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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Thursday, April 19, 2007
this is a love note in my own way
mood: joyous
listening to: heroes-shinedown
currently: want to be everything to him
pimpage: em0taku (future rock star), detectivedanielle (donkey kong), deadxonxarrival (mastermind), destinyssweetman (twin), hoaryu (niisan), knight edge ( porn star/pervy sage), shadowme (danny's future paparazzi), angel zakuro (top model buddy)
Redmoonchick Responds:
knight edge: crap now you have a vendetta against me? well at least don't reveal that secret you know. *prays*
alex: woot! i have my own cheering section! go me! lol aww well if you think my post is interesting then that's good enough for me!
em0taku: i'm coming back so rejoice and now you can't make me feel bad. of course you would like the pic, it's you. j/k
wensdayskitten: yup i know about the girl characters so don't worry no secrets spilt here.
LS: hope i didn't offend you with the sinner thing. didn't mean anything by it.
hylian88: do i really talk about him like that? i think we should take a vote or something. danny is just a very good friend.
niisan: yeah i would probably do more damage then good if i tried to fix anything XD even after i took shop.
roseeyes: lol there's been a pic of danny in my profile the whole time XD, oh well your not the only one here to think he's cute.
detectivedanielle: that's all i get? well thanks pm me later and i'll tell you more about it.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: i missed you! *glomps*
x giaXgrotesquex: lol yeah but if danny is my model technically i should be paying him. XD
tohmalover14: well i'm sure my posts will get long again *readers groan* ahem once i go back to school i should have more to talk about. hey i don't care if your comments are short or long doesn't matter to me.
deadxonxarrival: aaya no! don't go gangsta on me! stay away from the darkside!
angel zakuro: zomg did you watch top model? jael...T-T
emily sadako: it's ok a barely knew those ones! lol go you!
shadowme: that poem wasn't about danny....really it wasn't. ok no seriously it wasn't. lol preppy danny hurts my brain.
huzzah! the van she is fixed! that means i get to go to school today! wow never thought i'd be so excitied to go to school. but i am cause i get to see danny again and i've missed him like crazy. (in a friend sort of way) i wasn't going to talk about getting the van fixed because i was going to walk into school tomorrow and surprise danny. but i didn't want to upset him so i am coming to school, he shall be alone no more.
the stupid mechanic tried to keep our van one more day and my mom had to take off work today so that she could go and get it. the man called and said the van was done but we didn't have a way to get it so my mom called my cousin and she came to get her and my brother and they went to get the van along with my cousins two kids. i was in the shower so i didn't go. i was out by the time my mom and bro got back along with my cousins six year old daughter porsha, who i guess is my second cousin.
man are six year olds annoying, usually i can handle kids in fact i love little kids but i don't know man my porsha is insane. i had to ride to the store with her in the back seat and she was acting like a dog and trying to bite me. i swear she's so hyper. then we got to the store and she wanted to ride in one of those little car shaped carts which are insanely hard to steer! ugh then she was grabbing everything and she wanted weird stuff like a toothbrush and deorderent. so i quickly abandoned my mom and the girl and walked around the store but i eventually came back and porsha almost knocked over one of those stands that was holding some medicine but i grabbed it before it fell but then it was lopsided. i was went to get her a book to look at and she wouldn't walk right so she made me pull her along. i'm almost sure people in the store thought i was her mom, that happens to me a lot so i guess i have a motherly feel to me. later we went to my grandma's house and when we were leaving porsha wouldn't walk so i had to carry her. we dropped her off and i was so glad and i also got to see my adorable second cousin jordan who is two.
i had another late night talk with danny. i pm'ed him last night to ask if he was up and he told me to call him so i did. we had another good conversation, though danny was tired and singing quite a bit, but it's ok cause i was eating and he isn't a bad singer so it wasn't horrible or anything. sorry to everyone who might have read about this on his post yesterday. i dunno i like talking to him on the phone, it's fun and he's a good talker.
we had a small scare a moment ago. my seven month old kitten yuki was missing all day and we couldn't find him so were all freaking out saying he got outside and that he's probably dead. well i told my mom to check under my dresser and sure enough we found the little idiot. so thankfully he's ok.
it is thursday so here is the second short chapter of "wentz in wonderland" summary incase you don't know: it's alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist. characters in the story can be found below the chapter.
