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Friday, December 16, 2005
mmmm fudge
hey all,
well today in science as a expriment we made no bake fudge! it was yummy! we also wrapped presents for little kids for christmas what else well my class adopted a family for christmas so we have to bring in food and presents for them i brought in like 4 canned foods and a box of hamburger helper charity is nice
mmmm im glad it's the weekend were going to lunch pretty soon then we have two more classes but i have three
is it just me or is my grammar like a little kids today? oh that reminds me i won the spelling bee today!
well that is all
~quote of the day~
"here's the plan we go in i start hitting people we'll see where it takes us"~ i believe this quote is from buffy
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
never a dull moment in scaa
ok so today i got to school bout a half hour early i was downstairs getting breakfast when these two police officers came in i was surprised and found out that one of the bus drivers thought they were having a heart attack O.O
also been sleeping alot lately i slept like ten hours yesterday
lol lastnight i had a dream about fullmetal alchemist with armstrong and hughes in it very strange to say the least so i wanted to ask the question of the day is:
have you ever had a anime related dream?
well that's all btw am at school right now so might not be able to get to everyone
oh yeah i also changed my background to something wintery lol i love snowman armstrong!
~red's quote of the day~
*ed and al are playing cards*
ed: "im tired i don't want to play anymore"
al: "what?!? tired of what? winning?"
~red's pics of the day~ |
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
the voice is small now but i know i can hear it
well hello dear friends im happy because im no longer sick! and i'd like to thank greed for filling in for me
greed: *reading* yeah whatever
hughes: treat her with respect damn you! *angry fist*
anyway im not sick anymore but my little brother is im also happy cause i went and got furuba vol. 12! after a four month hiatus thing but alas it is bittersweet the next vol. of furuba isn't coming out until april 06! oh noes --_--;;
reading furuba has rekindled my love for dear hatori and haru *sigh*
not much else happened hmmm i got anime insider and newtype usa two anime magazines that if your not reading them you really need to be it's a great source of info well hope everyone has a lovely day
by the way i love hazel keys (i know i missed the numbers in your name but check her out she's on my friends list)
~quote of the day~
ayame: "don't worry yuki, i shall heal yours wounds by embracing my younger brother to my bosom tonight!-ayame furuba vol.12
~red's pics of the day~

furuba vol.12

newtype usa cover |
Comments (8) |
Sunday, December 11, 2005
everything i ever want i can never have
well red isn't feeling to good today so she had me
the wonderful, fantastic, sexy, best bang since the big one greed here to update for her
hughes: bad idea if you ask me
greed: shut it
red: stick to the script!
well like i said red isn't feeling to good and she's been trying to get to the doctor since monday but she can't cause it seems everyone in the world is sick and the doctors constantly full poor red everyone feel bad for red do it!
red: greed!
right what else well red went shopping over the weekend and took back her fullmetal alchemist manga
now pay attention she took back this manga so she could get the money to buy the same manga only bundled with a figure of the fullmetal pipsqueak!
red's also been putting up anime posters in her room and her fullmetal alchemist wallscroll with chibi alchemist and the tin can on it she should get one with me on it!
well anyway red's forcing me off her computer so she can try to find a icon of hughes and greed anyone know where to find one
~greeds pic's of the day~

one good looking guy

 My life is rated PG-13. What is your life rated?
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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
everything i want i can never have
well red isn't feeling to good today so she had me
the wonderful, fantastic, sexy, best bang since the big one greed here to update for her
hughes: bad idea if you ask me
greed: shut it
red: stick to the script!
well like i said red isn't feeling to good and she's been trying to get to the doctor since monday but she can't cause it seems everyone in the world is sick and the doctors constantly full poor red everyone feel bad for red do it!
red: greed!
right what else well red went shopping over the weekend and took back her fullmetal alchemist manga
now pay attention she took back this manga so she could get the money to buy the same manga only bundled with a figure of the fullmetal pipsqueak!
red's also been putting up anime posters in her room and her fullmetal alchemist wallscroll with chibi alchemist and the tin can on it she should get one with me on it!
well anyway red's forcing me off her computer so she can try to find a icon of hughes and greed anyone know where to find one
~greeds pic's of the day~

one good looking guy

 My life is rated PG-13. What is your life rated?
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Saturday, December 3, 2005
im a snowbunny!
so how is everyone!
so i went shopping and it really isn't the holiday season until you punch a old lady in the face for the last nintendo DS ^-^ ok so i actually didn't hurt any eldery people im not cruel but i did go shopping and picked out what i wanted *warning geek out* i chose the nintendo DS nintendogs bundle pack with dogbone screen cleaner in pearly pink!
besides that i got a job! im a babysitter again for a cute little three year old but it's nights so i wake up at 6:00 go to school at 7:00 till 4:00 get home at 5:00 then go to work till who knows when but its worth it i love children and to pass on my knowledge is wonderful!
not much else happened still playing .hack i curse the wavemasters!
well not much else so bye!
oh p.s it's 14 freaking degrees oh and i had a horrible brain failure when i asked chris if it snowed in arizona x_x
~pics of the day~
serious face

