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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
i thought i loved you it was just how you looked in the light
mood: full
listening to: the (after) life of the party-fall out boy
currently: trying to get used to not being around him in case i never see him again
pimpage: savestheday (in the worst way), detectivedanielle (her nose runs ruby red), deadxonxarrival (she's the mother f-ing p-i-m-p), shadowme (is in love with a look-a-like), october (likes to talk about the weather XD), hoaryu (my handsome niisan), tohmalover14 (i miss toh-toh), knight edge (slave to the ladies), destinyssweetman (he lays beneath trees)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: yea, what can the three of us do together? hmm....rock, paper, scissors!
wensdayskitten: i've never had to dissect anything ever.
lalagirl: i wasn't upset or anything so i hope you didn't take it that way.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: lol the beatles was one of the choices too.
aaya: i think every person gossips girls just do it more. hooray aaya is commenting!
shadowme: i wouldn't have to keep saying that i didn't love him if people didn't keep saying that i did
hello myoers, i did something bad. no, i didn't kill someone or rob a bank but i did miss school. shocking i know. i fully intended on going to school yesterday but as things turned out i only got two hours of sleep and i literally could not wake up yesterday morning. i mean my body just would not get up. so i missed school after i promised danny and myself that i wouldn't. blah.
sorry i couldn't comment yesterday you guys. my brother was being a total dictator minus the tator part. anyway he was controlling the computer and like i said yesterday he was suppose to start a new job today but it turns out that someone else is trying to get his new job so the guy he could be getting the job from said he'd call my bro between eight pm and eleven pm. so if i did get on the net i'd have to get off at eight. i was going to get on and my bro said he wanted to get on and we got in an argument but i managed to get on for an hour. grrrr he is so pissing me off lately acting like he's all better then me and shit.
have you guys ever eaten so much and then got so full that you literally thought you were going to explode? i feel like that right now and i didn't even eat that much, but i did drink a shake so that could be it. i hate feeling to full. it makes me feel like i'm going to die. my tummy hurts.
i am going to school today. i hope danny is there. i don't know if he went yesterday because i didn't talk to him. i hate leaving him alone at school though because of lunch time and he has no one to talk to. i mean at least if he doesn't show up for school i always have my bro to talk to, but if my bro and i aren't there then he has no one and picturing him eating all alone makes me sad. he's a strong boy though so he'll survive.
does anyone watch the show dancing with the stars? i do and i am not ashamed to admit that i was friggen addicted to that stupid show. lol i just felt like mentioning it. i also watched american idol something else i don't normally do. oh also my niisan on the myo (hoaryu) sent me a pic of himself! he is so handsome. don't worry k-chan i'm not trying to steal him :p so now i know what six of my myo friends look like. edge, angel zakuro, aaya, october, hoaryu, and elvesatemyramen <---i don't think i spelt that right. oh well.
at my school the seniors only have about three days of school left and that suks because i talk to a lot of seniors and it seems that i always make friends with the seniors too. last year all my friends were seniors except for one of them. with all the seniors leaving and danny declaring that he isn't returning next year. i'm going to be all alone. gah so not looking forward to that.
the band the academy is... is going to be performing on the talk show late night with conan o' brien tomorrow night. (thursday night) i'm mentioning it now incase i forget. but i think you should all check them out. they are worth it and redmoonchick reccomends them.
picture time!

here's a pic of the lead singer of the academy is.... mr. william beckett
after that photo i'm out of here before the guys attack me.
~redmoonchick~ |
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