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Monday, November 27, 2006
brother for sale five cents or best offer
hello everyone!
well i'm back in school today and i'm not alone. my fifteen year old younger brother is now officaly goes to my school with me oh joy! (sarcasm)
well how was everyone's thanksgiving? mine was alright nothing spectacular. we went to my uncle's house and my brother didn't even come! then my mom and my grandma got in a fight before dinner because it's just not thanksgiving till somebody says i hate you. there also weren't enough seats at dinner so people had to stand which is needless to say a tad bit akward.
ah bleach and naruto were very good this weekend! especially bleach cause they did a chad specific episode and we all know i heart chad! i also heart shikimaru from naruto i love how everything is a drag to him *huggles shikimaru and chad*
i also bought the shojo beat magazine for december and i know before quite a few people said that they read it and that they liked the manga "nana" well if your a "nana" fan your gonna wanna pick up the december issue of shojo beat cause they give you like seven free "nana" stickers! so cute (just thought some of you might care)

hooray for chad!
 Take The Quiz Yourself!
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
anniversaries, turkey, and pain medication
it's my two year anniversy on myotaku! i feel old now it seems like forever ago that i stared myo oh well time flies when your having fun!
well last time i posted i mentioned that i was going to be getting a root canal done. i did get one done and it took forever! my jaw was so tired while they were working on it that i just wanted to close my mouth but i couldn't and they kept yelling at me! then i had to have three fillings put in right after that and my wisdom tooth pulled! don't worry they had me so numbed i couldn't feel anything except for the shots those hurt so bad i nearly cried! i didn't come to school yesterday (which is why i didn't post) but i did come today because the pain has subsided for the moment that and because i'm hopped up on pain medication -_^
tomorrow is thanksgiving as i'm sure you all know.
it's the only holiday that allows you to eat your own weight in turkey! (i don't do that) i won't be posting again till monday so i hope everyone has a great thanksgiving!
yes and i nearly forgot that wednesdays are my manga review days so i'll do that now.
~redmoonchick's super manga review!~ editon #2
last week i reviewed the manga "death note" a fairly unisex manga. this week the boys aren't so lucky. because this week i'm reviewing the manga "beauty pop"! a shojo manga released by viz.
beauty pop is about a girl named kiri who goes to a school with three boys who are beauty experts (one cut's hair, one does nails, and the other does overall beauty) these boys call themselves the scissor's project. kirir the heroine also does hair but she does it in disgiuse. working on girls that the scissor project finds too "ugly" to help. kiri is very skilled and people begin to notice labeling her the mysterious "X". before too long the scissor's project boy's find out that kiri is "x" and decide to hold a contest between the two. kiri vs. all the boys to see who is the better stylist!
what i liked about "beauty pop" is that some of the character's are very likable like kiri and her friends. while other character's like the scissor boy's you want to punch in the face for some of the things they say to the girl's they deem "ugly". i also enjoyed seeing the hairstlyes that kiri created and how each person she helped got a happy ending nice if not a little cheesy. the character's hairstlyes in "beauty pop" are good and i don't know about other girls but i found myself copying some of the easier ones in the manga.
as for some things i didn't like. sometimes the boy's are just a little too mean to the girl's in the manga paticularly the girl in the last chapter (who happens to be bigger)but i guess it helps keep the manga true to life because who hasn't been picked on because of the way they look before.
i really enjoyed "beauty pop" which is rare because i don't usually go for shojo but the character's are compelling and if you read volume one it leaves you with a cliff hanger that i guarantee will make you pick up volume 2 (which comes out in december)
overall i enjoyed "beauty pop" it's a light airy read that's not to serious.
redmoonchick gives "beauty pop" 7 redmoons out of ten
also if you think you might be interested in beauty pop you can read the first chapter at
if you read it thanks i know it's long!

