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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Thursday, May 24, 2007
you kiss me like an overdramatic actor starving for work
mood: somber
listening to: my heart is the worst kind of weapon-fall out boy
currently: wondering why television shows are against me
pimpage: savestheday (he's in between arms somewhere), detectivedanielle (she'll teach you a lesson for keeping secrets from her), deadxonxarrival (she could gut you on stage), shadowme (try to forget how it feels inside), october (she'll get the job done), knight edge (he's going down, down in an earlier round), hoaryu (he drops hearts and breaks names), tohmalover14 (she'll be your number one with a bullet), destinyssweetman (he's more then you bargained for)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: i'd rank you number one! lol just kidding i don't judge my friends on looks. ha fall out boy force that's my secret weapon.
danny: penis is your favorite word now isn't it.
lalagirl: i actually managed to comment today while i was in class! XD
shadowme: let's all take a moment to stare at mr.beckett
apatheticnote: i drank a coke to keep myself awake yesterday
hey guys, i did go to school yesterday. ironic that the reason i didn't go to school before was because i only got two hours sleep. well yesterday night i only got like twenty minutes of sleep yet i still got up and went. danny was there per usual and it was a good day.
1st hr: played around with danny who was in a really good mood today. i also found out that danny has a new girlfriend because he posted about her on his site and he told me before i read that i was going to get mad. i read it and was like why would i get mad? i don't care. your not anything to me so why should i care? i really don't care. good for him and his girlfriend....i don't know her name this time. dannica or something like that. oh also danny said that he is on a diet now and i swear that kid does not have any fat on him, but i guess he wants to buff up or something. most of first hour was spent goofing around and playing with each other and making fun of my bro who was listening to music and couldn't hear what danny and i were saying.
2nd hr: i got to go to the computer lab and work/hang out with danny. i did more of the latter. i also went through all my old posts from when i first started my myo site. when we were leaving second hour danny and my bro went somewhere and danny left his cell on the desk so i took it and told the computer teacher to tell him that i had it.
3rd hr: i went to my third hour with danny's phone and we ended up going to the computer lab to work on this letter we all had to write and danny was up there so i walked by him and showed him his phone. i couldn't sit with him because my teacher has a rule that we have to sit in certain rows so we're not distracted. i was playing games on his phone and he never got up to get it. this senior girl said danny knew her sister and danny had told me about it during second hour and i asked if he did anything with the girl and he said no but then the senior girl asked if danny kissed her sister and he said yeah. he came and took his phone away from me after that and i asked him why he lied and he said that he didn't want to make me mad. i wasn't though. i finished my work and went and sat with danny and watched him take quizzes.
4th hr: we went outside in 86 degree weather to play soccer. i was wearing a tank top under my black shirt and it was so hot that i had to take off my black shirt but i was still self concious about wearing the tank top because of my arms. i also got a wicked sun burn on my chest and arms but oh well i'll live. soccer wasn't too bad today. my team won the game.
lunch: lunch we talked about really really stupid stuff like what if the world was all downhill. danny said his bro was moving out of his house and my brothers like "alright then i'll move in" and danny was like "okay" i was just looking at danny and i didn't say anything nor was i going to but he's all like "no" and i was like "i don't want to live with you anyways" we probably end up fighting a whole lot. and danny would drink my milk or something. my bro and danny also played a game where they threw a kleenex box at each other and danny threw it at me and hit me in the boob. then he called my boobs small but then he said he was kidding and lunch was fun too.
5th hr: our class got into the disscussion of whose better ninja's or pirates so my teacher set up a box and told everyone to vote. i voted ninja. we got to pick out of four assignments which one we wanted to do so i wrote a poem about someone whose special to me. my bro chose the assignment where you write about eyes.
