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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Thursday, November 3, 2005
some memories aren't meant to leave traces
Hi people!
hi everyone well not mh to say today it was pretty boring a ho hum day indeed so im just gonna reccomend a few things
if you are interested in seeing fullmetal alchemist one of the best shows i've ever seen (just my opinion)
adult swim is showing the show from the begininning if you start watching it on thursday you'll see the fourth episode which is really just a filler episode it comes on at 1:00 am my time i suggest anyone who hasn't seen it check it out it would probably make visting my site easier!
i also have another reccomendation if you are already a fma fan you might wanna check ot the novel it's really good! it's the novel that anime episodes 11&12 are based on bt it's still pretty different but that's not the only reason to check it out the bonus story at the end had me laughing so hard let me tell you it's has the military on a late night ghost hunt mission spear headed by roy mustang the novel also has a funny little drawing of what edward thinks he'd look like when he's nineteen overall i give fullmetal alchemist: the land of sand 5 otaku's out of 5 ^-^
i also discovered one more fact i can basiclly recite the whole fma episode 3 i do have a talent!
~quote of the day~
Al:"on the day we left we burned down the family home because some memories aren't meant to leave traces"~al from fma
~pics of the day~

this is that drawing i was talking about edward imagines what he'll look like when he's nineteen
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
eat so much candy that you puke for a week!
Hi all!
ok so yesterday i said i wasn't gonna go trick-or-treating but i ended up going anyway i wasn't gonna but then my friend greg said he was hungry and wanted some candy so greg, my bro, matt, and myself went trick-or-treating we got so much candy!
Hughes:"yeah you might have lots of candy but you lost the ablitiy to walk"
Greed: "yeah but a small price to pay look at all this candy!" *takes
Me:put my candy down!
Greed:"they don't call me greed for nothing"
i walked so much that my feet hurt so bad! i gots blisters and everything! i also found a watch in a parking lot but it was broken
my friends and i went to a house that had a guy with a chainsaw and he was scaring little kids
well i hope you guys all had a fun and safe halloween ecscpecially chris and my shi-chan! (yes i gave you a nickname too)
oh yeah btw i was dressed as a devil
~quote of the day~
me:"you guys left me behind to follow the slutty cowgirls!"~redmoonchick on halloween night (yea that actually happened)
~pics of the day~

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Monday, October 31, 2005
borders and nerdiness
Happy Halloween everybody! it will probably be a boring one for me im to old for trick-or-treating so i might go to my friend nates house and pass out candy
i figured out a few things today 1. being that you know you found a person suited for you when you can reveal your inner nerd to them ladies and gentlemen i have found this person ^-^
2. everyone in the world geeks out about something for most people here it's anime but some people geek out about star wars like my brother so i have now fully accepted my geeky side!
in other news i went to borders today i had to rush cause i got there right before they closed anyway i got the fullmetal alchemist novel: fullmetal alchemist the land of sand it's a real story it basicly the story of the tringham arc in the fma show i also got newtype usa for november and on the way out i saw a cute fruits basket bookmark with kyo on it super cute they also had some inuyasha ones it's so cute it has a pic of kyo in human form in his cat form and chibi cat form! with a orange string with red and orange beads! well all for now
oh btw
shinimegami thanks for giving me a nickname *big hugs*
~quote of the day~
little girl:*talking to ed and al* "don't forget his big metal father!" *she's talking about al
~pics of the day~

i think someone from myo made this but i found it on google so sorry if you made it ^-^

lol not a halloween pic but they look kinda scared ^-^
oh and to help people who don't know the fma characters i'll be doing brief bio's of people today it's alphonse

alphonse is the younger of the two elric brothers he lost his entire body when he and his brother tried to revive their mother now al lingers between the line of life and death his brother sealed his soul into a suit of armor his brothers main quest is to find the philospers stone to give al back his body |
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Sunday, October 30, 2005
Hughes v.s Greed: the ultimate showdown!
hi everyone
did anyone watch fullmetal alchemist? oh so good! im know im addicted to this show when i hear the ending coming and go into this big dramatic NOOOOOO!
yeah im that crazy ^-^
you might be asking about my subject
you:"redmoonchick what does your subject mean?"
me:"well climb up on my knee and i'll tell you"
you: *backs away slowly*
well as most people who vist my site may know my favorite character ever is maes hughes but now *SPOILER* hugehs died so obviously he's not in the show anymore so now my attention is all over greed im like oh look at greed he's so awesome! so now dear hughes is jealous and wants to fight greed! so im torn between two characters
Hughes: "she liked me first!"
Greed: "so? your dead and she can't help it ladies love me" *smirk*
Hughes: *infuritated
Hughes: "well you don't see your face on her icon do you?"
Greed: soon! so very soon! i'll take over her entire site and i won't stop there i take over the whole Myo website" *evil laugh*
me: 0.0
ok so i hope you don't think i went crazy im just in a goofy mood today! plus i got some pizza!
~quote of the day~
*ed ignoring greed*
Greed: "well now you'll have to coporate i have a hostage"
*greed's holding izumi*
*ed continues to ingore greed*
Greed:"hello is anyone listening i have a hostage!"-greed from fma
~pics of the day~
name: Greed
about: greed is one of the seven deadly sins he doesn't get along with the other sins
greed was sealed away for a long time
greed has the ability to change his
body into the ultimate shield which takes no damage when he does take damage it heals it instantly

