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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
you said you'd keep me honest but i won't call you on it
mood: little bit sad, little bit happy
listening to: of all the gin joints in all the world-fall out boy
currently: glad he listened and acknowledged my existance.
pimpage: detectivedanielle (she used to waste her time on dreaming of being alive), deadxonxarrival (she's got headaches and bad luck), jenny (all of her moves make up for the silence), shadowme (the way the make up stains her pillowcase), october (she says she's no good with words), hoaryu (he's two quarters and a heart down), knight edge (he's falling apart to half time), tohmalover14 (she always folds before she's found out), destinyssweetman (misery loves him), savestheday (i only want sympathy in the form of you crawling into bed with me) <--- i should change that.
*note: all pimpage lines are lyrics from the fall out boy songs (of all the gin joints in all the world and dance, dance)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: aww your comments are never crap! i always enjoy talking to you.
LS: well by vulgar i mean lots of male and female nudity
omnimaster: no one knows where your dad is?
ninja lover: ah cool that you know what i mean.
the real yojimbo: ah yeah i cleaned it out so it should be empty.
edge: well edgy i don't think you commented on my last post so that would probably be why you weren't in the reponses.
ani mae: yeah, if i had the pics i would post them. well danny has new girlfriends so frequently that i don't know which one's i talked about.
kakashi s: yeah it is weird, i dunno but i don't mind she seems nice.
merrick-fma: yeah the short version is fine i kinda like it. lol
kitabug: i am sorry that i haven't gotten to your site.
hoaryu: yeah it was super good, go and see it!
aaya: i don't mind if you have him as a friend, it's not like i own him or anything.
hi guys,
well not much happened yesterday as perdictied i stayed home. i woke up really late today, like 5:30 in the evening. blah that's so bad. my bro has been hogging the computer lately when i'm sleeping he is on then i want to get on and he makes me wait while he messages the girl he likes on myspace, blah. i just realized that i barely ate anything yesterday. like some ice cream and half a sub and that was it. maybe it's the heat affecting my appetite.
well in other news. the band not waving just drowning also know as the band in which danny is the guitarist, well their playing again on the 29th so i have another chance to see the band. which is cool because it is later at night and since i have a whole week before the show i can find someone to go with. i'm hoping danielle will want to go because really she's the only other person i know who likes that type of music. my bestfriend would go but she really doesn't like rock and hell she doesn't even know what screamo is, so yeah. i told danny that i was thinking of going and it seemed like he wanted me to so i probably will.
speaking of danny again, remember how i said he and his girlfriend broke up? well i asked him about it and he told me that she cheated on him. upon hearing the news i was like wtf? not to his face but in my head. i can't believe that a girl who is with him is going to cheat on him! you have him dammit! and you want someone else? she's stupid. and life isn't fair.
pete: you sound jealous.
red: you look like a girl.
pete: -looks hurt, then cries-
red: aww sorry pete -hands him patrick doll-
pete: hooray! -clings to doll-
patrick: where does she keep getting those?
ha, you can tell when i do those i am bored. anyway i don't care if i sound jealous. it's just not too fair he's a good guy he deserves a good girlfriend.
ah something else kinda bummed me out was that my dear friend jenny ((shallow heart)) is going through a tough time. i've been talking to her on and off on myspace all day. either way i hope she feels better and things work out because i wuv jenny and i want her to be happy. she's my fangirl dammit! and my peterick partner.
ah my uncle joe was on tv on monday night. he was on celebrity blackjack even though he isn't a celebrity. he won some tournament in las vegas back in january so he got to play on tv. i don't really like my uncle joe so i don't really care and he's rich and greedy so he doesn't need to win. i kinda hope he doesn't. ha that sounded way mean. anyway if any of you watch the gameshow network on cable and watch celebrity black jack and see a guy named joe fisher that's my uncle joe.
i had the opportunity to go and bowl at the bowling alley while my mom and aunt had a drink and watched it on the bar's tv but for some reason i didn't feel like it. i don't know have you guys ever felt like where you didn't want to be around other people and you were perfectly content being alone? that's kinda how i feel today.
i know this is getting long but i am almost done. i had another strange dream, two actually. one was that danny was dating my way older like 25 year old cousin and they came over my house and he was talking to me and i don't really remember but he was on my computer trying to find pics of himself. and i remember one line pretty well i got down in his face and was like "wow dating my cousin, that totally doesn't hurt me danny" and it was dripping with sarcasm. wow i have weird dreams. oh the other was about a alligator that was loose in my neighborhood and danny was in my dream for a second as well as my science teacher and danny looked really girly i mean his hair looked like aaya's hair. lol. and i think i told him that he had to ride in a carseat. wtf? lmao.
pete&patrick: how come you never dream about us?
red: -thinks- well i have dreamt about pete before
patrick: now i feel left out -cries-
pete: you made patrick cry! you're a bad person! -points finger accusingly-
red: patrick here i made you cookies!
patrick: -stops crying- hooray!
pete: patrick you're won over way too easily.
well that is all, i got to about half of you who commenting but i was unable to get to like ten of you so i am sorry i will try harder tomorrow.
~redmoonchick~ |
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