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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
real men wear pink
hi everyone well not much happened today i've been in a total final fantasy x kick omg i can't get enough of it! i beat the game so im mostly just wandering around the
omega ruins trying to complete everyones sphere grids and keep listening to auron's theme not only is he awesome he has a awesome theme! anyway does anyone know how to get a picture unglued from my background? pm me if you do
~quote of the day~
hughes: "are you calling about the investigation?"
roy: "well no i just haven't made a appearence in a while"
~pics of the day~

lol auron bender omg ^-^

~quiz of the day~
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
home is where the heart can be lazy
hi everyone so BIG news! i get to live back at home again! ok so that means that i can now post and check other people's sites everyday
happy? you bet i am? so recently i bought fullmetal alchemist vol.3 the manga not the anime it was very good it catches up with the anime pretty quickly also i've become addicted to a new manga/anime series descendents of darkness i bought the first 3 volumes and i lurve it i even have a fave character dr. muraki *sigh*
why do i like the crazy ones that's a slight problem i have anyway im gonna wrap this up so hey check out the QUIZ along with the post i made it *proud*
~quote of the day~
edward:"if i was normal sized i wouldn't fit see it's a good thing im so small"~edward from fma
~pics of the day~

so sexy but so damn crazy!

and auron my first badass love
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
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Friday, October 7, 2005
it's always darkest right before dawn
hi been gone awhile i know i think this has been the longest i went without updating sorry but alot of stuff happened the most important being i went to a new school and i lurve it i only had to go to the horrible old school for one day but to go to this new school i had to move in with my cousin it's awfully different and im still adjusting but otherwise it's been good i hang with alot of different people even some anime lovers well im in first hour but i have to go so i shall try to check out some people's sites when i can
love to all
oh and p.s chris will you buy me something in japan?
~redmoonchick~ |
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
what i have to come back tommorrow?!?
hey all today i've been busy i know but today is actually my first day of school a new school i don't know anybody and im scared
to death T-T in my art class i drew chibi al and ed lol it was all i could think about! im in my 5th hour now and i still have one more to go i wish i was at my old school again also i have to sleep earlier so i can't watch fma anymore sad well have to go can't get to everyone's sites sorry
~redmoonchick~ (is angry)
how many days till june 9th? |
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
jinxes, moving and everything in between
hi everyone i feel like i haven't been on in ages well i do have a reason and it's called real life like i mentioned once before im moving so it's been alot of packing and back and forth trips between old house and new house we had a cook out on friday with all our friends and we all spent the night at the new house and we stayed up until 8:00 am in other news my poor kitten (his name is he doesn't like the moving it scares him but he's too lazy to take much notice oh something cool happened my mom ordered the anime network for me which is the 24-7 anime channel i know this is a long post bear with me i've come to relize that im a jinx for anime characters everytime i pick a favorite anime character they die in the show! this has happened to me atleast four to five times so i shouldn't pick anymore favorites or they'll die!
well that's all folks
~redmoonchick and cat)
~anime quote of the day~
(hughes wife gracia is expecting a baby)
gracia: "who wants more tea?"
*suddenly collaspes*
gracia: "honey it's here!"
hughes: "the tea?"
gracia: "the baby!"~ gracia and hughes from episode 6 of fma
~pics of the day~

this is hughes daughter


kazahaya from legal drug cause i reread vol.3 today XD
by the way does anyone know how to undo a wallpaper that's been glued?
cause someone did that to me and i want to undo it |
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
because it's fun till the sand gets in your bathing suit
hi everyone not much to say about today i haven't written a fanfic *everyone gasp* i probably would have but i went to the beach today!
so fun! my friend nathan came and picked my brother and i up to go to the beach with our friend matt before we got to the beach we got ice cream! it was funny cause my brother kicked matt and he dropped his ice cream it was funny before you call me mean for laughing it was ok cause he got another one anyway we got to the beach and we were swimming and when we had to leave my brother, matt, and nathan all decided to have a sand fight
-_-; wet bodies + sand= sandy people we had to go in the water and wash off like twenty times
did anyone watch adult swim? i lurve me some paranoia agent but i was mad cause they started samurai champloo from the begining well that's all
~anime quote of the day~
mugen:"so you were in a tub with your thing hanging out?" jin: "now that was a dream"~ mugen and jin from samurai champloo
~pics of the day~

