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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Sunday, June 24, 2007
we've got a big big mess on our hands.
mood: head hurts/feeling blah
listening to: the movie blue streak and talking to my mum.
currently: want someone special
pimpage: detectivedanielle (a good example of a good friend), deadxonxarrival (future member of the anti-ashlee simpson club), shallow heart (vice president of the anti ashlee simpson club), shadowme (she has skills that kills),october (anyone know why she left?), tohmalover14 (missing sister), hoaryu (dearest brother), edge (big meanie!), destinyssweetman (twinny), savestheday (scene kid)
avatar of the day:
Redmoonchick Responds:
LS: well i guess if the man did find the bodies you could just kill him too.
edge: i still say my post aren't boring and you are mean. edge is no scene boy. scene boys are hot.
bed-stuy: thanks for the hair tips. i don't know what i'll do layers really don't show up on me.
shadowme: aww well i hope it starts working.
jd person: well...scene is almost like emo but different.
hi guys,
well sorry for being m.i.a for a day. i was sorta banned from the computer. oh well it's not like i had much to talk about anyway. so i finally got cable! i got it yesterday.
pete: -grabs remote- -flips through channels- where's the porn?
red: i don't have porn channels!
patrick: pete, give me the remote i wanna watch the real world.
red: no it's saturday! anime is on!
pete: too bad i have the remote -continues changing channel-
pete: hey red what's this show called queer as folk?
red: -looks at tv- o.0 it's living yaoi!
patrick&red: change the channel!
ok so i do have el cable and i did watch anime. even though i have no idea what was going on. i really didn't watch naruto because i was watching some reality show on mtv. oh and i got the fuse channel! my god i love that channel. it plays all the good music! i watched the new the academy is... video and i love it! features a cameo of pete.
pete: cause everyone needs me to make their videos the best.
yeah but i was dissapointed that the music stations didn't have either one of the latest fall out boy videos or the new gym class heroes one. i watched a few good movies too like john tucker must die. that was pretty good.
man edge made me all paranoid that my posts are really boring and that i am boring everyone to death. today is my grandma's 78th birthday. the whole family is going to my uncle's resturant and eating there and celebrating. i am not looking forward to it because i don't like my uncle or my aunt and cousins (by marriage). oh well i have to go so it's not like i have an option. just found out that my cousins by marriage aren't going to be there so things are looking up.
oh in my last post i mentioned scene boys and a lot of you didn't know what they were so i found a picture of one:

yeah i don't know this person so if you are him or know him then tell him i said hi.
ok well not much else to talk about. i should be able to comment a bit. i'm not allowed to stay up too late tonight because i have the birthday tomorrow, then i have the job interview on monday so i can't stay up again.
well anyway it is sunday so it is time for the next chapter of the fic murder and lyrics.
previously: detective kerley and fisher discussed their hypothesis of wheter or not cassie was innocent. the two detectives showed up at the hartford hotel to talk to lexi.
murder and lyrics:
chapter six: the heartless heiress
timothy and danielle made their way into the harford hotel's lobby. the hartford hotel was only the rizitiest place around and almost always housed a celebrity or two. even the doors surrounding the hotel's enterance were busy with the constant attendance of the paparazzi. the paparazzi didn't bother snapping any photo's of danielle and timothy seeing as how they weren't famous.
the hartford hotel was what a person would expect a fancy hotel to look like. with it's high arched and intriquetly painted and designed celingings and walls. marble fixtures adorned the walls and the color gold was splashed almost everywhere, while men in tuxedo's stood around looking proper and not doing much else. from inside the lobby of the hotel one could see outside from the large glass windows that surrounded the enterance. the paparazzi stood watch from these windows perpaired for the first drugged up starlet or raging actor they could find and take a photo of.
danielle and timothy made their way over to the large front desk where a woman who looked botoxed to death was standing.
"can i help you?" the woman asked though her mouth barely moved.
"yes, we need to see miss lexi hartford" timothy said smiling at the woman.
they were sure that if the woman could frown she would've but her face stayed frozen as she adressed the two detectives.
"i'm very sorry but you can't see her, even if you are her fans" the woman said in a sympathetic way. danielle and timothy stood in shock wondering what on earth made this woman think they were lexi's fans.
"no, we're not fans" danielle said as she opened her jacket and pulled out her badge showing it to the woman.
"i'm detective danielle kerley" she told the woman.
timothy followed suit and he too pulled out his badge and flashed it to the woman "and i'm detective timothy fisher"
almost instantly a huge brilliant flash of light surrounded the lobby and danielle looked to her left to see the paparazzi taking pictures of them holding out their badges. danielle and timothy quickly put their badges away and asked to see lexi hartford once again. this time the woman didn't put up a fight she picked up the phone and dialed up lexi's room.
they stood in silence as the phone rang until after what seemed to be half a minute someone picked up. timothy and danielle could only hear one side of the conversation but by the tone of the woman's voice and the way she spoke to lexi they already knew that she was upset.
so it was no surprise when a very disgruntled looking lexi hartford came stomping into the room with all the anger of a three year old throwing a temper tantrum. lexi came up to the front desk completely blowing past the two detectives.
