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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Thursday, May 3, 2007
i'm every cliche but i simply do it best
mood: pleased
listening to: alone-prom kings
currently: glad danny is ok
pimpage: em0taku (he belongs in hollywood), detectivedanielle (captain kirk stole her dance), aayaownsyew (supahhero), shadowme (she's fourteen now), october (she loves the strippers), hoaryu (best niisan evah), knight edge ( he's a very good listener), destinyssweetman (so sweet he notifyes me when fall out boy was mentioned on tv), tohmalover14 (she's a werewolf!)
Redmoonchick Responds:
knight edge: you were worried about me? awww *feels loved* i'm alright now.
alex: thank you for the prayers as always i appreciate it.
october: danny is home now at least that's what he told me. come on we all know you kick it kinky.
LS: you would have my undying adoration if you made that pic. hey don't snicker at me! i did not snicker at you when you told us you had fuzzy brown bear slippers! XD
shadowme: if you think that pic is purdy check the ryro one. *grin*
wensdaykitten: yeah i'm not doing anymore tagging either
roseeyes: lmao i laughed at your comment for a good minute!
angel zakuro: i knew britt would go home! wah she went crazy in the challenge! now i'm rooting for dion (sp?)
niisan: maybe you can have k-chan dress up as pikachu? o.0 i better stop before both of you kill me.
lalagirl: being embaressed infront of the whole school? not fun.
tohmalover14: ha ha you agreed! now we are peterick fans. *evil laugh*
aayaownsyew: lmao i keep typing your old name! no your not tagged. i didn't tag anyone else this time. soon you'll own all of myo!
well i didn't go to school again yesterday. for about the same reasons. it all had to do with my grandma being in the hospital but no worries because i am going to school tomorrow and better news my grandma is also getting out of the hospital tomorrow. i actually wanted to go to school yesterday but alas it wasn't to be. more good news. i got a message from danny on the old myspace and he said that he's home now. that's great because i was worried about him. so hopefully i will see him at school tomorrow.
i think maybe my friend danielle is mad at me about what happened last weekend. how my mom changed her mind about letting me go to the movies with her. i explained my situation to her but she still seems a bit upset and i don't blame her i would probably be mad too, but theres not a lot i can do.
my mom came home from work and told me that the guy she wanted me to go out with told her to tell me to call him. yeah i don't think so. i don't even know the guy! what would we talk about? also i learned that he might have gotten a girl pregnant before but he doesn't know if it's his kid. yeah, i don't think i want to be involved in any babies mama drama. kinda sucks because he had the makings to be an ok boyfriend.
i saw fall out boy on the tonight show. they played "thks fr th mmrs" <--if you haven't heard this song listen to it! it's so good! their performance was awesome except that their guitar player joe now is rocking a beard and he looked totally hippieish. he doesn't look so awesome. patrick was really cute with his bowler hat and pete with his genral hottness and andy with his long hair. fall out boy = happy redmoonchick.
i made it to everyone who commented on my site today. so i am pleased about that. i am going to school today so i'm sure i'll be able to hit a lot of you up.
now ladies and gents it's time for a new chapter of "wentz in wonderland" if your new the series is basically alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist. i hope you guys like it. it's not too short and as always character bio's are located after the story.
"wentz in wonderland"
chapter four: cupcakes and gender confusion
after escaping the insane wonderland versions of the way brothers. pete was basically wandering aimlessly in a direction he thought he saw ryan go. he continued to wander not really knowing where he was going, but it's not like it was the first time he ever wandered aimlessly in a unknow place.
by this time pete was moving only by habit. his thoughts lost somewhere far away. pete thought about what would happen if he never got out of wonderland. before he could think too much on the subject he felt himself stumble and he came out of his thoughts just in time to watch himself fall down the side of a small hill. pete couldn't regain his footing and proceeded to tumble down the hill until he at last landed shaken and dirty at the foot of the hill.
pete groaned and stood before dusting himself off. he looked ahead of him and saw a large two story house before him. "that's weird" pete said outloud as he made his way towards the house. "maybe whoever lives here will know where to find ryan" pete thought. peter didn't have to wonder for very long. as he passed through the gate and into the front yard of the house he was a small sign stuck in the yard. the white rabbit was all the sign read and pete's hopes shot up that maybe this was ryan's house.
pete practically dashed full speed to the front door before knocking excitedly. he waited bouncing on his heels excited at the prospects of getting out of wonderland. when no one anwsered pete knocked again harder thid time. it was only a few moments before the wooden door was pulled open and sure enough there stood ryan ross in all his glory.
