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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Sunday, July 1, 2007
teenagers scare the living shit outta me
mood: kinda sad
listening to: the soup on tv
currently: want something new
people i can't live without: detectivedanielle (she needs bumpers), shallow heart (jenniez), deadxonxarrival (aayalicous), shadowme (she's a smart cookie), hoaryu (i miss my niisan), knight edge (kitten lover), tohmalover14 (she's off to see the wizard), destinyssweetman (alex the twin), savestheday (he doesn't know how to save a life)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: glad you like the new theme! yeah it'd be awesome to have your number!
angel zakuro: yeah we girls do talk about bras. we are strange like that.
hi guys,
well wow only four comments? ah i'm not sure if it's because i posted so early in the morning or because a lot of people weren't around but wow i ish sad. oh well.
like i mentioned yesterday my aunt and cousin who were up visiting from arkanas were leaving today. i originally thought that we were just going to go to my grandma's house and see them off but instead they called and wanted to take us out to dinner one last time. so my bro was at his friends house and my aunt was mad because she wanted to see him so my mom and i had to go and get him and it took like an hour. so then we met up with my aunt and cousin and grandma and went to a resturant called "ginas"it was good, we had a large antipasto salad that we split and two pizza's one for my cousin and aunt and one for my mom, bro, and me. i had a lot of fun at the resturant cause i was joking around with my bro and family. after we finished eating my aunt and cousin were getting ready to leave so everyone hugged and my aunt and mom and grandma cried. i haven't seen my aunt and cousin since i was i think like eleven years old. so it was great to see them again and i will really miss them.
oh i've also begun watching two new animes one is samurai deeper kyo and the other is animation runner of kuromi. i like the second one better because it is a pretty cutely drawn and funny little anime about an anime production studio. i've seen the saiyuki and chrono crusade anime's on certain channels but i can't seem to find them lately.
oh something funny a few days ago on my site one of the little ad's at the top of the site said "meet gay gangsters near you" i was laughing my ass off at this because at the fact that if gay gangsters do exist i certainly have never seen any. lol
well it is sunday and that means it's time for the latest chapter of murder and lyrics! man i didn't get a lot of readers last sunday so i am hoping for some more but either way as long as someone reads it and likes it, i'll keep writing!
the two detectives met with lexi hartford to discuss daniel's death. lexi made claims against cassie and said she was the one who most likely killed daniel. the two detectives have also found out that an arrest was made at the crime scene.
murder and lyrics
chapter seven: number one fan
"what the hell is going on here?" danielle said as she stepped out of the car. somehow between the mere hour the two detectives had left and came back pandimonium had broken out. danielle and timothy attempted to enter the building when the blonde reporter caught up with them.
"detectives! do you think what's happening here is right?" the reporter asked as she ran alongside the two detectives.
"we don't even know what's happened yet" timothy said to the reporter who was more then happy to fill them in.
"a young fan was arrested just moments ago for crossing the baracaid" the reporter told them "now what do you think about that?" she asked them once again.
danielle took the chance to anwser the woman "no comment" she told her and finally the woman let up. and proceeded to try and interview the angry crowd. danielle and timothy had made there way back inside the venue where they had just been that morning. upon entering they saw a large burly police officer standing just outside the room they had talked to cassie in earlier.
"officer what's going on?" danielle asked as they approached the man. by now danielle and timothy had enough common sense to clip their badges on their jackets so they wouldn't have to flash them continually.
"well one of mr. hick's fans tried to cross the line and we had to subdue her" the man said proudly as he put his hands on his hips.
"subduing her would be removing her from the lot not arresting her!" danielle argued with the man. the last thing they needed would be a fan riot on there hands and though danielle didn't agree with what the girl did she still didn't think it deserved an arresting.
"can we speak with her?" timothy asked and the policeman looked wary for a moment before he nodded and motioned for the two to follow him. the three people entered the room. it was exactly the same as it had been this morning except for the person at the table with the sad eyes had changed from cassie to a helpless fan.
"belinda, this is detectives fisher and kerley, they've come to speak to you" the policeman said in a tone as if he were talking to a five year old opposed to the tall lanky teenager that sat at the table. the teenaged fan danielle noticed was the same girl with the laptop that she had seen earlier that day out in the parking lot.
the girl named belinda looked up and nodded but said nothing. her hands gripped on to the side of her beloved lap top as it lay on the table. just by looking at the girl one could tell that she was a big fan of the band. she was wearing a black band shirt quite similar to the same one cassie had been wearing that morning. she was tall and skinny and had to be around nineteen years old. her dark brown hair was marred with streaks of blonde and she looked up at the detectives her grayish green eyes almost shining in the light.
