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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
reading is fundimental
hi guys at the libary currently had to return some books anyway im moving and my mom wants me to transfer schools but i really don't wanna so whaaaa anyway i bought fruits basket vol.11 and lament of the lamb vol.7 and anime insider for august fruits basket was so good but the next one isn't coming out untill december it sucks well gotta go adding pics/commenting when i get home
p.s hooray my boyfriends back on myo! |
Comments (2) |
Sunday, July 31, 2005
if your happy and you know it just go squee!
well it's redmoonchick again and once again im being a vampire i awoke too late to see the sun well not alot happened today my mother almost got in a fight with the neighbor and i went to my friend nathan's house with my bro and a bunch of our other friends and four of the people there wanted to smoke some pot so they did (not me)and i can say that watching people be high is not as fun as being high but you probly shouldn't get high anyway so did anyone watch adult swim? im really loving paranoia agent it's so odd and quirky well that's all except for the usual extras and a couple new ones
~redmoonchicks haiku~
mom we have done wrong
we tried to bring you back here
we broke the taboo(that was a fma haiku crappy i know)
~anime quote of the day~
al: "winry brother is this my new body? it's so cute and soft and has a chest? ... wait this is a girl!" ed: "wait your not my little sister?"
~question of the day~
if you could be deserted on an island with one anime character who would it be? my anwser would be maes hughes of course!
~pics of the day~

warning if you smoke pot your plushie will come to life and talk to you

ha ha ha

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Saturday, July 30, 2005
well ok im not really a vampire but i might as well by my schedual ok let me explain this may get a tiny bit confusing so bear with me ok so i didn't go to sleep at all thursday night i was up well into the afternoon what was i doing? you may ask well i had found a site dedicated to hughes then i went on a icon frenzy (hughes: yes she can stop saving icons even though she already has a great one) and just as i was about to go to sleep this was around noon i got a call from my neighbor she wanted me to babysit luckily the kids were napping so i went and babysat i was awake for awhile but my tired caught up with me and i was getting sleepy so the kids woke up and there mom got home so i left and went to sleep and my mom went and got food while i was sleeping so she brought me back some pancakes with strawberrys and whipped cream and i was still tired so i ate it in bed then i went bak to sleep and woke up again at like 8:00 pm and my mom brought me ice cream and i ate that in bed too so then i got another call to babysit again and again the kids were sleeping so i babysat and i just got home ten minutes ago but i made 50 bucks so no big deal and i relized i have hardly seen my mom all day the only person i saw today was myself ^-^ and now im not tired so i'll probly be up all night and sleep all day and anyway yeah im a vampire and im gonna bite hughes so he'll be one with me (hughes: *looks nervous*
anime quote of the day!
alphonse: "the day we left we burnt our home to the ground because some memories aren't meant to leave traces"~ alphonse elric from fma
pics of the day!

redmoonchick as a vampire

hey i also bought this bag! |
Comments (4) |
Friday, July 29, 2005
redmoonchick is starved for comments
hello everyone and i do mean one because only one person comment yesterday whaaaaaan *runs to hughes* ok im better now anyway i do hope i get more comments today well today i babysat and got 10 bucks well i went to the mall and bought newtype usa august issue anybody read it? well it came with a dvd that had three anime episodes on it they were gotchaman, samurai seven (which is based off the seven samurai movie), and the last was otogi zoshi my fave was samurai 7 and now i seriously want to watch it it's about a village whose getting harassed by bandits with these machines and the bandits are taking the villagers crops so th villagers hire seven samurai's to defend them oh i also went to my friend matt's house today with like five other people and we played d&d (anyone who knows what this is gets a cookie!) well we left matt's house at like 12:30 am and we were running to my other friend nates house when i tripped and fell and now i got a nice big scrape on my elbow i got a boo boo who wants to kiss it? ^-^ other then that not much else happened so later everyone and please COMMENT!
anime quote of the day
jin: "i wish it will never stop raining then i could stay here forever with you"~ jin from samurai champloo

gatchaman hero

samurai 7

otogi zoshi |
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
it's been far too long my friends
hi guys well i know i've been gone awhile but real life can be a bitch sometimes alot of things have happened some good and some bad well i babysat these two little boys both were blonde brothers and to my utter shock the older one whose like three had a braid and instantly i was like edward! and his little brothers blonde so i was like alphonse! so i formaly nicknamed them the elric brothers well i watched the mini ed for five days straight earning myself 90 bucks i also got the 6th harry potter book very good book couldn't believed who died not gonna say don't wanna spoil the book with my money i went and got fullmetal alchemist dvd's vol.1&2 and i must say im throughly enjoying the japanese voice of al when he says nisan it so cute i also got a alphonse figurine and a fma wallscroll im completly addicted to fma anyway now for the sad part of my weeks away last saturday my dog of died she was 12 years old but god we had her so long and we didn't relize she died till i saw she wasn't breathing so our friend greg checked and said she was dead i was so completely out of it i was screaming and crying and we had to go to my uncles house and burie her and it was like 3:00 in the morning after that i was depressed for like three days and then i found out my friends dad died on the same night as my dog so that's more sadness anyway no bumming anyone out anymore i will try to be on more so bear with me

