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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Saturday, May 12, 2007
lost in a simple game, cat and mouse are we the same
mood: tired
listening to: seventeen ain't so sweet-red jumpsuit apparatus
currently: wondering why i have bad timing
pimpage: savestheday (secret, secret), em0taku (rest in peace), detectivedanielle (don't judge a book by the cover), aayaownsyew (megzican), shadowme (she shares a nickname with my cat), october (i'm sorry), hoaryu (the next kira), knight edge (the lines are drawn), destinyssweetman (super twin), tohmalover14 (toh-toh)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: i already told you the color
alex: try not to get too grossed out it is nature XD
LS: lmao. i applaude you for knowing the song
hoaryu: well i sleep like that everyday and no one ever bugs me. i didn't know he was coming over
hells light: i haven't seen that movie but i want to
detectivedanielle: wow and i thought i had forgotten about that
roleni: i listen to punk kind of rock or poppy rock. i also listen to some emo stuff and sometimes a few hardcore things oh and alternative and indie and stuff like that.
tohmalover14: every time i type up your comment reponse damn regret plays. it's playing right now. i am scared. you can control my cd player can't you? lol poor peter i'm sure patrick will help him get over it. my door is broken ironiclly by the same kid. XD
shadowme: long is how i roll. no the period convo didn't happen until science class when we were taking evolution notes.*gasp* you angsty? no way really? ^-^
lostchild: pink
moonlessdaemon: yeah it is annoying but i'm not like that. i already knew about rja from my friend danielle. it just took me forever to buy their cd. i feel that way about the band gym class heroes.
school yesterday was really fun! i was tired but we didn't do anything all day. i also realized that i was in the computer lab all day. i was also on the same computer except for sixth hour when my bro stole it. usually i write about my school day in one long paragraph but instead i'm going to try something different.
1st hour: we were in the computer lab. we really didn't do anything. i talked and play fought with danny there was pinching, poking, and grabbing involved and a few kicks here and there. i also drank my berry lemonaid soda. my brother was falling asleep in first hour and danny compared him to a hibernating bear. my brother also told me and danny to turn down the volume on our conversation but he always says that. there was also some drama during first hour involving a myo member but we got that squared away.
2nd hour: myself, danny, and my bro went to my second hour which was ungodly hot. i got permission to be in the lab so i went and hung out with danny and was on the myo again. i can't remember what happened but i'm sure danny and i argued and play fought some more. he also deleted his myo site but then he made a new one. at the end of second hour this guy named jordan wanted us to sign his yearbook so we did. also some of you may remember the annoying kid i was talking about named joel. well he brought his guitar to school and was playing it in the lab. danny really hates this kid dare i say he hates him more then pete wentz. we heard the guitar being played and danny's like "that kid can't play" ha mean. but seriously danny plays so much better. danny also made up fake myspace pages in paint and he made one for our computer teacher.
3rd hour: this was supposed to be yearbook but our teacher was out and we had no sub so i walked all the way downstairs from the computer lab only to be told that i was suppose to be in the computer lab. we were suppose to finish our journalism stories but i finished mine so i took the opportunity to me on the myo and i wrote a poem. i also got on danny's new site because i figured out his password and i gave him a new avi and changed colors and stuff.
4th hour: suppose to be yoga but again the teacher was gone so i tried to skip into danny and my bro's fourth hour but the teacher wouldn't let me so instead i went to the class and we were going to play basketball but i was so not dressed for basketball so the teacher let me hang in the computer lab. we were watching the price is right in the computer lab and i was on myo and some other fall out boy related stuff. danny and my bro ended up coming to the computer lab so we all hung out there and i should danny the poem i wrote and he thought it was about him (it wasn't) he also sang it to me and said it was like something pete wentz would write. he meant it as an insult but i took it as a compliment.
lunch: we couldn't eat where we normally eat so we had to go upstairs to our science teacher's class room. something put me in a bad mood during lunch. but i was over it after a few minutes. danny tried to interogate me over lunch he did the whole cop thing asking me where i was between noon and two pm and i was like school. and he was like how can i believe you? i was like um you were with me. i was sitting up on the table and danny said he was going to train me like a tiger and he was holding a chair by me and telling me to do tricks. it was funny. danny then said he was going to ignore me so i came up to him and grabbed his man boob. my brother told my teacher that he thinks i'm belimic because i haven't been eating recently. he meant it as a joke so no one worry.
