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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
the carpal tunnel of love
mood: angsty
listening to: cupid's chokehold-gym class heroes
currently: sad to think i'll never see him again
note: danny updated his site if anyone is interested in what few thoughts pass through his mind his site is" em0taku
Redmoonchick Responds:
playitbakinslomo: uh we went to the zoo just for the heck of it
niisan: nah i'll just have you beat danny up for me! XD j/k
tohmalover14: love hate relationship eh? i guess. hooray your mentioned again!
tiggerola: yes, i met lordsesshomaru in my dream, weird considering i don't know what he looks like
xXurbrokendollXx: ah no don't give danny the idea that he has a fan club! he doesn't deserve one! XD oh well yeah he's a cool person...sometimes
X shadowme X: you win for best friggen comment ever!
have you guys ever had a day where you felt like everyone was laughing at you? and not in a good way? well that's sorta how my day was yesterday. the reason for this is that i was walking up the stairs to go and change into my yoga clothes and these three guys were standing by the staircase and as soon as i walk past them all three start laughing hysterically. at first i thought nothing of it but when i came out of the bathroom they were still there and sure enough i hear the same kind of laughter again. *sigh* it's not like i'm not used to being teased i mean it happened to me most of my childhood, but those types of things can ruin your entire day. well besides that little unpleasantness monday was pretty darn boring. i felt really isolated and alone yesterday for some reason, even though my bro and danny were both at school. well my brother was sleepy so he didn't talk much and danny just got a new ipod so he was busy so i guess i felt all alone. oh and danny left school early today and he was gone before school was out, he left without telling us so yeah bummer because my bro is boring!
i'm worried because i'm starting to feel depressed again, this happens to me from time to time but this time is so sudden. i 'm hoping that this feeling is just a one day depression and that i'm not falling into one of my depressing slumps. don't know i just feel like crying today. has that ever happened to anyone else?
oh sorry you guys, i honestly had no idea how long yesterday's post was! i typed it up in word and saved it and just copied and pasted it. i mean i knew it was on the long side but not that long! XD thanks to anyone who attempted to read it! angel zaruko i don't think you have the longest posts anymore! XD i promise this one won't be so long. oh i have another sorry to you all. i'm sorry i didn't get to everyone's sites! i had this uber hard english assignment to do and i just finished it not too long ago. oh but thanks for the comments everyone! 21 woot! i usually don't get that till weekends.
like i said in the first paragraph monday was boring. honestly i can't think of anything to recall...yup i got nothing. here's hoping that tomorrow will be more interesting! oh i heard this song over the weekend that i really loved! it's called face down by the red jumpsuit apparatus. it was so good! i mentioned it to danny and he had it on his ipod so he let me listen to it! *hugs for him* oh and i finally saw the fall out boy video "thnks fr th mmrs"! it was alright i think they could've done better but hey i enjoyed it!
my cat had this huge thing on his leg, like this big ass bump! it was so gross! i mean his leg swelled up real big and he was walking with a limp and i was so worried about him, but i am happy to say that when i got home from school i checked his leg and it went down! i think he might've popped whatever was on his leg cause his fur was all wet and he had hair missing in a spot on his leg. oh well at least he's better now!
oh yeah i changed my theme! i did furuba because i felt like it (even though fall out boy and nana were in a tie) so yeah i'm glad a few of you like it! i wasn't sure about the color's at first but i must say they grew on me! even if i'm not happy at least my site is! XD oh can you guys see the little pic of danny in my profile? yeah i can see it at home and at school but i wasn't sure if anyone can see it. oh well if anyone cares that's what he looks like.
i hope i didn't worry anyone with my depressed talk, i'm actually feeling a bit better as i type. as long as i don't think about the thing/person that is depressing me i should be fine.
here's a few pics and look post totally not that long! XD

fall out boy (this might be a bit big)

yeah pete wentz...yeah
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