"ryan!" pete exclaimed both pleased at finding the young guitarist and upset at the chase he put him through. "your late. come inside." ryan told pete, pete nodded and followed ryan into the house. ryan led pete through the living room to the kitchen. "ryan. what's going on? do you know how to get back to the real world? i-" pete was cut off by a glaring ryan. he adjusted the clock he was wearing. "belinda go and fetch me my gloves" ryan told pete. pete was confused "belinda? whose belinda?" pete asked ryan. "you, you idiot. your my maid belinda! now go and fetch me my gloves!" ryan shouted and for such a scrawny kid he could sure yell loud.
"i'm not your maid! and i'm sure as hell not a girl!" pete yelled back. ryan gave him a puhleeze kind of look "you could've fooled me" ryan deadpanned. pete snorted "right this coming from the girliest guy in the world" pete shot back. "oh? are you looking in a mirror?" ryan retorted. pete grumbled as upset that ryan didn't remember him and upset that his one last hope for getting out of this wretched place was now gone.
ryan had walked away from pete still demanding that pete fetch his gloves. pete didn't even know where to begin looking for the stupid gloves so he still stood dumbly in the kitchen. pete suddenly realized that he was extreamly hungry his stomache growling at him. he shrugged and figured that if he was going to search for ryan's gloves then at least ryan owed him a meal. pete's eyes scanned the shiny blue countertop before his eyes caught something he knew he couldn't resist.
a cupcake sat on the counter just begging to be eaten. pete knew that in wonderland the chances were good that this was no ordinary cupcake but he still couldn't resist. he rushed over to the sweet treat and devoured it in two bites. feeling oddly full after his one cupcake pete left the kitchen to search for the missing gloves that ryan was adamant about finding. pete went into a spare room and opened a chest looking for the gloves. "ugh i don't feel so well" pete mumbled to himself as he peered into the chest. "why the hell is this thing getting smaller?" peter wondered as the chest became smaller and smaller.
by the time pete realized what was happening he had already grown too large. pete's arms and legs broke through the holes where the houses windows once were. pete's head had busted through the roof and he could now see the entire west side of wonderland. pete could also a very shocked, very pissed looking ryan ross in his front yard. "a monster! someone help! a monster has destroyed my house!" ryan shouted "i'm not a monster" pete bellowed back. ryan didn't listen and instead continued screaming bloodly murder.
eventually some help came to ryan's aid. pete sighed as he saw what had come to help ryan. the same stupid dodo that had made pete race. "it is a monster!" the dodo screeched "but i can help!" it proclaimed "bill!" it called. "who the hell is bill?" pete asked. seconds later a green lizard with a pushbroom on his back showed up in front of the house. "i have an idea" bill began "we tear the roof off!" he proclaimed before scurrying up the side of the house and sliding down into the chimney. bill slipping into the chimney caused some dark black soot to rise up right into pete's face.
before he could do anything to stop it pete sneezed and blew the chimney and bill sky high. "sorry bill" pete yelled. "now what?" ryan asked exasperated. "i have one more idea" the dodo said as he rushed inside ryan's house. he came out moments later with pleanty of broken furniture. "we smoke it out" the dodo excalimed. "oh shit." pete was no scienctist but even he knew that this couldn't end well. the dodo continued smashing and breaking many of ryan's posessions much to ryan's objections. before anyone could stop it the dodo had lit a small fire and pete knew he would die if he didn't get out. glancing around pete spotted a vegtable garden to his right praying that his idea work he grabbed a carrot and ate it.
in mere seconds pete had shrunk back down to about three inches small. "great tiny again" pete grumbled. he made his way out of the burning house just in time to see ryan had once again taken off in a run. pete chased after him for what felt like the hundreth time. "that kid must like the chase" pete sighed as he followed ryan.
pete wentz as alice

ryan ross as the white rabbit

i couldn't resist. happy belated birthday gift shadowme!
for that picture i feel bad for the guys
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