what if?"
i really wish that the police officer hadn't taken me down through the main hall. i also wished that i would've been smart enough to close my eyes so that i wouldn't have seen rory's aftermath. there were many cops on this floor flipping people over and taping things off with their yellow tape. for a moment i felt as if i was on one of those cop shows that you see on TV. it felt just like that except i knew it was all real and that these people were no actors and how they wouldn't wake up once someone yelled "cut". the police officers were also venturing in and out of the classrooms on this floor. as we walked passed the other officers i could feel the man holding me nod at each person we passed. as we walked i could see rory's first victims now being turned over. i could see the shocked expressions on their faces. the pain and surprise from their deaths evident on the young teen faces. i let out a horrified gasp and closed my eyes tighter then i ever had before. i silently prayed that my now dead classmates faces wouldn't haunt me for the remainder of my life. their spirits anger that i lived and they did not. as we ventured closer to the school's exit a thought struck me hard. "the bathroom" i whispered out, "huh?" i heard the officer say, "the bathroom, there are bodies in the girls bathroom." i told the man. the officer nodded and informed the other officers, i glanced at the bathroom door as we passed thinking only of julie and how her blood still stained my clothes.
it felt like it took an eternity to get out of the building but as soon as i felt that warm breeze on my face once again, i knew it was safe to reopen my eyes. the scene laid out before me was one i had only seen before in movies and the news. cop cars spread out along the parking lot as did ambulences. cops and paramedics also were running quickly here and there, not one person was standing still. news cameras and journalists had also set up shop outside the school. the second the officer and i stepped out of the school a swarm of photographers began taking our picture. the officer told them to back off and give us some space but they were relentless each one trying desperately to snap that perfect shot. "phil!" i heard a voice call out "yeah?" i heard the cop carrying me answer. i now knew the name of my second savior but i still longed to know the name of the first and i hoped that one day i would be able to ask him his name myself. "bring her over here" the other cop called. phil proceeded to turn away from the photographer and their clicking cameras and take me towards a cop car its doors wide open. "she needs an ambulence!" phil shouted. "i know but right now none of them are free. there's more on the way." the other cop told us. "well young lady this will have to do for now" phil told me as we reached the car. he lowered me down gently onto the seat. "lay down" he told me. "no" i said. "your injured you have to lay back" he reasoned with me, "no the last thing i wanna do right now is lay down" i told him. i didn't really care if i was being uncooprative with the officer, part of me felt that i had the right to be. the cop sighed defeatedly and helped me get situated to where i could sit up and still have my leg protected. "i'm going to get someone to wrap your leg" he told me. i nodded and with a pat on my shoulder he turned and left.
my eyes scanned the scene once again while i still had the chance.i ignored the photographers and news cameras as they still took their photo's. i suspected that the police had given them a warning not to talk to anyone because they made no move to come close to me. instead i looked up at the front of the tan building and how this morning it had just been nothing more then a simple school. it was something far different to me now. i looked up at the very top of the building where the bay window had once been. my eyes followed the same path that i knew rory's body had taken and i realized that i had yet to see if his body was still there. a sick anxiousness filled me i didn't really want to see rory's body but i had to check to see if it was there. i would never be able to rest my mind, to really believe that it was all over if i didn't check. i scanned down quickly checking the spot that i knew his body had fallen. to my horror his body still sat there covered by a white sheet stained red in places. "oh god" was all i could say as i stared at the outline of my former friend. was this all that remained of rory? a stained sheet?. more then anything in that moment i wanted to take my eyes off of him, but i couldn't i kept watching, kept staring with all my might maybe thinking that after all he would sit up.
a stray police officer must've seen me staring at his body because he had it moved mere seconds later. i watched as they loaded his body onto a strecher and perpaired to take it somewhere that i couldn't follow. with rory's body gone i was left all alone with my thoughts. it all felt strange to me, how i would never again speak to rory or hear his voice or laughter. it all almost seemed ridiculous that the only way i would ever see him again would be in photographs or my memories.
