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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Sunday, June 17, 2007
i keep telling myself i'm not the desperate type
mood: never better
listening to: my mom and bro arguing
currently: gonna eat some ice cream
pimpage: detectivedanielle (el detective), deadxonxarrival (she deserves better), shallow heart (best fangirl ever!), shadowme (an angry poet), october (she leaves me the most comments on myspace XD), hoaryu (the brother i wish i had), tohmalover14 (where is my sister gone?), destinyssweetman (happy graduation), savestheday (nothing to say)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
shallow heart: you think i'm the coolest person on myo? i love you know and i insist that you come and live with me so you can give me constant positive reinforcment! lol also congrats on stealing first comment from edge.
edge: if odd dreams mean i cracked then i cracked a loooong time ago. yeah right if i come visit you you'd probably make me pick peaches, or clean your room, or god forbid wash your speedos *shudders* j/k
alex: aww sorry alex! you know i'd love to visit you too! *hugs*
inuyashafan4-ever: yeah i love that song too, the one they played was the great escape
keba-kun: it's alright, i missed you!
narutoblackmail: can i add you on el myspace?
merrick-fma: hmmm interesting, you know a lot about dreams.
the real yojimbo: yeah i'll take the jacky chan cut out and pretend i'm chirs tucker!....wait.
angel zakuro: ah i visited PA when i was a baby, maybe i ran into you when you were a baby? lol
aaya: patrick stump cures all! lmao daniel dreams...yeah what is it with boys named daniel treating girls badly?
ani mae: yeah it really is spelt like that on the cd thnks fr th mmrs. lol i love it.
hi guys,
well i managed to do some commenting today not as much as i'd like but i got around. it was another of those busy days. my family went to buy our new air conditioner and i went to the mall to take my bra back (it was too uncomfortable). so we went to lowes to get our air conditoner and i got bored rather quickly so i just wandered around the store and went outside to the garden area but i had to be careful because there were huge puddles of water and i was wearing my flip flops. so we got our new air conditioner and it's about the same size as the old one and it works better i guess. it was like $89 dollars. like i said then we went to the mall and i took my bra back and stopped in hot topic to see if they had the fall out boy shirt that i loved when i went there with danielle, but alas i didn't see it. i think they might've gotten rid of it for new merchandise or something.
we got home and it took my mom and brother forever to get the air conditioner set up. oh yeah and we bought a fan at the same place as the air conditioner and we get home and i plug it in and guess what? the damn thing doesn't work! it was defected or something. so my bro tried to fix it but now when we turn it on it smells like something is burning. oh yeah i heard the new gym class heroes single clothes off! and i love it! it sounds like it's an eighty songs.
oh yeah i didn't go to danny's gig yesterday because well one thing i didn't want to go alone and for another i don't know maybe i'm vindictive and if he did want me to come then i wanted him to be sad that i didn't. but he probably wasn't so whatever. i didn't even wake up yesterday till five o' clock in the evening.
oh yeah it's fathers day! so happy fathers day to all you fathers out there. (i don't think there are any). i actually don't know if i'm going to see my dad today so i don't know. if i do see him i do have a gift for him. i found an old shirt that he used to wear all the time when i was little so i'm going to wash it and give it to him. my bro doesn't have a gift for him so i don't know what he'll do.
well it is time for the latest chapter of my fic "murder and lyrics" i should keep working on this but i don't know where to take it. if anyone knows a great deal about murder cases or knows where i can find info tell me.
danielle and timothy questioned cassie about danny's death and cassie told them of all the people who came into contact with daniel of the day he died.
chapter five: love was the reason
"she didn't do it" danielle told timothy after cassandra had left.
"what? how do you know that?" timothy asked sounding slightly amused.
"come on, i'll explain in the car" danielle told detective fisher who still looked puzzled.
"so i'm riding with you then?" he asked and danielle nodded as she headed out of the venue. as they walked to her car she saw that the throng of fans were still there and still crying out for anwsers. none of this would've caught danielle's eye if not for one girl in paticular. she was a young girl probably nineteen, she stood pressed against the metal guard rails that were put up, but that wasn't what made her interesting. what made her interesting was the fact that unlike all the other people this girl wasn't crying nearly as much as the rest and she held a laptop in her hands.
detective fisher saw danielle staring out at the sea of fans and he too turned to look out at them. "what are you looking at?" he asked as he turned back to danielle.
"there's a girl with a laptop, see her?" danielle asked, timothy nodded
"yeah, but there's nothing important about her" timothy said. danielle remained quiet for a moment before nodding and getting into her car along with detective fisher.
they drove in silence out of the parking lot and onto the main street.
"so who are we going to see first?" timothy asked danielle
"you'll see" danielle told timothy as she drove around the busy streets of L.A.
"want to tell me the reason you think cassandra's innocent?" timothy asked as he pulled his briefcase into his lap.
"it was the way she talked about daniel, you could tell he meant a lot to her." danielle said as she made a right turn.
"he was her old friend of course he meant a lot to her" timothy argued as he undid the locks on his case.
"no, the way her eyes looked it wasn't just a friendship...i believe she was in love with him" danielle said as she looked over at detective fisher who was now rifiling through his briefcase.
"that's it? love? you don't think she killed him because she was in love with him?" timothy said obviously not agreeing with danielle's opinion.
"well why do you think she is guilty?" danielle asked timothy her annoyance heavy in her voice. timothy didn't anwser but he did pull out a series of papers.
"these are part of my suspicions" he said as he waved the papers a bit.
"and just what are those?" danielle asked looking at the many papers
"each and every paper is a signed testimony from people who have witnessed arguments and violence between cassandra and daniel." timothy said as he pulled one paper out and proceeded to read it outloud.
"here's an incident two months ago. daniel and cassandra were seen yelling at each other outside his dressing room, and another from a few weeks ago, daniel pushed cassandra as she was walking down the hall. one more were she was reported with a bruise on her leg."
timothy said as he rifiled through the papers and read each one outloud.
danielle had to admit that she was surprised. cassandra didn't seem like she had any anger towards daniel, but if these reports were true it was a lot harder to think of her as a hundered percent innocent.
"what i'm trying to say is that perhaps miss smith couldn't take anymore of daniel's harrassment so she wanted to get rid of him." timothy said as he put the papers away.
"then why not quit instead of killing him?" danielle asked
"maybe she was afraid of what he'd do to her if she did?" timothy said
"sounds like a lot of speculation to me" danielle said as she pulled into a parking lot.
"well what else have we got?" timothy asked
"this" danielle said as she turned off the car and pointed at the building they were parked at.
"the hartford hotel? what are we doing here?" timothy asked
"looking for one miss lexi hartford" danielle said as she stepped out of the car.
will lexi be the key to solving this mystery? find out next time! <---ha cheesy!
oh yeah i got this from keba-kun's site.
cassie may explode without warning | M EXPLOSIVE |
guess i'm the bomb!
pete: holy crap that was lame.
red: you're just jealous cause you're not the bomb!
patrick: happy fathers day everyone.
~redmoonchick~ |
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