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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
even when there's nothing worth living for, your still worth lying for
mood: nostalgic
listening to: nobody puts baby in the corner
currently: wishing to push him out of my heart and mind
Redmoonchick Responds:
tohmalover14: wow you win the award for longest comment ever!
angel zakuro: alright it's a tie for longest comment between you and tohmalover14! XD
kirbysdouble: yup that's the layout since my site refuses to show wallpapers as my main site, so yup pink and uh i guess teal! XD
X shadowme X: are you trying to say that danny is cute? ah you might wanna talk to xXurbrokendollXx and join his fan club! <--i'm kidding don't XD
hooray! i am so happy today! the reason for this new found happiness is that my friend danielle, who transfered to a different school came up to visit today!!! it was so good to see her! it felt just like old times back when we went to school together, but before i get to into that i'll tell you guys about my day. well it was pretty boring and normal until around lunch. first hour did the same old stuff, was on the myo, managed to talk to danny a bit while he had his ipod paused. after yoga my brother met up with me and told me that danny was gone and that he never showed up to fourth hour , so yeah we assumed he went home to play his xbox 360, but my bro told me that my dear friend danielle was here so i met up with her downstairs. like i said earlier i was so glad to see her and i was also glad to see that things weren't awkward between us. so yeah anyone who was worried i'm not depressed anymore so no worries!
so yeah danielle stayed in my fifth and sixth hour with me and we caught up and stuff and it was so great! she was a little mad that danny wasn't there ecspecially because i had told him during first hour that she wanted to come to the school. so me, danielle, and my bro were in the computer lab after school and who should show up but dear danny. yeah we was around for a bit and it was weird cause it took him like three whole minutes before he even said hi to danielle. but yeah i guess danny went to his friend's house without telling anyone and he came back to see danielle but he didn't stay long so me and danielle went outside and got into some deep conversations. i mean i like having guy friends but there are just some things you can only talk about with other girls. i told danielle to try and visit again tomorrow because she's on her spring break and she said that she'd try.
i made a vow that i wouldn't talk about danny too much today. i don't know things seem a little strange with him. maybe it's just my imagination? man i really miss danielle i mean we didn't even scratch the surface on stuff we need to talk about.
oh do you guys happen to have any idea's for a comic? i need to draw one for my school's newsletter and honestly i have zero ideas! so any help would be appreciated. i need a funny idea for it is a funny comic.
well yeah a few funny things did happen today, well for one when danny came back me and him got into one of our play fights in front of danielle and i attempted to hit him from across the computer and the bracelet i was wearing flew off! i swear when we fight we act like four year olds! or so my brother says. oh and i was sitting at my computer and danny rolled up by the back of my computer and i had my hand up like i was going to hit him and we ended up doing the lamest high five! lol so stupid! oh another funny thing was when me and danielle were in the computer lab and we both wanted to listen to different music so we played two different songs pretty loud, it was funny cause neither of us could really hear the music. oh and later she and i were talking about how cute it would be if patrick and pete from fob were a couple! XD (don't even ask), oh and danny claimed i made this --> ^-^ anime face when he gave me some candy today...i in fact did not.
oh yeah i think i'm getting sick, yeah i'm sure i am. i've been coughing my butt off for the last two days and i can feel a coldness in my chest. man it feels like bronchitis or something. i hope not cause i do tend to get that around this time of year, i also hope i'm not sick because today i took the first drink of danny's pop and he drank after me so for his sake i hope i'm not sick! though it would be revenge for the time he got me sick.
this post might be a bit long but, well i joined this health challenge thing on the interenet and it's free and you tell it your weight and it tells you how much you should weigh and also what to eat to be healthy and some cool workouts! it's really neat. i'm hoping with this plus my yoga class i'll shed a few unwanted pounds. i'm also going to join a health club over the summer i think so yeah i should drop some pounds!
oh yeah sucky news: my microwave is broken and during the day my bro and i basiclly live off of microwaveable food! so yeah it sucks bad! anyone got a microwave they want to sell? XD
ok i really don't feel like doing a manga review this week so here's a few pics before i go.
oh yeah that pic of pete with the boots i didn't mean to put that pic up i meant to put the one below up

ok seriously tomorrow no talking about danny because his ego is getting big! like this big <--------------------------> lol
~redmoonchick~ |
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