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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Friday, April 27, 2007
blame everyone but me for this mess
mood: nervous/dreading
listening to: thriller-fall out boy
currently: want to skip third hour tomorrow
pimpage: detectivedanielle (mostly likely to adopt a asian baby), deadxonxarrival (most likey to marry patrick stump), shadowme (most like to stalk/kidnapp danny), xgiaXgrotesquex (most like to be the worlds most famous stripper), hoaryu (most likey to burn down the JC), knight edge (most likey to get arrested for public indecency), destinyssweetman (most likey to win best brother award),
Redmoonchick Responds:
wensdayskitten: new chapter of "wentz in wonderland" is going up today.
roleni-chan: can i start calling you mommy roleni? lol j/k i am so rooting for brittany
alex: starry eyed is good ^-^
kirbysdouble: well i am feeling better now
angel zakuro: no, i haven't noticed that but i'll look for it next time
hoaryu: well one never knows what he'll do
emily sadako: yup, my school was mostly empty too but hey i'm not complaining
aaya: lol i was totally gonna say that your andy too! XD lol i want to do the patrick dance where it looks like he's having a seizure! thanks for telling me i'm intense. no one is as gangsta as aaya.
shadowme: your the good kind of groupie. the kind the musician marries XD well once upon a time he told me that he was going to stop being mean to girls...once upon a time was too long ago.
LS: fall out boy combined with naruto....i like it.
i went to school yesterday though i almost didn't. my brother didn't want to go because it was take your child to work day. i said we needed to go. we were arguing about it for so long that we ended up being 15 minutes late for school. but hey at least i went. danny wasn't there but it wasn't a surprise or anything i knew he wouldn't be there today. i'm pretty sure he'll be there tomorrow. if he is then it will be the first time we will talk face to face since tuesdays unpleasentness. really i'm hoping for the best tomorrow but i'm expecting the worst.
well school yesterday was boring. not that many people were around but i had an ok time. i wasted first and second hour by finding pics of for tonights post and also by wikipediaing fall out boy and other bands and filling my head with overall useless knowledge. third hour was fundraising for the yearbook and someone came up with the great idea of filming a commercial. ugh that is so not what i want to do. and someone came up with a greater idea of having us dress like gangstas. i do not want to be in this commercial but my teacher said i have to because i need to open up and she said that everyone would love to see me dress gangsta. mostly because i am so not stereotypically like that so people really want to see me with a grill and bling bling. i am considering skipping third hour. it was weight day in yoga where we work out with weights. i worked my ass off! man i was hurting so bad. fifth hour was fun because it was an easy assignment and because this senior was being so freaking funny. i couldn't stop cracking up. sixth hour i watched this tv show about caves and the creatures inside of them.
i got a message from my friend danielle and she said she wants to see a movie after school today. i told her ok but then my mom picked me up and i found out that i have a doctor's appointment tomorrow right after school. it's for an ultrasound. the kind where i can't go to the bathroom before it. i hate those ones so much. i can probably still hang with danielle but it might have to be later. she wanted danny to come too but i don't see that happening.
oh i heard the fall out boy song "thks fr th mmrs" on the radio today! it was so cool cause i love that song so much. i just hope they don't burn it out. it's funny i heard them say the song and i was like "oh my god!" i screamed it and i scared my mom she said she thought i saw something in the road. lol i guess i'm excitable. what's funnier is that the song was on as i was typing this paragraph.
alright i got chapter three of "wentz in wonderland" for you guys so i hope you enjoy. it's not very long. and i really like this chapter! as always character bio's are beneath the chapter. if you don't know the basis of the story is "alice in wonderland" with a fall out boy twist.
"wentz in wonderland"
chapter three: the way brothers recite poetry but not as good as me
after finally escaping the boring room with the rude doorknob. pete washed up somewhere outside, he climbed out of the bottle not bothering too much to wonder how any of what just happened made any sense at all. pete was just thankful to be on the now damp earth again.
he surveyed his surroundings and saw nothing but lots of green earth that streched farther then he could see. pete heard a noise from behind him he whipped around thinking that maybe it was ryan finally ready to give him some anwsers, but he should've know by now that in this wonderland what he thinks is never right.
instead of seeing ryan like he wanted he saw a group of strange animals the main one being the once thought extinct dodo bird. pete noticed that the dodo and the other animals surrounding it were all dripping wet persumably from the ocean of tears that had just passed by. pete thought for a moment about asking the animals if they had seen ryan. he actually considered this until he realized that animals don't talk, hell i just had a conversation with a doorknob. i might as well give this a shot. pete thought before clearing his throat and stepping up towards the animals.
