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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007
i'm a bull your mind is just a china shop
mood: bored
music: golden-fall out boy
well i'm updating kind of late. ok well a hell of a lot later then usual for me. usually i update after midnight but lastnight my mom banned me from the computer because she had to use the phone and by the time she got off the phone i was already asleep. in cases like that i usually update in my first hour at school but i didn't go to school today so meh i'm updating now. i'm not really suppose to be on the internet right now i'm suppose to be writing my world war two diary but i hate history it's so boring! i'm going to have so much trouble finishing it! i'm not really expecting too many comments though. but big thanks to all tweleve people who commented yesterday!
ok so in my post i said i wouldn't mention a certain band but gah! i have to! i put a fall out boy video on my site it's the video for their older song "dance,dance" but you should all check it out! it's so funny and i even got fall out boy hating danny to watch it with me yesterday! *points to video in profile* go watch! i command you! XD (obviously i'm not forcing you)
me: ha ha ha it's only a matter of time before i have a legion of loyal fall out boy fans! crap i shouldn't have said that out loud! XD
ok so what else? hmmmm oh i just found out that next year my school is cancelling yearbook! that is so stupid and it makes me so mad! now i go to a small school and not to many people care enough to buy a yearbook so mr. principal said it was too expensive and now it's cancelled! which means that i'm not going to get a senior year book!
ah the next part of this post is more for people who read the story i post here but i wanted to ask you guys. due to me accidently posting the first half of chapter five last week instead of chapter four. do you guys want me to repost the first half of chapter five again? or do you want me to just go ahead and post the second half of chapter five? i'm not sure which i should do so i'm going to leave it up to you all. of course if i don't get any comments i'll have to decide. anyway if any one has missed any of my story and is interested in catching up. it's archived at the myo site redmoonchick2 if anyone is interested.
alright usually i post a manga review on wednesdays but i really have to write that stupid diary so no can do this week!
january 3rd, 1942
so it finally happened after weeks of waiting. after weeks of walking or driving by that by now old and worn uncle sam poster it finally happened. an enlistment camp opened up this morning bright and early five a.m was my guess. the enlistment booth was set up near the local high school and the center of town. it had been quite a surprise to me to see the enlisters here in our town. after all the "coming soon!"promise of the enlisters had taken three weeks to get here and i guess i fooled myself into thinking that they wouldn't show up at all. i had taken my normal route to work that morning at six a.m. driving in the chilly silent darkness of the morning. it was when i had driven down main street was when i first saw them. it was still dark and hard to see but my headlights mangaged to illuminate them enough for me to properly see them. there had to be at least twenty men decked out in our nations uniform bustling around the once empty spot of land. the once empty land now held a large wooden framed booth and the men were currently working on putting some sort of sign up. i was tempted to stop and talk to them for a moment, just to make sure they were the enlisters, but i didn't stop i slowed for a moment just long enough to make the army men take notice before i quickened my pace and drove away.
i wasn't sure why i was so disgruntled at the thought of the men being here. it wasn't that i was un-american, no it wasn't that. i was damn proud to be american but i wasn't so sure i wanted to die because i was one. i knew it was wrong what had happened when the japanese bombed us at pearl harbor. but even this unthinkable tragidy wasn't enough to convince me to go and i wasn't sure why. a distressed feeling of doom slipped into my belly and my heart sank a bit. a terrified feeling that maybe i was un-american filled me. so far i hadn't voiced my opinon to anyone, not my family or any of my friends. i just couldn't say anything to them, they had all been so proud of charlie when he declared that he was going to enlist in the army. how could i say that i didn't want to do the same thing? but it didn't matter because in the end it was a choice. i had the choice not to enlist in the army. it's not like they were forcing people or anything. i wasn't sure why but at those thoughts a chill ran down my spine.
yes i might've been surprised to see the enlisters that morning but the real surprise came much later. i was driving home from work that evening and again i had to drive by the enlistment booth. as i drove i thought that maybe i should take a new route to and from work so i wouldn't have to see the army men anymore. because after all if i couldn't see them then they weren't real. i turned a corner and saw the booth far away in the distance and as i got closer i also saw the incredibly long line of young men waiting at the booth. the booth itself was considerably different looking from the one i had seen earlier that morning, this was the product of the men i had seen that morning's labor. it wasn't the now drastictly different booth that surprised me or the long line of young men, no it was who was standing in that line that surprised me. "patrick?" i said and nearly caused a collision with the vechical behind me as i craned my neck to try and see the line. i could've waited and called patrick later, that would've been the sensible thing to do but i guess i never really was a senisble person. i didn't want to cause a accident so i proceeded to pull the beat up old pick up truck over to the side of the road, hop out and run over to the enlistment line. an army man stopped me before i could reach who i thought was patrick. "hold it there young fella. the line starts way back there" the army man said pointing a gloved finger towards the end of the line. "but we appreciate your enthusiam." he added . "no-no i don't wanna enlist my friend patrick is here and i just want to talk to him, sir." the man who had to have only been a couple of years younger then my father looked at me wairly for a moment before he nodded "fine just don't be disruptive" i nodded and strode down the line looking at each young face as i passed. some of the men in the line were younger then me and had probably just graduated from high school. after about a minute i finally spotted patrick standing in the line.