5th hour: suppose to be creative writing but we were in the computer lab again. we were suppose to look up facts about our heritage but i got distracted. i was reading questions that fans ask pete wentz. i even asked him a question. it would be cool if he anwsered. i'll probably be in trouble on monday for not doing my work. when i was getting ready for sixth hour danny came to the lab for sixth hour and he was suppose to be leaving early so i wouldn't see him so i was like "bye danny" and he was like "what i don't get a hug?" i was like "do you want one?" and he said "not now" like acting all pretend offended. the guy next to him our friend tim was like "i want a hug!" so i gave him one and danny's like "he gets a hug and i don't?" so i went and gave danny a hug and he was like "rape!" lol it was funny.
6th hour: science my teacher wanted to go outside and play frisbee. i didn't want to go outside because it was way too hot. so she let me go to the yeah you guessed the computer lab. where my bro stole my computer that i had been on all day. he also stole the seat next to danny. i was like "i want to sit next to danny" and danny is all like "awww" so i ended up sitting behind danny and next to jordan. it was ok but jordan has been so weird lately. our computer teacher was watching us all on the myo and printing part of someone's site. danny left early or at least we thought he did. his grandpa was suppose to come and pick him up but danny came back inside the building like fifteen minutes later and he said his grandpa forgot about him, so he had to call his mom.
after school: i was on wikihow for a cerain reason when danny came back in and i closed what i was on and he went on the teachers computer and looked up my history to see i was on like relationships and stuff and he's like "you like me" and i'm like "nope you wrong". then my brother took the teachers computer and took control of my computer and i was pissed because he closed all my windows. so then danny offered to let me hear any song on his ipod so i chose "your gaurdian angel" by red jumpsuit apparatus. i love that song so pretty. and danny was all singing it to me and stuff with dramatic hand gestures and stuff. quite funny. i was going to go to danny's house and hang out with him but he had stuff to do with his mom so maybe next week.
so do you guys perfer the one big paragraph or the several smaller paragraphs? i don't care either way. i just want to entertain you guys. i archived all my wentz in wonderland chapters so far on my other site redmoonchick2 if anyone is interested. after school i took a nap. with pants on this time. then we took my bro to his friends house and while we were driving we saw my best friend sydney walking around. so i stopped and talked to her for a few minutes. she wanted me to spend the night at her house but since it's mother's day weekend i couldn't. we were driving again and then i ran into sydney and my friend greg otherwise know as G and some older readers will remember that i used to have a crush on G but not anymore because he's changed so much. well g and sydney were walking together so i talked to them and sydney told g about the time danny bruised me and g got really mad and wanted to beat danny's ass but i explained the situation but then sydney told g about danny making me cry and he got mad again. i had to go so i couldn't talk to them for long but it was good to see them.
i am proud of myself because all day i have gotten to everyone who updated before 2:00 pm i visited nearly everyone on my list. i'm trying to get better at comment because i feel bad when i don't.
ah i was just watching this thing on tv about rolling stone magazine and they interviewed pete wentz. so effing cool. well mother's day is sunday so i hope all you mom's on here have a good day! i think i'm going to write a loving poem for my mom and maybe make it look all fancy and pretty.
oh and lordsesshomaru made me this awesome picture that came up based on one of his comments

quote of the day:
me: danny, i want to hear you play "your gaurdian angel" on the guitar
danny: i want to hear you play the banjo
everyone have a good weekend!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxo |
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