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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Friday, June 29, 2007
hang my head drown my fears till you all just disappear
mood: somber
listening to: dance, dance remix- fall out boy
currently: just want to go back to then
people i can't live without: detectivedanielle (my somewhat therapist), shallow heart (my original fangirl), deadxonxarrival ( my fellow fall out boy fan), shadowme (she gives me inspiration), hoaryu ( my sweet niisan), knight edge (my pervy sensei), tohmalover14 (my motivation), destinyssweetman (my good hearted twin), savestheday (my musician)
avatar of the day: 
this is seriously one of my favorite lines ever.
Redmoonchick Responds:
edge: it's ok edge you're a boy and they never know what to say. -pats back- ha you wish you could be crazy like me! XD
LS: well thanks for the ham. the fuse channel is on the digital cable.
ninja lover: i will totally try to check that song out.
ani mae: yeah it's a good anime but hella confusing.
demonskiss: well i haven't watched enough of either one to know what their about but i'd say that ergo proxy is kinda like ghost in the shell and the other is like a fighting anime.
toh-toh: yes, we are that far along sometimes i am surprised since i thought this story wouldn't be so long. ah i am so glad you liked it dear toh-toh!
shadowme: lmao yes, because beckett was made for pantaloons! XD brendon isn't transsexual he is a cross dresser but he is creepy.
hi guys,
well yet another boring day. i should've been commenting today but for some reason the comments were acting strange for me and their just now starting to act normal again. i was also a bit relucant to get on the internet because 1. i had to call danielle about the concert and 2. because i didn't want to check a message from someone. (i will explain more on this later)
well i did call danielle and i asked if she still wanted to go to the show with me today. unfortunately she is in trouble with her mom and can't go it could also be the fact that she really doesn't care for danny much anymore but she can't go. so i was going to ask my bestfriend sydney if she wanted to go but then my mom said that i can't go because she doesn't have enough money to pay for the ticket. and it's not even that much! but she's all like "he's playing again you can see him again" blah it's not fair i bet if one of my bro's friends were in a band and he wanted to see them she would give him money. unfair i say but he is playing again so i guess some other time i can watch him play.
i'm not sure if i should go anyway because just yesterday i was looking through some documents on my computer and i found old posts of danny's that i had saved and like one of his poems so i read his posts and it was about me and well it just hit is an excerpt from his old site em0taku:
I swear to god nobody likes me in that school. (Besides Cassie, who of course I care about dearly and wouldn't care if she's the only friend I have there because she's so amazing it makes up for 1,000,000 people or so.)
yeah he wrote that and i don't know what the hell happened to the boy who wrote that but he isn't the same. anyway i was sad and a little pissed because danny was still ignoring me and i was on his myspace and i saw a comment that my bro left and it said "maybe you should leave my sis a comment to make her feel better" but he never did so i wrote him a message and sent him his old posts and the poem and i left a long pissed rant thing too and i won't get into what i said but i never expected a reply from him and i got on myspace and there was a reply from him and he left a comment on something i had written about him on june 9th. the message he sent me said "i'm sorry i really am" and the comment said "you mean something to me" -sigh- why does he make it so hard.
i mean i thought i was over him and the crush i had on him but i read on his site that he has a new girlfriend and when i read that i got really sad. so yeah so not over it like i thought it was but i mean i know i can handle just being his friend i mean i did it while we were in school together when he talked about and acted out having sex with other girls. when i talked to danielle today she asked me why i keep giving danny chances and i told her that i didn't know that i can't stop being his friend. she thinks i should because he keeps treating me like crap but really i mean i want to be his friend and i can't imagine not being his friend.
i'm sorry this post turned into one long rant about danny, i really didn't mean it to turn into one. i guess i don't have much else to talk about. i'm probably going to the mall tomorrow to take back a shirt and exchange it for a different one and my mom said she's going to get me minutes for my cell phone which means i can text people again. probably mostly danielle because i like talking to her but she's not much of a phone person and i will probably text my ex-boyfriend because his birthday is on the second of july.
oh yeah yesterday was also my mom's last day of work for my uncle so now she has no job and i am scared because i don't know how were going to pay the bills and what not. i can't even find a job so i don't know how she is going to.
well i guess that is all so i will most likely be able to comment and everything today so i hope you have a good day!
~redmoonchick~ |
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