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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Friday, June 15, 2007
i hope they taste of me forever
mood: positive
listening to: bang the doldrums-fall out boy
currently: think i'll be ok
pimpage: detectivedanielle (summer time for her finally), deadxonxarrival (mastah of the chicken dance), shallow heart (my number one fan), shadowme (she supposrts team panic!), october (sweetest stripper i know lol), hoaryu (beastmaster), tohmalover14 (the glamourous toh-toh), destinyssweetman (dear twin alex), savestheday (guitar superstar)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
tohmalover14: oh i like that d for drive-in hmmmm i might have to rewrite d now.
angel zakuro: i just took the pics out made it easier.
kirbysdouble: hey. how do you know pete and patrick aren't here as a matter of fact patrick's sleeping in my bed and pete's in my bathtub lol
therealyojimbo: no! i don't want to be a clown *hides*
shallow heart: sure, you can read them all if all the peterick doesn't kill you lol
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: no comment on danny's handsomeness
shadowme: it does make it harder to actually be around him then not and all that bad stuff. you're not mad about the teasing are you? cause i haven't teased you in a while.
aaya: you're so not lame. *hugs* yeah you can make a banner i don't mind.
hey guys, well some of you ((shallow heart)) may have noticed that i didn't update nor i was i around the other day. well rest assured i wasn't ignoring you. what happened was some stupid jackass cut off our home phone when they weren't suppose to! some accident or something like that so yeah i couldn't get on the net because they weren't gonna turn the phone on until the morning so i couldn't update or anything. blah yesterday was so boring because i don't have cable either so i just wrote and read a lot. thankfully the phone is back on.
oh yeah and i found out that my mom is finally letting up and is allowing us to get cable again! that means anime for redmoonchick! woop. yeah the cable guy isn't coming until tuesday but i don't mind too much. i talked to danielle yesterday and asked her if she wanted to go to watch danny's band and she said she can't because she's doing the relay for life. so i need someone else to go with now. only problem is that none of my other friends like that kind of music so it will be hard finding someone. i'm going to call my bestfriend sydney and ask her. i don't want to go alone ecspecially if danny's girlfriend will be there cause i don't want to seem like some loser freak. i might not go because i'm not sure if danny even wants me there, maybe i just want to see him again. i dunno but i'm not turning this into a danny rant.
ok i know i said i wasn't going to turn this into a danny rant but i just wanted to mention that when i woke up yesterday and thought about him i really didn't feel anything, like nothing no anger, or love or anything just blank so i believe i am finally getting over my severe crush on him, which ultimately is a good thing because if that was the reason he hasn't been talking to me then i can fix our broken (not that it is) friendship.
oh yeah my aunt came over yesterday and she brought my mom and i pizza and some lasanga. the pizza was good the lasanga not so much. my aunt is also buying my family a new airconditoner because she came over and said it was way too hot to live in our house so she is buying us a new one today or tomorrow. oh and my bro came home today he was in another city hanging with his friends but he came home today because he feels sick.
my mom, my bro, and i were all driving to my friend sydney's house and while we were driving we heard this loud crack as something hit our windshield. it was an egg some teenagers from around the neighborhood were hiding in these bushes and egging people's cars! my mom was furious so she turned around real fast and drove back by and this guy behind us pulled up next to us and asked if we got hit by a egg and it turns out that he was hit too so he was coming back from washing his car, and he also said that someone else at a store he stopped by said they were hit as well. my mom drove around but found no one but she was screaming a lot along the lines of "i'll get you little bastards!" and "throw another egg you f***ers" we never did find the culprits but we saw a car was also teepeed so we have vandals running around.
got to my bestfriends house and she was going to a hotel with a way older guy to have sex with him. ugh i hate when she does stuff like that. the guy isn't a stranger she knows him, but it's still weird. i was laying on her bed and she asked me to smell her conditioner so i did and she squeezed it and it hit me in the face and good thing i had my mouth closed or it would've gotten in there. so i went into the bathroom to wash my face and i hit her with water. it was funny but now i smell like conditioner.
