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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Monday, June 18, 2007
i'm not going home alone cause i don't do too well on my own
mood: happy
listening to: classifieds-the academy is...
currently: want to go see more movies
pimpage: detectivedanielle (classifieds), deadxonxarrival (attention), shallow heart (down and out), shadowme (slow down), october (checkmarks), hoaryu (the phrase that pays), knight edge (almost here), tohmalover14 (skeptics and true believers), destinyssweetman (black mamba), savestheday (season)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
wensdayskitten: ha your pun made me laugh
shallow heart: i will totally write fics for you and karaoke is awesome! well actually the girl with the laptop is shadowme's cameo but now i must write one for you!
aaya: lexi is no one i know she is a fictional character.
shadowme: well i don't respond to every comment i just pick and choose but i must've overlooked your comment yesterday. patience young one you sorta had a cameo because you were the girl with the lap top but you can't rush me! *hides*
hi guys,
well another busy day yesterday, i swear it's like i get up and then have to go and do something. not tomorrow though because my mom is back to work tomorrow and that means i'll have to way to get anywhere so home is where i'll be. anyways back to yesterday. it was fathers day but as i semi-perdicted i did not see my father, but he did call so at least he acknowledged that he in fact has children. i talked to him for a bit he asked if i was out of school and if i passed and i told him that i did and he said that he was proud of me. he said he might not be able to stop by because he didn't have any gas so he said he'd call later but he never did.
well like i said the other day we bought an airconditoner and it didn't work well and the fan we bought from the same place was defected too, so we took them both back to the lowes and got a new airconditioner and a new fan. the air conditioner was like $208 bucks and the fan was like $28 bucks. it was all on my aunts tab though. i had to help set up the new air conditioner like i mean get it in the window and it was so heavy! but i did it and we set it up so we plug in the monster air conditioner and wham we blow a fuse. my mom fixed it though so it's all good.
my aunt called later in the day and asked if we wanted to go and see a movie, we did and we ended up going to see the movie knocked up. oh emm gee! i loved it! it was so funny. i was laughing my ass off. it was kinda vulgar though but it was hilarious. if anyone has seen the 40 year old virgin a lot of the same people are in it. i really liked it and people should see it. i went with my mom, bro, aunt, and my cousin. the guy behind me kinda had an annoying laugh and he thought everything was funny but it was all good. oh inside the movie theather they had this advertisement for the simpson's movie and it was these satues of the family and their living room so my aunt took some pics of my bro and i with the simpsons! there on her camera phone and she's not sure if she can send them but it would be so cool if she could!
after the movie which got over at 12:30 am we all decided to go to this 24-hour resturant and eat some food, again on my aunt's tab. my bro and i had a chicken dinner and we had desert afterwards. i'm kinda glad there weren't a whole lot of people in the place because like i mentioned before my cousin is handicapped i mean he is in a wheelchair and now he's lost most of his arm movements so my aunt has to feed him. it was the same with the popcorn at the movie. though people nowadays seem kinder because no one said anything about it. oh i also saw a girl who used to go to my school at the resturant and these other two girls were talking about pete wentz so my mom goes to them and is like "pete? my daughter loves him!" yeah she seriously did that.
here's a little gossip because i know you all like it. yesterday night when i was on myspace i noticed a bulletin that danny posted with his girlfriends name on it. i made my bro read it because i am weird like that and it was something a long the lines of her saying she was soulmates with some other guy and danny telling her not to talk to him anymore. i haven't been on yet today so i don't know if things changed, i also don't know if any of you have danny as a friend. i know a few of you do. oh also one of his ex-girlfriends added me! wtf? i don't know this girl and i don't know how she knows me, oh well it's not like i mind too much she never did anything to me.

this is a pic from "knocked up"
~redmoonchick~ |
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