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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
truly obsessive
Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that redmoonchick + Maes Hughes were married on the 28th day of June 2005
~~~~~~ MYFC ~~~~~~ | height='100' width='80'> |
im gonna ask again cause i wanna know can anyone make me a banner or wallpaper that says i love hughes on it with a pic of hughes ill probly keep asking exceptially since i watched fma tonight
~redmoonchick~ |
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Monday, June 27, 2005
tear my heart open
ok the subject has nothing to do with the post anyway my friends all had a meeting today to tell me that im obsessed with fullmetal alchemist and one character in paticular maes hughes i love him so much! my friends say im over obsessed cause i named my kitten mr hughes but i think it's cute anyway just to anger my friends i was wondering if someone could make me a banner or wallpaper that has hughes on it and says i love hughes come on people feed my addiction ^-^ i someone makes it for me i'll love them forever an even have their children!
also would all you lovely people please vist my bros site (tim tim) he's starved for attention anyway here's the anime quote/pic of the day
edward is talking to russel tringam ed:"get on your knees" russel:"why so we can see eye to eye"~ed and russle from fullmetal alchemist

hughes incase anyone didn't know who he was
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
blind dates, bestfriends, and boyfriends
hi guys so my bestfriend called me saying two things
1. she just broke up with her boyfriend
2. her friend wants to date me
this is strange cause i've never heard of her friend or anything
anyway today was my other friends birthday an in a few weeks it will be my bro,mom, and dad's birthday my bro always teases me cause i was born in december and not in july like my mom dad and brother were anyway does anyone know a good place to buy anime soundtracks im looking for cowboy bebop ones anyway heres the anime quote an pic of the day
"what can't find your little balls?"~kazuma from scryed

i am way too addicted to hughes i love him!!!! |
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
stupid computer
hey everyone sorry i haven't been around it's just my computer is totally bipolar one day it will work the next it will just be stubborn anyway i will most definitly try to comment on all my friends sites but if i don't don't be mad my computers just having a bad day also if i comment on your site please comment bak on mine it lets me know that someone vists anyway no pics since my computers emotionly unstable
anime quote of the day "your a man? that's okay i like men better"~ dutch guy from samurai champloo episode 6
~redmoonchick~ |
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Monday, June 20, 2005
look at me!
hey everyone i would've upated an commented earlier but i spent the night at my neighbors so i could watch her kids and im just getting back anyway i had a strange dream today it had auron from ffx, akito and haru from fruits basket were all in it and lets just say i touched auron in a naughty place 0-o anyway no pics today cause my comp wants me to cry from frustration
~redmoonchick~ |
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
if you need me just whistle
hi everyone happy fathers day! to everyone especially if you are a father my dad's coming over today to get me and my bro to hang out with us or something like it my brother didn't get my dad anything i made something homemade cause im broke but still i think my dad will appriciate the thought did anyone watch samurai champloo on saturday? so funny! love it my fave is jin (there goes my strong silent type fetish) ^-^
here's the anime quote of the day
man talking to a hooker "you must call me daddy you must" thats from paranoia agent
heres the pics of the day

maromi from paranoia agent

jin from samurai champloo
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
*starts sewing wedding dress*
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hello again
how is everyone? well i dyed my hair today so i come out of my house and i saw my neighbor n my neighbor had copied me almost to the exact color i was so mad! all my friends are spending the night tonight (there all crazy when you mix them) so anyway here's some pics

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Friday, June 17, 2005
guess who's back?
HELLO EVERYONE!!!! did ya miss me? thats right your dear redmoon is back or maybe nobody missed me did you all forget about me? i hope not well my computer was in storage but now i've got it back an im glad to be back to my little happy anime loving community anyways hooray im back
p.s did anyone else freak out about who died on fullmetal alchemist? (i did)
~redgladtobeback~ |
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Friday, April 15, 2005
my kitt cat loves anime!
so i went to school today and it was boring my friend cassidy asked me the best way to ask someone to the prom and i was like um flowers? and everybody thinks that me and my friend gavin are boyfriend and girlfriend but were not were just friends and everyone kept saying that we should go to prom together ^-^ will the rumors ever end? anyway not alot else happened i changed my icon i miss vincent but i lurve roy! anyway i've come to relize that when i watch a anime the guy i end up liking is the evil guy! or the guy who doesn't talk or the mysterious guy i don't know why but case in point i love 1.sesshomaru, 2.scar, 3.auron, 4.tsume, ect anyway here's the pics of the day later everyone!

the gangs all here

this is dedicated to cassidy ^-^

why do i love him so?
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