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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
that's hot
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i didn't do it on purpose (honest)
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i'm not ok (i promise)
Total Visits 300
Popularity Ranking # 1979
guestbook signings 51
not much to report today fellow otakus i hit the big 300 today thanks to everyone who helped i tried to vist everyone's sites today and comment if i didn't get to you sorry i'm not being mean on purpose ^-^ i've decided that when april roles around i'm gonna change my background i still love fruits basket but i don't want people to get bored what am i changing it to? you might ask well you'll have to find out april 1! also wanted to ask you guys a couple of questions
1. how you'd choose your my otaku name?
2.has anyone ever found love on my otaku?
3.whose one anime character you can't stand (note if it's someone i like you can tell me anyway)
well heres the pics of the day!
just cause i love nicholas wolfwood
of course i love hatori too
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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
wanna know the best thing in the world? it's chicken
ok the title of this subject is dedicated to my friend alex
days till fruits basket vol.8 11
so today i was hanging around with my friends nathan, greg, alex, sarah, and my brother and our friend alex just starts talking about chicken in this really funny voice it's alot funnier then it sounds he's just insane so everyone knows that people can make me laugh really easily so he kept doing it on purpose to make me laugh
later i was driving with my mom when she saw this chair she wanted on the side of the road so she stopped and forced me to help her put it in the trunk i was helping but when she put the bungie cord on it pulled the trunk down and bammed me in the head!
real bad luck for me anyway here's some pics of the day! had the fullmetal and wolf's rain boys in my head xD

this is in honor of my name
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*pets kyo*
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
it's all fun and games till grandma's wig falls in the pudding
hi everyone! lets see what happened today well i went to the store and while i was walking around my sandal broke! so i had to take both sandals off and go to the shoe department and find a new pair to wear i wore them around the store until we had to pay for them
i made my brother roleplay with me today
tim tim: more like forcing me to watch you roleplay
red: shut up!
anyway i told my brother that him and i were alot alike sango and kohaku from inuyasha so i started calling him kohaku he got mad and pushed me off the end of my ved and i hurt my back!
i can't sleep so i'm watching 11 volumes of anime that i taped
i've decided to start dating again after i was in a abusive relationship so far the search is no good the guy has got to like anime at least alittle bit hey any guy on my otaku single? ^-^ (PM me if you are ha ha) am i joking or not? i guess will never know
anyway long post going on i was alittle mean to my kurama clone#20 yesterday so here's a pic showing him happy! the other two pics are of me and my bro (not really)
later ~redmoonchick~

see he's happy

how we pretend to be

how we really are
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Monday, March 28, 2005
no explanation this is what happens when you get no sleep
hey everybody i'm feeling lazy so i'm gonna let my kurama clone#20 post for me take it kurama
kurama: yes you are lazy
red: hey *throws chocolate bunny at him*
kurama: *gets hit with bunny* hey didn't you want me to tell them something?
red:oh yeah go ahead*innocent smile*
kurama: ok so if anybody heard about that monkeyman whatever guy that killed women that's a total lie it was just some girl trying to get attention pretty stupid if you ask me
red: but no one did
kurama: *glare* also is anyone else having problems updating their profiles cause red is everytime she clicks the update button it takes her to a screen that say a bunch of jibberish well that's all so see everyone later
red: come on kurama you gotta help me clean my room
kurama: *runs and hides*
~kurama clone #20 & redmoonchick~ |
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save a horse ride a cowboy
my brother pointed something out to me today he said that my titles are getting stranger and stranger well maybe they are but i just put whatever comes into my head anyway i was thinking of something today so i decided to ask a question to everyone how did you choose you my otaku name? i got mine from wolf's rain my first choice was my name and birthday so i hope everyone comments cause i like to read comments!
~redmoonchick~ |
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