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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Friday, January 12, 2007
my new classes
Well today is Friday! Hallelujah! Today is the last day of the week. Today was also the day that people began getting there classes scheduled for the next semester. I was called down during second hour to do my schedule wherein I had to figure out my credits mathematically which took me forever because I suck at math. After I eventually figured out the credits with the help of my counselor I realized that I needed history credits. Now this wouldn’t be so bad if history wasn’t taught by the most horribly boring teacher in the school! So the new classes I signed up for this semester are: American history (so early in the morning too), yoga (going to be embarrassing), and science (that’s the good one). My brother also got his schedule done and we found out that we have two classes together.
There’s Nothing much else to report in my life though. My depression seems to have loosened it strangle hold on me and managed to turn itself into a terrifying anger. I seem to now be in a bad mood all the time. I’ve been snapping at everyone from my mom to my cat. I hope this phase lets up soon because I hate being angry.
Well short post for the day because it’s time for fourth hour (at least I managed to get some yearbook stuff done!)
oh and for yoga next semester i just found out that the guy i used to like is in that class but i don't really care.
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
take it day by day
Well I had been hoping that with the new day would come a new attitude for me but alas I still feel severely sad. Though I¡¦m sure no one wants to hear the depressed ramblings of a teenager! My life is woe! „² Joke so after the consideration of some of the things you guys said yesterday I¡¦ve decided to try not to be all depressed during my post.
An interesting thought popped into my head yesterday. What if in our daily lives when we just went about our business we bumped into some random person but what if the so called random person was actually someone from myotaku. I find that would be strange it¡¦s like you don¡¦t recognize the person but you know them. Does any one understand my rambling?
Well like I said yesterday I know have a myspace but I¡¦m not so sure I want to give it for everyone to see. The reason is that I¡¦m horribly self conscious so I¡¦ll ponder it for awhile though I doubt anyone cares enough to want to see me.
I have been writing a story lately which I do often but this story I¡¦m writing is a hell of a lot different then what I usually write. It¡¦s about a kid who ends up shooting up his school. I was thinking of posting it up here but does anyone want to read it?
Uh what else has been going on? Well I found out that my friend danny is gonna be in at least two of my classes next semester so I won¡¦t be alone when Danielle leaves.
I also wanted to talk about my cats one is named mr. Hughes (as in Hughes from fma) and the other is named yuki (from fruits basket) do you guys have any pets and if so ddo they have anime names?
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Well not much happened to me today nobody commented on my post yesterday! Maybe it’s because I posted late? Well I guess I’m not popular anymore! *cries* no I’m kidding I’m not really crying. Big thanks to Christian otaku for being my one comment yesterday! *hugs*
I came to school today and I’ve been getting compliments all day because of my hair. All I did to it was put it up in a pretty clip and people seem to love it! Maybe it’s just because I decided to do something different with it.
I’ve been feeling really sad lately… I think life is starting to break me down. It might be because my very close friend from school is leaving next Friday or it could be that my cable got cut off and now I can’t watch anime. I’m also worried about my close guy friend and I. I feel like the two of us aren’t as close as we were. I mean that when he was in Ohio he used to call me all the time and talk to me but now that he’s back in Michigan I’ve only seen him once! He’s hanging out with my brother more then me I don’t it seems like a lot of things are depressing me lately and even now at school I feel really sad mostly because I’m with my friend Danielle and I know that she’s leaving in less then a week but neither of us want to talk about it.
Oh and my friend Danielle did something really nice for me she brought a magazine with a fall out boy article in it to school for me without me asking her! *hugs Danielle*
Sorry for the depressing post! I really didn’t mean to be so dark. But it is Wednesday but I don’t really feel like/ not enough time to do a manga review so sorry anyone who enjoys them!
