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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
hooray go me!
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i was thinking about getting a tattoo one of the japanese symbol for dragon since it's my zodiac i didn't go to school today i was too tired also big thanks to everyone who signed my gb in the last three days will probably post later~redmoonchick~ |
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Monday, March 21, 2005
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stay back hungry bunnies! (noooo) *death*
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la la la stupid song
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
 You're a nice kitty! Beautiful and calm. You always have good advice for people and is care-free. You dont look at things negative that much. You enjoy the outdoors and loves to be with friends. You are very trustworthy so people can tell you almost everything. Even though you can be calm you are never afraid to yell at a person's face if they make someone you care for cry!
What kind of Kitty are you? Anime pics girlies only brought to you by Quizilla
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othing better to do.
100 pretty random questions of Doom:
Boring but Obligatory Stuff:
1. Name: cassandra
2. Nicknames:cassie/sissy
3. Date of birth:december 19 1988(dragon)
4. Gender: female
5. Height: 5'7
6. Colour of eyes: blue
7. Colour of hair: chocolate
8. Nationality: american
9. Location: america
10. Native language: english.
More Obligatory Stuff:
11. Do you live alone / with flatmates or with parents: with my parents and my brother.
12. Brothers / sisters / none? a younger brother (tim tim)
13. Pets you have: a blind dog and seven cats
14. Pets you’d like to have: a unicorn
15. Do you study / work / both / neither? neither
16. What do you study? nothing
17. Dream profession: voice actress
18. What job do you think you’ll end up with? receptionist or teacher
19. Languages you know: english, spanish, alittle japanese
20. Languages you’d like to learn: french, more japanese
21. Favourite subject: reading core
22. Least favourite subject: math grrr!
Drawing & art! :3 Skip if not applicable.
23. When did you start drawing / painting? like four five years ago
24. Favourite motif: um?
25. Favourite medium: pencil
26. Favourite drawing style: anime
27. What you’d like to learn to draw: hands
28. Favourite artist/s: myself,clamp,
29. Are you considering an art-related job? nope just a hobby
30. Would you ever consider becoming an animator? maybe
31. Would you ever consider becoming a comic artist / manga
32. Would you ever consider becoming a concept artist for a gaming company? oh course i would!
Random stuff:
33. Favourite spare time activities: drawing, collecting manga, surfing the web
34. Least favourite activities: school
35. Favourite sport, if any: basketball
36. The sport you hate: kickball (it's evil)
37. Favourite food and drink: pizza and pop
38. Least favourite food and drink: grilled cheese
39. Favourite colours: pink, white, yellow
40. Favourite type of clothing: casual/jeans
41. Piercings / tattoos you have: none
42. Piercings / tattoos you’d like to have: a dragon on my ankle
43. Favourite movie: pirates of the carribean
44. Favourite soundtrack: final fantasy x soundtrack
45. Favourite TV show or series: furuba, fullmetal alchemist, lost
46. Favourite actor/actress: orlando bloom
47. Favourite genre of music: japanese/ rock (but i'll listen to anything)
48. Genre/s of music you can’t stand: jibberish
49. Favourite band/s / artists: maroon 5, l'arc~en~ciel, green day, three doors down
50. Band/s / artists you hate: hmm... um don't know
51. Favourite album of the moment: maroon 5
52. Favourite song of the moment: let go )by three doors down)
53. Favourite band member ever: too many to choose from
54. Band/bands you hope to see live: l'arc~en~ciel
55. Song you’re listening to right now: mr. brightside by the killers
56. Favourite music video: um?
57. Favourite comic / manga: fruits basket, dnangel, gravitation, legal drug, lament of the lamb
58. Favourite cartoon / anime: fullmetal alchemist
59. Favourite manga / anime / comic / cartoon character/s: roy, al, sesshomaru, sasshi, tsume, HATORI!!!!
60. Favourite videogame / computer game: final fantasy x
61. Favourite videogame / computer game character: auron (love him so)
J-music – skip if you don’t care much for this.
J-rockers/j-poppers… (and j-rappers if you choose so.)
62. Favourite:
63. Least favourite:
64. The best-looking:
65. The freakiest:
66. The scariest:
67. The most feminine looking:
68. The best make-up XD :
69. The weirdest hair:
70. The dumbest:
71. The funniest:
72. The best vocalist:
73. The best bassist:
74. The best drummer:
75. The best guitarist:
76. The best clothes n costumes:
77. The one you think should get retired already:
78. The most memorable thing a jrock /j popper has done onstage:
79. The saddest song:
80. The happiest song:
81. The most energetic song:
82. The best PV:
If you could choose…
83. Desired hair colour: i like my hair
84. Desired eye colour: violet or pink
85. Where would you live? japan
86. With who?: my bestfriend
More random stuff:
87. Describe an ideal weekend: friends and anime
88. The time you go to sleep normally: 1:00 am
89. The time you wake up normally: 7:15 am
90. The favourite thing you own: my manga collection
91. What do you have on your room’s walls?: orlando bloom and anime posters
92. Are you a day or a night creature?: a night owl a.k.a vampire
93. Is there something you’d like to change in your life? if so what?: people
94. Who is your favourite person and why?: my bestfriend she's so crazy
95. What do you usually do on the computer? read fics
96. Do you like yourself? very much
97. Do you think you’ll be happier in the future?" probably
98. Do you like coffee?: yeah but i like tea more
99. Your final thoughts: i love hatori!
100. Bunny?: momiji |
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
can anyone help?
does anyone know how i can put a wallpaper as my layout so that other people can actually see it cause i did a fruits basket one but all people could see was white can anyone help? |
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
 You like Romantic Draco!Romantic Draco is well...a dream come true! He will come to sweep you off your feet like a knight in shining armour! Polite, refined and very handsome, Romantic Draco wants nothing more then to woo you. Throwing aside all inhibitions, he will tell you he loves you constantly and deny the wrath of Slytherin for his love of you. He spends his money freely on you, graces you with many gifts and writes you romantic poetry! He is constantly at your side and dreadfully overprotective! You love Romantic Draco because you are a true Romantic at heart!
Which Draco Malfoy would you fall for? With Scrumptious Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
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can anyone see my layout? or is it all white? cause im at school and i see that my layouts not showing up well it's hatori from fruits basket anyway im in third hour about to go home i took a career test and got a receptionist or a teacher my friend gavin got a cop which you shouldn't trust him with a gun |
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