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Saturday, October 29, 2005
warcrack is bad for you stick with anime crack
well it was a ok day i talked to my bestfriend and now she told me that she's no longer pregnant that it was a mistake or something like that but im begining to think that my best friend is a pathological liar
i also went over my friend nathan's house his birthday was thursday so we went to see him and even though it was totally freezing outside he wanted to go jump on a trampoline! i was so cold and then we didn't even end up jumping we all just sat there and talked for like half an hour then we went back inside to play warcraft i was about to start a character when i had to leave
i also drew a picture of edward elric from fma just a simple pic in black almost crayon almost pencil i thought it was pretty good but i can't draw hands to save my life
alrighty im gonna finish this bye!
~quote of the day~
Shinji:"the bath always seems to bring out the bad memories"-shinji from evangelion

awww cute lil bouncey!

warcrack it's addictive! |
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Friday, October 28, 2005
let's all imagine edward elric in a bikini!
hi everyone
well first off i had to go to the hospital today don't worry nothing serious i had to go with my mom she was having really bad back pain and my pinky finger was messed up i had to get my hand x-rayed and i found out that i have a contusion (swelled, bruised joint) and that my finger will probly never heal right i have to put ice on my finger and they gave my mother pain killers
has anyone ever heard of a show called degrassi? i totally love that show it's a teen drama at a high school it's really good and i've been watching it for awhile
well that's all for now bye everyone!
p.s chris my mom adores you ^-^
~quote of the day~
Izumi: *to ed and al* "i came here to kill the child but im the one who deserves to die"-Izumi fma
~pics of the day~

the gang's all here

Izumi curtis
she's ed and al's teacher from fma her husband she taught ed and al alchemy when they were young she has a condition that causes her to cough up blood she also once had a child who died she attempted to resurect the child using alchemy

degrassi |
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
when destiny makes you choose what do you do?
hi all!
well i found a bit of shocking news today i found out that my bestfriend is pregnant ! 0.0 she's only fourteen and the father is older her mom doesn't know and she doesn't plan to tell her because she's afraid her mom will force her to have a abortion so i was helping her figure things out
something else happened to me today my mother's friend (a guy) called my house today and tried to get me and my friends to drink with him and he's like in his late fourties he was trying to hit on us! he's disgusting and he wanted my friends phone numbers when i said no he hung up on me it scares me to think of what could've happened to us he even wanted to get my pregnant bestfriend drunk i told my mom and she's pissed even considering calling the cops ! so im feeling really weirded out today i can't believe he try that with me im not like that at all usually my friends aren't except for some make mistakes but my friend being pregnant it makes me happy that im still a virgin
so im gonna wrap this up in a cute little bow try to get to everyones site if craptastic computer allows
~quote of the day~
Greed: "forget the smelric brothers were going after the boy"-Greed from fma (btw he was making a joke i didn't spell it wrong)
~pics of the day~

look a pregnant anime character wow
can i show this on myo? look away young ones! look away!

anime prevert feel free to throw things at him |
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
embrace the universe like a blazing star
hello everyone!!!
ok so i am in a very good mood today the most obvious reason being that i finally fixed my background! (it took me like 3 hours) the second reason is that i watched the new fma it was pretty good someone very deserving died! im starting not to like the military in fma very much anymore it's like their causing more problems then helping but im starting to like the sin greed very very much !
Greed: "add another chick to my collection"
Red&Hughes: "hey!" *offended*
Greed: "that's right im taking her i am greed after all"
*lame joke*
Red&Hughes: sigh
anyway back to my site i did major revamping i took all the clubs and such out of my profile some stuff i'll put back in i also changed my avatar (it should show up)
some thanks should go to Elvesatemyramen (so sorry if spelt wrong!) thanks for the help! *hugs*
so i have a question for everyone
what's your fave manga? i know it's a boring question but im curious
oh btw my fave manga is fruits basket or fma 's manga
~quote of the day~
AL: "my teacher told me to never go anywhere with strangers"
Guy:"how old are you?"
AL:"fourteen" ~al from fma
~pics of the day~

stupid attraction to the evil guys!
~quiz of the day~
i made this one too so please take it! *puppy dog eyes* |
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Sunday, October 16, 2005
you know your obsessed when you spend the whole episode screaming
hello everyone and to start things off OMG I SO TOTALLY LURVE FMA! ok im better now
i don't know how many people on the myo watch fma but if you don't your really missing out here people but thats just my opinon
Hughes: "but the show was way better with me right?"
Red: "of course love"
like my subject says i actually spent most the episode screaming omg i was so totally right
inuyasha wasn't too bad either but i liked bankotsu (spelled wrong?)
i only wish adult swim would play new episodes of samurai champloo cause i love jin too
oh and my brother told me who my perfect man would be:
1.he would be a mixture of hughes and auron
2. he would be completly badass
3.he would most likely die in the show he's in
4. he's probly completly insane
5. he might have a ponytail
ok that's all for now
~quote of the day~
greed: "sorry if my jokes are alittle stale i've been sealed for a thousand years"-Greed from fma
~pics of the day~

perfect guy #1

perfect guy #2

perfect guy #3

perfect guy #4

perfect guy #5
~quiz of the day~
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Friday, October 14, 2005
if life gives you lemons make beef stew
hi everyone once again today was a horribly boring day nothing going on i mostly played disgea and ffx all day how many times can a person cast hastega on auron before it stops being funny anwser 25 times i also watched the first episode of elfin lied my god watch this show if you love naked ladies and lots of violence in the first five minutes of the show like twenty people were killed and i must've saw fifty boobs other then that i didn't do much my teachers taking my kitten tomorrow so my bigger cat ( is going to lose his friend anyway rambling on everyone have a nice day!
~quote of the day~
auron: "when this is over i too will fade i've played at life too long"-auron ffx
~pics of the day~

yes more auron
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