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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
why don't you show me the little bit of spine you've been saving for his mattress?
mood: jolly
listening to: of all the gin joints in all the world-fall out boy.
currently: must choose words carefully
people i can't live without: detectivedanielle (she makes out inside crashed cars), shallow heart (she used to waste her time dreaming of being alive), deadxonxarrival (her make-up stains her pillowcase), shadowme ( all of her moves make up for the silence), hoaryu (he's going down, down in an earlier round), knight edge (he's more then you bargained for), tohmalover14 (she drops hearts and breaks names), destinyssweetman (he's going down swinging), savestheday (oh don't mind him he's watching you from the closet)
*all line are from of all the gin joints and sugar, we're going down by fall out boy
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
magnus lensherr: no, i'm afraid my problem isn't underweight it's overweight T-T
bed-stuy: yeah i think the heat has stolen my appetite.
the real yojimbo: well i don't know if i'd win but i'd do good.
toh-toh: aww it's ok wentz in wonderland still has *counts on fingers* at least two chapters left. lol oh emm gee i thought the same thing when i saw his comment i was like damn now i can't talk about him XD i'll do it anyway if i want to.
angel zakuro: we don't suck we're just incredibly lazy :p
jenny: oh can another location be a pirate ship? yeah danny commented but i am not expecting another one. lol you're not lame!
shadowme: i never lie! you is important. well actually danny did leave you a comment on your story. you didn't see it? i saw it. so yeah he read it. i can't say he read all of it but some of it he did. hey, it's not just beckett's crotch it's all of beckett. i never look at his crotch but now that's all i'll see XD nope p&p is strictly a pete and patrick operation.
merrick-fma: i'm glad you like my story so much. ^-^
capricorn-rocker: yes, i know bright.
hi guys,
wow well i think my comments have returned to what they once were and no worries i am working on commenting everyone back. that i am. i really need to stop being so lazy.
well i didn't do as much stuff today as i thought i would. for one i didn't get nearly enough sleep because our cats are in heat and going completely psyhco. so then my mom called the job placement place and they said that we needed to have resumes to give them so we couldn't go today. we need to go to el library to print off resumes. my mom also called this place that she worked before and they gave her a job! woop. so my mom has a job again. then later my grandma called and told my mom to call her old boss (my aunt) so my mom did and my aunt is deciding to let my mom work her old job for the week. it was because my grandma lied and said that we were going to have to live in a van.-_-
oh yeah i got another random friend request on myspace. again a girl that i didn't know so i go to her site and find tah-dah she knows danny. -sigh- i don't know how these people keep finding me. i mean i don't care much because they don't bug me or anything and this girl seemed nice. i'm just curious as to how they find me because i haven't left him a comment in forever and i don't think i'm in his top so whatever.
speaking of danny, he updated his site and put some pics of himself and his new improved hair up. i'm not going to put a pic of his new hair up because anyone that cares probably already ran to his site or is going to after reading this and is going to eye hump him. lol yeah i sent him a text about his hair and told him it looked emo tastic. he was also on his web cam yesterday without a shirt on and i watched him for a few minutes. not because he wasn't wearing a shirt because i mean i've seen/touched his chest before. my mom also watched him which was a bit weird. i texted him and told him i was watching and he replied with a smiley face but hey any reply is better then none.
pete: are you done ranting about danny yet?
red: why you jealous?
pete: no. more like bored out of my mind.
red: but it's not boring when i rant about fall out boy
pete: because we are worthy of ranting! all will obey us!
patrick: that's scary -hides under bed-
oh lately i've been liking the band cartel. ever since watching their show band in a bubble i've liked them because they are hilarious guys. plus their drummer kinda looks like william beckett. so that's a plus point for them. here's a pic of them:

pete: stupid cartel -kicks empty can-
red: now you are jealous!
pete:no! i-i just really hate cartel?
patrick: why was that a question?
red: don't worry pete the next part is about you.
ok so i was searching for fall out boy stuff and i found a bunch of quotes from dear mr. wentz.
pete: that'd be me.
yeah so i decided to put them up just the one's i found funny.
--pete wentz quotes--
"my husband (patrick) is an amazing guitarist too."
does patrick take his hat off during sex?
asked by whyputanewaddress on Jun 21, 2007 2:21am
depends on where were having sex.
answered by peter on Jun 21, 2007 5:38am
Hypothetically asking, Ok, what if one day you woke up and Patrick was not there. Would you be worried?