the wallscroll i got

the dvd i got

the other dvd i got

the al figure i got i also have the hughes and roy figures
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
everybody loves lists
ok since nothing interesting happened today im going to list some things that make you an otaku remember this list is for fun! so don't sue/kill/get mad at redmoonchick oh and yes i have done a couple of the things on the list feel free to add reasons if you'd like anyway on with the list
redmoonchick presents your an otaku if... fight another person over an anime character stay up late into the night just to see a anime episode'll create your own storylines, characters, plots, ect of your fave anime spend any money you get on anime related products cry excessivly when a anime character dies hold a funeral for the deceased character can act out a whole anime episode by yourself'll watch the same episode over and over and be happy about it create your own manga'll watch/buy a anime you don't like just cause it's anime cry/get insanly jealous when your fave character kisses another character squeal loudly whenever your fave character shows up do naughty things to your figures/plushies spent over 1000 dollars on anime or manga name your pets after anime characters
16. you name your children after anime characters force your family/friends to cosplay with you can talk to someone for 5 or more hours about anime blow off your friends to watch anime
20.people don't see you for days when you get a new dvd or manga'll purchase anything that has the word anime on it
22.every shirt you own is anime related forbid people to talk during anime time get angry every time someone mispronounces a anime characters name start talking to your invisible anime friends demand everyone call you lord sesshomaru legaly change your name to a anime characters name can't picture real people in your mind color people in the newspaper so they can have anime hair style your hair to look like a anime character
31.workers at the anime store know you by sight
32.your convinced your neighbor is some kind of magical creature get a anime tattoo
34.your friends refer to you as the crazed otaku only eat what anime characters eat get arrested for jumping down wells to try to get to feudal japan have a pair of cat ears that you wear constantly refuse to believe that your fave anime character isn't real have written over 100 fanfics will spend five hours downloading one anime episode believe your the chosen one destined to save the world build your own giant robot out of old cars
well that's it for now love and peae to all
Comments (4) |
Sunday, July 10, 2005
birthdays are better with poker and pocky
hi everyone the 8th was my bros birthday he turned 14 it was great we had a big poker party complete with cigars and everything they all bet real money so was in charge of the money box which almost had 100 dollars in it anyway earlier i went shopping with my friend and i wanted some pocky well my friend never had pocky before so i got her some too and she liked it i also got some botan rice candy did anyone watch paranoia agent? im slowly getting sucked into that show samurai champloo was also very good well here's the anime quote and pics of the day
also i promise to comment today
aniime quote of the day " i am a holy warrior!"~the fake lil slugger from paranoia agent


makes me scared of baseball forever

not the roy figure i got but only one i could find a pic of |
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Friday, July 8, 2005
long time no see redmoonchicks been busy
hi everyone sorry i haven't commented on peoples sites first off i want to thank cloud strife 7777 for fixing my background i owe him big time *hugs cloud* anyway i went shopping at borders the other day where i got fullmetal alchemist manga vol.2 and anime insider july issue i also got two fullmetal alchemist figures and i saw the boxes at the cash register so i asked the cashier if i could see the boxes and open them to see the figures inside well surprise he let me! and the first box i opened i got hughes! and i got roy too! and the other day did anyone watch episode 25 of fma? hughes dies in that episode i already knew but i cried anyway so sad well anyway heres the quote and pics of the day
anime quote of the day: roy's standing infront of hughes grave "it's going to rain today" then roy cries

hughes cries for his own death

this is the figure i got |
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Monday, July 4, 2005
beware long post (not really)
ok so first off im sorry i haven't updated in forever (hughes: i don't think five days counts as forever) anyway sorry this has been a long and semi busy week so something you may have noticed is that my site no longer has a background wallpaper well i was changing my site theme an the new wallpaper wouldn't load my old wallpaper wouldn't load and no other wallpaper in the world would load i don't know if this is a myo glitch or my comp glitch anyway heres a brief summary of my week (hughes: just read it it's not that long ^-^)
wednesday~ i ended up babysitting which was alright the kids were being bratty but it was ok my friend sydney ending up staying at the babysitters with me we both spent the night there
thursday~ i went over sydneys house and spent the night our friend a up and coming rapper named jimmy was there recording his new cd on sydneys computer his songs are awesome and when he's famous i can say i know him ^-^ he had a rap battle with another rapper which i had front row seats for the rap battle lasted a hour! (so long) i played some ledgen of zelda windwaker and went to sleep
friday~ spent half the day with sydney we ran into sydneys ex boyfriend who i totally hate and she was acting really stupid around him i ended up going home later got some pizza and hung around my house
saturday~ hung around my house and ended up going to the mall where i got the july issue of newtype usa and a manga called genshiken pretty funny manga about the life of a otaku (we can all relate) the bookstore i got the manga at threw in a free preview copy of shojo beat manga then i went home and watched anime on my anime night best night of the week
sunday~ went to grandmothers house had to babysitt so i brought the kid with me pretty ok had some food went grocery shopping not to exciting
so that was my missing five days anyway no pics or quotes tonight im too sleepy night night
(takes hughes to bed) sorry chris!
~redmoonchick~ |
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
rain rain please stay
so it rained for the first time in like five weeks it was great it's been so hot here lately that when it rained it cooled everything down it was a storm with thunder and lighting and it scared our animals so guess who had to go outside to fetch them (if you guessed me you get a cookie) so i had to bring in three cats lola,, and scar and our dog lily
anyway i watched fullmetal alchemist tonight i think the epi was called heart of steel anyway it had hughes in pink pajamas in the begining! so anyway love and peace
anime quote of the day: "brother i don't want my body back if it means taking the life of someone else"~al from fma
loving it
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