"patrick!" i called and jogged over to him. patricks eyes widened for a moment "jimmy? what are you doing here?" he asked "are you enlisting too?" he asked me. i came to a stop next to him the man infront of and behind patrick gave me hard looks. "n-no" i panted as i caught my breath "i'm not enlisting but that's not important. why are you enlisting patrick?" i asked finally catching my breath. patrick's eyes darted a bit and he wouldn't look me in the eye. he reached up a hand and smoothed his reddish hair. "well my pop heard on the radio that they were enlisting guys down here and well he told me that i should be down here so uh here i am" he muttered clearly uneasy about the whole situation. that was typical of patrick, he always listened to authority figures ecspecially his father. "but pat do you want to be here? do you even want to enlist?" i dropped my voice down to a whisper so that the men in line around patrick wouldn't hear my question. patrick gave me something of a strange look as he pushed his glasses up. "well of course why wouldn't i?" patrick asked. "well i mean you never mentione wanting to before" "maybe i changed my mind jimmy" patrick said to me. "or maybe your just scared to say no to your dad" i said louder then i meant to earning me odd looks from the others in the crowd. "i'm not afraid of pop!" patrick sorta yelled at me "well you don't want to enlist but here you are right?" i yelled right back at him. he gave me a angry look , pulled his fist back and punched me in the jaw. it was around this time that i wish i would've noticed the police officer at the front of the booth and that patrick hadn't just punched me. we were fighting for a good minute and a half and had most of the enlistment line watching us before the cop pulled us apart and dragged me off to spend two hours in jail.
january 6th 1942
it's been three days since i got in a fight with patrick at the enlistment site and spent my two hours in jail with the town drunk. i was sitting at the kitchen table listening to the radio about the war and what was happening. i had heard alot about the german nazi's taking jewish people and putting them into these things called concentration camps. i listened to the horrible new for a few moments longer before i could take no more and turned off the radio. i peeked my head into the living room where my mother had been cleaning moments before. the same news i had heard on the radio i was seeing and hearing on the TV. i decided not to watch and instead i grabbed my jacket off the coat rack and was about to head out the door when the phone rang. "i'll get it" i yelled to my mother whever she may be in the house. i strode over to the olive green phone and answered it. "hello?" "jimmy?" i heard a familar voice ask. "yeah" "oh hey jimmy it's patrick" patrick said in an all too casual voice. i was taken aback by patrick's call i mean i mere three days ago he had sucker punched me for all to see. "hey patrick. what's going on?" i asked the surprise still clear in my voice. "oh well yeah i wanted to call and apologize to you about the fight and to tell you that i didn't enlist". patrick and i continued talking for a few moments each of us apologizing to the other. when we hung up patrick had invited me to come to the local diner where the rest of our friends were meeting for lunch.
i informed my mother i was leaving and headed down the sidewalk toward "sparky's diner". normally i would've driven to the diner but after my arrest my father forbade me from using the pick up truck and he said i couldn't work for a week. needless to say after my arrest neither of my parents were too proud of me and my brother was infuriated that i would cause such a spectle infront of the respected men of the military. it felt good to have my friends backing me once again so at least i wasn't completely alone. i arrived at the diner a mere five minutes later noting that all they guys were already there. i gave them a greeting and took a seat at the booth. it was one of those half circle booths equipped to seat all five of us. i sat between patrick and peter while andy and joe sat on the ends. we all managed to talk and laugh just like the old times before the war. after all the five of us had been doing this since we were in junior high. we talked of normal everyday things but i knew it was just a matter of time before someone brought up the war. "did ya have fun in the pokey?" peter asked me. "zip it pete" i said in a still friendly manner. "but seriously none of you guys are enlisting are you?" patrick asked as he took a bite of his hamburger. the other four boys all shook there heads "no i was going to" joe began "but i'm the only man in the family so no can do" "yeah same for me" andy added "what about you pete?" i asked him as he was suppsicously absent from the conversation. "well jimmy" he began lifting his head to look at me, his brown eyes uncharistically serious. "i heard from my father that the army is thinking about drafting people!" he whispered to us.
