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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
this knife has never been so kind
mood: undecided
listening to: sooner or later- breaking benjamin/ my brother playing my ds
currently: want to be the girl of his dreams
pimpage: em0taku (phone buddy), detectivedanielle (monkey lover), deadxonxarrival (professional stumpha), hoaryu (niisan), destinyssweetman (twin), shadowme (addicted), knight edge (pevry sage/yaoi star) <--he's going to kill me for that.
Redmoonchick Responds:
knight edge: riiiiiiiiiight not yaoi, i totally believe that. j/k
em0taku: well sorry i didn't call you last night i figured it was too late, but pm me if you wanna talk tonight, excellente now i'm believing that your mexican.
LS: wow an oddly serious comment from you. something i wasn't expecting
wensdayskitten: i hate playing that level! it makes me sad when i do bad. oh i know about the elite beat diva's if that was the secret you were refering to
hylian: hey what's that suppose to mean? danny is just a friend.
elvesatemyramen: holy cow, i don't think i'll ever be able to beat your comment record
xgiaXgrotesquex: did i spell that right? oh well. i don't really name my poems. i probably should. glad you liked it though.
deadxonxarrival: aaya is there nothing you can't do?
angel zakuro: platonic late night talks with danny. thank you for the poem compliments! but no fear i am not empty
shadowme: oh really? and what did this life changing pm say? oh yeah i talked to him on the telly (why am i british all the sudden) well the poem does have a subject but i'll never tell.
tohmalover14: yeah my family doesn't think he's my boyfriend but it still didn't stop my mom from listening to part of the convo.
kirbysdouble: i think you are the most awesomest person alive! *huge hugs*
my subject line happens to be the last line of one of danny's poem's my favorite one. oh and thanks to kirbysdouble for going back and commenting on an older post and breaking my old comment record! *hugs him* my new comment record is 28. i am going out of my mind! i can't go to school again today. grrr, that man is taking far too long to fix the van. my mom called him yesterday and he said that it wasn't quite ready yet but it would be on wednesday. so we should be getting the van back today...hopefully. i'm getting really mad because i need to go to school and also for poor danny's sake. i just want to go to school, but not my bro he's more then happy to be staying home day after day. *sigh* i think i should be in school by thursday. the reason i think it's taking so long is because what we thought was wrong with the van wasn't wrong and it was something else instead. stupid piece of crap van.
my mom got a ride home from work today from the guy that she wants me to go out with. he didn't come inside luckily because i looked awful. XD when i see him again i want to make a good impression! XD. oh i also got a cool sprint camera phone. my mom was going to buy it from the guy who gave her a ride but he was asking for too much so she didn't buy it. bummed because i really want a camera phone!
my brother and i were playing around in our kitchen and he pushed me into the fridge and knocked off a indian magent like in the shape of a indian warrior. when the magnet fell it's head broke off, now this wouldn't be such a big deal if we had a normal mother but our mom is obsessed with her stuff and she'd get so pissed if she found out that we broke it. so naturally we didn't tell her and instead my brother grabs some glue and we glue the head back on. this was hard because it wouldn't stay and the more the head fell off the more pieces broke off. lol it was pretty funny, so now the stupid head is lopsided and it's so funny looking but i don't think our mom is going to figure it out.
wow i really must not have anything to talk about if i posted that story! XD well i tried to make this really cool thing with this pic of danny and what i was trying to do was put a poem on top of his picture. i did one with the poem i posted yesterday but i made one with one of his poems and it just won't save right! so annoying! i mean when i save it the whole thing loses color and goes introverted black and white. i just don't get why my poem works but his doesn't.
my brother is playing my elite beat agents game and he is getting really mad because he's on the hardest difficulty and he is no where as good as me so he keeps losing. it's funny to watch because he won't give up.
here's that poerty thing i did with the pic of danny

ok so i am done for the day and your all probably happy that my posts aren't so long anymore. XD
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