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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Thursday, June 28, 2007
i want someone whose provacitive and talkitive but it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower
mood: kinda tired
listening to: the curse of curves- cute is what we aim for
currently: just want him to care
people i can't live without: detectivedanielle (paging el detective), shallow heart (partner in crime), deadxonxarrival (professional stumpah), shadowme (she's got the gift of one liners), hoaryu (wish my real bro was like him), knight edge (he is toned), tohmalover14 (toh-toh came back!), destinyssweetman (so caring), savestheday (there's something they say about guys like him)
avatar of the day: 
that would be the best band ever!
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: hmmmmm your comment sounded a little more like an insult then a compliment. just like you're not that bad looking is saying that i am bad looking to a certain degree.
jenny: lol your comment made me laugh for like five minutes! XD
inuyashafan4-ever: ah i'm sure your poems are good.
rapidxhopexloss: thank you for your words and i believe you because you know what it's like.
angel zakuro: it's ok i haven't been commenting much either ^^;
toh-toh: ah i so missed your compliments! ha i love it! you make me want to write forever! XD
the real yojimbo: ah i had a bad storm here too.
kitabug69: it's fine if you haven't been commenting. i'm sorry for not commenting more.
shadowme: why thank you for the compliments considering that i adore your poetry!
hi guys,
sorry i wasn't on all day yesterday. we had a really horrible storm blow through town and it lasted all day! it started like noon and is still kinda here. the reason i wasn't on was because the power went out like three times and i didn't want to mess up the computer. i only commented a few people but today i am thinking that i should be able to comment on people's sites.
man i got the song "the curse of curves" in my head! arg it won't leave i swear i wake up and i'm singing the chorus. luckily i got the video on demand so i just keep watching it. except for right now i'm watching the academy is...
pete: what no fall out boy?
red: all they have is the carpal tunnel of love.
patrick: so you can't watch us?
red: uh well pete has a cameo in the academy is... video.
pete: cause i'm awesome like that.
red: not a competition pete.
oh i also saw a bit of the video clothes off! by gym class heroes. i didn't get to see all of it because right when i was watching it the power went out.
patrick: was i in that video? -puppy dog eyes-
red: no but panic! at the disco was and i think brendon had a mustache
brendon: cause i'm a man! -does manly pose-
anyway i also began watching the anime "ergo proxy" on the fuse channel and it's really good! i like the art style a lot it's very edgy/goth/grunge i've only seen two episodes but i think i'm going to start watching regularly. the fuse channel is also showing the anime tenhjo tenge (i really don't think i spelt that right) i'm not sure if that one is my style but i'll give it a chance. also i am pleased because adult swim is showing bleach on the weekdays so i should be able to catch up soon. and eureka seven is on demand so i can catch up when they start showing the episodes i missed.
oh yeah i'm looking for someone who can make a couple things for me, like banners. nothing too difficult. i would do it myself but i have no program for that and i tried but it just doesn't work so if anyone is interested pm me for details.
added incentive if someone does make these for me i will write something for you because that's really all i can do.
well it is thursday and we all know what that means!
pete: it's time to get naked?
red: 0.o no! well i mean you can if you want to but no.
patrick: time to buy more cupcakes and shampoo?
red: no, did you use all my shampoo?
patrick: -nods- i like to feel clean while i eat cupcakes.
red: -sigh- no it's thursday and that means a new chapter of wentz in wonderland!
pete: oh you mean that bastard story that i can sue you for writing?
red: -shifty eyes- uh...yeah that story. well let's get to it while i call my lawyers.
ok so for people that don't know wentz in wonderland is basically alice in wonderland with a pete wentz twist. as always character bio things are after the chapter.
wentz in wonderland
chapter eleven: off with his head
brendon was still looking over at pete and even slowly began to approach him his heels clicking against the stone. pete didn't know who was handing out jobs in wonderland but he found brendon being the queen so very amusing.
brendon was now standing before pete a sly smile playing on his heavily made up face.
"what's your name young man?" brendon asked in an oddly fake high pitched voice.
"peter your majesty" pete said he meant the words as an insult but he knew that queen brendon had taken them as a compliment.
"well peter, i not seen you around before" brendon said as he put out his hand persumably for pete to take.
"well i'm uh, just visiting" pete said as he took brendon's hand and shook it. brendon suddenly pulled his hand away a deep scowl on his face. pete wasn't sure what he had said or done to incure brendon's wrath and he looked over to gabe and travis for any help. travis and gabe just stared at pete their eyes wide.
pete looked back at the now unhappy brendon who was positively seething with rage. while pete stood there with his i have no idea what i did but don't i look cute anyways? face.
"you are suppose to kiss a ladies hand!" brendon screamed at pete as he threw his arms up into the air. pete was oh so tempted to tell brendon that there was infact no lady present but he wasn't one to test someone who was clearly unstable's patience.
"uh sorry queen brendon" pete said as he once again took brendon's hand and placed the gentlest of kisses on it. brendon seemed more then pleased at pete's act and a warm smile broke onto his face.
"oh it's nothing to get upset over dear" brendon said as he laid a polished hand on pete's shoulder and gave it a squeeze. again pete was tempted to tell brendon that he was the one to get upset and not pete, but pete had already figured that this verison of brendon was bi-polar at best so he said nothing.
brendon then turned his attention to travis and gabe. he smiled warmly at them as well and glided over to the men. gabe and travis froze under brendon's gaze apparently still scared about the roses and pete now knew they had good reason to be. brendon luckily had yet to notice that some of the roses still remained white. brendon stood between travis and gabe his hands resting on each of their shoulders.
"these are my new roses?" brendon asked and travis and gabe nodded. brendon grinned and leaned forward to get a better look at the flowers. all seemed well until suddenly brendon stopped and pete could see the grip he had on the two men's shoulders tighten. a look of painc mixed with pain crossed travis and gabe's faces. in an instant brendon had thrown the two boys back onto the ground.
"WHITE ROSES!!!? YOU KNOW I ONLY LIKE RED!" brendon screamed at the two men on the ground.
"we're sorry queen! it was an accident!" gabe sat up and pleaded with brendon.
"we would never upset you queen!" travis cried out.
brendon still didn't seem pleased with their anwsers.
"OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!" brendon screamed and instanly two guards rushed over and grabbed travis and gabe lifting them up off the ground.
"no queen! please! not that!" gabe and travis cried and pete knew in that moment that he wouldn't be able to stand by and let someone be killed. pete opened his mouth to object to the queen's actions but before he could speak a different rich voice filled the air.
"brendon dear, don't you think you're overreacting?" the voice said and pete turned around to face the gate where he saw william beckett standing. william too was dressed in an odd fashion one that pete quickly realized was meant to look like a king. complete with puffy pantaloons and white tights.
"good god" pete said as he shook his head. brendon looked towards william and in an instant was madly dashing towards him before throwing himself into william's open arms.
"oh willy! i'm so sorry!" brendon cried as he clutched onto william in classic overdramatic fashion. william said nothing but patted brendon on the head.
"there now your not going to kill travis and gabe are you?" william asked and brendon shook his head.
"heaven's no! i love them like sons!" he cried before rushing over to them and hugging them both tightly. pete didn't think he could take much more of this and he was tempted to smack the whole lot of them. in seconds brendon had cheered back up and turned to face peter.
"now that, that unpleasantness is out of the way we can have some fun!" he said and pete wasn't so sure he wanted to have fun with the queen.
pete wentz as alice:

brendon urie as the queen:

gabe saporta as card painter #1:

travis McCoy as card painter #2:

william beckett as the king:

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