peter's father was a high ranking goverment official so his word was usually correct. "what's a draft exactly?" joe asked. "it's when the army forces men over the age of eighteen to join the army and they guys have no say in wheter or not they want to go." pete told him. "what? that can't be legal!" joe protested "sorry it is, but there is a catch the army is going to randomly draw a month and whoever was born in that month will be drafted." pete said solomenly. we all exchanged looks each thinking of the person next to them's birthday. "are there other rules pete?" andy asked "yeah i heard they can't draft you if your the only male in the family. instantly all eyes were on patrick, pete, and i, while andy and joe let out relived sighs. i knew why it was because andy was a only child and joe only had an older sister. while patrick, pete, and i all had brothers. "what about families with only male children?" i asked thinking of charlie. "well i heard that they take the oldest sibling" pete said. this time was patrick who earned all the stares. as he was the only one amoung the five who was an older brother. pete himself had an older and younger brother and a sister, while i had charlie, but it was patrick who had the younger brother. "you don't happen to have any rule that can save me do you pete?" patrick asked somewhere between desperation and only kidding. no one laughed and we continued the meal in almost silence.
march 11th 1941
it's been a little over a month and so far pete's premintion of a draft had yet to come true. the reasoning for this we all assumed was because the army had so many willing volunteers. in the past month things had been somewhat normal, as normal as a nation in war can be. everyone in my life tried their bests to go on living. i continued working at my fathers gas station and as he wished it charlie enlisted into the military...he ships out in a month. |
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
hum hallelujah
mood: happy/excited
music: fall out boy-hum hallelujah
hi everyone,
i forgot to mention yesterday that i had friday and today off from school. now normally this wouldn't be important but because of these days off i seriously have like no idea what day it is (kidding obviously it's tuesday) but really all weekend the days all blended together. like to me today feels like monday instead of tuesday. so yeah i'll probably be a day off all week. i do have school tomorrow and to be honest i'm pretty happy to be going back. i miss danny and some of my classes. i know i'm saying this now but when i have to get up in the morning i'll be like "what was i thinking?"
hmmmm i don't really have anything to talk about today... oh! i can finally listen to my fall out boy cd again because my mom bought me some batteries. really you'd think i'd be tired of it by now but nope i love every song no matter how many times i listen to it. oh i also changed my avatar. it's of the whole band this time.
man i really thought i was gonna make it through this post without mentioning fall out boy. *sigh* tomorrow i will try harder! but i will probably fail *sweat drop* well as long as were on the topic of fall out boy i'll tell you guys a little somewhat funny story.
i was at school last week in my first hour with danny and we were on the computers. i was of course floating around the internet looking for a fall out boy avatar and well danny was in a chat room or something, it's not important. anyway i went to this site with fall out boy pictures on it and one thing you must know about danny is that he absolutely hates fall out boy. danny ecspecially hates the band member pete (the guy up in my profile in case you didn't know. well i clicked on these pics of pete and when they loaded up i started laughing.
(the following exchange is real)
me: omg *laughing*
danny: *curious* what?
me: still laughing *points at picture of pete* look at what he's wearing
danny: *looks* omg!
me: ha ha you guys are wearing the same thing!
(they were wearing the same jacket)
danny: so at least i'm not obessed with pete like you are!
me: yeah well at least i don't dress like him
danny: *mad*
yeah maybe not the funniest story but i thought it was and hey it gave me something to talk about! oh yeah and that "at least i don't dress like him" line earned me some bottle caps being flicked at me later by danny *rubs arm*
hmmm also despite my best efforts to not write it i have begun a new story about what else musicians. *sigh* oh well i will still finish up "my friend rory" scouts honor!
pete: um your not a scout
red: shut up and get back to the avatar box!
well that's it for this post and i promise i will try my hardest not to talk about fall out boy tomorrow! because i know you all must be bored to death of that subject. sorry don't blame me blame my inner fall out boy clad fan girl!
ok i'm going to leave you with a lyric from my favorite fall out boy song.