well since i didn't get to post it yesterday here is the latest chapter of "wentz in wonderland"
pete: finally! my time to shine! patrick isn't stealing this from me.
red: actually patrick is in this chapter.
pete" what?!?! but the name of the fic is wentz in wonderland, WENTZ!!! get it?
red: yeah i think so considering i wrote it.
pete: -looks nervous- just tell me one thing does patrick outshine me?
red: -grins- you'll have to read to find out.
pete: noooooooooo!
as always for anyone new to my site this fic is basically alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist so enjoy and also character bio thingys will be after the chapter.
wentz in wondeland
chapter nine: the return of the cheshire pat
pete was hot on ryan's tail chasing him throughout the woods. he could still see ryan and he knew he could keep up with him. at least that's what pete thought, but as the chase wore on ryan seemed to be getter farther away and he didn't seem to be losing any energy unlike pete who was gasping and slowing down. before pete realized it ryan was again gone and he began to wonder if maybe he had those disapearring powers like patrick did.
pete stopped in the middle of the woods, rather in the middle of nowhere. it felt like he had already done this a million or so times today and he suddenly went back to his 'i am dead' theory now thinking that this wonderland was hell and his punishment was to forever chase ryan ross and meet up with his friends who no longer knew him.
pete was now frustrated more then he had ever been in his entire life. he grew angrier with each passing second until he could take no more and let out of a earth shattering scream. after his scream pete oddly felt a little better. pete sighed and took a seat on a nearby stump.
"hey wouldn't you rather sit on this stump?" he heard a male voice say, a voice he's heard so many times that he already knew who it was. pete lifted his head to see patrick aka the cheshire pat standing there winking at him. if pete wasn't so sure he'd say that wonderland patrick was hitting on him.
"hey, trick" pete mumbled obviously not in the mood for patrick's antics.
"where's a trick? the only one i see is you" patrick practically cooed at pete which in turn weirded pete out more so then the suggestive winking.
"very creative you called me a whore" pete said his annoyance clear in his voice.
"ah did i hurt your feelings? want me to kiss it better?" patrick asked as he appeared next to pete and leaned in towards him his lips twisted in a fishy face sort of way. pete leaped from the stump and patrick suddenly disappeared before reappearing on pete's back. due to the extra and unexpected weight pete and patrick toppled to the ground and pete found himself laying under patrick.
"that's odd i never pictured you being a bottom" patrick said as pete pushed him off of him. patrick made a pouty face and folded his arms.
"you suck" pete snapped back
"i could, do you want me to?" patrick giggled at pete.
"what are you doing here anyway?" pete asked choosing to ignore patrick's previous statement.
"i came to help you peter" patrick told him as he floated over to a nearby gangly tree. peter looked skeptical at patrick
"what kind of help?" pete asked expecting a typical dirty anwser from patrick.
"you want to go home don't you? well i know how you can" patrick said with a look of pride plastered on his round face.
"you do?!?" pete asked trying hard not to get his hopes up at the though of a way out of this wonderland.
patrick nodded "yeap, all you have to do is-" he began as he raised his arm and hit the gangly tree with his fist "go through this door" patrick told him as a door large enough for pete to get through appeared in the trunk of the tree.
patrick beamed as pete stepped closer to the door. his steps slow and wary reflecting his experiences in wonderland. upon reaching the already open door pete leaned down and peered inside. all he saw was a sea of vast dark green foliage. pete looked up at patrick confused.
"it's a hedge maze" patrick told pete "all you have to do is go through here and you'll run into the queen of hearts. the queen could possibly help you" patrick said as he looked down at peter. pete nodded and again stared at the hedge maze through the door. against his better judgement he trusted the cheshire pat and climbed into the door, pete sat on the edge between the woods and the maze for a moment. he looked back at patrick who he found was already gone before he slid down into the door all the way.
pete: 0.o is it just me or did patrick hit on me all the way through that chapter?
red: it was just you
pete: well patrick, what do you think?
patrick: *blush*
pete&red: awwwwwww!
pete wentz as alice

pete kinda looks like a little kid...weird
patrick stump as the cheshire pat

patrick looks so adorable in this pic!
~redmoonchick~ |
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