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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Thursday, April 12, 2007
i never thought i'd fade away
mood: happy
listening to: warning-incubus
currently: miss my friends
pimpage: em0taku (danny), detectivedanielle (danielle), destinyssweetman (my internet twin alex), hoaryu (niisan), tohmalover14 (someone who likes my long posts!), knight edge (pervy sage), angel zakuro (my top model buddy), deadxonxarrival and shadowme (the people who use my c-box)
Redmoonchick Responds:
lytjuh: i'm glad you get some enjoyment out of reading my posts!
em0taku: i wouldn't really destroy you, and your not emo i know your a scene kid
alex: how did you find out about the cult? .... i mean i'm not running a cult! *shifty eyes*
playitbakinslomo: shhh don't talk about the plans outloud! XD
xXurbrokendollXx: danny he's fine, i doubt anything i say hurts him
wensdayskitten: danny doesn't need paparazzi he takes his own pics
cosmicsailor: ha ha you gave the best anwser to number 1 lol i love it
roseeyes: hmmm my fave anime? it would be fma! it ruled my world for like a year
knight edge: well your not that old but your older then me and i find you wise sometimes, but do you like pervy sage better? XD oh no don't challenge me, now we have to have a blitz off! *grabs controller*
niisan: we have a deal niisan besides this part i shall not talk about danny the whole post!
tohmalover14: i love kingdom hearts! i like two better!
x shadowme x: you deleted him off your list but i went and commented and saw you commented on his site. curious. no i'm kidding you can have him as a friend. i do believe that is the first time i was called a drug dealer, come on and get your danny fix! XD hey danny isn't emo! he's scene. oh emm gee i want to see you write that fan-fic!
christianotaku: you can't give emo kids lollipops! *takes danny's lollipop* j/k
ani mae: i have played the sequel, i enjoyed it even though i didn't get the best ending! T-T
ok so like i mentioned up there in my responding section, i made a vow with myself based on my niisan's suggestion that i wouldn't talk about that guy that's my friend that i always talk about, so i won't this post shall have none of him today! that it will XD because i can do it!
pete wentz: um you've done it before
red: yeah but i'm doing it again. now shut up and get back to the fan fic!
speaking of fan fiction, i joined! anyone have an account on there? i know nekohex does, but yeah i'm going to put the naruto stories i wrote for nekohex and tohmalover14 on there soon so when i do i'll tell you guys so you can check it out!
once again been having a boring day so i broke out the old pink DS and was playing elite beat agents today. ugh it's infuriating because i swear you have to be a fricken robot to beat the last song! *cries* and i've been trying to get a better score on the song "i was born to love you" by queen and i can't get passed a D! it's because i scored too high once and now i have to beat that score to get a better one, so even though i'm scoring a B rank the game still says i'm on D. did that make sense to anyone but me?
i was thinking about my bestfriend today and how were total opposites! yeah she's younger then me and we are just way different. this is the same girl i talked about once, the one who sleeps with thirty year old guys. yeah i would never do that but she's my bestfriend and we've know each other since middle school. are you guys like your bestfriends? or are you guys different?
speaking of middle school, i was wearing my old uniform shirt from my middle school. yes we all had to wear the same shirt in middle school. well i was wearing it and i looked at myself in the mirror and i swear i felt like thirthteen years old all over again and it brought back a lot of memories, like who i used to hang out with and the guy i liked back then. *sigh* good times!
i wanted to talk about my dad for a minute. all my life i've been a daddy's girl, i swear there are a million tapes of me and him just playing together or whatever. when i was eight my mom and dad split even though there still legally married, now my dad's been with his total bitch of a girlfriend for a while and he lives with her. i hate her because she hates me and she has ever since i was younger. well i never thought my dad would choose his girlfriend over me and my brother but it looks like he did because i haven't even seen or heard from him since christmas day when he stopped by to give me money and then left after two minutes because he and his girlfriend were going to her brother's house for christmas. i was thinking my dad doesn't really know anything about me, he doesn't know who my bestfriends are or what i've been up to in the four months. my brother doesn't care because he doesn't like my dad anymore but i happen to be a hell of a lot like him and i always cut him some slack but i don't think i'm going to anymore because well i think i need to admit that my dad doesn't want to be a dad anymore. if i were a parent i couldn't imagine going four months without talking to my kids. sorry for the dad rant you guys i just felt like talking about it.
i want to try something with you guys. in your comments i want you guys to leave a word any word doesn't matter what it is and after i read all the comments i'll take the words you guys left and make a poem with them. danielle and that kid i go to school with, i would appreciate if you guys participated! ^-^
ok it's thursday and i want to post the first (very short) chapter of the fic i'm writing "wentz in wonderland" you guys don't have to read it but it is short and i like it so here it is! oh and if it's well recieved i may continue posting it!
wentz in wonderland
by redmoonchick
chapter one: ryan ross doesn't even like rabbits!
peter wentz lay in the grass in the meadow on a warm summer day with his pet dog hemingway. he laid under the shadows of the large oak tree sprawled on his stomach his lyrical notebook in hand. pete thumbed through the old worn pages of the notebook sastisfied with the words he had written. "this next cd is going to be the best one yet!" pete proclaimed "right hemmy?" he asked his loyal pet bulldog, knowing full well that he wouldn't get a response. "hemmy?" pete asked and turned to see the spot where his pet was lying was now empty. pete rolled onto his back and sat up searching the surrounding area for his 'missing' pet. pete spotted hemingway just in time to see him sniffing around a tall skinny man standing near the edge of the meadow.
"ryan?" pete asked confused as he saw his friend the guitarist for the band painc! at the disco. pete stood now, confused as to what in the world ryan ross would be doing out in a meadow with him. "ryan" pete said again as he took a step towards the younger man. ryan turned to look at pete he was adorned in black pants and a tight red jacket with a large gold clock hanging around his neck. "what are you flava flav?" peter asked jokingly, ryan said nothing only gave pete a passing glance as he looked down to the clock that adorned his chest. "is this the time?!" he asked surprised "i'm sorry, i must be on my way! i'm late! i'm late! for a very important date!" ryan cried before taking off at full speed towards the edge of the meadow with hemingway at his heels.
pete stood in shock for a moment at the unusual behavior of the young rockstar, before he remembered that hemingway was following ryan! "hemmy, no! heel boy!" he yelled to the dog. when hemingway showed no signs of stopping pete sighed and began to chase after the dog who was chasing after the boy, pete continued chasing ryan and hemingway until pete finally had them in his sights. he watched as ryan stopped infront of what looked like a small rabbits hole dug into the earth. "ha caught you know ryan" pete began as he stopped to catch his breath "you'll never fit in there" he laughed.
ryan was the type of boy who liked to prove people wrong, and he did just that to pete by squeezing his thin frame down the blackness of the rabbit hole. "the hell?" pete said as he stared at the hole unblinkingly, refusing to believe that the young man had fit. he probably would've kept on staring had it not been for hemingway's barking. pete looked down at the dog just in time to see him too fall down into the abyss of the hole. "hemmy!" pete cried for once hoping that the pooch would listen to him, but unlike most people these days hemingway didn't and proceeded with a leap down into the hole. pete of course being the responsible pet owner that he was leaped after him without a second thought and he too fell into the darkness.
see told you it was short! XD in case people don't know here's the guys in the story so far:
the cast:
mr. pete wentz as alice

mr. ryan ross as the white rabbit

hemingway as himself

another pretty short post
~redmoonchick~ |
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