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Friday, December 15, 2006
a stranger is just a friend who hasn't betrayed you yet
i know that for the past like two weeks i've been writing stuff about my so called "friend" torri. well today was the breaking point! in our first hour today we were doing nothing so my friends danny and danielle started drawing on the chalk board. there weren't many people in the class at the time so it was alright. things were running smoothly until torri got up and decided she wanted to draw a picture of danny so she did and no one thought it was funny until danny changed it from himself to a picture of torri. torri didn't like this so she drew a new picture of danny and no one laughed again so she accused danielle and i of taking danny's side we said we weren't taking sides and things were ok for a minute. then danielle accidently Scratched the chalk board with her finger nail torri got mad then danielle did it again which caused torri to freak out grab her stuff and run out of the class room. for the rest of the day torri hasn't talked to us yet and now it's lunch time so were wondering what torri is gonna do.
well i'm about to find out
~redmoonchick~ |
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
my fingers are covered in glue!
Well yesterday I mentioned that I got in trouble for skipping my 6th hour economics class but really it was my own fault because I made the mistake of skipping that class for three weeks straight! So yesterday I had to go to my econ class and of course the teacher was upset with me but we worked it out so I’m not worried. The teacher even gave me a pez machine for coming to class yesterday!
My favorite teacher gave me an early birthday present yesterday. She gave me the Japanese lucky cat magnetic poetry set! And a little panda bear note pad and a card that had a cat on it. Today in second hour were making candles for Christmas. It isn’t difficult it’s just messy. We have these little cups and we rip up tissue paper and glue the tissue paper onto the cup. I did gold tissue paper for mine and I’m going to put a black bow on it.
Nothing much else happened so far but since drama queen Torri isn’t here I doubt much of anything will happen. I will desperately try to get to some people’s sites today but I’m not sure
Oh and about the contest I was going to run it came to my attention that a far more important contest is going on right now and so I shall postpone my contest until further notice.
Thank you and good day!
Oh and much thanks to lordsesshomaru for helping me with my site problem but sorry I still don’t get it! *cries*
Alright I’m better now
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
i'm late i'm late for a very important date
Well hello,
I haven't been able to post for the last couple of days. Monday because I didn't come to school and yesterday because my mom doesn't baby-sit anymore and therefore I don't have to wake up at 4:00 AM! But I kinda miss it because now i have like zero time to be on myo and I miss you guys!
Things have calmed down quite a bit here at school and everyone seems to be getting along at the moment but i do have a problem. For the last two days my first hour has been playing volleyball. I know what you’re thinking what’s the big deal about volleyball? Well I’ll tell you. I don't play but my so called friend torri does play and afterwards let's just say she is smelly! Hello haven't we heard of deodorant? I’m serious! She stunk so bad I nearly gagged on my breakfast.
Also I just remembered that today I’m supposed to do a manga review so I’m glad I got on today.
Today I’ve decided to review the manga “black cat” mostly because maybe some people might not have heard of black cat but it’s exceptionally good so I want everyone to know about it! “Black Cat is about a bounty hunter or “sweeper” as their know in the manga whose name is train. Train was once in an organization called the chronos numbers in which the members are all tattooed with roman numerals. Train is labeled as number thirteen. Train left the organization and now works as a sweeper with his partner sven.
I really enjoy this manga because it has an almost perfect blend of action, humor, and seriousness. The characters interact well almost as if they are real people. Many of the characters are interesting and likeable that includes some of the villains. The story is quick moving but slow enough that the reader does not get lost along the way.
There are other things to be celebrated in this manga as well. Between each chapter there are character profiles and sketches which are enjoyable and usually at the end of each volume there is an omake page which is also pretty funny.
Overall the manga is good and runs a good 20 volumes with 5 of them being out right now.
Redmoonchick gives “black cat eight redmoons out of ten!
Well that’s all for today I hope to update tomorrow! Also I’m not sure if I can get to anyone site’s today because I’ve been skipping 6th hour lately and know I’m in trouble for it!