"laylah." i heard someone say and for a moment my mind faltered and i thought it was rory, i actually believed that it was him speaking to me, that he was still there. i looked to the speaker and saw it was once again phil the cop but he wasn't alone this time. standing next to phil was a young woman, a perimedic i persumed. "laylah this is miranda. she's going to put a turnicate on your leg, to stop the bleeding." phil told me. i nodded absentmindidly not really caring either way. i guess i was shell shocked from the whole experience but who wouldn't be? miranda the perimedic quickly wrapped my leg and i watched her for a bit. while i watched her i tried to imagine what it was that she was thinking. what did she think about me?, about all that had happened?, did this woman from the outside see me as a victim? as some poor thing to be cradled? and if she did i wondered why it bothered me so much.
before the woman could finish wrapping up my leg i heard my name being called once again. "layah!?!" this time it was a woman and her voice was wracked with sadness and it sounded as if she'd been crying. i looked up in the direction of the voice only to see the person i had least expected, my mother. she was standing dressed in her business suit looking entirely out of place in this scene. i was right my mother had been crying. her make up was running down her face and the wind had messed up her curly blonde hair. "mom" i teared up as i said these words. something inside me had broken the instant i saw her. it wasn't a bad breaking it was good, i was comforted seeing my mother and i felt like a small child once again. my mother took one look at me before bursting into tears and racing towards me. she reached me quickly and in her haste she had knocked miranda the perimedic onto the ground and away from me. my mother wrapped her loving arms around me and held me close to her chest. i wasn't ashamed anymore and i no longer felt like a child. i held my mother and cried not really caring who saw me.
"oh laylah" my mother began between her sobs. "i heard about the shooting on the radio this morning and raced here but they told me you were still in the school with the shooter! oh god laylah i was so worried about you" she wept. two things about the words she spoke had struck me as odd. the first odd thing she said was that she heard about the shooter and how she neglected to use rory's name. the second odd thing was how she hadn't mentioned my brother at all. a fearful thought struck me. "what if my brother was dead? was that why she made no mention of him? because she didn't want to upset me more then i already was?" i had to stop myself before i let my thoughts run away with me. "mom?" i said pulling myself away from my mother and perpairing to ask about the whereabouts of my younger brother.
before i could ask her anything i saw people walking up to us. two very tall men and it took me a moment before i realized that it was my father and brother. "dad!, alexander!" i called to them my eyes widening with relife and excitment to know that they were okay. the two of them called back to me and in a instant they were at my side. "laylah, honey your alright!" my father said now pulling me close to him. it was a hard thing for him to do because i was sitting and he was so tall, the same went for my brother. my father released me and it was now my brothers turn to hug me and celebrate the fact that i was alive. "alexander" i began "how did you get out? i was looking for you! i was so worried. is ellie with you?" these words left me so quickly i could barely hear them myself, so i was amazed that alexander had managed to understand me. alexander pulled away from me and sat down next to my left.
"well" he began. "when rory came into the school i was in the office making copies for ms. kirkland. i heard the gunshots and the office workers told me and everyone to remain in the office so i did. then that security guard went out to check and before he was shot he screamed that it was rory that was shooting people. when rory had come into the office i called to him and told him i was there. i thought for sure that he was gonna shoot me but he didn't and instead he told me i could leave. i asked him about you and he told me not to worry about it. i told him i wanted to find you but he threathened to shoot me so i stopped arguing. after i left the office i heard rory start shooting in there. i knew i should've left right then but i wanted to warn the people in the basement, so i ran down there and told ms.kirkland what was going on. ellie happened to be in ms.kirklands class at the time, so she and about five other kids went out of the building with me. i made sure the coast was clear and told them to go out before me, after they were out of the building i ran out too but i glanced back and saw rory heading into the bathroom." i gasped in surprise cutting my brother off. "i was in the bathroom at that time!" i told him. i realized that my brother and i had only just missed each other by a few moments.
my brother took a deep breath and continued. "after we got out of the school the six of us ran to the house across the street and i called the cops. i wanted to go back in the school and help more people but when the cops arrived they wouldn't let me." my brother stopped talking for a moment and looked at me sadly. "i saw you, you know" he began. "when you were talking to the cops and you asked about me but you were gone before the cops or i could say anything. i wanted to go back into the school then too but the cops threathend to arrest me so i didn't. after that mom and dad showed up and we waited until we saw rory fall out of the window." he laughed a bit as he said this. "i honestly couldn't believe it was rory at first. i never thought he was capable of doing something like that." my brother finished his story of the events, he sighed and ran his hands through his dark hair.