"what is this about?" lexi screamed at the front desk workers as the flash of photographers consumed them all again.
"Ms. hartford, we need to have a word with you" timothy called out to the woman. lexi turned around perpaired to unleash her anger on timothy.
"and just who the hell are you?" lexi shouted at the detectives. timothy grinned at the woman. before pulling out his badge and flashing it at her. instantly the paparazzi went crazy again, photographer lexi and timothy. timothy tucked away his badge before grinning at the woman again.
"i am detective fisher and this-" he said motoning to danielle "is detective kerley" timothy told the girl. lexi looked less then impressed or thrilled at the prospect of the detectives presence in her hotel.
"detectives? what is this about?" lexi asked now finally starting to sound a little scared. danielle stepped up and cleared her throat.
"it's about the daniel hicks murder" danielle said. lexi looked surprised for a moment as if she hadn't expected anyone to come and see her regarding his death.
"oh, well why me? i didn't have anything to do with it!" lexi shouted, if danielle wasn't so sure she'd think that maybe lexi was bipolar or had awful mood swings because in the matter of a minute she had gone from angry to sad to paranoid.
"we never said you had anything to do with it ms. hartford" danielle said as she tried to calm the woman. danielle herself was getting annoyed with the paparazzi outside the window with their constant picture taking. "can we move to a more private location ms. hartford?" danielle asked. lexi nodded and motioned for the two detectives to follow her.
the detectives followed lexi around a corner to a private room in the back of the hotel. lexi flopped down in a large gold chair and looked at the detectives wide eyed and too naive looking. timothy and danielle settled across from her in two small wooden chairs, danielle pulled out her notepad while timothy turned on his recorder.
"now about daniel's death" timothy began before lexi cut him off.
"i wasn't even there that night!" lexi proclaimed. timothy's cleared his throat and danielle rolled her eyes
"that's the thing lexi, we have a witness who saw you backstage last night" timothy told her. lexi's face faltered and danielle's suspicsion grew.
"who was it? who said i was there?" lexi asked in a i don't believe a word you're saying voice.
"we can't tell you that" danielle cut in, lexi gave her a surveying look apparently lexi wasn't used to people telling her she couldn't get what she wanted. lexi remained silent for a moment choosing to look down at her tied closed white robe. timothy and danielle exchanged looks and danielle could see that timothy was about to start talking again. before he could begin lexi once again cut him off.
"it was cassie wasn't it?" lexi asked as she raised her head up and looked at the detectives.
"we still can't tell you who it was lexi" danielle flatly told the girl. lexi grimaced and looked at her nails.
"it doesn't matter i know it was cassie! that bitch has had it out for me from the very second i started dating daniel!" lexi yelled danielle was now confused. cassie seemed to be the farthest thing from a bitch when they had met with her.
"why would cassie have it out for you lexi?" danielle asked.
"she's jealous! she was gaga for daniel and she was pissed that he choose me and that he was going to marry me!" lexi told them in her overexagerated way. danielle was suprised lexi had just confirmed the hypothesis that danielle had thought of that cassie was in love with daniel. timothy glanced over at danielle he too realized that she thought the same about cassie.
"daniel said he was going to marry you?" timothy asked
lexi thought for a moment ", but i know he was going to! a woman knows these kinds of things!" lexi insisted "and cassie, well there is no way that cassie could handle that so i bet she killed daniel! you know like that if i can't have him no one will thing!" lexi said as though her simply saying it was enough to make the detectives believe it.
"hmmm lexi how long were you with daniel?" timothy asked
lexi put her finger to her mouth and turned her head in that classic kind of dumb blonde thinking pose. "about a month" lexi said finally. timothy nodded and danielle watched "do you guys have any suspects?" lexi asked as she looked down at her feet before looking back up to the detectives.
"no, not yet ms. hartford" timothy said.
"well i think cassie did it personally. i mean daniel told me that he went and had his will changed just a few days before his death and that it was cassie's suggestion." lexi said her voice a whisper and danielle wondered if timothy's recorder picked it up. danielle was surprised again at the info that lexi had given them. it definitly made it harder to see who was the prime suspect here.
before danielle and timothy could ask lexi anymore questions suddenly danielle's cell phone rang. danielle surprised at the call quickly picked it up. timothy watched danielle as she talked on the cell phone. danielle was talking quickly and ended the call with a "we'll be right there"
danielle hung up her phone and stood before looking at timothy. "there's been an arrest at the crime scene" danielle told him timothy nodded and stood as well.
"well ms. hartford we must be going but trust me we'll be in touch" timothy said lexi nodded and stood shaking timothy's hand and blowing right past danielle. danielle didn't mind as she perferred not touching strange people anyway. danielle and timothy climbed back into danielle's car and proceeded to drive to the crime scene. on the way timothy dialed up a number and requested a record of daniel's will.
the two detectives made it back to the concert venue to see a few cop cars, a news van with a reporter standing outside of it and a horde of screaming angry fans.
is lexi telling the truth? did cassie tell daniel to get his will done? and what's going on at the concert venue? find out next chapter!
p.s. i noticed october deleted her site does anyone know why?
~redmoonchick~ |
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