the cover of beauty pop volume 1 |
Comments (9) |
Monday, November 20, 2006
you want me to manage a bake sale? i'd rather have a root canal!
hey everyone,
today is the bake sale and yesterday i indeed made around 30 chocolate chip cookies but low and behold i get to school and check on my precious cargo only to find that most of the cookies have broken into irreparable pieces! oh well i guess that's the way the cookie crumbles! (bad pun)
also right after school today i have to have a root canal! man that's gonna suck big time. i hear it takes 45 minutes to do one so it's not only gonna be painful it's gonna be boring! luckily i bought my anime insider and shojo beat for november and december so if i get really bored i can just read those.
did anyone catch the naruto marathon that was on this weekend? i had to tape it cause i went to a play that my teacher was in. the play was good it was called "the night of january 16th" it was about a secretary that was charged with killing her boss. the play was good but the naruto episodes were so much better!
naruto's fight with neji was awesome and it was sad learning about neji's past.
(for those of you who don't watch naruto sorry)
well i find myself being more obsessed with naruto almost as obsessed as i am with bleach so i decided to compile a list of my top ten favorite naruto characters!
~redmoonchick's top ten! edition #1~
1.kakashi- make out paradise!
2.naruto- believe it!
3.kiba- i love him even more without his jacket on
4.shikamaru- what a drag!
5.hinata- she's like me
6.Jiraiya- pervy sage
7.rock lee- the boy is so determined
8.gaara- well he's just plain crazy
9.kabuto- even though he's evil
10.orochimaru- something about a snake guy
well that's the list! feel free to state your favorite naruto character in the comments if you like. if you want one of my cookies PM me your adress andd i'll send one to you (JK)^-^
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (14) |
Friday, November 17, 2006
hooray it's jingle day
well today is friday and that means that my jingle for creative writing is due! it's okay though because i finished it on tuesday. i promised that i'd post my jingle on here so i will today but no stealing and claming that my awesome jingle is yours ^-^ (like anyone would)
Japan jingle
Come visit Japan it’s very large
In Japan you’ll feel in charge
But don’t think you’ll be alone
127,463,611 people call Japan home
If you come to Japan it won’t be funny
If you don’t have yen the national money
Their flag is all white with a big red spot
During the summer it gets very hot
There’s 86.5 million TV’s in Japan
Rugged and mountainous is the terrain of the land
Shinto and Buddhism are the main religion
The emperor of Japan makes important decisions
there that's my jingle anyone think it's good?
not much else going on today. monday my yearbook class is having a bakesale to raise money for our yearbook. it's a graded assignment to bring in a dessert so that means that i have to bring one in. i was thinking about bringing in a pie or some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (sorry if this is making anyone hungry).
Jangalian posted in my comments that she is addicted to bleach cards. just let me say if i found any bleach cards then god save us all ^-^

kakashi my naruto boyfriend!

totally hot totally wet kakashi
Comments (6) |
Thursday, November 16, 2006
call me the collector!
well hello everyone! as you know yesterday i went on my field trip to see the african dance musical thing. how was it? you might ask well let me tell you it was pretty boring. i mean the music was ok but you could barely understand the guy who was talking and our school's yearbook camera died during the performance so no pic's except for those things it was good. the best part (in my opinion was when one of the band members started dancing extremely funny dancing i'm not making fun of him he was dancing to make us laugh. the bus ride was also pretty fun it was actually longer then the show we went to see.
i've been meaning to post about this for awhile.
when i went to my local meijer's store about three weeks ago i was just walking around when i found some packs of naruto cards and not like the ones you play against someone else with but collectable one's and there all from these recent episodes! well since then i haven't been able to stop buying them. i'm totally addicted! i just got two packs last night. i have a problem (jk)
well i got a question in my comments yesterday from Knights Edge who asked "if i would look into a manga that someone Referred to me?" well sure i would i love all manga and am willing to check any out (that's my other addiction)
and to Silver Wolf Shiko sorry about the grammar that's my worst problem.
(it's bad for someone who wants to be a writer)
back to naruto for a moment. out of all the character's from naruto i think i'm most like hinata. so i have a question for you
what anime character do you think your most like?