"hello belinda, i'm detective kerley" danielle said as she put out her hand for the girl to take. belinda took danielle's hand and smiled a bit.
"hey" was all she said. timothy said nothing but again pulled out his recorder to record their conversation. "i didn't do anything wrong!" belinda said as she pulled her lap top up to her chest.
"well you did trespass on a crime scene" timothy said and danielle noticed how he chose the most random times to talk.
"i had to! it was my duty to the other fans! they deserve to know where daniel spent his last minutes!" belinda said and danielle was slightly surprised that belinda wasn't crying as she spoke the words.
"what do you mean? how would you show the other fans?" danielle asked. belinda's chest seemed to puff up a bit as she ran her long fingers along her lap top.
"with this" she said as she held it up.
"i'm afraid i don't follow" danielle said as she watched the girl. belinda sighed and muttered something about adults before opening up her lap top and turning it on. belinda motioned for danielle and timothy to come over so they did choosing to stand behind the girl. danielle noticed that when the lap top loaded up a picture of daniel and belinda together was shown on the screen.
"hold on, you know daniel?" timothy asked the girl. belinda let out a dreamy sigh as she stared at the photo.
"know him? i'm only his biggest fan!" belinda said as she turned to look back at danielle and timothy.
"then you were in contact with him a lot?" timothy asked. belinda shook her head and grimaced.
"no, i mean i only met him this time but i was in contact with him and cassie through emails!" belinda said proudly.
"you know cassie?" danielle asked surprised at the whealth of information the girl had.
"of course i know cassie! she's like a mini celebrity on my site." belinda said as she logged on to the internet.
"show us this site" danielle said. belinda nodded and in seconds had pulled up a website adorned with the bands picture.
"i created this site a few years ago, before the band was famous and it's just taken off from there" belinda said as she scrolled down and revealed a photo of daniel with the words 'rest in peace' under the picture.
"well how'd you first come into contact with cassie?" timothy asked as he peered at the site.
"well, she found my site and sent me an email and i don't know she just started contributing"
"like how?" timothy asked again as belinda pulled up a recent post that cassie had done.
"she would post information and show us pictures and sometimes daniel would chat, it was like she was one with the fans you know?" belinda said
"band tracker? what is that?" danielle asked as she noticed a link on the site.
"oh," belinda began as she clicked on it. "it's where we track the members of the band, like get photo's of them and put them on the site" belinda said as she went down to the most recent photo's. danielle surveyed the photo's seeing none that were too interesting.
"wait" danielle said suddenly. "click on that one" she said as she pointed to one of the photo's on the screen. belinda did as danielle told and enlarged one of the photo's. the photo itself was of daniel he was standing outside of a large gray building. the name on the building read 'o'reily's life insurance'. danielle looked over at timothy who was staring at her, there was no doubt that the same thought passed through both of their minds.
"when was that photo taken?" timothy asked belinda as she too surveyed the picture not yet grasping the irony of it all.
"um" belinda said as she leaned in to take a closer look at the photo "just a few days before his death" she said as she closed the photo.
"it fits with what lexi told us" danielle said to herself. timothy nodded but said nothing. there was a still silence in the room as no one said anything. belinda glanced at her watch before looking to the detectives.
" i in real trouble? or can i go home now?" she asked. timothy and danielle having no real reason to keep the girl besides to see what else she knew.
"no you can go, but please write down the address for the website" danielle said as she handed belinda a note pad. belinda again did as danielle asked and quickly packed up her things and was escorted out of the venue.
after belinda had left timothy turned to danielle. "things are beginning to add up" he said and it sounded too much to danielle that he was suspecting cassie.
"don't pronounce her guilty just yet" danielle said, there was still pleanty of things that didn't add up and they still had two suspects to speak to.
there was a knock on the door and a police man entered the room. "detective fisher?" he asked and timothy nodded "the copy of mr. hick's will was just faxed over" he said as he held out a paper for timothy to take. timothy grinned at the man and took the paper from him. the police man nodded at danielle and timothy before leaving the room.
timothy read the paper in silence as danielle waited for him to finish. after he finished reading his face had the mild hint of surprise.
"what?, what? is it?" she asked curious as too what timothy had found out.
"when daniel changed his will. he left half of everything to cassie" timothy said as he handed over the will.
is it true? did cassie really plot to kill daniel? and how much does belinda really know about daniel and cassie? find out next time!
~redmoonchick~ |
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