Oh I have a myspace now. I didn’t have one for the longest time because I was against it but I finally broke down and got one. I don’t have any pictures up or anything. Do any of you have myspace’s? I know some of you do… well that’s all for the day. I really hope I don’t feel depressed tomorrow so lets all pray that I don’t
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007
lady luck must have it out for me and baby names (weird post for today)
well today i was planning on going to school. the keyword here is was. after a freak snowstorm yesterday night the roads and everything were really icy and snowing because apparently no salt trucks/plows bother to come around where we live.
so i got up this morning and got ready for school and we left. everything was going fine the van we drive was just chugging alittle here and there but we thought it was just because it's cold out. well we got alittle less then halfway to my school when we hear this loud rattle and everyones like wtf? so we pulled into my uncles resturant which was near by and my mom and brother go look at the van. low and behold our belt had broken and we were stranded in a parking lot! at 7:30 in the morning! it was like 13 degree's out and stupid me had decided to put on a very thin jacket this morning so i was like freezing! i also convenently forgot my nintendo DS so i had nothing to do while we waited for the car to be fixed but we did get some almost free food and didn't have to go to school but i kinda wanted to go today. oh well i can't be blamed if lady luck is trying to get me.
something weird has been on my mind lately...
anyone wanna guess what it is? you'll never get it so i'll just tell you it's babies! weird right? i mean it started when i was talking to my friend who really wants to get pregnant and we were discussing babies and how cute they are when i realized that i want a baby! it's true i do want children four to be exact but not right now i'm only 18 i'm definitly gonna wait a while. is it weird that i already have baby names hat i like picked out? some of my friends think it's weird but i'm a planner by nature so why not know what names i like for my future children? i know i'm not the only one who does it. i think every girl has thought about it even some of my friends do. this topic leads me to a question for you guys: "do you guys want kids?, and if so do you have any names you like?"
i know this is a strange question but i feel like asking oh and my anwser would be:
boy: Liam
girl: Annabella
well that all for today and i swear tomorrow i shall get to school!
p.s big thanks to lordshesshomaru and knights edge because everytime i post they always seem to comment! *big hugs for them*

~redmoonchick~ |
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Monday, January 8, 2007
slow mind melting death
hello everybody!,
i'm so happy because last week my family got a new computer! so now i can be on the interweb at home! the downside to this is that the computer isn't actually new it's from sometime in the mid nineties which wouldn't be so bad if it didn't go insanely slow everytime i wanted to do something! very frustrating!
so i didn't go to school today or friday but i really should be going because our new semester starts next week and if i don't pass now i'll have to take the same classes again (which would suck) so i've decided that i'm not going to miss anymore school until the new sememster starts.
nothing much else happened but i did forget to mention thati got a new game for my DS. it's called "elite beat agents" anyone ever heard of it? it's pretty fun but as the levels go on it gets so much harder! the last level almost made me break my DS (not kidding)
i do have a question for you all. i was curious to know "what is your favorite pieceof anime merchandise that you own?" to anwser my own question it's a tuff one but i guess i'd say it's my fullmetal alchemist pillow that my ex-boyfriend got me. it's so comfy and i sleep with it everynight!
random quote of the day!
this happened thursday at school my friends and i were sitting in the computer lab in silence when my friend danny spouts this charmer of a line "hey guys my balls are vibrating!"
for the record he had his phone on vibrate and was getting a text message ^-^
well that's all for today i'll try to get to everyone's sites if i don't go crazy first!

elite beat agents screenshot (this is not me playing)
~redmoonchick~ |
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
do you have the sniffling, sneezing, coffing, aching feeling? then you just might be me
Hello all,
Well it’s the first day back to school since Christmas break and wouldn’t you know that I am sick! It all started about last Monday after I went walking to mail a letter. After that I felt a coldness in my throat and about two days later I was sick. Now I’m a coughing, wheezing, sneezing, shivering mess! (Everyone feel bad for me)
Today was pretty boring not a lot happened I’m suppose to go to the dentist tomorrow but I’m pretty sure you can’t go if you’re sick. A sad thing I found out is that my best buddy at school is leaving the school in two weeks! I’m so sad we always do fun stuff together and get in trouble. Who am I going to kid around with now?
