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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking off her clothes
mood: discouraged
listening to: time to dance-panic! @ the disco
currently: writing like wentz
pimpage: savestheday (brendon urie's site...not really), detectivedanielle (when i say shotgun you say wedding), tim tim (my little brother. go visit him he is lonely), aayaownsyew (she owns the aayanet), shadowme (shadowyou), hoaryu (my niisan), october (kinkay), knight edge (underwear fixation), tohmalover14 (my adopted little sister), angel zakuro (she's going to kill america's next top model), destinyssweetman (he deserves happiness)
Redmoonchick Responds:
mommy roleni: no, i meant to put ol not old my bad.
edge: cheer up emo kid. *hands you popsicle*
alex: you could enter and rap! just kidding don't kill me XD
october: maybe one day you can share your kinky secrets with the masses
danny: you're the only one who said you didn't look like bren-bren. you so do by the way. now if we can get you a top hat and a effiment guitarist you'll be set.
LS: that's what i thought too stupid brendon...i don't think he's old enough to drink
hoaryu: your unicycle sings? ah maybe you should have k-chan ride the unicycle while singing
kirbysdouble: no insulting brendon! he is adorable.
detectivedanielle: don't be ashamed of your invention danielle! be proud. ha ha virtual high five for you because you think danny looks like brendon.
wensdayskitten: your comment about the pics made me giggle insanely. you win.
capricorn-rocker: thanks for the info but i know the members names but good job on informing the masses. btw spencer's last name is smith ha just like mine. we are so secretly related. i like jon walker!
lost child: since you are new to my site i shall put a pic up of danny so you know what he looks like.
aaya: yeah you don't want so seem cocky by naming it after yourself. XD i would vote for you for myo idol. sing fob! ha i thought you or shadowme would like the spencer/ryro pic.
tohmalover14: i put up a pic of danny to remind you.
shadowme: ah we can fix that if we get danny lip injections. ha i agree ryro+facial hair=creepy
for all those people that are new to my site this is danny:

it's a bit small and he looks a little different now but that's him basically. i should get a more recent photo of him.
anyway i went to school yesterday. i was really late though like thirty minutes but it's because my mom and brother are the slowest people alive in the morning! ugh it's frustrating because i'm ready and then i go and wait for them.
1st hour: our teacher decided not to give us any work for the rest of the year so we have a free class period everyday. we were late but most of first hour was spent talking about what my bro did and trolling the myo. also we watched videos on danny's cell phone. it was funny because danny lost his newer cell phone and had to go back to using his older one with a broken screen.
2nd hour: uh i went to eat breakfast in the computer lab with danny and my bro and i just didn't leave when breakfast was over. so of course it took the computer teacher at least five minutes to catch me in there and he asked if i had a pass and i was like yeah and he was all then where is it? and i was like i lost it. he didn't believe me and it didn't help that danny was laughing at my excuse. the teacher told me to go and get a pass i was stalling but he kept forgetting and then yelling at me when he remembered. i did go and get a pass and the teacher said that all the computer teacher had to do was call down to my class and she'd let me stay. i told him that but he still insits i get a pass. i wasn't really working in second hour but i was doing a powerpoint and watching video's about fall out boy. my teacher was asking me about bonnie and clyde the subject of my powepoint and i was making things up it was funny.
3rd hour: my class was assigned new jouranlism stories to write and i am writing about how my sixth hour is going to dissect pigs soon. we also have to write a letter to the editor and my teacher is making us write on the topic of open campus vs. closed campus and she is making me write supporting the close campus side even though i oppose it. i went to danny's class after third hour and walked with him to his fourt hour he also let me read some poems he wrote and i liked them they were good.
4th hour: in yoga we lifted weights i took the three pounders because i was feeling lazy. yoga has been hurting my bad knee. it's my right knee and it's been hurting to walk up the stairs and stuff lately. blah. tomorrow were suppose to play soccer but i'm not sure if i can.
lunch: i bought my yearbook and had people sign it. a senior named jessi wrote a lovely message to me it was so sweet. i told danny i wanted him to sign it and i told him i wanted something heartfelt so he started reciting poetry. i have yet to get him to sign. my brother also retold the story of how that bad thing he did. i also let danny read a poem i wrote awhile ago. and sure enough he read it and was like it's about me. it wasn't but it didn't stop him from thinking that. there was a better poem i wanted him to read but he said i couldn't read my writing so i typed it up.
5th hour: we went upstairs to type up poems and when we got up there i was said to my bro where should we sit and he was like how bout next to danny. i didn't even see him up there! mostly because a teacher was blocking him. i got to sit by him and he was typing up a survey or something and i told him to stay in the computer lab with my class but his teacher wouldn't let him. so he left and a girl took his seat. so he ended up coming back and he had to sit in front of me. he took the poem i was coping and read it and one line said that i was in love and he starts laughing and thinks it's him i'm in love with annoying!
6th hour: i took a test and talked to this guy named kyle about last year and when i used to have a crush on one of his friends. we get to watch the movie deja vu so that will be cool.
after school: danny left early so i didn't see him but i got to sit at the computer with music and listen to the fob song grand theft autum and the timbaland song one and only featuring fall out boy but then me and my bro had to go downstairs to our english teachers room and cut stuff out of magazines.
school is almost over we only have about three weeks left. most people are happy but me not so much. mostly because all the awesome and nice people at the school are graduating and all the stupid people will be left over. also danny isn't coming back to our school next year and i'm worried that i'll never see him again no matter how many times he tells me otherwise. so yeah a bit depressing but i guess i'll deal. i just feel like i haven't had enough time with him and i'm not ready to say goodbye to him and it's sad because sometimes i don't think he feels the same.
anyway here's that poem i told danny to read. i really like it so i hope guys do too.
a million words of happiness echo against the naked walls
their nearly nonexistant by the time they reach me
you're bi-polar at best and i'm paranoid at worst
a decaydence of heartfelt moments watched by all
under the microscope of our lives
silver smoke settles between us and i look at you and i'll never be the same
gentle touches at midnight seep into my skin soaking me and burning you
we're in love but not really
we're talking but not speaking
we're touching but between sheets of oversoft fabrics
you're overexposed and i'm underdressed
this relationship is far from the best
haunted hallways make me hallucienate that we live a better life
broken locks fall into the distance between you and i
you are my muse but then what am i?
sometimes i feel like your only one but then i feel like everyone is before me
you're changing me, making me more like you
i hate you for it but it also makes me love you more
i'm a reflection of you and your losing your identidy
i'll pick up your broken pieces and put you on the shelf
because you deserve to break and i deserve to see you in pieces
ok i didn't get to everyone who commented. i'm sorry i'll try to do better today.
~redmoonchick~ |
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