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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Thursday, June 21, 2007
we drown traitors in shallow water
mood: good
listening to: checkmarks-the academy is...
currently: want to feel like i'm living
pimpage: detectivedanielle (she's still a sucker for those famous faces), deadxonxarrival (she'll sing you something you won't forget), shallow heart (she's shaping up to be all you wish you could've been), shadowme (for the first time she knows that this is now who she is), october (you'll see what she means), hoaryu (he's not convinced), knight edge (when he's gone you'll be going nowhere fast), tohmalover14 (would you believe her if she said she didn't need you?), destinyssweetman (why oh why you wear sunglasses at night?), savestheday (runs for the hills and doesn't leave a letter)
*all pimpage lines are from the academy is...
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
ninja lover: yeah, emo boys are hot.
jenny: yeah pete needs to wise up before he gets the herpes because patrick would never give him herpes. ah you make fishie patrick sad. i'm going to adopt your fishies.
kakashi s: no, it's fine rant away!
capricorn-rocker: no, i didn't ask my friend to the concert yet.
ani mae: either way it would be bad if he went out with either simpson sister.
aaya: i want a hemmy puppy too! i'd name him peter as an omage to mr. wentz.
alex: actually that line was from a rap song i had in my head. lol but i don't think that's any better. aww yeah sorry i couldn't get to your site alex! ah i feel so bad!
edge: yes, it's all part of my genius plan to infect everyone with the love of fall out boy then make them join andism.
the real yojimbo: well one of them is famous for not being able to act and the other is famous for lipsynching and not having a real nose.
hi guys,
again another day of pure nothingness, man i need to start getting up earlier. and actually do stuff. i had a bad morning though. i mean i couldn't get to sleep and then i finally did but when i woke up i had a horrible stomach pain so i slept it off.
i was thinking about doing something different with my hair. i know i want to do something to it but i'm not sure what. i used to dye it a nice reddish brown color but i think i'm tired of that. my mom wants me to cut it real short like to my shoulders and i have had short hair before but mostly i've always had long hair. right now my hair falls just to the middle of my back. i don't know i wanna change it make it new and different. maybe a new color or something. i was thinking blonde but people are telling me not to do that. i don't know i should look up some hairstyles on the internet.
oh a couple weeks ago i got this thing in the mail and it was for a job with this company called vector. so i called and made an appointment and now i have an interview on monday at noon i think. i'm not allowed to wear jeans or flip flops to the interview so i'm going to wear the same outfit i wore to my cousins wedding. it would be cool if i got the job because it pays like $14 bucks an hour or something and it also says i can keep it when i go back to school in the fall.
oh yesterday i mentioned that i thought danny's bandmates in the band not waving just drowning were pretty cute so i went on the bands site and got a pic to show you guys.