Asked by I Didnt Do It on 2005-06-14 19:59:00
it would make me want to disappear to wherever he was.
Answered by pete on 2005-06-14
Pete, whats yur fav thing to do with a knife? a. stab your self b. stab the guy next to you thats hittin on yur gurl c. stab the monsters in your dreams d. carve in a tree how much luv u have for life
Asked by Tasha on 2006-05-02 18:39:00
butter my bread and cut patricks pancakes up into little bites for him.
Answered by peter on 2006-05-02
Pete, were you nervous when you acceped your award?
Asked by Mikayla on 2006-09-01 23:43:00
i was nervous that weeman was not going to return with my patrick.
Answered by peter on 2006-09-02
patrick has amazing lips...can i kiss them?
Asked by Lauren on 2005-05-29 17:52:00
they look amazing but they are poisonous, how did you think i got too sick to make it to europe?
Answered by pete on 2005-05-29
wut are petes and patricks fave things to do ????
Asked by care bear on 2005-09-08 22:41:00
Answered by pete on 2005-09-09
ha ha i love that one.
I just got done watching "Dead on Arrival" and I wanted to know how old was Patrick in that video? Back then he was hot but now he is HOTT!!
Asked by Allisyn on 2006-06-10 15:19:00
im not sure. they had delivered him to my door in a baby basket the stormy night before. the note on the basket said "amazing" but i didn't realize how true those words were until days later, thanks for adding the capslock, it really captured the feeling.
Answered by peter on 2006-06-11
how come patrick never answers questions anymore? b.t.w. he is sooooooo cute!! i wanna marry him
Asked by muah on 2005-12-17 15:56:00
patrick never answered any on here. but he sleeps next to me on the bus and he breathes like a little baby at night.
Answered by peter on 2005-12-17
i try to come up with all these cool questions for you to answer but you dont answer any. peter, i think that you should have 2 Q&A boards so that patrick can answer some questions and you could answer some questions. because i dont think you like me. i like you.
Asked by Kailee on 2005-11-11 13:41:00
patrick doesnt like the internet. but he likes me.
Answered by peter on 2005-11-11
Pete, If you were on a deserted island and had to choose between an Ipod full of your favorite songs or Patrick, what would you pick?
Asked by sara on 2005-11-13 15:13:00
trick question. patrick is an ipod full of my favorite songs.
Answered by peter on 2005-11-13
How does patrick sing the emotion in the songs that u (pete) wrote.. Do you have to explain it to him or does he just know?
Asked by hope on 2005-06-15 20:37:00
me and patrick can finish eachothers sentences. this is what makes it so funny when people ask us if we care that you think the the other one is hotter or cooler, or how much everyone makes a big deal about who writes what or is where in photos. we don't care. that kid is my best friend and the rest of the world could blow up and fall out boy can break up and he still will be.
Answered by peterface on 2005-06-16
what kind of guitars do you play? And who is better Joe or Patrick
Asked by G String on 2005-08-04 20:49:00
patrick is the love of my life but i cant deny joes doggie style. they are both pretty good in bed i guess.
Answered by p on 2005-08-04
Dear Pete, or whoever decides to answer this question..well or not friend megan says that if you listen to XO with just the right side of headphones theres no music so it sounds like Patrick is singing in her ear just for her...and i agree....try it sometome
Asked by Shannon on 2005-06-09 09:17:00
how about this. when i want patrick to sing in my ear i call him on the phone and he does it... boo and yah. oops. yeah i do that sometimes.
Answered by pete on 2005-06-10
Does Patrick have a nickname? If so what is it?
Asked by kara on 2005-06-12 23:02:00
rickster. von stump. sophmore strump. winchester snomp, lunchbox. cookie jar. healthbar. rick ta life. patty boy. dont ever call him these. they are mine.
Answered by peter on 2005-06-13
pete: my god.
red: i knew you were gay for patrick.
pete&red: -look at patrick-
patrick: -blush- oh pete! -runs to pete and tackles him to the ground-
red: uh you guys should get a room.
pete: we're in a room.
red: not this room!
well that is all and i swaer i will comment everyone eventually.
~redmoonchick~ |
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