black cat volume 1 cover
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Friday, December 8, 2006
you know how i know your gay?
ok so yesterday was dreadfully boring! neither one of my closest friends showed up but my best guy friend was here so it was alittle better.
i don't know if any of you remember back when i was talking about my emo friend danny but something happened with him at school. my friend torri had the hots for danny when she first met him well danny didn't return the affection so now torri constantly calls him gay. wednesday was paticularly bad with her calling him gay every five minutes at least! well yesterday after school i stopped by the grocery store by my school and ran into my teacher there. my teacher told me that dannys' mom had come up to the school because she had heard about the gay thing. his mom was upset and now my friend torri is going to be put under a contract saying that she won't call him gay anymore. torri doesn't know this yet but if she comes to school today and finds out i'm almost 100% sure that it will put her in a pissy mood then we all suffer. there is so much drama going on right now that i'm thinking about creating a shojo manga based on my life! (just kidding)
well off that long subject and on to another!
i have decided to hold a NARUTO CONTEST! the contest would be about naruto but i decided to have two different catagories a story catagory and a drawing catagory! anyone can enter the contest in either catagory but your story/art has to do with a naruto character(s). the contest will run from now until the 20th so if you wanna be in it just pm me ok? don't be nervous i'm not a harsh judge and the winners of the contest will recieve a naruto themed prize! i do hope some people enter this is my first time running a contest and i'm a bit nervous!
hmmm did anyone notice the countdown on my site? yeah my birthday is coming up how old will i be? i'll never tell! ^-^
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (13) |
Thursday, December 7, 2006
christmas is a time for giving
well i don't really have much to talk about today so this may for once be a shorter post.
like i mentioned yesterday i want to do a contest on my site but i'm still not sure what kind of contest to have so i'll ask you guys again and if i don't get any responses then i'll just think of one myself ^-^
oh and the reason i'm going to run a contest is because i have gifts for everyone who enters!
also since i didn't have the time yesterday to do my manga review i'm gonna do it today.
now drumroll please!
i said drumroll!
*kakashi walks out holding a drum*
start druming!
* kakashi starts drumming*
alright this week i'm going to review the manga "judas" released by tokyopop. the thing about judas is the manga seems to have a bad case of multiple personality disorder let me explain. judas is classified as horror but upon opening the book i came to find out that judas is very eclectic. the story is about a orphan boy named eve. eve would be a perfectly normal boy except that he looks and dresses like a girl. the thing that makes eve so abnormal is the fact that he houses death in the form of a man named judas. everytime that eve happens to bleed judas takes control of eve's body and proceeds to kill anyone who hurts eve. before long eve and judas meet a young teenaged professor named mizuki who tried to kill herself. upon meeting eve mizuki learns about judas and the fact that judas must kill 666 people before he can return to his human body. i really liked the judas manga it is has a bit of horror but it has alot of other offerings. judas has a great deal of fanservice from mizuki but also some uncommonly cute chibi style drawings that seem too cute for the dark material at times. the story is interesting though a tad bit confusing to understand. at times judas and eve have a relationship in the vein of dark and daisuke of dnangel though much darker and crueler.
judas himself is a interesting character he's awfully wicked and badass he's also pretty hot. eve is cute and utterly clueless and mizuki is often slightly emoish (not a real word)
judas is interesting and at a meger five volumes it seems like a good deal.
i give judas 8 redmoons out of 10
well that's all for the day!
oh if anyone can help me figure out why my background won't stay please let me know!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
what a week...
hey everyone,
sorry for not posting in forever but i have had a very long and busy week which was riddled with bad luck.
my busy week began on saturday when i was forced to get rid of two of my five kittens. my friend from school wanted the two kittens so i had to take them to an arby's resturant where the mom's girl worked. it was sad for me because i kept the kittens long enough to become attached to them.
after we dropped the kittens off i was really bummed so my mom agreed to take me to the book store borders. at borders i bought two mangas judas vol.1 and yoki koto kiku both were really good! i also saw a bleach wallscroll that i really wanted but i didn't have enough money. then i remembered that i had my borders rewards card and that they give you a holiday savings account well i checked my account and found out that i had seventeen bucks saved up exactly enbough for the wallscroll! so i only had to throw like fourty cents in to pay for it so basiclly i got a free wallscroll!
i also went and had chinese food after i went to borders and it was yummy!
then on sunday my mom's friend came over to fix the brakes on our van and while we were out i bought some hair dye i'm a redhead now. i dyed my hair yesterday but i'm a little bummed because it's not showing up like i wanted it too.
i also went and bought a pack of naruto cards at meijers and while we were at meijers my mom got a ticket for innapropriet parking because she didn't park in a parking space but rather next to a parking space.
monday and yesterday i couldn't go to school because our van broke down again and my mom couldn't go to work so she went and got it fixed yesterday and i'm at school today but i'm kinda glad that i'm here.
usually on wednesday's i do my manga review but i can't today because i don't have enough time and i also feel that this post is going to be a bit long in the tooth.
hey if everyone could please go vist Kira 14
because she was nice enough to draw shikamaru from naruto for me so everyone go look at it!
also i got a comment from someone that said they couldn't see my background can you guys see it? cause when i'm at school i can't see it so i was wondering if you guys could see it.
i'll try to get to everyone's sites today but it might be hard cause the seniors are hogging the computer lab.
one more thing i was thinking about having a contest but i'm not sure what kind do you guys have any ideas?