"hey any of you guys seen a kid wearing a clock?" pete asked the group of soggy animals. the dodo gave pete a queer look as if he didn't know what in the world pete was saying. pete gave a heavy sigh and looked away from the group deciding to start looking for ryan on his own. before pete could take off and begin to explore he felt the scruff of his hoodie being grabbed. he turned just enough to see the beak of the dodo holding him firmly in place.
"what? i didn't do anything! if this is about that whole extinct thing...well i'm sorry about that" pete told the bird. his makeshift apology seemed to do the trick as the bird released him. pete fixed his clothes and turned back to look at the animals. they had formed a line as if they were at a starting line. "race" the bird quipped out. "excuse me?" pete asked dumbfounded that the bird could in fact talk. "we race' the bird said again but this time it too went to stand in the line along with his commrades.
"well that's just great." pete began with fake enthusiasim, "but i'm awfully busy so i'll just be going now" pete said as he tried to make his escape from the odd creatures. before he could get too far the dodo once again seized him on the arm this time. "you race, caucus race" the bird told him. pete not fully knowing what the word caucus meant finally gave up and went to stand in line with the animals. the dodo too took a spot they all stood there for a moment before the dodo suddenly yelled go.
pete was off running half heartedly he didn't really want to get lost here in this new world, but on the other hand these animals were the only contact he had in this world. pete continued running chasing after the surprisingly quick animals and thankful for his years as a soccer player. he probably would've kept following had he not caught a glimpse of red. pete stopped while the animals continued on. "ryan?" pete questioned as he followed the glimpse. pete was right it was ryan, he was standing just outside of a glade surrounded by a thick forest. ryan ran into the glade and pete followed.
pete emerged into the secluded clearing but saw no ryan. "dammit! how does he keep getting away from me?" pete asked outloud. "he's like a rabbit" he heard a voice say, "like a great white rabbit" a second voice added. pete whirled around the clearing looking everywhere for the two oddly familar voices. great more mystery voices! last time it was a doorknob what is it this time? a damn lamp? pete wondered.
"who are you and where are you for that matter?" pete asked wondering if he'd get an anwser and even if he did get an anwser would he even like it? before pete could do much of anything else two figures came bounding out of the woods surrounding the clearing. the two figures stood in front of pete arm in arm and bouncing excitedly on theirt heels.
"i should've perdictided this" pete mutter to himself as he saw the faces of the mystery men. "hi i'm gerard or tweedle gee!" the first pale dark haired man exclaimed "and" began the younger also dark pale man next to him "i am mikey or tweedle M" pete wondered why in the hell gerard and mikey way the two brothers from the band my chemical romance were doing in a place like this. he was tempted to ask the two brothers a million questions but he settled on a simple one instead.
"have you guys seen ryan ross?" pete asked, still determined to find and get anwsers out of ryan. "the white rabbit is too busy too play" gerard said as he began to slowly circle around pete "he's not a rabbit" pete griped "hey calm down petey take life come what may" mikey said as he followed gerard in the circle path they were making around peter. "oh cute. your rhyming" pete said sounding none too pleased with the nonsense the way brothers were causing.
"would you have us say something else?" gerard asked as he came back into pete's view before promptly continuing his path around pete "lyrics maybe?" mikey chimed in. the two brothers made their way back around to stand infront of pete. they gave each other a slight glance and smirk before gerard stepped out and offered pete his hand "shall we dance,dance?" he asked before breaking down into a series of giggles accompanied by mikey's laughter.
pete sighed even though he was finding the way brothers antics entertaining. "listen i'd love to stay and chat but do you think you guys can help me find ryan?" "he's in the carpal tunnel of love" mikey said as he jumped on gerards back. pete let out a deep sigh, it was obvious that he was going to get no help from these two. "well guys i'd love to stick around but i have a emo boy to catch" "don't we all" gerard muttered. pete grinned and nodded to the siblings before heading off into the direction he thought he saw ryan go.
"thanks for the memories!" he heard mikey and gerard call to him and he laughed again.
the cast:
pete wentz: as alice

gerard way: as tweedle dee

mikey way: as tweedle dum

i might update saturday but if not i hope you guys have a great weekend!
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