well i don't know all their names yet but the guy in the red his name is casey and the guy who looks like he's gonna punch him is robbie (i think), then there's justin, i can't remember the rest, oh and danny's not in this pic because i think it was taken before he was part of the band. oh yeah these guys are way nicer then i thought they'd be because i left them a comment about how i pimp there band all the time and they left me a comment thanking me. nice.
well it is thursday and that means time for another installment of "wentz in wonderland" we all know the drill but if you're new wentz in wonderland is basically alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist. old chapters can be found on my other site redmoonchick2 and character bio thingys are after the chapter.
wentz in wonderland
chapter ten: god save the queen
pete had managed to stumble his way out of the hedge maze and found himself standing on the lawn of a fantastically huge courtyard. from the courtyard pete could see a large castle not too far away in the distance. pete didn't think anyone could miss the castle seeing how it was a garish bright pink color. pete wipped the bits of hedge that had stuck to him before walking through the large black wrought iron gate.
inside the gate was a path that lead up to the enterance of the garish castle. to the left and the right of the path were white rose bushes that lined the entire path. that wasn't all that was on the path though as pete soon noticed two men standing near one of the rose bushes doing something that pete couldn't see.
pete slowly walked up to the two men not quiet sure if he actually wanted to know what they were doing. finally pete's curiousity got the better of him and he attempted to get the men's attention.
"um excuse me?" pete said and instantly the two men jumped and turned quickly before falling on their knees and attempting to kiss pete's shoes while a very shocked pete attempted to back away.
"please forgive us dear queen!" the one man said as he grabbed pete's left foot.
"yes, queen forgive us we are eternally sorry!" the second man cried as he grabbed pete's right foot. pete now unable to keep his balance due to the men holding on to him fell to the ground and was now face level with the men, who of course he instantly recongized.
the two men who had been groveling at him were none other then Gabe Saporta who was the lead singer for the band cobra starship and Travis McCoy the lead singer for the band gym class heroes.
"you're not our queen" gabe said as he sat up on his haunces and stared at pete, travis followed suit as he ran a hand through his large curly afro.
"no, i'm not" pete said as he pushed himself up off the ground.
"then who are you?" travis asked as he too got up off the ground then proceeded to help up gabe.
"i'm pete" pete told the men who obviously didn't recongize him. the two men stood there for a moment saying nothing before seemed to remember the activity they had been doing before pete had scared them into groveling.
"well pete, very sorry we can't talk right now we're very busy" gabe rushed out as he turned around and grabbed something. travis nodded
"very, very busy" he said as he too turned his back on pete and mimiced gabe's actions. neither of the men seemed to mind pete being there and he was still curious to see what the men were doing so he walked around the rose bush so that he was once again facing the men. what he saw them doing made less sense then something his mind could have created.
pete saw gabe and travis bent over a small paint can filled with red paint. he watched them as they dipped brushes into the paint before pulling them out and painting over the white roses. travis and gabe stood there painting white roses red. pete watched amused for a few moments until again his curiousity got the better of him.
"why are you doing that?" he asked as he continued to watch as the crimson color overtook the pure white.
"we're painting them red because the queen doesn't like any roses but red roses" gabe said not bothering to look up.
"and we accidently planted white" travis chimed in as the two men worked furiously to change the roses.
"well i'm sure the queen would understand" pete said trying to calm the men down. gabe and travis laughed a nervous laugh
"understand? the queen would never understand! one look at these roses and it's off with our heads! right gabe?" travis said as he looked sadly from pete to the flowers to gabe.
"yes, off with our heads" gabe said too in a sad voice. pete couldn't believe that a ruler would kill her subjects over roses but with the looks on gabe and travis's faces he knew they were serious.
"i'm sorry we can't talk anymore we have to finish painting the roses before the queen returns" gabe said as he and travis resumed their work furiously painting white roses red.
"well i can help you paint them" pete said before he fully understood the words coming out of his mouth. how on earth did he go from trying to get home to helping people paint roses for a tempermental queen. travis and gabe didn't hesistate as they handed over a brush to pete and moved over so he could join them.
pete, travis, and gabe managed to get half the rose bushes done before suddenly the trio heard a loud trumpeting sound behind them. upon the sound travis and gabe once again froze, the fear intense in their eyes. pete as well as travis and gabe turned around as they saw someone walking down the path towards them. first it was two trumpeters who stood together before seperating one going to stand on the left and the other on the right.
after the trumpet players passed by another figure emerged from the shadows of the gate. pete's eyes widened as he saw just who it was. it was the prim proper red jacket wearing ryan ross. ryan walked away's down the path before stopping and unfurling a parchment he held in his hands. ryan cleared his throat and pete was tempted to run over there grab the younger boy and shake him until he gave him the anwsers he was so desperate for.
pete resisted the urge and listened as ryan spoke.
"ladies and gentlemen, may i present the queen of hearts" ryan said as he stepped aside while bowing. pete noticed that gabe and travis and even the trumpet players had bowed so he too lowered himself into a bow as he kept his eyes fixed eager to see the queen.
pete watched as a figure stepped out onto the path arms in the air and an obviously i'm better then you are attiduted spilling from the figure. pete looked up and gasped as he finally met the queen.
"brendon motherfucking urie" pete said in total surprise a little too loudly as travis and gabe shot him an are you completely insane? look. brendon himself looked in pete's direction and he was sure brendon would've succeeded in being more intimidating if he were not wearing the ridiculous red poofy dress with red hearts and black puffy sleeves.
brendon kept a sly grin on his face as he made his way over towards pete.
pete: -dies from laughing- brendon was the queen!
brendon: -pouts- i'm the queen? what?!!? ryan is way more girl then me! look! -brendon pulls back a curtain to show ryan wrapped in a pink towel with shaven legs and applying make up to his eyes.
ryan: -screams and pulls the curtain closed-
pete: he was totally putting his eyeliner on wrong.
brendon: and i'm the queen.
pete wentz as alice:

gabe saporta as card painter 1:

travis McCoy as card painter 2:

ryan ross as the white rabbit:

brendon urie as the queen:

~redmoonchick~ |
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