" i thought i loved you it was just how you looked in the light. a teenaged vow in a parking lot "till tonight do us part"~ "hum hallelujah by fall out boy
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (11) |
Monday, February 19, 2007
infinity on high
hi everyone,
well if anyone remembers my post from friday then they remember what happened to me on my myspace. well i am very happy to report that i'm feeling better now. mostly because i talked to a few friends and of course all you lovely people here on myo.
another reason for my good mood is that i went shopping on friday with my mom and brother. we went to the mall and i got these really cute new shoes. there brown and blue and white and i love them! i also got a pair of green flip flops with pink and grey skulls on them. even though it's february and freezing out. but they were too cute to pass up! plus i only got them for five bucks so hooray for good deals. my brother also got new shoes and i got the new Fall Out Boy cd. and we went out and ate chinese food.
the new fall out boy CD is called infinity on high (hence the subject) and i friggen love it! i happened to purchase the limited edition so it came with special packaging and five fall out boy tarot cards. the cd is so great it doesn't sound too much like their old cd and i'm already in love with like three of the songs from it. i swear i must've listened to the cd at least 35 times since friday night. i'm gonna try to put one of there videos up tomorrow.
this weekend i did a little sprucing up of my site. i put up a new wallpaper (it's fall out boy of course.) i also deleted a hell of alot of people off my friends list. but don't worry it's no body who visits me. it's more people who haven't updated since early 2006. oh and i forgot to thank the myo user "my deadly wound" because she was my 190th guest book signing. so thank you *hugs*
while on the subject of myotaku i was on the site comipress and to my surprise i found a article about theotaku/myotaku. if you wanna read it just go to
i've also noticed that i've been on a bit of a musician kick lately. i mean everytime i get the urge to write it's always about musicians. i think the combination of my nearly constant listening of my new cd and my creative writing assignment about a musician for school is to blame. so i've been getting lots of ideas and i wanna write them out but i still haven't writen a suitable ending for "my friend rory" so i'll have to do that first.
alright before i go i have a question for you guys. "how'd you guys choose your myo names?" the anwser for me is: well um if i remember correctly the name i wanted was taken so i took the redmoon from my fave anime at the time (wolf's rain) and my fave video game (disgeia) and added chick at the end. and voila you have me redmoonchick!
ok i'm out of here. i have to find new batteries for my cd player as the last three sets have died *cries* is it just me or does this post have an A.D.D feel to it?
Comments (12) |
Friday, February 16, 2007
theres a sunset in my veins
i just realized that yesterday i posted the wrong chapter of my story! *sweat drop* i was suppose to post chapter four but stupidly i posted chapter five. so if you want to read chapter four it's on the stories archive site (redmoonchick2) i would appreciate if you all read it but you don't have to but it would help chapter five make sense.
well i was having a pretty good day yesterday. (more on that later)
so i was having a good day until i got home from school. that's when something truly heartbreaking happened. i got on myspace to check my messages and i got one from this guy i didn't know. so naturally i checked it and my god it was so cruel. in this message the guy called me horrible names one's i won't repeat here. it was again about my weight and he said i was ugly and that i should kill myself. he also said i made him puke just by looking at my pic. it was so incredibly hurtful. i mean i didn't know this guy he just sent this to me. where do people get off telling other people those kinds of things? i'm not the only girl this guy has done this to. he goes around to all the girls that aren't a perfect size two and calls them horrible things. it's things like this that give girls eating disorders and i'm afraid if i keep getting fucked with that i be desperate enough to develope one. but god i hope i'm strong enough not to do that. though i don't think i will. i'm just mad right now. but i'm also glad to have such a wonderful community of people here at myotaku. where i know things like that would never happen. you are all such nice people and i love and cherish you all!
ok that was my myspace rant now that's over with. let's get back to the good day i was having. yesterday was count day at our school. the teachers and principals were desperate for kids to come to school/stay in school. so they held a basketball tournament and we got pizza. in my yearbook class we got to make cookies and decorate them. while we were decorating this guy named ryan starts singing a christmas song and somehow got people to join in with him. then in my fourth hour we had to walk around outside in two degree weather! (hoaryu already knows how bad that was). the basketball tournament started during the last two hours of the day. and we had pizza at the same time. i was just trying to get upstairs when the pizza should up and everyone started fighting for it! i nearly got elbowed in the face! i heard later that a fight did break out and there was a rumor that a kid got his nose broken. but i don't think that's true. in the end i got some pizza much in thanks to a boy from our class who ran downstairs ninja style and got a pizza for our class.
well that's it for this post but two things before i go.
1. don't know if anyone noticed or cared but nearly all my subject lines from this week are titles/lyrics to fall out boy songs.
2. big huge hugs and thank you's to everyone who read my story yesterday! thank you!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (7) |
Thursday, February 15, 2007
i've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut the hell up
well i survived v-day after all! go me! i got a lovely pm from lightinthedark and a adorable card from christian otaku which you can find at the bottom of my post.
and lest i forget. i must make a apology to danny for what i said about him yesterday. your a great friend danny and i respect you very much. *hugs*
i kept forgetting to talk about my yoga class. lately my yoga class has felt more like a dance class with us doing moves very similar to line dancing. with the music playing in the class and the addition of us doing our dance like moves it's quite funny.
well it's thursday and after such a long time i'm going to post a new chapter of my story. "my friend rory". now this chapter will be spilt into two parts because it's very long. and if you have never read my story before you can go to my other site (redmoonchick2) because the story is archived there. also this is not spell checked sorry.
