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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Thursday, June 7, 2007
break down back out get what's coming to ya
mood: nervous
listening to: season-the academy is...
currently: hoping i'm not bored all summer
pimpage: savestheday (but he can't save me), detectivedanielle (she wants your attention, attention), deadxonxarrival (no one see's her noodz), shadowme (she likes porno mimes), shallow heart (she's loves a good trick), october (stripping doll), hoaryu (niisan has returned), knight edge (i know his name), tohmalover14 (wee little toh-toh), destinyssweetman (megumi's husband)
Redmoonchick Responds:
LS: no i didn't rip my pants at school, they were already ripped
hoaryu: i don't know what g-mail is ^^;
claes: yeah i watched a movie again yesterday
christianotaku: you? weird? never
ani-mae: yup that's the movie
shadowme: hooray you're fresh meat! be careful
shallow heart: heck yeah i want to read your fic. i promise i'll tell you the truth
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: eh that might have been the reason
edge: don't worry edge i'm back to normal posting and once school's out it will definitly stay normal. no, i wasn't annoyed with school.
alphonse13: we have a really down to earth and nice principal.
rapidxhopexloss: woo! for loving the planet!
aaya: aaya is a hippie who sneezes badassely <--not a word
hi guys, yes, well i did go to school yesterday but i was pretty late for first hour. by the time i got there we only had 10 minutes of class left. thursday and friday are half days, then school is out. i'm not sure how i feel about all of it.
1st hour: i only had ten minutes of class so i just checked my myo and got on myspace via proxies.
2nd hour: american history: got a pass to go to the lab and work on make up work, i finished a autobiography thing on muhammed ali, but way back when danny was going to school i used to skip to hang with him and i'd tell the teacher that i was working on a powerpoint but i never did so now she wants to see it so i have to quickly make a 10 slide powerpoint.
3rd hour: yearbook: we had to write a reflection paper about what it was like to work on the yearbook. we did the rough drafts today.
4th hour: fitness: we went outside and played badmittion. we had two different set's up so it was two on two i was partnered with this guy named jordan. i find him so incredibly annoying when we play sports. i was serving better then he was and he was complaining. i wanted to hit him with my racket. my team lost twice and won once.
lunch: again the 8th graders had my usual lunch spot so i went upstairs to eat in the science classroom. someone cut me off on the stairs so i stopped quick and a nacho chip full of cheese and sour cream hit me right in the chest so i had a big cheese stain on my boob. i cleaned it though so you couldn't see it. my teacher asked me if i talked to danny i said no and this guy out of the blue said that we fight like an old married couple. he's not the first to say that.
5th hour: creative writing: it was make up day so we were upstairs in the computer lab. i worked on my two page story and also submitted a short story to this magazine called "teen ink" it would be so cool if it got published! i was also around the myo this hour.
6th hour: biology: we watched more of the movie enemy of the state. it's so good and suspensful. i hope we get to finish it after our final on friday.
after school: got to hang in the computer lab until my mom arrived. i watched a whole bunch of amv's and i found a lot that had fall out boy songs on them. i also watched one that was a final fantasy x one that had a panic at the disco song on it and it fit so well! it was crazy.
my aunt from arkanas who i haven't seen since i was like 12 years old is visiting. she just arrived this morning while i was at school. she's in town for my cousins wedding which is on saturday. we're going to see her and my cousin after school since we get out at 10:30.
about the wedding. i have nothing to wear so my mom said we might have to go and buy me a pretty new dress. i don't know what kind i'd want. probably something black and pretty. unless it's hot then black wouldn't be a good idea. the wedding is at 3:00 on saturday. weddings are really boring and none of my cousins are around my and my brother's age. the one that was moved to florida so she won't be there. oh well nothing i can do about it. last time we were at a wedding my brother got drunk and a girl dirty danced with me on the dance floor against my will.
anyway here's the next and latest chapter of wentz in wonderland. you guys still like this story right? i feel like no one likes it anymore. any way if you don't know wentz in wonderland is alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist. character bio thingys are after the story.
wentz in wonderland
chapter eight: panic at the tea table
pete was still recovering from his run in with bizarro wonderland patrick, so he was a bit apprehensive about going to the march hare's house, but if he could help then he would suck it up and go. no matter what or who would be there when he showed up.
pete walked in the direction patrick had pointed out. he was searching for something that resembled a house but what he found was no where near a home. pete stopped a good five feet away when he spotted it, an absurdly long bright pink kitchen table sat out in the middle of nowhere. a variety of chairs where sat around the table, the largest and grandest being sat at the head of the table. tea pots and cups were set all along the table along with china plates. pete expected someone to be sitting at the table but no one was to be found.
pete contemplated what sorts of things could go wrong if approached the table. none of them seemed too bad so he cautiously approached the nearly neon table. pete reached the table and still nothing out of the ordinary happened. he thought that maybe the fact that a table was in the middle of nowhere was the only strange thing.