"where's ellie?" i asked alexander. my brother lifted his hand and pointed a few feet to the right. i followed his hand and saw my dear friend ellie, she too was with her parents. i could tell that ellie had been crying as she talked with her parents, maybe she sensed me looking at her or my brother pointing in her direction but either way ellie turned to look at us. the two of us just stared at each other for a moment and i knew we were both thinking the same thing: "we should've listened to rory"
ellie said something to her parents and pointed towards me and my family. ellie's parents nodded and the three of them began walking towards us. i smiled a little as ellie approached me. i've know ellie for along time but not as long as i knew rory and i was relieved to see that at least one of my dear friends made it out okay. "hi ellie" i said to her as she sat beside me on the ground, "you were shot laylah?!?" was her only reply. "yeah" i nodded "on accident" as we talked ellie's parents hugged and talked with my own parents. "i can't believe what he did." ellie said and she didn't have to say his name we all knew who she was talking about anyway. "yeah" my brother and i agreed, it felt odd and disturbing to be sitting here like this in the parking lot of our school after what had happened. "did you see rory do it?" ellie asked me as she rested her head on her knees. "do what?" i asked looking between ellie and my brother. "you know, kill himself. did you see him do it?" she asked again, and once again i nodded "yeah, he shot himself right infront of me" i told them. "we saw it too" alexander said, "what?" i asked surprised at his words "we saw rory crash through the window. we saw him hit the pavement." he told me, "it was awful" ellie added. i thought about what they had told me and came to the conclusion that in a way the three of us had all seen rory die. i had watched him shoot himself and my friends watched him fall the rest of the way, in a way rory had subjected all of his friends to watching his death play out.
there was silence between the three of us and that silence stayed as mine and ellie's parents went to talk with the cops. they stood a few feet away talking and it looked like my father was yelling at the police. while they were away i once again noticed the annoying flash of the photgraphers. this time they were snapping pictures of alexander, ellie, and i. i didn't pay them much notice because i didn't really care anymore. i was getting very tired and my leg was aching badly, i sighed and wondered when my ambulance would arrive. i didn't have to wonder for much longer because five shiny white ambulances pulled into the driveway of the school mere moments later. they stopped just a few feet from where we sat and i wondered if one of these was for me. a driver dressed up in navy exitied the ambulance, openend the back and pulled out a strecher. a cop walked up to him and they spoke breifly before the cop pointed at me and i knew it was my turn to go to the hospital.
the perimedic and the police officer walked towards me stopping only to breifly talk with my parents. "i think that's for you sis" alexander said, i nodded relived because to be honest i was starting to feel faint. as the cop and perimedic drew closer i reconized the cop as the same one from before, the cop named phil. "laylah we're taking you to the hospital now" phil told me, i nodded more then ready to go. my parents had come over to me as well "can we go with her?" my mother asked, "only one of you can ride with her" the perimedic said. my parents looked at one another "you go" my father told my mother, "alex and i will follow along in the car". my mother nodded and gave him a brief kiss. they lowered the strecher to the ground and the cop once again lifted me and set me down easily onto the strecher. they then lifted the strecher and wheeled me towards the awaiting ambulance. i waved to ellie and my brother half heartedly as they wheeled me away. my mother walked beside me and held my hand and before i knew it she and i were in the vechicle.
before they closed my ambulance door i could see the ambulance across from me open up. i saw a strecher being wheeled towards the ambulance and i gasped as i saw the person on the strecher was none other then the mystery boy himself! "wh-where is that boy going?" i asked the perimedic that sat in the back with my mother and i. "that boy there?" he asked pointing at the mystery boy. i nodded "well its one of our ambulances so he's going to the same hospital as you". i laid back happy to know that the boy was alright and that i would get my chance to thank him after all. i heard the ambulance start up and we began moving. i tried my hardest to stay awake during the ride but i was too comfortable and too warm for some reason and i quickly passed out.
i hope you guys like this chapter!
~redmoonchick~ |
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