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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
i have no subject!
hello everyone i didn't vist everyone but i visted everyone who commented on my site anyway today was a boring day i didn't go to school i was so sleepy my brother spent the night as his friends house
i was driving around with my mom and playing with her cell phone and i put roy mustang as the banner on the cell phone i also listed all the characters from fruits basket, FMA, ffx, and inuyasha as contacts on the cell phone it was so funny my mom was like who is roy mustang? anyway heres the pics of the day!

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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
i sit under the moon
hi everyone i feel like such a bad person! all you lovely people comment on my site and i haven't gotten to respond to you guys sorry *hugs everyone* my internet wasn't working earlier and by a chance i clicked on my internet and it worked!
anyway here was my day
i went to school and my friend gavin was being mean to me so i told him he would have to give me a nickle every time he was mean he owes me ten nickles which is 50 cents
later i was cleaning at my house and my legs were hurting so bad i felt like a maid!
i went to my friend heather's house and we were walking around then my brother her brother and our friend greg came over and we were jumping on the trampoline then everybody played texas hold em (which i suck at) so i forfitted and gave my chips to my bro then we went and played volleyball at this school and my team won the first round! during the second round my bro stepped on my foot and i couldn't move so i fell down! my team lost the second round 10 to 14 my legs hurt so bad!
anyway here's the pics of the day!
(i promise i will get to your guy's sites!) also if anyone feels like talking on aim just im me

this is what i felt like while cleaning

this is what i felt like playing volleyball

this is what i felt like on the trampoline
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Monday, April 11, 2005
they call me redmoonchick
only one more day until fruits basket vol.8!
hi everyone i got to about half your guy's sites i will try to get to everyones today anyway i was watching a anime dvd that came with my newtype magazine it was maburaho episode 1 and gravion zwei episode 1 has anybody seen either of these animes? maburaho is about this guy who goes to a magic school and he can only use his magic 8 times then he dies and if he has a kid his kid will have this great magic power so these three girls want to have his kid it was pretty funny but it was full of fan service also if anyone noticed i changed my background i've been on a final fantasy kick anyway here's the pics of the day!

the girls of maburaho

this is the guy their after
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
ah saturday where did you go?
days until furuba vol.8: 2
quote of the day:"why are you calling me so late?" "i hadn't made a apperance in awhile"~ hughes and roy from fullmetal alchemist
ok sorry i didn't vist anyones site i was having a cookout all day it was one of my mom's friends birthdays and we had the party lots of people showed up and ate and me and my brother walked down to the lake and i fell and almost broke my ankle then later when the sun went down we were roasting marshmallows and they kept falling into the fire and they turned into these huge flaming crisps and my bro starts winging them around then we were burning sticks and then i came home and watched full metal alchemist! (which everyone should watch) anyway here's the pics of the day

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Saturday, April 9, 2005
i am the evil giggler
ok so today the toliet in our house started backing up when i flushed it there was nothing in it just water but the water just started pouring out the toliet and onto the floor and i was like omg my feet got completly soaked! the water was like three inches high and i had to put towels all over the floor anyway heres the pics of the day

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Friday, April 8, 2005
quiz crazy
i've been on a quiz hype lately so i put some of them on here anyway i have six kittens and one of them likes to sit in front of the tv and watch it lol it's so funny it will sit and watch for hours! i got a magazine today it's called newtype magazine i don't know if any of you read it but it's the best for anime lovers oh and thanks to the two latest people to sign my guestbook fire appiration and red moon (no relation to me ^-^)anyway here's the pics of the day ~redmoonchick~

can you feel the sexual tension?(sorry couldn't help it)

me lovey auron!

just thought it was cute
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 You are a dragon. People mistaken you as a fierce and deadly creature, yet you really only do that to defend yourself. You are a materialistic person. You are very natural though, and fit naturally in a croud, or are fine being alone. You are majestic and people respect you. You have a great sense of wisdom and justice as well. People come to you with their problems and questions, knowing that what you have to say will be virtuos and to their benifit. You are looked up to and treated with descency (if not, than you should be). Good job!
Which Mystical creature are you bound to? (cool pictures!Finished!!!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
things you can learn about me
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