"my friend rory"
chapter five: noon: make a decision: part one:
rory's words struck me hard like a slap across the face. "infamous?" i wondered what he could mean, and i prayed silently that my hunch wasn't right.
rory was currently pulling me along behind him; his hand clutched tightly around my wrist. at first i wasn't sure where we were going but as we raced down the body filled hallway i realized it; we were heading upstairs. the floor upstairs held four classrooms. classrooms that at this point i wasn't sure were empty or full but because rory was heading up to these rooms i could guess that they were in fact full.
as the two of us moved i began to think. "should i be doing something to stop him?" i thought "was there anything i could do?, what could i possibly do to stop rory at this point? short of having him kill me and saving his future victims a few spare minutes."
my thoughts transferred from what i could do to help the other students to the other students. what were they thinking right now? what thoughts were playing through there minds? did they know they were doomed? or by chance did they think they were free? it was all too much for me to bare. there was no way i could stand idly by and let rory kill those remaining students. i still didn't know how many people had managed to get out or if my brother and ellie were one of them.
"rory what if my brother and ellie are upstairs?" i asked him "im not sure yet" he said and it made my blood run cold. "your not going to kill them are you?" i asked not terrified praying that ellie and my brother weren't upstairs.
the two of us had reached the top floor everything was silent and the doors in the hall were closed and the lights in the room off. it left everything in the hall with a atmosphere of death as if the school itself were reflecting the actions that had taken place in it. rory let go of my wrist and i noticed a fine purple bruise was forming; rory's fingermarks etched into my skin. rory moved slow and quietly towards the first door in the hall, the computer lab. he reached out slowly and took the door handle turning it and pulling; the door rattled roughly but didn't open, it was locked. "damn" rory muttered as if he hadn't perdicted that the door would be locked. rory appeared to think for a moment considering his options before he raised his foot and kicked the door hard. the door let out a loud rattle; rory kicked again harder this time. the glass in the door broke and shattered covering rory's leg in fragments.
"success" rory exclaimed he carefully reached his hand into the now broken glass of the door reaching down he grabbed the handle from the inside and gave it a pull. the door opened mercilessly before rory; he looked back at me grinned and went inside. for a moment i was tempted to stay in the hall believing that if i didn't see it take place then it wasn't real.
"laylah" i heard rory say from inside the classroom "come here". i flinched as i heard his words but remorsefully i followed him knowing that i would have to make a choice now; there was no time to wait, no time to properly think it over. if the roles were reversed and i was trapped in a classroom about to be killed wouldn't i want someone to help me? it was then that i decided; it was in that moment that i knew what i had to do but i had to see what rory would do first.
well that's all for this post

the lovely card christianotaku made for me.
~redmoonchick~ |
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
freezing in a winter wonderland/ valentine's funk
we had a snowstorm last night. it actually started before school got out yesterday. but it wasn't snowing much so i didn't think much of it. so imagine my suprise this morning when my brother comes bursting into my room at 6:30 am and annouces that we don't have school today! so i finally got to sleep in and get over the sleepy spell i've had for a few days.
oh and also happy valentines day to all! those with valentines and those with out. i happen to fall in the latter so yeah i'm not to thrilled about v-day. but this day did get me thinking about what i would like in a guy.
1.if a guy is funny he has me right away.
2. looks don't matter all that much if you have a nice personality.
3.being smart is good too but i don't mean like genius smart just not like as smart as a stump
4. just being a nice person who doesn't ridicule others
5. anime fan would be very nice but it's not a must
so there you have it. that's what my dream guy would be like. hey ladies and gents if you know anyone like this please hook me up XD
or any of you myo boys single? XD XD XD
hmmmm i've been going through some what of a mini depression. but i'm not really sure why. i've been pretty happy lately. i think maybe i feel like i'm losing all my friends. i mean my bestfriend lives in a different city then me and G and i aren't as close anymore. danielle transferred. i still have danny but he told me he's not coming back to our school next year. which is sad because i like danny. he is unlike any other person i've met before.
but while were on the subject of danny and how he is my friend. sometimes i feel like were not as close as i think we are. i mean we have hung out outside of school and we talk alot and stuff. but i get the feeling that danny wouldn't mind if he left the school and never saw my brother or i again. i don't know maybe danny's just a jerk! (i'm kidding) either way danny usually always reads my myo updates so if he does.
