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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Monday, June 4, 2007
would you believe me if i said i didn't need you? cause i wouldn't believe you if you said the same to me
mood: anxious
listening to: skeptics and true believers- the academy is...
currently: want to believe him with everything i have
pimpage: savestheday (i miss talking to you), detectivedanielle (now exiting gothville), deadxonxarrival (she won't get friskay with you), shadowme (i'm addicted to her story), october (vampire), knight edge (perv with a camera), hoaryu (my brother from another mother), tohmalover14 ( sister from another mister), shallow heart (fellow peterick fan), destinyssweetman (shop with me)
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: i know you wear your speedo when it's hot out :p
destinyssweetman: you should totally stop by hot topic
shallow heart: you are totally pimpage worthy. ha i hert you times a million for being a petexpatrick fan. glad you're enjoying my writings. gah should have mentioned that i have the wentz in wonderland chapters archived on a different site. woops my bad.
october: glad you enjoy the story dear
toh-toh: sorry toh toh i always space when i people send me stuff. i shall write you a reply promptly.
shadowme: no way, i'm totally in love with your story! glad you like it dear!
hey guys, didn't really do much today. it was quite boring. i woke up and it was storming really bad like heavy rains and lighting and stuff. i didn't mind because sleeping while it's raining is nice. i ended up reading my fullmetal alchemist vol.13 manga and holy crap so good. i love fma. i haven't bought any manga in forever which is weird because before my mom used to buy me it all the time. next time i go i think i'm going to buy vol. 10 of death note because that series is almost done.
besides that i didn't do much else. i cleaned a bit and wrote a heck of a lot for the next chapter of wentz in wonderland. though right now it seems i have a bit of writers block with that story. =/ oh well i have quite a bit of time before i have to post it. i'm glad i'm getting such warm responses for the murder and lyrics story. it's odd because i wrote it on a whim and even considered not posting it.
this week at school is our last week of school and also our finals. i'm not worried about the finals at all. i will kinda miss school. i won't miss getting up early but i will miss the people and the free internet accsess after school, and of course danny but he hasn't been to school since that thing happened last week. i'm really hoping that he does show up at school on tuesday. god i hope he doesn't. i want to call him but something is stopping me. it's like i'm afraid to talk to him and i don't know why. it's so odd because it's just danny. maybe it's that i'm afraid to call him because i am afraid of what he's going to tell me example "i'm not coming back to school after all" *sigh* i should call him. maybe tomorrow after school or something.
i have a new feature being introduced on my site today and it shall be me telling you all about anything that i think deserves my reccomendation. this new feature shall be called *drumroll*
Redmoonchick Reccomends! ha im lucky there are a lot of R words.
the very first thing redmoonchick reccomends is the "the academy is..." cd titled 'almost here' man i love this cd like crazy! i think the academy is... is now my second favorite band behind fall out boy because we all know how i feel about fall out boy. anyways the cd is brilliant! the songs are incredibly catchy and right now my favorites happen to be 'slow down', 'the phrase that pays', and 'skeptics and believers'. something that always catches my interest in songs are the lyrics. if a song has a lyirc i really like chances are i'll end up liking the songs and i really like this lyrics. also the lead singer mr. william beckett is a nice piece of scene eye candy. they also have a new cd out but i opted to get the older one because i liked more songs from it.
so yes redmoonchick reccomends the academy is... cd 'almost here'
ha something i felt like doing, i may or may not do it again, but hey it was worth a shot.
oh you guys remember when i said my pregnant cat lola only had one baby and it died? well last night after i was asleep she had another and i am thankful that i wasn't awake to see this baby because my mom and bro told me that it was a still born baby where it's born dead. and that the kitten didn't even look like a kitten. they said it didn't have a tail and it looked more like an alien. it was burried along side dear peter the kitten. our neighbor is a vet's asisstant and she said that if lola doesn't have all her babies that it's going to kill her. i still think she has at least three dead babies in her. it's gross and sad.
well i don't want to end on such a morbid note so here is a picture!

it's the boys from the academy is...
~redmoonchick~ |
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