"wentz in wonderland"
chapter two:
chapter two: don't listen to talking doorknobs
pete wentz always imagined what death would feel like, but he never imagined anything like this. he was falling through a seemingly never ending darkness. the same darkness that had swallowed up ryan ross and hemingway, but pete couldn't see either of the aformentioned party, hell in the darkness he could barely see his own hand inches away from his face.
pete began to wonder if maybe seeing ryan and his dog were just his imaginations way of leading him into death, and the more he thought about it the more it seemed reasonable. he must've died out in that meadow while working on those lyrics that were now useless, sure that was probably it. maybe he had a heart attack? or was mobbed by a group of fangirls and torn to bits? pete hoped for the latter because he was sure no one else had ever died that way.
before pete could go on wondering morbidly about how he had died the darkness stopped. and suddenly pete wasn't falling but floating downwards. the reason for the sudden floating was that the wind had caught pete's hoodie and had puffed it open much like a parachute. pete eased his way down until he saw walls surounding him, the walls held knick knacks and other things that weren't too important to pete at the moment. pete had somehow gone upside down and landed with a small thud on the floor of a long tunnel.
a flash of red caught pete's eye and he looked up to see ryan was standing only a few feet away from him. "ryan" pete called out to his friend hoping to get some anwsers as to where the hell they were and what ryan was late for, but it looked like those answers would have to wait as ryan once again proclaimed he was late and took off down the tunnel. "ross, stop running away dammit!" pete yelled as he scrambled to get up and chase after the young guitarist, his own words echoing back at him in the tunnel.
he found himself once again chasing after ryan through this unknow world. pete could see that they were heading into a an empty looking room with a large wooden door and little else. ryan reached the door first and proceeded through it with little ease, "does he seriously think he can hide behind a door?" pete wondered as it was he was drawing closer to the seemingly normal door. pete was so preoccupied by his thoughts that he didn't notice the door getting smaller and smaller. when pete finally reached the door he noticed that it was now barely large enough to fit his head.
pete stood in disbelief for a moment before his anger took over him. "what the hell is this place?" pete asked no one in paticular so he was surprised when he got an anwser. "this is wonderland" the male voice echoed around the nearly empty room.
pete whipped around quickly. his dark eyes scanning every inch of the odd room for any sign of the mystery voice. "who said that?" pete asked as he realized that there was no one in the room with least that he could see.
"it was me" he heard the voice again this time much closer. pete looked down to see the copper doorknob was the one speaking to him. "what the hell? your a doorknob you can't talk!" pete exclaimed at the now alive doorknob. "well you can't play the bass" the doorknob retorted back. pete forgot his 'i must be dead' theory and instead created a new one the 'i'm dreaming' theory, because only in his twisted dreams could he be insulted by a doorknob.
"whatever" pete began as he ignored the doorknob's insult. "listen i want to get through this door can you help me?" pete said never thinking in all his life that he'd ever be asking a doorknob for help. "just go through it?" was all the cocky doorknob replied, "hello, my head won't even fit", "that's because you have a huge ego" the doorknob insulted him once more. "dammit are you going to help me or not?" pete asked. the doorknob let out an exasperated sigh. "there on the table behind you there's a bottle labeled 'drink me' do what it says", "what table? there was no table in this room." pete said turning around his jaw dropped when he saw a metal table sat there with a small bottle of purplish fluid labled drink me.
"stupid materializing table" pete mumbled as he marched over to the table. he grabbed the bottle and eyed it wearingly before swigging most of it down. almost instantly pete could feel himself shrinking down until he was just the right size for the door. pete stood proudly and walked to the door before turning the handle and giving a good pull. the door failed to open, pete tried again with a bit more force but still the door wouldn't budge.
"what's going on?" pete asked the doorknob. "oh did i forget to mention that i'm locked?" the doorknob asked and pete felt his hands twist into fists. "so now what where is the key?" pete asked. "up there on the table" pete's mouth dropped open and he growled a bit. "i'm too small to carry that key now. so any other idea's?" he asked the doorknob. "there is a box of cookies on the table as well eat one and you'll grow large again" the doorknob told him. pete turned "i hate this place" he said as he made his way back to the table.
somehow pete had managed to climb up to the table and he proceeded to eat a cookie. instantly his body grew large, too large and he found himself cramped inside the room. now frustrated pete felt his eyes prick with tears at the thought of spending an eternity with a talking doorknob. pete cried and his huge tears filled the room. "you idiot drink the remaining fluid and shrink back down!" the doorknob cried. pete did as he was told and gulped down the liquid, again he shrank and again he was too small, so small infact that he slipped down into the empty bottle and floated right out the doorknob's mouth on his ocean of tears. "saved by an ocean of tears? doesn't get more emo then that" pete laughed to himself.
pete wentz as alice

ryan ross as the white rabbit

~redmoonchick~ |
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