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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
baby seasons change but people don't
mood: mixed
listening to: the movie my bro is watching
currently: want to know that he gives a damn
pimpage: detectivedanielle (she teaches me about el music), deadxonxarrival (stay strong aaya), shallow heart (jenny!), shadowme (she chills at the library), october (freak on a leash), hoaryu (i swear i will wake up early to talk to you), knight edge (he's been ignoring me), tohmalover14 (where for art thou toh?), destinyssweetman (he gonna buy you a drank), savestheday (a part of the dragon slayers society)
avatar of the day: 
one of andy cause he never gets no love. andism! <---lol only two people will get that.
Redmoonchick Responds:
animemagick: i think you have some wentzly features.
aaya: i'm guessing if i made a patrick plushie i'd make millions! ha i remember you told me that dream.
hyli: wow you did like a mini post in my comments XD. i am not obsessed with danny.
jenny: no dying allowed jenny. ah i heard that anna didn't cheat on patrick but she told him to choose her or the music...we all know what he chose. ok i already cleaned out my closet for you.
ninja lover: glad you find our antics funny.
angel zakuro: yes...i'm jealous because i'm his friend.....that's it.
shadowme: that's the only way i can play them! man i need help XD ha you caught that! you get a cookie.
hi guys,
well again i didn't do anything much today. again i slept insanely late. and again i didn't eat too much. hmmm i also woke up today feeling a little down. i don't really know why but i did. i'm feeling better now. i did manage to comment mostly everyone who left me a comment except for three people. sorry! i also did some cleaning today just some simple stuff that my mom kept yelling at me to do. oh and i wrote an absolutely insane amount! i am now two chapters ahead in the muder and lyrics story.
hmmm danny is back to semi ignoring me again. it's not so much ignoring as it is he just doesn't bother to reply to my messages, which can hurt and annoy someone. oh well i'm sure if i send him a message he may anwser me. i wish i had a newer computer then i could run aim and whatnot and i know i'd get to talk to him more.
at like eleven i went to my grandma's house where my aunt and cousin are staying. we got to have some yummie pizza and then my bro and my aunt and my cousin were going to play poker. i can't play nor did i want to so my cousin let me get on his lap top and surf the internet. i got to go on aim and talk to jenny ((shallow heart) and megan a.k.a aaya ((deadxonxarrival)). ha it was fun because we were all in a chat room together. what did we talk about for a good what like two or three hours? well we talked about fall out boy mostly. and how pete is going out with ashlee simpson and how we should kill ashlee simpson. and how cute patrick is, and about videos and random songs and stuff, but it was so much fun and i wish aim would work at home because i love those girls. oh yeah here's some irony for you, all last night danny was on myspace till like 5 in the morning and tonight when i could im him he wasn't on at all! oh i also managed to get the new fob video to work on my cousins computer so i could watch it and i love it! ecspecially the end. it was cute. it was cool hanging out with my cousin because i never felt like we got a long too well but today it seemed more relaxed and it was fun.
pete: wait you spent like two or three hours talking about us?
red: yup
pete: you girls need lives!
red: you need to go out with someone who has a real face!
pete: oh yeah don't have a face!
patrick: smooth comeback pete
anyhoo i also went to danny's bands myspace and listened to some of their stuff and i like it and i realized that the other members of danny's band are hot! all those boys are cute. one good looking band. yeah i realized that if i went to see him play and took my yearbook to finally have him sign it, it would look like i was trying to get his autograph.
patrick: why would you want his autograph?
red: exactly, i'd much rather have yours
patrick: -scribbles name on his wall-
pete: you can have my autograph too! -scribbles on patrick-
patrick: -looks around- now i'm dirty!!!! -burts into tears-
red: pete look what you did! go sit in the corner!
pete: -sighs- -sits in corner-
ah back to the post well my cousin asked me what fall out boy was so i tried to explain it to him but he didn't get it so i played the video and he heard them. but he likes rap so i don't think he likes it. i feel like i wanna do something this weekend like go to the beach or something. something fun and with lots of friends. blah i need to remind myself to ask danny if i can have my cd he made me but i don't want him to think that i only want to see him for my cd and a yearbook signature. oh well it's just i have grand theft autum in my head all the time.
ok well i think that is all oh i got 3660 hits! well it's more now but i dunno i just like that number. well sorry again to those who i wasn't able to comment on. one day i'll get to everyone.
from the new fall out boy video near the end pete is talking to his dog:
pete: i didn't know you could talk
hemmy: shut up pete this is my dream!
-quote 2-
jenny was talking about her fish on aim:
jenny: oh crap i forgot to feed pete and patrick!
lol i thought that was funny.
~redmoonchick~ |
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