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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
everyone deserves the flames but it's such a shame
mood: just living
listening to: we've got a big mess on our hands-the academy is...
currently: going to give up on him cause i can't do it anymore
pimpage: detectivedanielle (my musical influence), deadxonxarrival (aaya-tastic), shallow heart (fishie abuser), shadowme (my writing influence), hoaryu (supah niisan), knight edge (hmmmm he seems different), tohmalover14 (where is little toh-toh?), destinyssweetman (smarty twin), savestheday (him)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: ah no i wasn't commanding you to comment. sorry if i sounded like i was. i am not a comment dictator XD. yeah lexi makes me wanna punch someone and i created her! lol
kakashi s: aww it's ok i'm not mad at anyone for not commenting.
capricorn-rocker: same goes for you as kakashi s
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: i know it's hard for people to read long post's i've been trying to keep it short.
merrick-fma: glad you liked M&L! ha i liked that part too.
shadowme: i'm so glad you like the story. i like yours too so you must up update it soon!
alex: no, you didn't hurt me by not reading it. it's fine :)
lalagirl: hey you're back! i missed you.
jd person: you know what they say the fastest way to kill a writter is to not read their work.
roleni-chan: mama roleni! glad you like the pink but i am changing it soon. lol yeah i realized that i forgot to mention who won in bowling, well it wasn't me. XD mostly my aunt won.
hi guys,
well i got my normal average for comments yesterday, thank you to all who commented. i wasn't mad at anyone or anything i was just upset in general. sorry i couldn't comment anyone.
well today was my job interview i got up and got all fancied up and all that good stuff and i was a little nervous but not too bad. i was even on time a rare occurence when you ride with my mom. so i got to the job site around the same time as this other kid who was around my age and i saw him go into a building so i followed him and it turned out we were in the wrong place so we went next door to the other building and the guy said he already tried that door but that it was locked and sure enough it was so we waited for someone to show up and open the door. this other teenaged girl again around my age showed up and she was waiting too and then this man who had to be in his late twenties showed up and we were all waiting. it was so hot outside and i was wearing all black. finally around twenty minutes passed and the young guy called the number that was on the letters they sent us and they put him on hold so he hung up then the girl called and she waited (because they put her on hold too) so they told her that the managers for the place weren't going to show up and that we had to call back to get new appointments. so naturally we were all pissed because we had waited in the hot sun for almost an hour and then the people didn't show! i called to make an appointment but no one anwsered so i'll try again today.
oh yeah i am pleased because when i logged on last night i noticed that my pm's were normal again! for those that don't follow i had five ghost messages or messages that don't exist but are still counted. so i found out that adam fixed the problem and i couldn't be happier though i am so not used to seeing "no new messages" lol.
my mom has a job as a waitress at my uncles mexican resturant. now my mom and my aunt (by marriage) don't get along mostly because my aunt is a total bitch. well anyway's my mom defended herself two weeks ago and my aunt got pissed and told my mom she had to find a new job in one week. my mom has yet to find a new job but she is trying. my aunt gave her an extra week but after this thursday i'm not sure what will happen. which is scary because then how will we pay bills and stuff like that? i'm hoping my aunt will hold out on the firing until my mom does find a new job.
oh i'm going to be changing my theme soon because the new month is just around the corner. i've narrowed it down to two choices. it will either be an the academy is... theme or a black cat theme. i'm not sure which one. i guess whichever color scheme looks best.
almost done just wanted to mention that not waving just drowning put up new band pics and here's one of them. danny is in the new ones.

in case anyone doesn't know danny is the one on the far left. wearing what looks like a sweater.
ok i am done and i should be able to do some commenting finally!
~redmoonchick~ |
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