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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Saturday, July 7, 2007
my heart will always be the b-side to my tongue
mood: happy
listening to: it's not a side effect of the cocaine, i am thinking it must be love- fall out boy
currently: scheming to get a dvd player
people i can't live without: detectivedanielle (she's the therapist pumping through my speakers), shallow heart (she's the patrick to my pete XD), deadxonxarrival (she has babies with andy), shadowme (pete has taken over her site), knight edge (his site no likey my computer), tohmalover14 (dear sister toh-toh), hoaryu (my missing niisan), destinyssweetman (supah alex)
avatar of the day: 
-looks at pete-
pete: uh -backs away slowly-
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: ah yes! i love the academy is...! not as much as fob but there like number 2. i too want hemmy socks! but i also want pete and patrick! lol
omnimaster: yes, go and listen to them and spread the word. i should put up a academy is... video on here.
ninja lover: lol i thought he was hot too.
edge: *gasp* weird? i am not weird! if loving petexpatrick is wrong then i don't want to be right.
slowness: yeah that's what i thought but it's like the only racing game i like.
the real yojimbo: yeah i liked that part too.
ikyuu-nyuu-kon: well it's my brother's xbox and it's not the 360 it's just the regular xbox. well to be honest i haven't talked to him in a long while.
shadowme: i know i love that pic! i wish i knew who did it so i could find more.
aaya: maybe we could all get hemmy socks, then we could be andists who wear hemmy socks. lol your lesbian babies rule the world! XD
toh-toh: did i mention that your comments make me laugh? cause they do. he-who-must-not-be-named. priceless!
hi guys,
didn't do much yesterday but i actually left the house! woo freedom! my mom, my bro, and i all went to our old neighborhood to see my bestfriend sydney and her mom. well sydney was supposed to come over and spend the night with me but when i got there she was with a boy and she said she wasn't coming. so i pulled her aside and asked if she wasn't coming over because the boy and she said no that he was going to leave and that she wasn't coming over because she was tired and hadn't slept for awhile. i believed her or at least wanted to believe her but anyway i am picking her up tomorrow and she's going to come over.
my brother also stayed in our old neighborhood. he wasn't going to but he ran into his friends and it happened that it was the girl he likes birthday. so he stayed and we're also picking him up tomorrow. i also found out that my old friend greg sometimes know as g on my site. well he is moving but not too far away. i also found out that his dad and his stepmom broke up, which is sad because besides my mom she was the only mother figure he had. oh and sydney told me that she said greg has a crush on her. i don't really believe this because i know greg can be flirty but man i hope he doesn't like her because that would be so weird if they started dating or something.
went to the store with my mom to get my bro a birthday card. i got a funny one that has a police siren noise when you open it, i chose that one because of all the trouble my bro get's into with the law. i think it's hilarious and i think he'll get a kick out of it. we were also looking for a gift for him, he wants a new cell phone since he lost his old one. so while my mom was just looking at cell phones i trolled around the cd's and found some fall out boy ones and i saw one that i never see in the stores for cheap! it was the cd/dvd combo: "my heart will always be the b-side to my tongue" ah it's so cool and it was only ten bucks so i bought it and i love it because it has grand theft autum (acoustic version) on it and that's one of my favorites. i am a bit bummed though because it comes with a dvd and i can't watch it because i have no dvd player. i used to use my ps2 for playing dvd's but then the ps2 crapped out so i don't have one so now i am begging my mom to go and get one.
while looking for fall out boy cd's i found the take this to your grave cd. the same one with my favorite fall out boy song on it and the same one that danny had burned for me. i never did get that cd from him. when i last asked about it he said i could still have it but i don't see that happening but my mom won't let me buy it because danny made me one, so i really need to get that cd from him because i need it!
oh i have to go to the farmers market tomorrow. my mom wants to go and pick up some fruits and veggies. also probably going grocery shopping tomorrow and my brother is coming home for his birthday plans and what not.
well i do believe that is all. i didn't get around to commenting today but that's because i was busy, so i am sorry and i will comment today.
~redmoonchick~ |
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