judas vol.1 cover

yoki koto kiku cover

this is the wallscroll i bought |
Comments (7) |
Friday, December 1, 2006
rain rain go away snow's replacing you anyways
hey everyone,
the weather here in michigan is acting really strange. yesterday it was raining really hard and now today it's still raining but it's frozen rain. everything looks like it's the ice age! cars and street signs and stop lights are completly frozen. it's suppose to snow this afternoon and it won't stop all weekend. we are suppose to get 2-4 inches worth of snow hopefully it snows enough to close school down on monday.
alright enough with the weather talk before i bore everyone to death.
yesterday in my second hour inventions class we were talking about babies because we are going to start inventing baby stuff. well my friend danielle and i were already in a pretty giggily mood where we found the stupidest stuff utterly hilarious so when were thinking up ideas for inventions danielle goes "what if we invented a baby floatation device?" i don't know why i thought that was so funny but i start busting out laughing and can't stop. i'm laughing the kind of laugh where you snort and cry and just can't stop so of course other kids and my teacher notice and some of them started to laugh and everyone wanted to know what was so funny. i ended up laughing for like five minutes and everytime i'd try to stop i'd start laughing more! so yeah it was one of those days.
my aunt is decided that she would get me an anime related gift for my birthday (which is in 18 more days) so i was looking for something that i normally wouldn't be able to afford. anyone have any suggestions? i was thinking something from bleach but i'm not sure yet.
i also changed my theme from bleach to naruto. i'm gonna change my avatar once i find one i like.
i have a question for you guys: if you were a human clone would you want to know tha you were a clone?
that's all for now!
~redmoonchick~ |
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Thursday, November 30, 2006
i'll take a skinny jeans wearing emo boy over a well dressed metrosexual any day
hey everyone,
i was curious does anyone read my subject lines? i like to think i'm funny when it comes to the subject line. if people don't read it it's not a big deal i'm not mad or anything.
ok so after tuesday's fight with my friend i thought the drama at school would be done with but i was wrong. during lunch my friends were eating when our other friend Danny walked in the room. everything was fine and normal as usual until this senior named Dana came walking in. she spotted danny and gave him the glare of death her boyfriend walked in as well and restrained her it's not like she was gonna attack danny or anything but none the less he restrained her and the two of them left the room. while she was leaving though she was shooting danny even more glares of death! after she was gone we asked what the deal was and danny told us that dana had thought that he had been calling her a jew (she is jewish)and calling her boyfriend gay. (most people think he is) when in actuality it had been a different kid. while it was still lunch we were talking about dana my friends were being mean but i was just listening cause i've already learned to keep my trap shut. while they were talking these other two seniors were in the room i advised them to keep quiet but we thought we could trust the girls. after lunch was over everyone had to go to their homerooms but my friend danielle and i went to the computer lab with permission from our teacher. while we were waiting for the teacher to open the door we saw Dana and her boyfriend coming out of danny's homeroom when they pass us her boyfriend says "i'm gonna kill that fag" so we rush to danny's homeroom to check on him but their teacher shooed us away. well danny came to the computer lab with us and who should be there? non other then dana and her boyfriend! they got into a argument with danny and called him emo and said they would hit him with a car! so the pricipal comes up and talks to danny but no one is in trouble so everything is alright i guess.