This may be a tad well actually really late but did everyone have an enjoyable Christmas? I kinda did because I did get to go to borders and spend a whopping $90 on manga and I got all the ones I wanted! I also happened to go to the mall a few days before Christmas with my best friend and we bought a best friends forever necklace for Christmas. Another store I dared to tread was hot topic where my not so Goth friend and I walked around the store while the very goth gave us jarring looks. While we were in hot topic I accidently let my inner geek out when I happened upon a bunch of bleach merchandise!
I ended up getting the two figure set of ichigo and rukia figurines (I posted a picture of them last month but I’ll probably post one again) I also saw an urahara hat! That I wanted so bad!!!! But I didn’t have enough to buy it there was also a kon hat.
I know this post may be running long but I have a few more things to say. I saw my best guy friend over Christmas break and to my horror my friend is now hot! So over Christmas break we drank and partied with our other friends and we were sitting on the bed together when I tried to grab his hat and I fell off the bed and was between his legs trying to grab his hat out of his hands but SERIUOSLY nothing happened! My big mouth brother told our friends at school and now everyone thinks I’m a child molester because he’s only fifteen and I’m eighteen. Well I’m not sure I’ll be able to get to anyone’s sites today but I did get a home computer though it’s kinda crappy so as soon as I get the internet I’ll be able to get on at home
If you guys would please visit my friends em0taku and DetectiveDanielle their my friends from school and super cool but emotionally fragile so they need your support!
the figures i got
the urahara hat i really wanted!
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Thursday, December 21, 2006
i'll see you next year!
Well today is the last day of school before Christmas break... HOORAY!!!!! We get out today and won't be back until the 3rd of January! This weekend I am also celebrating my birthday with my friends that I couldn't see on my real birthday. My good friend Greg is also moving back to Michigan today he’ll get here around 3:00 but I won’t see him until Friday. I am going to borders on Friday to get some manga I’m probably going to get black cat, death note, fma and trinity blood oh and if I take back this pair of jeans I have that are too big for me I’m going to get fruits basket and beauty pop too! Oh yeah I lied yesterday saying that it would be the last time you’d see me in reality today is the last day that you’ll see me. Yes I’m staying off of myotaku until next year!
Also I want to give super big hugs to whistle because she said I was her hero! *hugs whistle*
Some one mentioned that in my manga reviews I often give everything 7 out of 10 and why I do this. Well to put it simply I haven’t found manga that I dislike enough to give a low score or else I wouldn’t buy it but watch out maybe the New Year will bring about a new redmoonchick. Oh and also I give redmoons as scores because that’s what I am a redmoonchick so what else would I give?
Well I do hope everyone has an enjoyable Christmas or kurimatsu (spelled right?) and I hope everyone gets everything they want!
Peace and love and a happy new year
~love redmoonchick~ <---- is this a statement or a demand? I’ll never tell!
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
so long fair well
Well yesterday was my birthday as I said and I did in fact get my borders gift card from my dad and I got Chinese food! Yummy! I also asked for a naruto calendar for Christmas so I hope I can get that and I still got to do some Christmas shopping for my best friend. Oh and I got some roses delivered to my school for me.
Nothing much else happened at school today. We had a luncheon at our school today. It was cool we had turkey and all the other Christmas foods. The whole student body was eating lunch in the cafeteria but my friends and I were eating lunch in our English classroom because it was more comfortable.
I want to read some manga. I’ve been jonesing for manga for along time now. Of course I could read some of my old manga but I want to read fresh new manga! I’m especially excited to read fullmetal alchemist and death note.