teh cute!
Comments (4) |
Sunday, November 27, 2005
witty title goes here
well today i did very little i played alittle more dot hack watch some television you know
anime rant: omg if you did not watch tonights episode of fullmetal alcehmist you really missed it that episode had to be the funniest one yet lets just say it involved constant roy watching, roy obsessivly cleaning a window, havoc getting denied in a date with armstrongs sister, ARMSTRONG IN DRAG!!!!!, a bunch or scared military men and that's just the half of it the episode also has the longest title i ever heard really you must see it i taped it so i could watch it again later
i wanna go shopping tomorrow get some manga for christmas
i've been begging for a edward plushie (chris? *big puppy eyes*)
i 'd get you something in return ^-^
well im gonna wrap it up before everyone dies from boredom
~quote of the day~
havoc:*writting in his research journal* "no one understands me!"
breda: "is that a journal or a diary?"
~pics of the day~

um yeah
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
when snow melts what does it become?
hi peoples
wow sorry i've been gone so long i just been super ultra busy like woah!
first off i wanna wish you all a happy late thanksgiving! hope everyone stuffed their faces full of turkey and other goodies well i went to muy uncles for thanksgiving with the whole family thing cousins by marriage all that good stuff
also i've been playing dot hack 3 & 4 anyone play it? (i know chris has) well im currently playing number four trying to finish it up also i got a new coat, jeans, gloves, and scarf im not gonna tell you how much it all cost (more then 100) hmm not much else to report
it started to snow and now it's freezing cold! also chris i miss you! call me or i'll use alchemy on you (joking or not?)
oh one last thing i was so busy that i completely forgot it was my one year anniversy on myotaku! go me im one year old to celebrate i wanted to list some things that have changed in the past year
1. my school
2. my fave anime use to be wolfs rain (now it's fma)
3. i only owned like six to seven anime (now it's like 50)
4.i owned no anime merchandise (now i have like 10?)
5.knew very little japanese (konnichiwa!)
6. couldn't work html to save my life (now im awesome!)
7. i didn't have a huge obsession with hughes (well just look at my site)
wow things have changed so all for now i will try to update more
p.s anyone pissed about the removal of inuyasha on saturday nights?
~quote of the day~
hatori:" when snow melts what does it become?"~ hatori from furuba
~pics of the day~

turkey day!

dot hack but not the game |
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
reunion of the fallen
hi all
sorry i haven't updated in a while i've been really sleepy lately i think i might be getting sick or something
anyway on friday i went to work at my uncle's resturant after one of the waitresse's got sick i didn't get any sleep before going to work so i was really tired by the end of my shift but i did make 40 bucks! when i got home i counted and relized that i had been awake for 15 hours straight! i was like omg how'd i do that?
i went to borders yesterday i went there to get fma vol.4 altleast that's what i told myself when i arrived i found the oh so lovely fma artbook i literally was like "holy crap!" in the middle of the store earning myself some odd looks from the american comic book fans i also picked up anime insider for november
did anyone catch the new episodes of fma and inuyasha? omg that infant in inuyasha is the scariest infant evah! also fma is getting really depressing no one get's a happy ending oh yeah and fma also ripped my heart out again in manga form
oh yeah i also changed my bg and avi i hope you all like i was going for a more fallish look
well not muh else to say bye!
~quote of the day~
lust:"where did i come from? where will i go? it is not for me to know"-lust from fma
~pics of the day~

the cover of the artbook

the cover of fma vol.4
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Sunday, November 6, 2005
theory of avarice
hi everyone
i was looking through my archive today and saw that i used to get around sixteen comments a day! my goodness how things change most likely because those people that used to comment have since then stopped using myo altogether i also deleted some people off my friends list don't worry it's none of you nice people who vist me just people who haven't been on in awhile
in other news fullmetal alchemist likes to rip my heart out then show it to me they killed another of my fave characters omg can't i ever have a character that doesn't die!
tonights episodes of inuyasha and fma were good inuyasha was good except it featured the scariest anime baby ever! fma was great besides the killing of another wonderful character i really can't wait for next weeks episode this one kinda left it cliff hangerish well anyway i go vist peoples sites
oh and comments are appreciated
btw i might also change my bg and avi
~quote of the day~
"where are my eyebrows?!?"~guy from flcl
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