*sigh* so much drama!
moving on. i tried to order these two really cool bleach figures from my local comic shop but the guy called me yesterday and said that the distributor is all out of them! that's what i get for wanting something popular right now. damn you other greedy bleach fans! *shakes fist*
back to danny for a moment. i forgot to mention that alot of other people in our school don't like danny cause he dresses "punk" and wears skinny legged jeans. alot of people make fun of him which is wrong to hate someone just because they don't dress like you.
well nothing else really happened we got to watch an episode of south park yesterday in my third hour cause my teacher is awesome! and we finally finished the stupid test thank god!
oh yeah something else yesterday i said it hurt when i straighten my hair and i got alot of comments saying that it didn't hurt i should've clarified that i'm very tenderheaded ^^;
so i'm gonna end it now
goodbye and good luck

these are the figurines i tried to order *cries*
~redmoonchick~ |
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
show me someone who got in a fight during a test and i'll show you someone who has a number 2 pencil in the eye
hello all,
well like i said yesterday my school is making everyone take this required military test. the test well test you to see how smart you are in math,english,ect. At first the test was normal we were in this room with all the freshman and sophmores together then as the test went on people became bored and started talking way too much and the room grew slowly out of control
yeah that's to be expected but what's not expected is that I the normally peaceful redmoonchick got into a fight during the test!
the fight was with my friend over something i'll admit was a little silly looking back now but at the time it was embarassing. here's how it went down: my friend embarassed my brother and i during the test i called my friend out on it some filthy words were exchanged also some cruel and hurtful words. even my brother tried to step in but she started going off on him! we didn't talk to each other for the rest of the test but afterward we have the same two classes and we share a mutual friend. i tried to mend things with her but she blew me off until our friend danielle stepped in and made us confront one another. so we made up i guess but the worst part of the story is that we have to take the second part of the test today! woe is me.
well it's wednesday and i'm suppose to do a manga review but not many people responded to it. does anyone actually like reading my reviews? or am i just boring everybody? either way i guess i'll do one.
alright so today i'm reviewing the manga "dramacon" published by tokyopop. "dramacon" is about a girl named christie who goes to a anime convention with her then artist boyfriend. the pair of them go there to promote the manga their making. during the convention christie see's her boyfriend hitting on all the cosplayers. they fight alot so she takes off and runs into a guy named matt. christie and matt hit it off they hang out together. christie goes back to her boyfriend but throughout the convention christie and matt keep running into each other and a romantic crush ensues!
i really like "dramacon" because it appeals to the anime fan or anyone whose every been to any type of anime convention. the character's are deep and feel like real people and no one is impossibly pretty. another plus is that "dramacon" is a near perfect mix of comedy, romance, and tragedy. it's filled with lot's of anime and manga in jokes and some funny play on words. my only problem is that it's pretty short and the wait between each volume is almost maddening! overall "dramacon" is a fabulous manga. with just two volumes out now it's pretty cheap and i recommend it.
"dramacon get's seven redmoons out of ten!

dramacon volume 1 cover
well this is where we must part ways. thank you if you read the review and if you didn't let me know why. also i would like to know if you guys enjoy reading them or not.
love and peace
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (9) |
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
pain is beauty and beauty is painful
hey everyone,
well yesterday during my second hour my friend torri and i had to make mexican food for our class which consisted of eleven people. well i had been dreading this assignment all week because i'm not a good cook i'm not horrible i just don't know my way around a kitchen. while we were cooking it in the classroom and making the food my teacher who i usually get along with really well was pointing out all my mistakes very loudly. maybe it's just me and i don't take criticism very well but my feelings were hurt. i talked to my teacher about it this morning and she said she didn't mean to hurt me and i believe her. she also said that i was being overly sensitive but whatever now my only concern is that i made her mad when i told her that she hurt me i most likely didn't but i'm just paranoid like that.
moving on i straightened my hair last night. ok any girl's feel my pain? it hurts so bad at least on me it does because my hair is naturally curly ah it hurts but my hair looks ten times better when it's straightened. it takes so much pain to be pretty. life is tragic that way.
today i will also be taking a military test for an hour and a half i took it last year but never got my scores so now i have to take it again this year. let me tell you it is the most boring test ever! today's only the first half and tomorrow is the second half which sucks out loud.
also otaku member Whistle asked me in my comments yesterday "what shojo beat serialized manga is my favorite?" well to anwser my favorite is "vampire night" and "nana" but i'm also enjoying the new one "backstage prince" it's pretty good
i also just wanted to talk alittle about a guy that i like at my school we shall call him J. well j is cute atleast to me he is and he likes anime and manga but he's not a serious fan. we talk alot and i've been crushing on him since the second week of school but it's so hard to tell whether he likes me as a girlfriend or just a friend. any guys wanna tell me what's a sign that a guy is into you?
well i've been very wordy and sporadic today so i'm gonna end the post here.
~redmoonchick~ |
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