up close there was nothing odd about the table except it's color. there infront of pete was a cup of tea. pete thought about taking a sip but remembered the last time he ingested something from wonderland and quickly decided against it. pete was slightly confused, patrick had said that the march hare and mad hatter would be somewhere around here and that they could help. but pete still saw no one.
pete was beginning to think that maybe trusting patrick a.k.a the cheshired pat was a bad idea. pete pulled out one of the many chairs and took a seat to rest before deciding what to do. just as pete took his seat two figures seemingly appeared out of no where.
"jon! he's trying to steal our tea!" one figure shouted as it jumped out from under the table and stood before pete pointing an accusing overdramatic finger at pete.
"we must stop him spencer!" the second figure yelled and he too jumped out and glared at peter. as usual with the people he met in wonderland pete recongized the two men standing before him. the two men were spencer smith and jon walker. two members of the band panic at the disco.
"spencer? jon?" pete asked still a bit surprised at their presence in wonderland. spencer who was decked out in an outlandish orange vest and matching necktie, gasped and turned to jon
"jon! he knows our names!" jon looked at pete as if trying to decide what to do about the situation. pete surveyed jon, he was wearing a dark green blazer buttoned up with a green necktie and matching large top hat.
"how do you know our names stranger?" he asked pete. peter sighed not really wanting to explain that in some other world he helped make them famous.
"it doesn't matter but listen i wasn't going to steal your tea" pete pleaded with jon and spencer because if these two were the march hare and mad hatter then he would need their help.
"see spencer you overdramatic twit he wasn't trying to steal our tea." jon scolded spencer. spencer look offended for a moment before recovering
"well one must be cautious when you have excellent tea like this!" spencer exclaimed as he took a seat across from where pete still remained seated.
"yes, our tea is excellent, as are our tea parties" jon said as he took the head seat at the table, with pete positioned at his left and spencer at his right.
"spencer we got so distracted by this boy that we forgot what day it is!" jon said as he grabbed the tea pot
"oh yes! how could we forget!" spencer chimed in. pete was sorta apprehensive to ask just what it was that the two of them forgot, but despite his better judgement he did anyway.
"uh just what did you two forget?" pete asked as he gingerly laid a hand on the table. jon and spencer both looked at pete with wild grins on their faces.
"it's our unbirthday's today!" jon exclaimed "it's your unbirthday too!" spencer chimed in.
"unbirthday?" pete asked thinking he already knew the anwser but asked anyway.
"anyday that's not your birthday" spencer and jon said together as jon poured himself and spencer some tea.
"would you like some tea?" jon asked pete, pete thought for a moment before nodding and holding out the light blue tea cup for jon to take. unfourtanatly pete never got his tea as suddenly jon dropped the tea cup and looked at spencer with a wild excitment in his eyes as the tea cup smashed to the floor.
"time to switch!" jon proclaimed and before pete could do or say anything jon and spencer were up and dashing about the table. this would've been alright if jon hadn't knocked pete down onto the table spilling tea and smashing cake onto his front. spencer didn't help matter either by rushing past pete and knocking over the chair pete had been sitting in causing peter to fall to the ground when he tried to climb off the table.
in a matter of seconds jon and spencer had nearly completely destroyed the tea table and had reclaimed their original seats. while pete had dusted himself off from falling on the ground and he too reclaimed his seat. "now how about some tea?" jon asked again and although pete was shaken and covered in tea and frosting he nodded again and offered a different tea cup. once again poor peter never got his tea seeing as at that exact moment another person emerged from the woods and joined the tea party, the very person that pete had been chasing all day, mr. ryan ross.
jon once again dropped pete's tea cup this time out of surprise. "ryan!" jon and spencer proclaimed as they darted over to the boy.
"come to join our party?" jon asked as he bounced eagerly in front of ryan.
"no-i" ryan began before noticing pete and turning to look at him.
"belinda? what are you doing here?" ryan asked as a look of confusion over took his boyish face. pete sighed
"my name isn't belinda! it's peter-" pete tried to get out before spencer interrupted him
"pan?" spencer added before cackling at his own joke
"wrong movie spencer" jon told him as he joined in the laughter
pete sighed and ryan looked like he was in pain. pete realized that this was his chance to finally get some anwsers from ryan but before he could ask the all important question of how to get back home jon took ryan's attention instead.
"tea ryan?" jon asked ryan nodded "yes sounds lovely" ryan said as he offered jon his tea cup. "no, jon i want to serve ryan tea!" spencer whined and shoved jon causing jon to jolt suddenly to the left right where ryan was standing. in an instant ryan got a crotch full of semi hot tea and pete knew if anything was going to make him run it would be a hot crotch full of tea, and sure enough ryan was screaming and swearing and tearing off through the woods but pete was on his tail this time, and he was determined to get some anwsers.
pete wentz as alice:

spencer smith as march hare:

it's nearly impossible to find pics of spencer by himself
jon walker as the mad hatter:

ryan ross as the white rabbit:

ha ryan has a mullet
here's some useless info this chapter was hard to write because a guy named spencer goes to my school so i kept picturing him. lol.
~redmoonchick~ |
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