i wish the beach i went to had them

because hughes was feeling neglected |
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
pics fics and more available at your local redmoonchick
is it just me or are my subjects getting weirder? anyway first off the lovely otaku member goldwolf drew me a picture of maes hughes! and i love it! so you all must go vist her and see the pic! *hugs goldwolf* ok now i decided to accept another challenge cause i like challenges so this one is another fullmetal alchemist fic (don't run away cause it's short) this one had to have the pairing of envy and ross (if you don't know who they are look at the pics of the day) this one had to be rated G and include milk, hair, and books i think i did a good job but you be the judge
envy laid in the soft comfortable bed of some random hotel in some random room late into the night. he laid there purely for show since he wasn't human he didn't need sleep. it was on nights like this that he wished he did. for some odd reason that his mind didn't know he kept thinking about the night he killed that dog of the military. his name envy couldn't recall though he thought he should atleast out of some respect for the man but really it wasn't that man he was concerned about. envy was sure that if he was human he would feel some kind of guilt towards killing the man but he wasn't so he didn't. he didn't even feel guilt for the woman he impersonated that night what was her name? envy thinks ross or something like it yes envy thought that was her name. the boyish looking girl with the short black hair envy absent mindedly thought that ross would probably be better looking with long hair and if her skin wasn't as pale as milk. envy did feel something when he thought of the girl he had impersonated her and that man saw through it. that man was dead and he'd never be able to tell the truth so as far as the military knows the last person to be seen with that man while he was alive was ross. envy wasn't stupid he had read in books what happened to military people who kill their own they go to prison or worse death. envy sighed and rolled over on his side he wasn't human he couldn't feel sorry for the woman. each is blessed or cursed with their own destiny and it looked like this ross woman was cursed. the next morning envy changed his appearance and went down to the cementary. he sat next to a tombstone that was marked with the name maes hughes. envy sat all day and when he finally heard the gunshots of a execution ringing through the town he sighed. when he saw the shiny black coffin and the new headstone that read maria ross envy closed his eyes. in his quest for humanity had he lost what he never had? envy waited for a sleep for a dream that would never come.
~the end~
oh yeah for this story i took alittle author freedom as far as i know ross doesn't die
~pics of the day~


ross |
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Friday, August 5, 2005
fanfics and ranting
hi guys sorry i haven't commented on hardly anyone's site STUPID COMPUTER! *grabs baseball bat and looks threathing at computer*
anyway i accepted a challenge from this website that gives you a random pairing that you have to write a fic for well i got havoc and sheska from fullmetal alchemist (if you don't know who they are please scroll down to pics of the day then read the story) my fic had to include cigarettes, underwear, and a skirt this isn't the first fic i've written but it is the first i've let the public see it's got spelling and grammar errors but i would appreciate alittle creative critsimize well on to the fic oh and please read it please!
books and ash
havoc always was a sucker for a woman in a skirt. so it was no surprise that he noticed sheska that day. hughes had just hired her to be his assistant so she was around alot usually caringing loads of paperwork or files around. havoc had been taking his afternoon break and was enjoy a cigarette outside when sheska came rushing past once again loads of paper blocking her vision. "hey you should be careful" havoc said his cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth. when havoc said this he hadn't intended for the girl to stop but she did well only sorta sheska had attempted to see who was talking to her while still rushing by with the papers she saw it was havoc and smiled she also attempted to wave it was no wonder she couldn't see the stick that sat in the path before her but havoc did see it. "sheska watch out!" he called sheska looked puzzled 'what?" she yelled back but it was already far too late. the next thing havoc saw was sheska tripping over the stick her papers flying out of her hands as she fell towards the ground sheska landed with a thud but luckily she had escaped injury. havoc who was still smoking a few feet away sighed he removed his cigarette from between his lips and let it fall to the ground before stamping it out. he couldn't supress a smile as he walked towards her to havoc's delight the postion sheska had landed in gave him and anyone else who happened to be near by a fantasic view of her underwear havoc couldn't help but stare and he made sure to add this scence to his memories. sheska who had relized that her skirt flipped up quickly sat up and was blushing. her embaressment quickly faded when she relized the papers she had been carrying were now scattered around her she then began crawling around grabbing any stray paper she saw. by this point it was becoming hard for havoc not to laugh he finally took pity on sheska and helped collect the papers. when all the papers were collected havoc carried half and sheska carried the other half. havoc walked with her back to the office as they approached the office they saw hughes standing outside talking excitiedly with a pretty redhead girl. havoc who didn't feel like getting bombarded with photo's of hughes daughter took this as his cue he handed his half of the papers to sheska "you be careful now ok sheska" he said sheska smiled and nodded she then leaned in close towards havoc planting a kiss on his lips and just as quickly as she'd come sheska was gone again heading towards hughes and the redhead leaving a stunned havoc behind. havoc shook his head and made his way bak to his smoking spot when he arrived he found his cigarettes gone and a note in their place. cigarettes are bad for you jean, meet me tonight so i can make it up to you,~sheska havoc laughed and began to walk bak inside yup havoc sure was a sucker for a woman in a skirt.
~the end~
oh yea i put i put myself in the fic i was the redhead hughes was talking to ^-^
pics of the day

here's havoc
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
hughes says: ladies and gentlemen please welcome redmoonchick my own personal fangirl!
hi everyone well my subject might not make muh sense but it's a inside joke cause today i was talking about fma and hughes and my bro was like why don't you just become his personal fangirl! and i was like ok and my brother went on to say that wherever hughes went i'd follow and people in fma would be like hughes whose that? and he'd say oh it's just my fangirl it might not seem funny but if you knew my bro it would be hilarious! anyway i had a question for you guys whose your favorite anime pairing? it can be yaoi, yuri, or het just tell me which one (i have a bet with my bro about who gets the most votes) anyway to anwser my own question my yaoi pairing would be roy mustang/maes hughes
hughes:"what?!? you an't pair me with roy i have a wife and kid!"
redmoonchick: i can do whatever i want im a fangirl with a pen and a imagination" ^-^
as for my het pairing um daisuke and riku from D.N.Angel since they don't get on my nerves!
anime quote of the day!
yuki:" a woman who can act tough while being completly naked amazing"~ yuki from fruits basket vol.11
pics of the day!

little bit of yaoi for the fangirls

little bit of yuri for the fanboys

little bit of het for everyone else

and my favorite pairing maes/roy! (hughes: take down that picture before my wife or daughter sees!) |
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