6th hr: two words. pid dissection. ugh sickest thing in the world! they stunk so bad! i worked with these guys kyle and randy. and i'm the only girl in the class so the guys know that i am uber disgusted by the pigs but they tease me with them. ugh like this guy mike was walking with his pig and he came up to me and was like "cassie!" and acted like he was going to throw his pig at me. we had to name our pigs and my group named ours mr. bacon. we had to cut open mr. bacons jaw and break it and look inside it's mouth. i didn't have to cut anything but i said i would do a small cut today.
after school: the computer teacher had a staff meeting to go to so he locked up the lab but let me and my bro stay in there and i got the only computer with sound so i listened to some fall out boy and the academy is.
oh yeah danny sold his guitar to this guy at our school. danny gave him the guitar on friday but the guy never payed him and still hasn't. he said he suppose to pay him on friday but if he doesn't this guy kyle said he jump the guy for the money.
does anyone watch the show lost? i love lost and tonight was the season finale and the stupid show killed off my favorite character! blah i was so mad. it happens to me all the time. who ever i pick as my favorite gets instant death wish and dies. it happens a lot in animes i watch as well as video games and movies and books. my favorite always dies.
there's a artical in my local paper about fall out boy and they interview patrick! not a peep from peter.
speaking of fall out boy. it's time for the latest chapter of wentz in wonderland! this chapter isn't too long because i didn't have much time to write it but i still like it and i hope you all do too. as always character bio's after story.
wentz in wonderland
chapter seven: pete never was a cat person...or a tea person
after pete's encounter with the disgruntled joe pete was more afraid then ever about who or what he might run into. he walked slow and with no real direction. after all he had no idea where he was heading or where ryan might have gone. he trudged slow and lazy and tried not to think to hard about what might happen if he never got out of wonderland.
"thinking hard or hardly thinking?" he heard a familar voice ask him. pete turned quickly to see no one standing behind him despite the fact that, that was the direction the voice had come from. pete let out a defeated sigh. wonderland really knew who to kick a guy when he's down. pete turned back around from the emptiness behind him and was shocked to find someone standing in the path before him.
there infront of pete stood a young man a pale slightly chubby young man with strawberry blonde hair. "patrick?!?" pete said out of shock at seeing his best friend and lead singer standing infront of him. patrick grinned a slyly as if he knew something that pete did not. "i'm not patrick" patrick began. pete said nothing as he was beginning to grow accustom to the wonderland versions of his friends. "then who are you?" peter asked his friend.
patrick or atleast what looked like patrick grinned again and did a small slight jig that would've made fangirls squeal in delight in any other situation. "i am-" he began in a very showy and overdramatic way. "the cheshire pat!" he annouced waving his arms in a fashion as if to say taa-dah!
"oh dear god" pete said at the scene that had just unfolded before him. patrick still stood before him grinning. "now you know who i am. so who are you?" patrick asked as he disapeared right before pete's eyes only to reapear above him seemingly floating in mid air. "i'm peter" pete said as he looked up at the grinning levitating patrick stump.
"peter. you know that's a dirty name" patrick said as he once again appeared on the ground before pete. pete sighed and realized that now he understood what patrick went through went pete acted goofy. "hey cheshire pat, you don't happen to know where ryan ross is do you?" pete asked figuring that it was worth a shot. patrick thought for a moment as he lay on his side on the ground one arm supporting him and the other patting the earth.
"i know a lot of things friend" patrick said with a smirk that made pete believe that he did in fact know where ryan ross was. "i don't really have time for this" pete said as he tapped his foot a bit. with each second he spent in wonderland it seemed that normal life was getting farther and farther away. "no one really has time for anything" patrick said again as he rolled onto his back. "patrick come on! do you know or not?" pete asked as he kicked dirt at patrick. the dirt never hit patrick seeing as he disapeared before it could.
patrick sighed "you're not as fun as you seem" patrick pouted "listen dick-" patrick began "it's peter" pete corrected him "aren't they the same thing?" patrick asked again with that sly grin plastered on his face. pete actually cracked a small smile this time unable to ignore patrick's somewhat clever remark. "ok pete, just keep going straight and eventually you'll run into the mad hatter and he should be able to help you" patrick said again levitating.
"thanks patrick" pete said to the his fading away friend. "ok bye pee-pee" patrick said before disapearing completely. pete sighed again and for what seemed like the hundereth time that day he was walking in the woods alone.
pete wentz as alice:

patrick stump as the cheshire cat:

oh yeah i have a quote as well
i gave danny a hug
me: i like you as a friend
danny: you can't keep saying that. it's like saying i want to have sex with you as a friend
me: i don't want to have sex with you
danny: yeah, you do
~redmoonchick~ |
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