welp it's wednesday and i'm going to do a manga review after such a long time! (i'll try to keep it short)
this week i'm reviewing the manga "the demon ororon". the first thing about ororon is that i don't much care for the art style. i like the way the boys are drawn and most of the girls are fine. but the main character is often odd looking and misshapened. i found that somewhat distracting. the story of ororon is: a young girl named chiaki is the orphaned daughter of an angel and a human. because of this angels want her dead. because it's against the law for halfbreeds to live. chiaki doesn't know about any of this until she finds an injured man in the streets one rainy day. she offers the man help and takes him home only to find out that he's the king of devils himself ororon. after helping him ororon grants chiaki one wish and chiaki uses her wish to keep ororon by her side forever.
when i looked at the cover of this manga i was half expecting a shojo theme but instead this manga is suprisingly gory and violent. this manga tends to fall on the sadistic side. with people's eye balls falling to the ground after their killed and brain peices exploding into the air. not pretty stuff certainly not. the story is enjoyable and easy to follow and the characters are nice. there are some parts later in the story that involve demons raping children that i didn't like but besides that i was curious to see what happened to chiaki and ororon next. mostly because the first volume sticks you with a cliffhanger ending! but nonetheless i give "the demon ororon" 5 redmoon's out of 10. because that's what this manga is average.

the demon ororon volume one cover
~redmoonchick~ |
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
dance, dance
well some of you may have noticed that i have a new avatar and omg it's not anime. that's unusual for me but lately i've become totally hooked all over again on the band Fall Out Boy. but not to worry this same thing happened to me last year when i bought there cd and now their new one is out so yeah i'm obessed again. oh and the new thing i put in my profile... yeah that's not true but i think it's funny so i'm keeping it! a less important reason for me to keep it up is because danny hates fall out boy and he really hates the guy in my avi so it's now ten times funnier!
if i can find the time i'm gonna put a fall out boy song on my site so anyone know a good place to find songs?
ah i'm a little bummed today because danny and my brother are going on a field trip today and they'll be gone until fourth hour. but they'll be back for lunch so it's not too long of a wait.
and i want to give big huge bear hugs to everyone who has commented on my site within the last week! thank you all for commenting even though i was having trouble commenting on your guy's sites. but that won't be a problem anymore because i will comment i promise! i was going to do this lastnight but i was tired and went to sleep at 11:00 ish.
well that's all for today so i'll try to visit everyone i swear!
~redmoonchick~ |
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Monday, February 12, 2007
weekend wrap up, and interenet finally
well if anyone read my friday post. i did end up going to the church thing with danny and about six other people (including G). during the ride to the church i talked to G about what he had said and denyied it until i told him exactly what he said and he then proceeded to pretend not to remember saying that about me. i wasn't really buying his excuse but he did apologize to me and he was trying to sweet talk me by singing to me on the way to the church. but i already know that now were not as close as we used to be and i'm totally over the small crush i had on him.
anyway back to friday night at the church thing. i was pleased to find out that it wasn't nearly as awkward as i thought it would be. though it was so freaking weird to see danny and carly together kissing and stuff. it just weirded me out. also i noticed that the whole night neither carly nor i said one word to each other. i don't have a problem with her though so i don't know why that happened.
at the church we played video games and pool (i watched) and we listened to a sermon and it was alright. i'm thinking about going back next friday ecspecially if danny's band is playing. i kinda made danny mad on friday because he had a bandana in his back pocket "folded perfectly" as he put it and every time he came around me i kept stealing it out of his pocket and he'd have to fold it all over again! it was funny to me ^-^
well i'm finally getting the interent back on at my house today. it should be on by the time i get home from school. hooray now i can finally get around to posting daily and commenting and everything!
well it's time for breakfast so i try to comment next hour
~redmoonchick~ |
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Friday, February 9, 2007
still so young and desperate for attention
Due to some unfortunate events I haven’t been able to update my site recently. I am pretty bummed about this because my site is my free for all outlet on ranting and raving.
Yesterday was Thursday and I was suppose to post a new chapter of my story “my friend Rory” but the rest of my story happens to be on my home computer and because I have no internet I can’t put the story up. So sorry all you fans but you’ll have to wait for a while.
This past week has been something of a melting pot of events, both good and bad. First it’s been so freaking cold in Michigan (usually around negative 20 degrees) because of this incredibly cold weather they decided to close almost all the schools in the district on Monday and Tuesday. So we had two free snow days, but then on Wednesday it was still freezing but my school was open. I didn’t go to school on Wednesday because it was so cold!