my girl hinata
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
don't make me turn this bus around!
well today we have a field trip like i mentioned yesterday we're going to see a african dance musical or something like it. it sounds okay as long as my friends will be with me.
it also happens to be hunting season (poor dears) so hardly anyone came to school yesterday it sucked! oh and in a surge of inspiration i managed to finish my jingle! it's rather good if you ask me i'll try to put it on here soon.
ok so i'm gonna do my manga review a day early cause i still have a good hour before school starts. get ready cause here's the first edition of "redmoonchick reviews!" <----not very creative
~redmoonchick reviews#1~
today i shall review the manga "death note" alright death note is about a teenager named light who just happens to be super intellegent. well one day light is bored with his life when he happens upon a notebook in the middle of the sidewalk with the words death note on it. light takes the notebook and opens it finding a list of rules he also finds that he can now see a shinigami creature named ryuk. ryuk tells light that the death note is used by shinigami to kill people and that any person's name that is written in will die so light uses this chance to purify the world by killing criminals he takes the name kira and begins killing. before to long a detective named L begins investigating the kira case and a fantasic game of cat and mouse begins.
what i really liked about "death note" is the fact that the main character light is more like a villian and you find yourself hoping he gets caught. the plot is also very good with lots of twists and the genius way that light and L try to trick one another is great. "death note's" art is also very good it's deliciously macabre and the shinigami are all Uniquely designed. i also enjoyed the art work on each cover of the manga which is very detailed.
on the downside "death note's story is a bit hard to follow from volume to volume and you may forget some characters names. also in the later volumes there's a drastic time change which i didn't care for but overall "death note is a great manga and if your a fan of the dark mysteries i suggest you pick it up at only eight volumes (so far)
Death Note gets 8 red moons out of 10.
ok so that's the review please tell me what you think sorry i know it's long but thanks to anyone who read it all
i Love you!

the cover of death note volume 1 |
Comments (3) |
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
i wrote a jingle for i didn't
well good day all how is everyone? well yesterday i found out that i have to write a jingle for my creative writing class my jingle is going to be about japan if i ever get around to writing it. even if i do write it i am so not singing it in class!
also i have a problem with someone at my school a girl who pretends to be into anime. this wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for her thinking that she knows more about anime then me (which she doesn't)
all she can say she's seen was sailor moon when she was little and i don't think she's seen or knows any other anime besides what's played on t.v. i really try to ignore her but she always acts like she's the high queen ruler of anime and she is not. if she brings it up again im going to have to school her with my anime knowledge ^-^
i have a field trip tomorrow so i may not be updating and starting thursday i think i will write reviews of some manga to help in my future career as a freelance writer feel free to leave criticism as long as it is not too mean

urahara for Jangalian this is who you were talking about ^-^

i saw this and just had to put it on here ^-^
~redmoonchick~ |
Comments (4) |
Monday, November 13, 2006
final fantasy is high in calcium
i went grocery shopping with my mom last weekend. it was fairly boring until we went to get milk when my mom grabbed the milk i saw it had a big sticker on it that said FF which instantly made me think of final fantasy the video game which then made me think of final fantasy characters miliking cows so i found this hilarious but i wasn't sure if anyone else would.
i also brought a manga to school so i can take a photo with it in yearbook for the hobbies page WOOT! i am supporting the manga revolution!
my younger brother also came to school today because he might want to come to my school and he's driving me crazy and it's only first hour! if anyone goes to school with their siblings i weep for you.

this is chad from bleach. i heart chad. |
Comments (4) |
Monday, November 6, 2006
i've been bleached!
now don't worry i haven't actually been bleached *refering to my subject* i mean i've been bleached in the anime sort of way. i fricken LOVE bleach now. i'm even considering buying the manga.
today i had to wake up at the ungodly hour of 4:00 in the AM!! i only got about an hour of sleep. the reason for this being that my mom starts a babysitting job for an adorable two year old named lauren and i have to go with my mom to get to school (but i actually didn't have a ride)
so i called my science teacher and she came to pick me up for school at like 5:30 in the morning meaning i got to school by six. then my teacher had a meeting so she left me all alone in the school for a fricken hour! so boring! no one should have to be in school that early. my first class doesn't start till 7:45.
alright done with my school rant and sorry that i didn't use proper grammer (i was too lazy)
well if you made it all the way to the end of the post without skipping you get a cookie!
p.s thank you to all eight people who commented you made my day!

ichigo from bleach
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
strawberry milk wednesday
hello! well i just got to school it's about 8:34 in the morning (i was late). if anyone was wondering about the subject i couldn't think of anything so i just put what i was drinking. (lame)
anyway i don't have much to talk about i think it's easier for people to read posts that are short and sweet so i've decided to talk about shojo beat the manga anthology for girls and some guys. anyone else read it? one manga in paticular i like is vampire knight it's really good. it's about a bording school for vampires and humans i advise people to check it out even guys will like it! (cause everyone likes vampires)
well gotta go oh and i want to thank lordsesshomaru and Jangalian for commenting on my site yesterday thank you! *hugs*
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