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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Thursday, May 10, 2007
i steal all my subject lines from pete wentz
mood: considerably better then last nights
listening to: damn regret-red jumpsuit apparatus
currently: yelling at the television
pimpage: em0taku (he's a good person really he is), detectivedanielle (she infects me with her music), aayaownsyew (see her at the country fair), shadowme (she's panicing at the disco), october (i'll miss her T-T), hoaryu (he really knows how to act like a brother), knight edge (knightly chess playing villan), tohmalover14 (damn regret), destinyssweetman (twin)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: it's your pirate avi! it tricks me into thinking of you as a pirate. i go to class three times a week! not my fault when danny is so very convincing.
playitbakinslomo: lol your comment sounded exactly like my reasoning of the whole situation
LS: i don't think your one of the people he's thinking of about the insults
wensdayskitten: yeah when i get frustrated i ponytail the hair too.
kirbysdouble: things went from okay to bad to okay again. oh geeze we so don't like each other.
hells light: yeah when i skip class i don't actually leave the school. XD
claes: i am a ninja!
tohmalover14: yeah i think danny does read my comments. ha ha i am so listening to damn regret as i type this!
angel zakuro: ok i misread lol but so did danny. he pointed it out to me. we were like o.o XD. i so think renee is going to win. even though i don't really want her too.
cosmicsailor: no, your good. i don't think you've insulted him.
shadowme: your poems aren't what he was complaining about. you don't have to stop writing anything or talking about him because lord knows i don't want you to die! ^-^
aaya: yep, you've been a good aaya lately. now we all just need to convince danny that we don't think he's really a whore. yup danny wears glasses sometimes. they make him look more emoish but i like them. maybe i should see if he'll put a pic up of him in his glasses. i am on team wentz you is now meh enemy. lol
my subject line is because i was talking to my friend and they said that all i steal all my subject lines from mr. pete wentz from fall out boy. hey that's not true i just use his lyrics as lines. it's more like i'm renting them XD i don't always use fob lyrics as subject lines. yesterday i used red jumpsuit apparatus lyrics and i've also used different ones in the past.
i didn't go to school yesterday. bad i know. the reason is oh so stupid too but it's my mommy's fault. when we got up to get ready for school we had this horrible rainstorm going on. it was lightining and thunder and so loud. well my mom didn't want to drive in the storm so she said no school. but i must admit that sleeping during a storm is absolutely awesome. i woke up later then i should have and found out that danny called me while he was in fifth hour. i don't know why he called because i never called him back. i don't think i'm going to call him anymore because most likely he doesn't want to talk to me. oh well. i'll see him at school today.
i am a little sad today because one of my dear myo friends xgiaXgrotesquex left the myo. she left for her own reasons but for some reason i can't help but feel guilty like i attributed to her leaving...oh well i seriously wish her the best in her life and hope that she is happy. and i will miss her.
i was standing by my window earlier today and i have a lilac bush right by the window so the wonderful aroma of lilacs flooded my room and it was just lovely. i looked later out the window and saw butterflies on the lilacs like five of them and i was surprised because i never see butterflies around. obviously by the butterfly talk it should be obvious that i have absolutely nothing to talk about.
i still need to buy a yearbook at school. i don't know how the other kids in year book manage to do it but they always take a picture of me with my chin down and i hate pics like that! urg how do they use their ninja skills on me? i like the year book anyway's lol in one of my brother's pics he looks so stoned! there is another where danny looks emo and a few where my face is all red. oh well i'm sure i won't care looking back at those pics ten years from now or whatever.
ok time for the newest installment of "wentz in wonderland" if your new this fic is dedicated to shadowme because she wanted me to write a small short version but i made a series out of it. it is basically alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist. as always characters bio's are after the fic.
"wentz in wonderland"
chapter five: singing flowers and master hurley
pete raced after ryan still chasing him through the strange wonderland. he would probably be able to catch him if he hadn't been three inches tall. before he realized he had once again lost track of ryan. he continued on until he saw gigantic colorful shoots before him. "what now?" pete wondered outloud as he approached the once giant shoots. the shoots had now shrunk down to about the same size as pete and he realized that they were flowers.