Also I found out that over the weekend my best guy friend G (the guy I talk about a lot) has said something really horrible about me and my weight. It really hurt my feelings because he and I are so close at least I thought we were. And there is one thing I usually tell my friends. The only thing that really truly bothers the fucking hell out of me is when people talk about my weight because it’s happened to me almost all my life and it just drives me crazy! G doesn’t know that I know he said that about me and I haven’t talked to him yet.
In other news my friend at school Danny is currently dating a girl who used to go to our school last year. This wouldn’t be interesting if the girl didn’t happen to be someone my friend Danielle didn’t care for. But because it is it makes this situation all the more hilarious to me. Also Danny and his girlfriend are going to this church thing tonight and Danny wants me to go but I’m not sure, because it could either go really well or be horribly awkward. I really respect/love (in a friend way only!) danny right now because he offered to beat G up for me if we bring him to the church parking lot and I’m seriously considering this option.
Well this post has run on long enough so I’m going to wrap this up. I’ll try to comment but I’m not sure if I can but I will try!
Now for your enjoyment two pics of the hottest bassist ever! (it’s pete wentz from fall out boy by the way)

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Thursday, February 1, 2007
don't be a fool go to school
Well I made it to school today (my car finally got fixed) so yeah I missed a ton of stuff but at least I got to see my friend Danny again after like three weeks. So bad news my internet at home got cut off. Well to be exact my phone got cut off but since I have no phone I have no internet. I guess from now on I’ll only be able to post at school until I get my phone back on. Yesterday I also got the chance to talk to my friend Danielle (the school friend who transferred) I text messaged her on my cell and she called me back to talk a little but she was with her significant other so I didn’t talk to her long.
Well since I want to post a new chapter in my story I’ll wrap this post up. Also I’m not sure if I’ll be able to comment much on your guy’s sites seeing as how I’m only in the computer lab for like an hour a day. (Right now I’m suppose to be looking up WW2 stuff) so please don’t delete me from your friends lists!
“My friend Rory”
Chapter three: almost eleven
the rest of first hour past by relatively normally and slowly as did second and third hour. Ellie and I did our work peacefully just living yet another day at school. It was now the beginning of fourth hour and I decided to tell Ellie about the somewhat cryptic message left on Rory’s myspace. "Yeah that's a weird post" Ellie said while scribbling down notes from the blackboard. While she did that I watched some of the other students in the class. A group of kids in the corner especially a boy named Danny was listening to his c.d. player while taking pictures of himself with his camera phone. His two friend’s girl's named Danielle and Cassie were talking and laughing at things that no one else would find funny. Other students were listening half heartedly to the teacher as he droned on about something that no one really cared about. I raised my hand to go to the bathroom and left the classroom glancing back at the class just once before heading to the bathroom. as I pushed the bathroom door opened and entered I heard the front doors of the school bang opened and closed again I thought nothing of it and kept on my way.
I was only in the bathroom for about a minute and I was about to exit the stall to wash my hands when I heard a loud ringing echo throughout the school after my initial shock I quickly realized that it was the fire alarm. I heard the bathroom door open and a woman’s voice call out "any students in here need to exit right now we're having a fire drill"
"alright I called back" though I was tempted to just hide out in the bathroom until the drill was over. From the bathroom I could hear all the noises coming from the hallway. I could hear everyone talking the same old normal chatter between students until something not so normal cut in to the mundane mix. "He’s got a gun!" I heard someone yell, I froze unsure if this was a joke or not but it had to be a joke! There was no way that anything like that would happen at my school I thought. I placed my hand on the handle of the stall preparing to exit until I heard another yell "everyone run!" it was then that I heard a mass of yelling and the most bone chilling sound I’ve ever heard a gunshot.
"Oh god he just shot the mark!" someone yelled, I knew who mark was it was the humble security guard that worked at the school. A panic broke out in the school and I felt my heart drop to my feet other girl's were in the bathroom with me I realized as I heard one of them ask: "is this for real?" I heard her ask "yeah I think so" another answered. I wanted to answer too I wanted to tell the girls not to say anything lest we be caught and shot. It was then in my greed for my own safety that I remembered that my brother and Ellie were still out there! Still in danger but I couldn't bring myself to move. More gunshots rang out still more screaming, I recoiled against the back wall of the stall. Tears leaking from my eyes. "Who-who would bring a gun to school?" I wondered desperately was it some crazed man that broke into the school? Or a more terrifying thought was it a student? And if it was then who?
