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anywhere i lay my head which is in michigan
Member Since
future college student
Real Name
cassandra or cassie, or red, or pete, or fob whore, hey you over there. it all works.
graduated from high school, met andy hurley from fall out boy and got his autograph!, worked for the mayor, successfully lead a protest at my school, was in the newspaper for said protest
Anime Fan Since
since i was like eight
Favorite Anime
full metal alchemist, bleach, naruto, maburaho, kyo kara myoh, death note, black cat and so much more
to get the other three members of fall out boy's autographs
drawing, collecting manga, writting, watching anime
drawing, writting, balancing things on my head
| redmoonchick
Monday, July 9, 2007
empty another bottle and let me tear you to pieces
mood: worn out
listening to: grand theft autum/where is your boy-fall out boy
currently: never want to eat cake again.
pimpage: detectivedanielle (new pic kerley), shallow heart (she wrote the andible), deadxonxarrival (andy's baby's momma), shadowme (she loves her emo curtains), knight edge (pervy knight), tohmalover14 (wonderful lil' toh-toh), hoaryu (niisan), destinyssweetman (he has a diploma in kicking your behind)
avatar of the day: 
Redmoonchick Responds:
jenny: hooray, i need to work on my letter to you. ok i will update every day just for you. ^-^ glad you liked the chapter, lol don't worry the c-box is back!
alex: josiah isn't like the other characters he isn't based on someone i know, well kinda but not really.
shadowme: really? i'm surprised people liked this chapter, i thought people would find it dull. but i am so glad you liked it. well belinda wasn't at the funeral because i don't think they let fans come to funerals.
xXtristanXx: ugh i hate chris brown with a passion!
darkforever: you don't like long posts? uh-oh.
angel zakuro: well thanks for the porn. XD
hi guys,
well i didn't comment yesterday because it was my younger brother's birthday. he turned sixteen. like i mentioned before our friend greg was over and my bro wasn't going to have a party yet because no one was available. well last night i got into a huge play fight with greg. not nearly as bad as the play ones that i got into with danny. we were fighting on my bed while i was watching anime. then later while my bro was sleeping we were playing "get last hit" where we tried to hit each other last. later we went outside. he went outside to smoke and i went and talked with him and we talked about the whole family dollar incident, that he was involved with and i found out that he has to go to court soon and that he could get jail time along with two other boys. he was scared and i was trying my best to comfort him.
i talked to danny on myspace yesterday as well. i asked him about my bro's party and he told me that he doesn't smoke or drink anymore that he is now straight edge (look it up on the urban dictionary). i haven't talked to him today yet, but whatever.
this morning i didn't get much sleep because my bro and greg got up so damn early and were being loud. eventually they quieted down and i got more sleep. i woke up when my dad showed up, he didn't have anything for my bro because he didn't get paid yet but he said he'd stop by on thursday to give him some money. i believe him but my mom doesn't. my dad was also in a lot of pain because his tooth is rotted or something and his insurance won't pay for it. my dad hung around for probably about an hour, then he left.
my bro got fifty bucks from my grandma and that's about it. it sucks right now because no one has money so i felt bad for my bro. my brother wanted to go and buy a membership to the ymca with his money so we drove up there and they were already closed for the day so i guess were going tomorrow. then we went to get gas and oil and clean our window and the liquid for the window cleaners at the gas station smelt like stinky ass, it was so horrible. so we went to a different station and used their water but that one stunk too. when then drove to the beach just to see if it was open because it was 90 degrees today but it felt like 100 so it was so hot. the beach was open but my bro didn't feel like swimming so we didn't.
instead we drove to this place called stepping stone falls which is like a national park. and we saw like a million seagulls and i was naming them after bands: like i named one brendon as in brendon urie and i named one william as in william beckett. there is this ferry boat that you can ride around the huge lake and my mom and i wanted to ride it but we didn't and instead we watched other people board it and watched it take off but i was also watching the seagulls and this one had it's mouth open and it was real close to us so i named it peter. then we walked along the trails and watched the mini waterfalls and my bro and greg were spitting and trying to get the ducks and these huge catfish to eat it. then we walked across this shaky bridge which seemed like it was falling apart and i was scared to walk on it so i waited till everyone else passed before i walked acrossed it but my bro and greg ran on and started shaking it so i ran across. then we were leaving and there was a water pump so i wanted to try it and my bro and greg were pumping it and the cool water felt so good and i drank a bit but it tasted gross. then my bro and greg took turns sticking their heads under the pump and getting their hair all wet.
when we got home our friend nate and this other guy named rob showed up and wanted to hang for awhile. so we went on the hill behind our house and they wanted to play king of the hill but i didn't want to and before i could safely get down the hill greg and my bro both hit me at the same time and i like fell so hard to the ground. then also my friend nate grabbed me and like ran while holding on to me. we then went in the semi busy street and played a game of dead or alive football. then we walked to the park and the boys were throwing rocks and i got hit a few times so then we walked back home and ate some burgers and corn and stuff, then my bro drove to the local gas station with all of us and nate bought some chewing tabacco. then we came back and it was time for some cake unfortunately the ice cream cake was melting fast so it ended up being ice cream cake soup. then afterword no one felt good.
i will probably comment tomorrow.
~redmoonchick~ |
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