So I wanted to know what everyone’s favorite manga is? I can’t choose one it’s too hard.
i don’t really have much else to say but I must mention that this is probably the last day that I can post until after Christmas because tomorrow the seniors are going to hog the computer lab and after that it’s Christmas break and since I don’t have a working computer at home I won’t be able to post so for the next few weeks this is probably the last post. Now don’t cry too much about me being gone. ^-^
Also I just realized that today is Wednesday and that means it’s time for:
Today’s manga that I’m reviewing is “Claymore” this manga is about a girl named Claire who is a creature called a claymore. In the setting of this world in the manga claymores are creatures that are half humans and half monster called a yoma. In this world a claymore’s job is to protect the humans of the world from yoma. The manga claymore is very interesting while a little slow at times it is still interesting. Claire is a good main character if not a tad bit stereotypical. She is strong, silent, and deadly all the qualities a good hero needs. The manga is a good mix of fantasy and action the fight scenes of the claymore V.S yoma show this especially well. Along the later volumes we learn more about claries past which is interesting. Claymore will most likely appeal to fans of the Middle Ages type of fair and possibly to those who play role playing games. The characters are cool if not sometimes shallow. The story tends to pick up the excitement in the later chapters of each volume which leaves you with a most often angering cliff hanger but perhaps that’s what this manga needs. The ability to get you hooked and a cliff hanger to keep you hooked. The problem with claymore is that it can get tiring after a while with the story moving often pretty slowly that by the end of the manga your wanting that finish (did that make sense?)
The art is pretty good if the people sometimes don’t look human and the covers of the volumes are always well done
I give “claymore” seven redmoons out of ten

claymore volume 5 cover
~redmoonchick~ |
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me!
Hey, does everyone know what day it is?
It’s my BIRTHDAY!!!!
How old am I you may ask and though I know I am not old I certainly feel old. I am 18 years old today! I am legally an adult or as my friend jessi said “your eighteen now you have to go buy tobacco, porn, and lottery tickets!” lol what a strange combination. I’m not really gonna do anything for my birthday today because it’s a Tuesday and I have school tomorrow but when the weekend comes around it’s gonna be party time!
I was a little sad today because no one has really given me any presents here at school and two of the guys who said they were gonna bring me stuff forgot to bring anything. My good friend Danielle did give me a “Panic! @ The disco” cd (for anyone who doesn’t know it’s a band) which was pretty cool. I told my dad to get me a borders gift card for my birthday because I’m desperately far behind in my manga. I haven’t even gotten my manga for November yet and furuba is out this month but because of my obsessive compulsive disorder I can’t buy my manga out of order. I still need black cat vol.5, death note vol.8, fullmetal alchemist vol.10, and trinity blood vol.1. (If anyone wants to buy me one that would be great) JK. Not much else happened yet my friend Danielle just suggested the idea of us going to 7-11 at lunch to get birthday slurpee’s but I don’t know if were going to.
One more thing to talk about before I go. I keep forgetting to mention that my best guy friend ever greg is going to move back here. Greg moved away around Christmas last year and we I missed him terribly. He called a few weeks ago and told me that he’s moving back here! He’ll be here Thursday or Friday and I couldn’t ask for a better Christmas present! In another weird twist my best friend Sydney moved away in august and just last month she came back too. Looks like no one can stay away from redmoonchick for long!
Happy birthday to me! (I’m old) ^-^
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Monday, December 18, 2006
sushi, sake and birthdays
Ok so I got an early birthday present this weekend. The one thing I really wanted more then anything a pink Nintendo DS! Yes I got it and I couldn't wait for my birthday so I got it this weekend! I only have one game for it it’s called “zoo keeper” anybody heard of it? Probably not but its fun!
I tried Sake and sushi for the first time last weekend. The sake was good but I have found that I do not like sushi. I tried to eat a piece and nearly gagged. I think from now on I’ll only be eating veggie sushi. While I’m on the sushi subject I was also stupid enough to try some wasabi by its’ self it burned so bad! About the sake I really enjoyed the sake. My mom ordered on my suggestion when we went to eat some Chinese food. The waitress didn’t bother to find out how old I was or seem to care as I drank glass after glass of hot sake. No wonder in anime if the character drinks sake they get all red faced that’s how I felt!
Also big thanks to Knights Edge for sending me a Christmas card! Very nice of you!
Well not much else is going down I really will try to get to peoples sites today oh yeah and
I took down the birthday counter because after having weeks of having it up I realized that it was a day off so if I were to keep it up it would have said that today was my birthday (confusing yes?)

christmas card from knights edge
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