"flowers" pete said outloud expecting no response but again he had yet to figure in the rules of wonderland. "yes, were flowers" a soft airy voice replied. pete looked to his right to see a violet talking to him. pete was only a bit surprised by the talking flowers and he guessed that maybe he was getting used the creatures of wonderland. "uh-hi" was all pete managed to say as he was unsure of what type of things one talks to flowers about.
"hello" the violet said cheerfully. when pete said nothing else the flower took it upon itself to talk more with him. "welcome to the garden" it said. "the garden?" peter wondered outloud. he scanned his surroundings and saw a bevy of flowers all surrounding him. "come on" the violet instructed "let's go in" it said as it wrapped it's leafy hand around his wrist and pulled him inside.
instantly all sorts of flowers had surrounded them. each flower had taken on an almost human like apperance. their leaves had changed into something like hands and their roots now makeshift feet. the flowers had made their way around him their eyes watching him.
"we should sing for him!" one flower suggested.
another nodded "yeah that's a good idea!".
"what should we sing about?" a daisy asked
"hmmm i got it what about if we sing about what kind of flower he is!" a lily annouced.
"yeah that's a great idea!" a few flowers in the back agreed.
the violet that stood next to pete turned to face him "so what kind of flower are you?" it asked.
pete wasn't sure what to say. the flowers had all decided things so fast and he still wasn't sure about anything. he didn't even know how the they mistaked him for a flower. he didn't have leaves or petals. pete decided to go the honest route and tell them that he wasn't a flower. "um funny thing. i'm actually not a flower." pete told the group.
the flowers gasped and began instantly chattering amoung themselves. "he's not a flower?" "then what the heck is he?" he heard them whisper. "maybe he's a weed!" one of the flowers yelled. causing instant terror in the other flowers. "a weed! that must be it! he's a weed!". the flowers yelled at him. "wait everyone will go see master about this" the violet next to pete said. it's words serving to calm down the other flowers. "yeah let's go see master!" the flowers agreed and before pete could say or do anything his arms were grabbed by two flowers and he was dragged away to see this 'master' of the flowers.
the group of flowers lead pete deep into the garden passing other flowers who looked on and whispered to their neighbors. eventually the flowers lead pete to a very leafy looking spot. the flowers holding pete stopped as did any others who had happened to follow the group. the violet that pete had first met stepped up to a huge leaf before bowing down slightly.
"master, we need your assistance" the violet called to the leaf. silence was heard for a few long moments before a sigh was heard "fine pull back the curtains" pete heard a oddly familar voice say. instantly two flowers jumped out and pulled back the leafs that made a makeshift chambers for the master of the flowers. the leaf curtains fell away and the infamous master stepped out for pete to see.
"andy!?!" pete cried as he saw what was once his friend and drummer. now andy wasn't a person but a rose with a human face. needless to say it was one of the scariest things pete had yet to see in wonderland. andy surveyed pete "how did you know my name?" he asked pete as he stood infront of him. what could pete say uh your only one of my oldest friends and not a flower! somehow he figured that it wouldn't work. "i guessed" pete muttered. andy gave him a skeptical look before looking at the flowers holding him.
"what is this about?" andy asked as he paced back and forth. "well master" the violet began "we thought this creature was a flower but he is not and we suspect him to be a weed" it told andy. andy's eyes widened at the word weed. "of course he is a weed! i mean look at him!" andy stated as he gingerly touched pete as if he were diseased ridden or something. "hey, i'm not a weed!" pete protested. "yeah right weeds always say that" andy told the captured pete. "throw him out of the garden!" andy cried. pete tried his best to protest but before he could do anything all the flowers rushed him and tossed him out on his butt out of their garden.
"like i wanted to be a gay flouncy flower anyway!" pete yelled back at them while he stood and dusted himself off. pete didn't really have an idea as to where to go yet. he stood thinking until he saw the smoke rising faintly in the distance. with no where to go pete decided to go in the direction of the smoke hoping that it lead to somewhere kinder then a bunch of mean spirited flowers.
pete wentz as alice:

omg i love this picture of him
andy hurley as the master of the flowers:

this pic is for aaya because she loves andy
~redmoonchick~ |
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