Before my thoughts could continue I heard the bathroom door fly open and I froze my heart stopped beating at least that's what it felt like. It more so felt like a new terror unlike anything I had ever felt before. Hysterical crying was heard inside the bathroom and I knew it was a student “help me! For the love of god someone help me!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. I heard her try to pull open the stall next to mine but to no avail. "Let me in please! Please I don't wanna die!" she cried "no" the girl in the stall said "you'll get us all killed!" she screamed at the hysterical girl "please! How can you do that?!? Please! I don't wanna die in the bathroom!" she was pleading I couldn't take it I couldn't hear someone beg for their life like that. in a moment of bravery I pulled open my stall and peaked out I saw the girl standing there her face a wreck make up ran down her eyes and she was shaking uncontrollably I also noticed something I wish I hadn't her shirt was covered in blood. I recognized the girl as a junior named Julie "get in here!" I yelled at her she raced to my stall and squeezed herself inside with me "thank you! Oh god thank you!" she cried clutching on to me.
I quieted her down a bit "what's going on out there?" I asked feeling no braver then before I had let her in my stall. "My boyfriend got shot he's dead!" she sobbed out. "But who? Who has the gun?" I asked franticly, before I could hear her answer the bathroom door opened again and this time I was sure it wasn't another survivor. It was far too quiet to be anyone who had just escaped being shot. I heard the hollowed footsteps walking in an even tone, as I heard those steps I thought about everything I had ever seen on school shootings, I was trying to remember what those survivors did to live through the experience but I could almost guarantee that none of them were cornered in a bathroom by the shooter. The steps drew closer and my heart beat faster so fast I was sure everyone could hear it, I was sure we'd be caught. Just as suddenly as the footsteps had started they stopped and I sick silence filled the echoes bathroom.
"It’s no use in hiding I know you girls are in here" the shooter said right away I knew the shooter was a boy but I couldn't tell who it was. Was it a student that went to our school? "Girls don't be afraid I’ll make it nice and quick" the voice said, as the words left his mouth a sick sense of realization struck me. I knew who the shooter was, words echoed into my head "don't go to school tomorrow alright?" suddenly the stall door was kicked in. in all truthfulness I had expected the shooter to just shoot up the door thus killing us for sure. I found my self praying as the door was kicked again this time forcing it off its hinges. Julie started to cry hard and to be honest I couldn't no tears would come as I saw the face of the shooter. It all sunk in the shooter standing before us holding his weapon proudly was none other then
my friend Rory.
"this is it" I thought "I’m going to die here at school in the girls bathroom killed by my friend who went on a murderous rampage" I waited for the sound, the last sound I would ever hear the shot of the gun that would blow me away, but that shot never came.
"Layla?" I heard my name being said I opened my eyes slowly looking up at Rory from the floor where Julie and I had huddled. I saw Rory truly now his face shown a true surprise at my being there and I was sure if I wasn't so scared my face would show the same. "Why are you here today?!?" Rory yelled at me "i-i-don't know!" I said honestly afraid. Even though Rory was my friend there was still no certainty that he wouldn't shoot me still. "I told you not to come to school today! I told you!" he said "I know I’m sorry I didn't know you'd kill people, I-I never thought you'd kill people!" I found myself cowering in fear from him. "Relax layla" he began "I’m not going to kill you, your my friend" Rory said calmly "but everyone else here is dead" he told me glaring at Julie. What he's going to keep killing? I thought "no Rory please don't kill anyone else!" I begged "sorry layla, I have to keep going" Julie screamed and before I could do anything a shot was fired.
My eyes widened I felt a warm stickiness on my face and hands. I turned to look at Julie who was right next to me, to my horror Julie was dead a bullet hole adorned her neck and a sicking feeling hit me as I realized that it was Julie’s blood on my face on my hands. I screamed and the tears that had had refused to come before now were rushing down my face Rory turned away from me "it had to be done" he said in a somber tone "now for the others" he whispered "no Rory!" I yelled still crying. I got over my shock and crawled away from Julies body "please Rory don't do it don't!" I yelled with all my might "Rory looked back at me smiling in the light of the bathroom I could see the gun he held a small pistol with loads of ammunition strapped to him "the guns nothing fancy just enough to get the job done" Rory told me as he watched me staring at it.” I better hurry, layla get out of here" he said "Rory stop" was all I could manage to say and even that barely came out "did your brother and Ellie come to school too?" he asked "yes" I whispered, how could I have forgotten them? I can't promise their alive" Rory told me "you better go look for them. I wanted to stay, I wanted to help those girls still trapped in the bathroom but the urge to look for my brother was far greater, I was still undecided until Rory whispered these words to me "if you don't go I’ll shoot you layla" with those words I left the bathroom crying I was out in the hall when I heard the screams and gunfire.
That’s all for now!
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