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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
weighed down with words too overdramatic
mood: good spirits
listening to: sutaki da ne
currently: wanting to play ffx so bad! T-T
pimpage: detectivedanielle (my friend danielle), em0taku (danny), tim tim (my little brother), hoaryu (niisan), destinyssweetman (my twin), tohmalover14 (cause she leaves the longest comments! lol), deadxonxarrival and x shadowme x (two highly entertaining people)
Redmoonchick Responds:
alex: thanks so much for the beautiful prayer you left me! your the best internet twin ever! XD
lalagirl: the poem is about NO ONE! ahem i mean no one in paticular, tis a work of pure fiction XD i won't smack you lol
niisan: you have all the best games! i'll give you my adress and you mail me your DS game and i'll give you my fma ds game! XD
deadxonxarrival: you get plugged because you call danny a whore and because your cool like that! XD
xXurbrokendollXx: hooray your back! *hugs*
jd person: yes, i used to take my anime viewing seriously too but now i have no cable so i take what i can get
ani mae: yeah i thought of the first line in my head and was like i must write this! thus a poem is born!
x shadowme x: don't be dissapointed i am writing wentz in wonderland! lol emo-fest!
tohmalover14: long comments are a good thing! rest assured i enjoy them! XD and your threath of molesting me with hugs! lol
well another boring day in cassandra land, glad to know i'm not the only one who was bored danny was too. well i am feeling pretty well today actually, which on all accounts i shouldn't be because i ran out of medicine and my mom didn't have time to get me any before she went to work, so my cough was acting up. i did take some medicine when she got home and i'm glad to report that i am feeling much better! i was really stuffed up earlier so i made so garlic bread and voila! it really opened my nose up! XD oh garlic bread what can't you do?
hey i was wondering if you guys found my text too hard to read? i can see it just fine at home and at school but a few people have told me that it's too bright. what do you guys think? is it too hard to read? should i change it? does anyone know the name of the song in final fantasy X where tidus and yuna kiss underwater? i've been looking but can't find anything, so i would appreciate if someone told me! nevermind i think the song is called sutaki da ne
like i said above nothing really happened to me. i slept for a long time and played around on the internet. oh in case anyone didn't know, danny is in a band. his band is called as he rises. you can listen to danny here: though most of you guys already listened to him. but anyway awhile ago i was talking to danny about his band and how he was destined to be the next pete wentz. and if anyone knows danny they know he hates pete wentz with a passion! so he asks me why he'd be pete and i told him it was because pete wentz attracts all the girls to the band, so then danny accused me of calling him cute. but it's true danny could totally be the next wentz! i mean just from me talking about him here he has his own mini fan club and a couple fan girls! XD so yeah he has the power to be famous and i really hope he makes it. cause then if were still friends i can use his celebrity to meet pete wentz even though danny said if he ever met him he'd punch him in the face! *gasp* not his pretty face danny choose somewhere else! lol yeah but if danny did get famous i could be like "yeah i went to high school with that guy!" and make all his fangirls jealous by saying "i've hugged him before and drank after him! and he flashed me before!" *evil laugh* how fun!
here are a few random facts:
.the high school in fall out boy's dance, dance video was named clandestine high
.danny knows a surprising amount of nsync songs
.so do i XD
.my father and my brother and my uncle all have the same name
. i already picked out the name for my future son
.i cry everytime i watch the ending or ffx, or fma, in fact for ffx i get sad just by listening to the soundtrack and thinking about the ending
.i cry a lot
. patrick stump is my third cousin (not true but i wish it was)
. my ex-boyfriend used to refer to himself as auron and me as rikku from ffx
. people used to come over my house and watch episode 25 of fma with me just to see if i would cry ( i have mean friends)
all right i'm almost done but i have a pic for all you danny fans out there

ok this is the result of endless boredom and lack of meds, ha ha ha he's not so hot now is he? *evil laugh*
alright that is all hopefully something interesting will happen to me! XD
slight shorter post today
~redmoonchick~ |
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